Lytchett Matravers Parish Council

Minutes of the meeting held on Monday, September 5th 2016, in the Methodist Church, Wareham Rd, Lytchett Matravers at 7.00p.m.

Cllrs E Wilson, (Committee Chairman), A Huggins, R Carswell, A Cottman, M Colvey, K Norris, J Taylor and Mr T Watton (Parish Clerk)

No members of the public were present.

1. APOLOGIES. Cllr A Bush had given his apologies.


There was none.


It was RESOLVED to accept the minutes as a true record, and they were signed by the Chairman.


Mrs Harding, the locum Clerk for the meeting held on 9th May, had commented at that meeting that she may be able to provide names and contact details of Parish and Town Councils which are further down the route towards finalisation of their Neighbourhood Plans. DISCHARGED.


Minute 5, 9th May 2016: Recreation Ground, car park barriers. This has now been completed. DISCHARGED.

Minute 5, 9th May 2016: Foxhills Open Space – Special signs for listing breeds of dogs which must be muzzled and kept on leads. The Parish Clerk reported that he had consulted the PDC Dog Warden on this matter as well as checking The Dangerous Dogs Act 1991 and other relevant legislation. These actions had confirmed that there is no such regulation nor standard sign. DISCHARGED.

Minute 6, 4th July 2016: Hedges and ditches – Overgrowth of hedge and brambles on the corner of Huntick Road and Huntick Estate. Cllr Norris had written Aster Housing Association regarding their responsibility for maintaining this area, but had not yet received a reply. He has now chased this.

Minute 6, 4th July 2016: Foxhills open space – tree overgrowth. Members were reminded that a group of Council members and the Parish Clerk had visited the site and noted a number of points requiring attention. The Parish Clerk was awaiting the return of the relevant maintenance manager at Brighstone Landscaping Ltd in order to carry out a site meeting with him to point out the work which needs attention.

Minute 6, 4th July 2016: MUGA – weed and tree growth maintenance. The Parish Clerk reported that he had arranged for the weed incursion at the edges of the pitch to be treated. He explained that the cutting back of tree and hedge overgrowth along the vehicle and pedestrian trackway had been held until the end of the normal cutting embargo date; but that Mr. Mills had now been asked to attend to it.

Minute 6, 4th July 2016: footpaths – bridleway between Dolmans Hill and Morden, the footpath known as “Gypsy’s Path” which runs between Dolmans Hill and Middle Road, and a green lane running from Peatons Lane to Dolman’s Hill, all affected by fallen trees. The parish clerk confirmed that these matters had been reported to DCC Rights of Way Department and case numbers obtained.

Minute 10, 4th July 2016: Risk assessment of recreation Ground. It was noted that the planned site visit had been carried out by Cllrs Wilson, Carswell and Cottman, with Parish Clerk. A number of points for action had been noted, but no risk assessment document had yet been produced. The Parish Clerk indicated that he would revisit the previous risk assessment document for this area, update it with any new risks and actions, and circulate the revised version to the members concerned for comment. Action: Parish Clerk to produce the document and circulate it accordingly.

Minute 12, 4th July 2016: Correspondence – Stephen Mepham, DCC Community Highway Team Leader re parking congestion on Wareham Rd and surrounding area. At the E&A Cttee meeting on 4th July it had beennoted that Mr Mepham’s suggested approach was to press for PCSO attendance and interventions, together with influence by the school on parents. The members had noted that these approaches had been tried on previous occasions but are limited by (i) lack of availability of PCSO officers to take such action, (ii) lack of enforcement power unless parking restrictions are also introduced, and (iii) a history of car users simply ignoring PCSO interventions. Members had been reminded that Cllrs Huggins and Carswell had done some work on an idea for use of land next to the Lytchett Astro as a car park to help alleviate this problem. Action: Cllr Bush, as school Cllr, to set up a meeting with Cllrs Huggins and Carswell to further brainstorm possible solutions, including utilisation of this land.


Recreation Ground / car park.

a) It was noted that the ROSPA safety inspection report has now been received. It was agreed to carry out a review of this report and develop and action plan using the same approach as last year i.e. an initial table-top review by Cllrs Huggins and Wilson with the Parish Clerk. Action: Parish Clerk to circulate the report to Cllrs Huggins and Wilson.

b) The Parish Clerk reported that Sutcliffe Play are due to replace the damaged Huck Rope Swinger on Wednesday 21st September. The company already has a set of keys for the Eldons Drove car park security bollards so that they can gain access to do this work.

Row Park Paddock.

Nothing to report.


a) The Parish Clerk reported that there are five vacant plots. Two more plots have been handed back in the week before this meeting. There is no one on the waiting list seeking a plot for immediate use, and only two new tenants have taken on plots since April. All of this indicates a remarkably low level of interest in allotments currently – and this is reflected in a similar levels of activity in other nearby parishes. The public notice advertising the availability of allotment plots is still on display on the notice boards and the website and the Allotment Society have been advised of the situation.

b) The Parish Clerk provided further comment on the scheme suggested by Mr. Mills (allotment holder and committee member of the Allotment Society) for the installation of drainage pipes laid under the trackways in the wetter areas of the allotment fields and connected in to the ditch alongside Castle Farm Road. Mr Mills advised that he had been in touch with the National Allotments Association and had arranged for a visit from their expert in drainage matters, Mr Alan Cavill. During that visit it emerged that Mr. Cavill’s particular expertise is in finding and accessing sources of funds for drainage projects rather than in the technical side of identifying or designing drainage solutions. However the visit proved useful in developing the understanding that in order for the village Allotment Society in its own right to enable it to access the various sources of grant funding available, it will be necessary for it to take steps to become more formally established – including adopting a constitution. The newly appointed Chair of the Allotment Society is currently reviewing some grant application paperwork provided by Mr. Cavill.

c) Mr Young did not attend the meeting, but the Parish Clerk reported that he is continuing to pursue the matter of unkempt plots with the relevant allotment holders. Two review visits were carried out by the Parish Clerk during August.

d) It was noted that contractors’ vehicles are again accessing Dyetts Wood from the temporary trackway off Castle Farm Road alongside the allotments field. However, it is unclear what works are being carried out and whether this includes attention to the trees along the boundary between the woods and the allotment fields. Cllr Colvey indicated that he would contact the owner of the woods to gain an understanding of what is being undertaken. Action: Cllr Colvey to contact the owner of Dyetts Wood accordingly.

e) It was noted that the regular half-yearly Parish Council / allotment holders’ liaison meeting is due to take place shortly.

Memorial Green/War Memorial.

The Parish Clerk reported that, despite there being gaps in some old records held by the Parish Council, contact with the Head of Legal Services at Purbeck District Council regarding the conveyancing work they undertook to transfer or this land into Parish Council ownership in 2002 -2003 had been successful in obtaining the necessary documentary evidence needed to progress the FIT registration application.


Nothing to report.

Club Hall.

It was resolvedto RECOMMEND to Full Council to accept the quotation from R. M Smith Fencing to supply and install one 3.6m wide galvanised metal field gate on metal posts set in concrete and five timber dragons teeth for £520.00

Hedges and Ditches.

The Parish Clerk is to report to DCC the problem of the hedge behind the bus shelter at the Rose and Crown crossroads – which is now obscuring visibility from the bus shelter. Action: The Parish Clerk to report this problem accordingly.

Foxhills Open Space.

It was noted that the Parish Clerk is in the process of arranging with the maintenance contractor for some tree cutting work to be undertaken.


It was noted that the fire damage to the playing surface is subject of a separate agenda item below.


Nothing to report.

Other open spaces.

Cllr Colvey drew attention to the problems caused by the low overhanging branches of a tree in the garages / parking area in Hanhams Close. This land is not owned or maintained by the Parish Council. It is believed to be the responsibility of Aster Housing Association.

6. Report from Huntick Cycle Way working group.

Cllr Huggins commented that there had been no developments since the previous report – because a meeting of the Working Group was due to take place week commencing 12th September. However, he reported that in the meantime he had made the useful contacts with various people at DCC and had been advised that in order for this initiative to be considered by DCC, the Parish Council would need to formally request that a project is established. This request should be submitted in the form of a letter to DCC – which would then enable it to be considered for incorporation into the DCC Local Transport Plan. Prior to any such formal request, it was agreed that it would be prudent for the support of affected landowners Claire Lees and Lord Rockley to be confirmed. Cllr Huggins has already established that the head of Lytchett Minster school supports this initiative.

7. Review of Handyman ad hoc task list.

Currently outstanding ad hoc tasks in priority order:

a) Obtain and replace further damaged dolly posts on the Recreation Ground – TH

b) Refurbishment of benches – team working by TH and SM.

8. Specification for restriction (up to £500 incl installation) – to replace the pedestrian gate to Lytchett Astro

It was noted that this has not been progressed yet.

9. Consideration of repair or replacement to access gate to cemetery from Church Walk.

On a recent visit by members of the Council it had been noted that the pedestrian access gate from the cemetery on to Church Walk is rotten and beyond repair. It was resolved to replace this with a new gate and RECOMMENDED that the Parish Clerk arranges for such a gate to be purchased and fitted within the de minimus expenditure arrangements in the council’s Financial Regulations.

10. Consideration of quotation for repair to fire damaged surface of Lytchett Astro.

It was noted that prior to the meeting the Parish Clerk had circulated a copy of this quotation from the specialist company who also undertake the regular maintenance work at the Lytchett Astro. After a brief discussion it was resolved to RECOMMEND to Full Council the acceptance of this quotation for £695.00 (excl VAT) and to request that the company goes ahead with repair as soon as possible.

11. Future of bus shelter, Wareham Rd (adjacent to school).

It was noted that the bus shelter roof has been removed by the specialist asbestos disposal company, and that the shelter itself is being dismantled. Thanks were expressed to Cllr Cottman for his efforts in this regard. It was observed that the bus shelter has a thick concrete base – the surface of which is above the surrounding ground level. This will need to be broken up and removed so that it does not form a tripping hazard. Some discussion took place about the location of the new shelter; particularly noting that there is little scope for minor relocation at the same site due to the space restrictions caused by the boundary to the school, a tree, and nearby street furniture which may not be moved. It was pointed out that the DCC team have offered assistance – including providing advice on removal of the old shelter if requested to do so. The email correspondence between the team and Cllr Wood on 25 Aug 2016 refers. Cllr Colvey indicated that he would lead the liaison with DCC on this project. Action: Cllr Colvey to contact the DCC team accordingly.


Concerns have been brought to the attention of Council members about a fast growing ash tree in the middle of the row of oaks at Library Walk. The concern is that this rapidly growing tree may adversely affect the oaks in the longer term, and it was suggested that it may need to be removed. As it was unclear whether this tree stands on Parish Council land or on the other side of the Library Walk boundary, it was suggested that Council members visit the site to check the boundary markers.


Cllr Colvey reported that the Village Hall Committee has now obtained three further quotations for the refurbishment of the toilets. A successful quotation has been selected. The process now moves to the production of a formal purchase order.

The following topics were agreed for preparation for the forthcoming Lytchett Link issue:

Rocket park damage – Cllr Gracey

Lytchett Astro damage, and football foundation support visit – Cllr Cottman

Huntick cycleway project – Cllr Huggins

Recreation ground security – Cllr Carswell

Litter pick – Cllr Norris

Wareham Rd bus shelter – Cllr Bush

CALM activity – Cllr Norris

Village hall – Cllr Wilson

There being no other business the meeting closed at 9:15pm.

Minutes of Environment & Amenities committee meeting 5th September 2016