Lytchett Matravers Parish Council

Minutes of the meeting held on Monday, November 6th 2017, in the Methodist Church, Wareham Rd, Lytchett Matravers at 7.00p.m.

Cllrs R Carswell (chair), B Barker, M Colvey, A Cottman, A Huggins, K Norris and Mr T Watton (Parish Clerk)

No members of the public was present.


1. To receive and consider apologies for absence. Cllrs Bush and Taylor.

2. To receive any declarations of interest, and consider any requests for Special Dispensations under Section 33 of the Localism Act 2011.There were none.

3. To receive and approve minutes of Environment and Amenities Cttee meeting held on Septembr 4th 2017. It was RESOLVED to accept the minutes as a true record, and they were signed by the meeting Chairman.

4. To receive and consider reports of past subject matters. It was REsolved to accept the following report provided by the Parish Clerk: (further points added at the meeting are shown in italics).

Minute 5b, 6th March 2017 Painting of Cross hatched area at western end of car park. This matter has now been dealt with by the DCC Highways team. DISCHARGED

Minute 5g, 6th March 2017 House style benches (ideally recycled plastic):

A working group of Cllrs has been charged with building on the initial investigative work by the Parish Clerk which had been reported at the previous meeting. That further work concerns the on development of a paper to include a scoped / costed project plan for progressive replacement of benches with a suitable standard and robust design in re-cycled plastic. Membership of this working group still needs to be formally minuted, and the details of it then added to the published list of Working Groups. It was noted that Cllrs Huggins and Cottman would form this Working Group and it was RESOLVED that it should be added to the published list of Working Groups. DISCHARGED

Minute 10, 8th May 2017: Outstanding risk assessments: The following are still outstanding:

– Old School Green….Cllr Taylor.

– Club Hall….Cllr Wood.

Action: Parish Clerk to contact Cllrs Taylor and Wood to chase progress on these.

Minute 6, 4th September 2017 – arrange for Mr Mills to remove the Ivy on the line of trees between the Library and Library Walk. The Parish Clerk has spoken to Mr Mills to attend to this. He has also spoken to him regarding the removal of the remaining undergrowth, leaving just trees and shrubs.

Minute 8.1b, 4th September 2017 – Parish Clerk to arrange for Mr Mills to tidy up the section of bund along Vineyard Close to the north side of the Parish Council office entrance and the section fronting the High Street. This has been attended to. DISCHARGED.

Minute 8.1c, 4th September 2017 – repair to Record roundabout by Poole Business Services. This repair has been completed. DISCHARGED

5. To receive and consider the Parish Clerk’s report covering the following physical assets.

A report as follows was circulated to all members in advance of the meeting and its content noted(further points added at the meeting are shown in italics) :

5.1 Recreation Ground / Car Park

(i) Still no further progress has yet been noted regarding the proposal put forward by a member of the sports club to undertake some building work at the pavilion which will enable their bin to be stored inside the building and thus reduce the risk of fly tipping. As a reminder, this proposal would require the formal ratification of the Sports Club Committee.

(ii) Mr Mills has dealt with the following matters which were included in the recent risk assessment report:

· Clear the inner and outside walls of both car park entrances, plus the corner inside the Eastern (Tesco) end.

· Clear along all the gutters of the car park

· Clear weeds etc around the boundary with the Sports Pavilion and Scout Hall

· Clear / tidy growth around the hedge bordering the footpath at the Eastern end of the carpark & towards Hannams Close.

· Clear vegetation along the path alongside Eldons Drove

· Remove and dispose of tree waste which was been dumped near the dog bin adjacent to the Hannams close access the rec field.

(iii) The members noted that there appears to be no need to increase the height of the bund because the existence of the bund is believed to serve as legal protection against unauthorised incursion.

5.2 Row Park Paddock

Nothing to report

5.3 Allotments

There are currently 4 vacant plots. However, two inquiries from potential plot holders are currently in hand.

Rental renewal letters will be prepared in the next 2-3 weeks ready for distribution to all plot holders in December. The rental year expires on 31st December 2017.

The Allotment Association’s initiative to canvass plot holders achieved an 80% response rate regarding support for the production of a grant application for (i) a project to lay drainage pipes through the main trackways for plot holders to connect in to, (ii) purchase and installation of a toilet. Further detail is provided in the notes to the most recent half yearly liaison meeting between Parish Council representatives and allotment holders. This report is available to view on the Council’s website, and a further copy is attached at Appendix 1 to these minutes. Action: Parish Clerk to arrange for copies to be made available to all plot holders.

The advertising of vacant plots continues. The Allotment Association is also continuing to publicise the fact that there are vacant plots available for let.

5.4 Old School Green / War Memorial

Mr Mills has still to arrange for soil to be delivered to fill the depression in the ground. Action: Parish Clerk to speak to Mr Mills about this.

As detailed in an action point from the recent Full Council meeting, the Parish Clerk has investigated the opportunity of obtaining a tree free of charge from the Woodland Trust to replace the one planted for the Twinning Association. He discovered that this offer is aimed at schools and other community groups who are willing to take packs of a mimimum of 30 trees of a range of varieties to help increase areas of woodland. It would seem that The Woodland Trust’s offer is therefore inappropriate for the purpose of obtaining a single specimen tree to plant on Old School Green. During a discussion on this matter it was RESOLVED that the Parish Clerk should approach Woodlands Nurseries regarding the supply and planting of a suitable tree on the north western side of Old School Green at a budget of up to £100. Precise location to be as advised by Woodlands, subject to it being set far enough away from the fence so that its span and roots when fully grown to not reach the metal fence line. Action: Parish Clerk to approach Woodlands accordingly.

A separate discussion concerning the Council’s part in the arrangements for the Remembrance Day service then took place. This is reported separately below as an additional agenda item at the direction of the committee Chairman.

5.5 Cemetery

Nothing to report.

5.6 Club Hall

The combination lock is now fitted to the gate. Prior to fitting the Parish Clerk will need to be informed of the combination number so that Gables garage, The Lighthouse and the Army Cadets can be informed.

5.7 Hedges and ditches

Nothing to report

5.8 Foxhills open space

A copy of a technical report on the effect of roots from a tree planted on the open space on a property in The Spinney was provided by Cllr Cottman. Cllrs Carswell and Colvey agree to review this and to report back to the Council with any proposal for action.

Poole Business Services removed, free of charge, some tree waste which had been deposited just inside the Foxhills Open Space boundary fence near the access at the bottom of The Spinney.

5.9 Lytchett Astro

Nothing to report

5.10 Footpaths

Nothing to report.

5.11 Other open spaces

The following ad hoc matters have been dealt with:

Overgrowth affecting the area adjacent to the Deans Drove end of Willow Walk – as raised by a resident in the public participation session at the August Full Council meeting. Attended to by Mr Mills.

Removal of the fallen tree affecting Willow Walk. Attended to by Poole Business Services.

Installation of the replacement waste bin adjacent to the new bus stop on Wareham Rd. Attended to by the village handyman.

Removal of the broken pieces of the concrete bench ends on the corner of Huntick Rd & Huntick Estate. Dealt with by the village handyman and disposed of at the public tip by the Parish Clerk.

Removal of graffiti on the end of the skate park ramp. Dealt with by the village handyman.

Cllr Norris reported on the successful litter pick which had been held on Saturday 4th November. 2017.

6. To review the Handyman’s ad hoc task list.

Currently outstanding ad hoc tasks in priority order:

a) Continued monitoring and replacement of timber dolly posts and Rocket Park fence palings as required. TH.

b) Refurbishment of benches – team working by TH and SM. Replace all timbers on benches where rot is present. Wood treatment to all benches which are still sound.

– NB: the above items are in addition to the following list of regular tasks the Handyman carries out every week:

– Litter pick – High Street car park

– Litter pick and clean – all bus shelters

– Litter pick and bin clearance – Lytchett Astro

– Litter pick and bin clearance Foxhills Open space play area

– Litter pick Rocket park play area

– Safety inspections and routine maintenance (oil all bearings etc) Foxhills play equipment, Rocket park play equipment, Lytchett Astro, Skate Park, Basketball court.

7. To note the arrangements for Parish Council representation at the Remembrance day service 2017

The following matters were reported:

· The Parish Clerk confirmed that the road closure plan had been reviewed and updated, bus company, etc, had been consulted and the application had been submitted to and formally approved by DCC Highways in accordance with their laid down procedures and timescales.

· The Parish Clerk confirmed that he had ordered the date / time over-stickers for the road signs and had arranged with Mr Russell for them to be made available for the stewards to put out.

· Cllr Colvey reported that he had arranged with Mrs Harris to supply a wreath which may be laid on behalf of the Parish Council.

· The Council Chairman reported that as he and the Vice Chairmna were both unavailable on the day of the service he had arranged with Cllr Taylor that he would deputise to lay the wreath on behalf of the Council.

· All members were encouraged to attend if they are available to do so.


There was none.

There being no other business the meeting closed at 7:55pm.

EnvAmenitiesMinutes 171106 Appendix 1 (Notes of Meeting with Lytchett Matravers Allotment Holders on 11 10 17).docx

Minutes of Environment & Amenities committee meeting 6th November 2017