Held on Wednesday December 20th 2017 at 7:00 in the Village Hall, Lytchett Matravers.

PRESENT were Cllrs M Colvey, B Barker, A Bush, K Norris, R Watts, P Webb, Mr T Watton (Parish Clerk).

Also present: District Councillor W. Meaden, County Cllr P Wharf, and four members of the public.


  1. A resident commented on vehicles observed to be speeding along Huntick Road and she wondered what may be done to discourage or prevent such incidents. The Chairman responded by indicating that he would pass the information about these incidents to PC Jon Stuart, as well as providing PC Stuart’s contact details to the resident concerned. It was noted that the “speed watch” group within the village will be interested in this matter; and it was wondered if the Council might reconsider its previous decision regarding the purchase of the speed indicator device (SID).

District Councillor’s Report

Cllr Meaden’s and Cllr Webb’s joint report I attached at appendix 1 to these minutes.

County Councillor’s Report

It was noted that a copy of Cllr Wharf‘s report had inadvertently not been received by the Parish Clerk in time for distribution ahead of meeting. Consequently Cllr Wharf provided a verbal report and indicated that he would re-forward the written copy after the meeting. This is attached at appendix 2 to these minutes.

In addition to his comment on matters included in the written report, Cllr Wharf also remarked that the DCC cabinet had considered proposals for the transfer of assets to Lytchett Matravers – and noted that the principles had been established. He commented that this is now a matter of negotiation of the details between the parties. Related to an aspect of this, he also reported on correspondence with a local resident who had expressed concerns about the effects of transfer of ownership or occupation of the Club Hall premises in the longer term. Cllr Wharf indicated that he would keep the Council informed of any further correspondence on this matter with this resident.

1. To receive and consider apologies for absence – Cllrs A Cottman, A Huggins, R Carswell, C Wood and J Taylor.


There were none.

3. TO receive AND RESOLVE to APPROVE THE Minutes of The Full Council Meeting on 20th November 2017.

RESOLVED to approve as a true record of the meeting and signed by the meeting Chairman.


It was RESOLVED to receive and note the contents of the following report, which had been prepared and circulated in advance of the meeting by the Parish Clerk. The italics below indicates additional comments by members at the meeting.

  1. Minute 14, 21st September 2015 – website updating. At the April Full Council meeting it had been agreed that all members would send their personal profiles to Cllr Colvey again. As of the September Full Council meeting there had been no report on any increase on the 3 members who had forwarded their profiles to Cllr Colvey, so Cllr Colvey indicated that members would receive the chaser on this in time to produce their profiles for the October edition of Lytchett Link. At the November Council meeting some members questioned which updated profiles had been produced, and who was holding them. Cllr Colvey therefore agreed to check what updated profiles Mr Gracey may be holding.
  2. Minute 20, 17th October 2016 Decommissioning of Telephone Kiosks: A definitive response from BT is still awaited.
  3. Minute 8, 18th Sept 2017 – proposal to apply the double skin to the remaining three sides of Rocket Park. Three quotes for this work were considered by the F&GP Committee on 13th December and a contractor was selected. The Parish Clerk has since been in touch with the successful contractor and it has been confirmed that work will commence in 10th January 2018.
  4. Minute 10, 18th Sept 2017 – proposal to clear undergrowth and shrubs along the metal fence adjacent to Library Walk, leaving just the oak trees and the low shrubs around the noticeboard and bordering High Street. Mr Mills has been commissioned to clear the southern end and remove the meal fence. A tree surgeon contractor has quoted for removal of the undergrowth and to grade the remainder of the hedge line. This matter is considered under agenda item 8 of this Full Council meeting – see below.
  5. Minute 10, 16th October 2017 – Proposal to award a grant of £100 to CALM for printing of publicity signs. This was approved at the October Full Council meeting and, as CALM does not have a bank account it has been arranged with Mr & Mrs McGill thatonce the work has been completed, will submit a paid invoice to the Parish Council for reimbursement. This is awaited.
  6. Minute 13, 20th November 2017 – to apply to Fields in Trust for protection for the Foxhills Open Space. The Parish Clerk has not yet contacted Fields in Trust to gather the necessary background information which will be necessary for the Council to consider whether such registration would be suitable or appropriate.
  7. Minute 15, 20th November 2017 – amendment to Allotment rental agreement reflecting the need to obtain consent from allotment holders to obtain and hold their personal details for the purposes of managing rentals. A suitable text has been added to the allotment agreement with a tick box to ensure active agreement is obtained from all allotment holders. A copy of the revised agreement has been sent to all allotment holders with the rental renewal letter in December 2017. Responses have begun to be received.


The Chairman advised that he had begun planning for a training / awareness session for Council members – to take place on 17th March 2018 (09:00-13:00). He sought to ascertain who would be available and noted that councillors Wood and Norris had offered their apologies as they would both be out of the country.

6. To consider a proposal from the Finance & General Purposes Committee for the precept requirement for 2018/19.

A copy of the proposal is attached at appendix 3 to these minutes. After brief discussion it was RESOLVED to accept the proposal for an increase of 11.86% on the precept. It was also RESOLVED to increase the allotment annual rental fee for a full size plot by £1.50 to £33.50 with effect from 1 January, 2019.

7. To consider a proposal from the Finance & General Purposes Committee for allocation of budgets for 2018/19.

It was RESOLVED to defer approval of the precise allocation of budgets per subhead for 2018/19 until a further detailed discussion could take place at a Finance and General Purposes Committee meeting in early 2018. It was noted that this discussion would include work towards:

– Allocating CIL monies to specific projects,

– Reviewing the tagging of monies invested with Prudential International to ensure that the capital which had been provided by the section 106 agreement for maintenance of the Foxhills Open Space in perpetuity is suitably protected,

– That the various sinking funds for replacement of Council assets such as play areas, skatepark, and Lytchett Astro, etc are adequately provided for and their future remains secure.

8. To consider a report from Cllr Carswell on progress towards the clearance of undergrowth along the boundary between Library Walk and the Library Premises; also to consider a quotation of £1320.00 (incl VAT) for undergrowth clearance & grading of the northern portion of this boundary line.

It was RESOLVED by a majority vote (one vote against) to approve this quotation for the works remove the shrubs in between the oak trees, as proposed. Action: Cllr Carswell to contact the contractor accordingly to make the necessary arrangements.

9. To receive and note the content of reports from Sub Committees and Working Groups as required. There were none.

10. To note decisions made by the Finance & General Purposes Committee on Wednesday 13th December 2017.

The Parish Clerk offered the following written report which was circulated ahead of the meeting. He noted a member’s comment that this in effect duplicated the majority of the content of the draft minutes of the F&GP committee meeting. The Clerk accepted this point and noted that the report had been produced for the convenience of council members due to the exceptional short lapse of time between the F&GP committee draft minutes being made available and the date of this Full Council meeting. He remarked that he would not normally provide a comprehensive report for subsequent Full Council meetings, but instead would anticipate that Council members will normally have time to read and digest the draft minutes of the committee meeting instead.

It was RESOLVED to note the following summary of matters dealt with at December (inaugural) F&GP Committee meeting:

Item 7 To consider planning application 6/2017/0650. Mr Garry Vincent. 10 Paddock Close, Lytchett Matravers, Poole, BH16 6AZ. Single storey front extension. NO OBJECTION

Item 8 To consider planning application 6/2017/0617. Mr Robert Taylor. Woodlands, Sandy Lane, Lytchett Matravers, Poole, BH16 6DB. Single storey side extension. New windows to be installed to both sides of the main entrance door. . NO OBJECTION

Item 9 To consider planning application 6/2017/0633. Mr Patrick Day. 19 Huntick Estate, Lytchett Matravers, BH16 6EB & Honeypot Cottage, 20 Huntick Estate, Lytchett Matravers, BH16 6EB. Joint Householder Application between 19 Huntick Estate & 20 Huntick Estate (Honeypot Cottage) to replace link roof attachment and garage approved by planning permission 6/2012/0734 with utility/breakfast room with monopitch roof and rooflight to Honeypot Cottage. NO OBJECTION

Item 10 To consider planning application 6/2017/0664. Nicholas Rubenstein. Plots 1 and 2, Eldons Drove, Lytchett Matravers, BH16 6HH. Variation of condition 2 of planning permission 6/2016/0345(Demolish existing house and erect 2 new dwellings) to retain 2 surfaced parking spaces per dwelling and amended landscaping scheme. The F&GP committee noted this request for a variation of condition 2 to planning permission given under 6/2016/0345, and welcomed the two car parking spaces. However members were concerned about the issue raised by nearby residents regarding possible encroachment beyond the established property boundaries. The Parish Clerk was asked to write to PDC to seek clarification on this issue and to be advised of PDC’s findings on it.

Item 11 To consider planning application 6/2017/0654. Mr & Mrs K Wharmby. 13 Old Chapel Drive, Lytchett Matravers, Poole, BH16 6HA. Single storey rear extension. NO OBJECTION

Item 12 To consider a change to the mix of housing within the proposed development 6/2016/0743 – Land at Deans Drove, Lytchett Matravers (email to Council members 29th November 2017). It was resolved to object to this on the grounds set out in the paper drawn up by Cllr Wood. The Parish Clerk has submitted an objection accordingly using Cllr Wood’s paper as the detailed reasoning for this.

Item 13 To consider a proposal to obtain quotations from contractors to clear, re-landscape and replant the two roundabouts in Landers Reach in a sustainable way. It was RESOLVED to seek quotations or estimates for this work.

Item 14 To consider the quotations obtained for fitting an inner palings to the remaining 3 sides of the Rocket Park play area. Three quotes were considered; and the lowest, provided by B&W, was selected.

11. To approve the following payments due:-

Inv To Whom For What Net VAT Total
3856 T Watton Clerk’s salary – Dec (12 equal monthly payments by SO) 864.83 0.00 864.83
3857 DCC LGPS pension contrib December 343.62 0.00 343.62
3858 T Homer Handyman duties, November 2017 211.50 0.00 211.50
3859 Idverde Ltd Cemetery maintenance – November 2017 303.49 60.70 364.19
3860 Idverde Ltd Grass cutting, Southern end of Rec x 1, 10th Nov 2017 21.50 4.30 25.80
3861 Borough of Poole Supply & fit 25 fence palings, plus rails at Rocket Park. 110.00 22.00 132.00
3862 Anglebury Press Ltd Printing Lytchett Link no 61 311.00 0.00 311.00
3863 British Telecom


Office phone and broadband, quarter 4. 170.70 34.14 204.84
3864 T Watton Office expenses and travelling. 159.37 0.00 159.37
3865 Full Circle Leisure Ltd Skate park maintenance contract 408.00 81.60 489.60
3866 Lytchett Matravers Village Hall Grant 2017 (contribution to replacement lighting project) 500.00 0.00 500.00

It was RESOLVED to approve all of the above payments.

12. to note any training undertaken by members or the Clerk in the past month The Parish Clerk reported that he had attended the SLCC Regional Training Seminar in Bristol on 22nd November 2017.

13. To note any decisions and / or action taken by Parish Clerk under “Openness of Local Government Bodies Regulations 2014”, Part 3, Paragraphs 6-10, Record of Decisions and Access to Documents. There were none.


The Parish Clerk referred to received correspondence as follows:

(a) Fields In Trust – enclosing a copy of their latest newsletter publication “Field Notes”

(b) Two letters from MPA Financial Management confirming the recent top-up of the Council’s investment with Prudential International.

(c) Confirmation from Water Business (formerly Wessex Water) of the paid water services bill for the allotments for the period 23rd June 2017 – 12th December, 2017.

15. To note date of next meeting and items for future agendas.

Following detailed discussion it was agreed that the next Finance and General Purposes Committee meeting would be held is due on Wednesday 3rd January 2018. It was RESOLVED that exceptionally this would primarily be a meeting to discuss ne major issue – necessary for preparation of Parish Council input into a meeting with Purbeck District Council at 7.30 PM on the 10th January, 2018 – to be attended by councillors Colvey, Bush and Watts who will represent the Parish Council’s interests. It was noted that that the Parish Clerk would arrange for a locum Clerk to officiate at the meeting on 3rd January 2018.

Other issues for consideration at subsequent meetings:

· To review the legal requirements, guidance and good practice for Annual Parish meetings and consider how this meeting can be best utilised as part of the communication strategy for Lytchett Matravers Parish Council.

· To consider a proposal to demolish and remove the bus shelter at Lime Kiln Road opposite the war memorial.


The meeting closed at 9:05pm

Annotated by/on …………………………….. Signed by……………………

FullMinutes 171220 Appendix 3 (LMPC 2018 2019 draft precept & budget proposal working paper).xls
FullMinutes 171220 Appendix 1 (PDC Cllrs report for Dec 2017).doc
FullMinutes 171220 Appendix 2 (DCC Cllrs report for Dec2017meeting).doc

Full Council minutes 20th December 2017