Held on Monday May 19th 2014 at 7:30 in the Sports Club Pavilion, High Street Car Park.


PRESENT were Cllrs: R Miller, M Colvey, J Dyball I Maitland, P Talbot, J Taylor, E Wilson, C Wood and Mr T Watton (Parish Clerk)


Also present were County Councillor F Drane, Dist Cllr P Webb and five members of the public.


1.          RECEIPT OF APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE – Cllrs A Bush, K Norris, and C McKenzie.     



Mrs Hampshire remarked on concerns about Jubilee footpath being used by dog walkers and the problem of dog mess.  The Parish Clerk updated the meeting on communication with Dorset Waste Partnership and Purbeck District Council Environmental Services Dept on the rumoured withdrawal of the dog bin clearance service they provide. County Cllr Drane confirmed that Lytchett Minster and Upton Town Council had also noted this rumour.  Cllr Taylor advised that District Councillors David Budd and Paul Johns were responsible for liaison on this matter at PDC and were seeking clarification from Dorset Waste Partnership. Mr. Johns has not heard anything yet.


Mr. Newman commented on the problem of waterlogging at the Allotments and wondered if the Council would undertake a drainage project to improve the ground.  It was agreed to pass this matter to the Environment & Amenities Cttee to consider further at its July meeting.  Action : Parish Clerk to add this to the agenda of the next meeting of the E&A Cttee. 


Mr. Robinson noted that the Parish Council had asked Purbeck District Council to defer consideration of the outline planning proposal for a development of houses on the Wessex Water reservoir site on the grounds that the production of a Neighbourhood Plan is currently in train. The Council has not offered objections on the grounds of the material planning considerations at this stage.  Cllr Wood responded by explaining that the Council intends using its 3 minutes at the PDC Planning Committee meeting. It had not dealt with material considerations because it wished to focus on the principles and wider implications related to Neighbourhood Planning.  She went on to explain that a democratic process is in progress, and so the Parish Council’s argument is that this application should not be considered until the village has spoken – through its Neighbourhood Plan.  However, she suggested that it would be advantageous for members of the public, such as Mr. Newman, to also attend the PDC Planning Committee meeting and use their allocated maximum 3 minutes to make their points, which might well focus on the material planning considerations if they so wished. In this way a number of important points can be put to the Planning Committee.  Dist Cllr Webb remarked that it would seem there is some doubt as to whether the number of dwellings proposed for this site is feasible.  When PDC consider this application they will have to consider what weight is given to an emerging Neighbourhood Plan, as in this case.  He also observed that just because the Purbeck Local Plan didn’t specifically mention the Wessex Water site among potential sites for development in the village, this does not preclude development there. Cllr Taylor suggested that residents should lobby PDC Planning Committee members. Mr. Lee observed that the water table in this part of village has risen in recent years and he therefore expressed some doubt about the impact of this development on that. Cllr Colvey reported that that Annette Brooke MP has written to PDC regarding this proposal indicating that she is unhappy with it and would be prepared to take it further if necessary. He produced a copy of that letter, which will be circulated to Council members and a copy sent to Mr Robinson. A copy of the letter is attached at Appendix one to these minutes.





There were none.


5.               THE MINUTES of the Council meeting on April 28th 2014 were approved and signed by the Chairman, after adding Cllr Taylor to the recorded list of attendees.



  • Minute 20, 20th January 2014 School Liaison – Letter to Chairman of DCC Roads and Rights of Way Committee of Dorset County Council. Cllr Wood reported that as agreed, she had liaised with DCC regarding a site meeting, but it had proved problematic to agree a suitable date. The planned meeting on 2nd June has been cancelled as it is a school staff training day and so the school is closed. She asked Cllrs to respond to her as quickly as possible with their availability for each of the following dates:

5th June 2pm

6th June 2pm

9th June 2pm

Action: Councillors to respond to Cllr Wood ASAP.

  • Minute 24, 20th January 2014. Condition of Cypress Leylandii trees on southern side of Recreation Ground. The Parish Clerk reported that all quotations had now been received. These were considered and it was RESOLVED to go ahead with the work, and that that Cllr Wilson and the Parish Clerk would select the contractor from the three quotes received.
  • Minute 10a, 17th March 2014, bullet point 2 – possible top surface after backfilling of removed rubble area of allotments. It was RESOLVED that backfilling should be with chalk. Action: Parish Clerk to contact the contractor to obtain a quote for this.



Cllr Webb reported on matters discussed at a PDC meeting on 13th May, as follows:

·      A system of digital mapping of trees with TPOs has been adopted.

·      The council has endorsed the Dorset, Poole & Bournemouth Renewable Energy Strategy.

·      A partial review is to take place of the Purbeck Local Plan – examining the aspects related to renewable energy.

·      A review was undertaken of the Wareham St Martin Parish Plan and it had been noted that the Parish had omitted their library.  This was mentioned as a point of caution to ensure that all community facilities are included within all such plans.

·      Part of Westport House will be available for rental by a third party.  This would ideally be a public body in order to maximise the advantage for the public accessing the site.

·      A re-draft of the PDC constitution has been approved. The changes are mostly related to updating terminology.  There are no changes to the democratic process.



County Cllr Drane reported on the following:

£5000 Funding per member’s area. Lytchett Matravers Parish Council proposed that this should be divided pro-rata. Cllr Drane has asked PDC to advise on the number of council tax payers in each part of his area.

Electoral Review Cllr Drane has been asked to sit on an Executive Advisory Panel dealing with Electoral Review, with the object of reviewing the number amount of Members required on the County Council. Then to review the boundaries each councillor represents. The first meeting of this Panel was on Friday 16th May 2014. The website .www.lgbce.org.uk gives the timetable, plus reports and maps.

There will a consultation as part of this process. District Councillors will be invited to DCC and Parish and Town councils will be visited.



Cllr Wood commented that the results of the Neighbourhood Plan questionnaire process had been put on display at the Village Fayre.  This was a successful event and three volunteers came forward to join Neighbourhood Planning sub-groups.  The school sub-group met and discussed at some ideas related to the parking and traffic problems at school start and end of day – however nothing is ready to bring forward for information of the Council yet. Cllr Colvey commented in general terms about ideas for changing the area of the front of the school to help alleviate the traffic congestion problems; as well as an alternative route for a walking bus.



(a)        Environment & Amenities Cttee, 28th April 2014. The Parish Clerk reported on the following recommendations:

  • Form a Working Group run by Cllr Miller and comprising of members of the Parish Council and community volunteers, with a view to establishing whether the former British Legion premises could be used as a community centre for the village. Cllrs Miller and Norris to seek an interview with the premises owners’ solicitors. RESOLVED.


  • That after the work has been completed on removal of dumped rubble at the Allotments and the area made good, the Council is to review all signage and replace them as necessary. RESOLVED.


  • To either write to all the Allotment holders or invite them to a meeting in order for the Parish Council to explain its stance towards running the Allotments, emphasise it’s responsibilities and any constraints, and to allay any concerns Allotment holders may have. RESOLVED.


  • To accept the estimate of £450 for repairs to the footbridge on the Foxhills Open Space and request that the contractor undertakes this work as soon as possible. RESOLVED.


It was RESOLVED to receive the minutes of this meeting.


11.       REVIEW OF INSURANCE COVER 2014/15.

The Parish Clerk reminded those present that the insurance renewal proposal and schedule of cover had been circulated to all members before the meeting.  After a brief discussion it was RESOLVED to renew the insurance in accordance with the circulated schedule.



Cllr Wood presented to the completed risk assessment for Club Hall. A copy of this is attached at appendix two to these minutes. Cllr Colvey indicated that he would present the remaining risk assessment, covering the Recreation Ground, at the June meeting the Full Council.



Cllr Dyball reported that the contractors would commence the final stage of the Foxhills Open Space – Deans Drove footpath and should be completed by 25th May. Cllr Dyball indicated that she would continue to act as liaison point during this period and, despite standing down from the council would be happy to continue her liaison role as a member of the public to see any remaining aspects of this project through to completion. This kind offer was accepted by the Council. Cllr Dyball then expressed thanks for the help of Dist Cllr Peter Webb who had assisted with liaison on some difficult aspects with PDC.  It was noted that two issues raised late and at short notice by Mr. Bird of PDC do not prevent progressing immediately on the final stage of this project i.e.:

(i)    Mr. Bird had suggested that the fence height should be tapered.  However this was not stated in the legal agreement which the council has been working too.  In that agreement it was indicated that the fence should be 6ft high.

(ii)  Mr. Bird had also suggested they should be some liaison with Dorset Highways Dept.  However, since this footpath does not touch the road, this point seems rather pedantic.  However, the newly elected Council may wish to consider arranging for a safety barrier to be erected at the end of the past adjacent to the road.


It was noted that any trees which may otherwise be in the way the path can be removed as there are no tree preservation orders on any trees in this area.  It was noted that the solicitor acting for the owner of the adjacent property should be informed that the final works leading to completion of the path is imminent.

Finally, speaking on behalf of the whole Council, Cllr Wood proposed congratulations to Cllr Dyball for successfully progressing this matter, which it was agreed has been a considerable achievement given that the project had previously been stalled for around 30 years.




It was noted that a Working Group met to discuss this and it was established that the cost for the website would be £210 per year.  The Working Group discussed aspects of the appearance and functionality of the website and how it would replace the existing website, as well as how the changeover process from the existing website would operate.  It was noted that Cllr Taylor will lead on this, but will need a brief from the Council before going ahead.  A further meeting is to be set up involving members of the newly elected council plus the Parish Clerk.



There was none.


16.       REPORTS FROM REPRESENTATIVES (by exception)

Village Fayre DAPTC Footpaths Village Hall
School Liaison Youth Organisations Sports Club

The following reports were made:

Village Fayre: It was generally agreed that the Village Fayre had been a magnificent event and had worked well. Cllr Maitland commented on a couple of learning points to be taken forward into the planning for the next Fayre.

Footpaths: Cllr Dyball reported on a letter she had received from Dorset County Council enclosing a formal agreement for public footpath creation for the footpath between Huntick Rd and Wimborne Rd – which has been numbered FP23. It was also noted that part of footpath formerly tagged to Sturminster Marshall is actually in Lytchett Matravers Parish – and therefore has been renumbered FP22.

Sports Club: Cllr Colvey reported that the Sports Club had postponed their AGM, which was to be held in the Sports Club pavilion on 19th May, to enable the Parish Council to hold its meeting.

Village Hall: Cllr Wilson reported that the Village Hall Committee has a new Secretary. Pam Baker has replaced Di Drew in this role.



Inv To Whom For What Net VAT Total
3317 T Watton Clerk’s salary –  May (12 equal monthly payments  by sanding order) 875.96 0.00 875.96
3318 T Homer Handyman duties plus reimbursement of cost of gate hinges purchased – April 226.60 0.00 226.60
3319 Continental Landscapes Grass Cutting, Southern end of Rec – April 20.00 4.00 24.00
3320 The Landscape Group Cemetery Maintenance – April 14 303.49 60.70 364.19
3321 Anglebury Press Printing 100 copies of Lytchett Link 52 66.00 0.00 66.00
3322 Lytchett Matravers Sports Club Hall hire for meetings Jan – May 2014 320.00 0.00 320.00
3323 Haynes electrical & networking Ltd Replacement of electrical consumer board at Club Hall 350.00 70.00 420.00
3324 Information Commissioner Annual data protection registration fee 35.00 0.00 35.00
3325 Zurich Municipal Council Insurance – Annual Premium 1881.94 0.00 1881.94


It was RESOLVED to approve the above payments. 



The Parish Clerk reported on the following correspondence received :

A non-technical summary booklet of the Navitus Bay wind farm proposal.

Correspondence with Dorset Waste Partnership regarding an enquiry about a waste bin which has recently appeared near the car park on the northern side of the Recreation Ground, which appears to neither be owned by the Parish Council nor one serviced by Dorset Waste Partnership.  Action: Parish Clerk of to make enquiries with the Sports Club regarding this bin.

Correspondence with Santander Bank regarding the receipt of two copies of the statement – which were identical in all respects except that one did not identify the Parish Council as the account holder. This matter had been reported in detail to the Chair and Vice Chair of the Finance & Policy Committee and also to the Council’s Internal Auditor with copies of the statements concerned. The response from Santander does not provide adequate explanation as to how the error occurred, and the Parish Clerk is to write to Santander about this again.  Action: Parish Clerk to write and to Santander Bank accordingly.

Correspondence with Mark Pincott of MPK Financial Management requesting an authorised signatories list as required by Prudential for the Council’s investment.  The requested list has been forwarded.

E-mail correspondence with Kayleigh Forkin, the Chair of the Preschool Committee, making a preliminary inquiry for use of the Recreation Ground for a Preschool Teddy Bears’ Picnic on 12th July. A response has already been sent by explaining that the Northern part of the Recreation Ground covering the sports pitches area is leased to, and therefore the responsibility of, the Sports Club; and therefore requests to use that area should be directed to the Sports Club.  The response also pointed out that the southern part of the Recreation Ground adjacent to the children’s play area is within the direct control of the Parish Council, so if this area is required then confirmation of this would be needed so the Council could give its formal consideration to the request.



Cllr Maitland commented that he had reported a number of potholes to Dorset County Council but had received no response so far. He indicated that he would provide County Cllr Drane with the details.

Cllr Colvey wondered if it was known yet when the grass cutting teams from Dorset County Council Highways Dept would be visiting the village as the grass verges had become very overgrown. The Parish Clerk explained that the DCC highways maintenance teams have a schedule to visit all communities in sequence – giving six cuts per year between April and October – but that due to vagaries of the weather, the specific dates for visits are not published.

Cllr Miller observed that this was his last Parish Council meeting, and also the last meeting before Councillors Dyball, Talbot and McKenzie also stand down. He wished to express his farewells and thanks to all Council members for all the support he had received from Council members as well as Dist Cllrs Peter Webb & John Taylor and County Cllr Fred Drane.  He also expressed thanks for the members the public who had attended meetings.  He explained that when he began the role of Council Chairman he had hoped that the Council would work together as an effective team, and he feels that this has certainly been achieved.  He said that he had greatly enjoyed his time on the Council and will miss it.


The meeting closed at 9:35pm.


FullMinutes140519 Appendix 1

FullMinutes 140519 Appendix2

Full Council – May 2014