Lytchett Matravers Parish Council

Minutes of the meeting held on Monday, May 9th 2016, in the Methodist Church, Wareham Rd, Lytchett Matravers at 7.00p.m.

Cllrs E Wilson, (Committee Chairman), A Huggins, A Cottman, M Colvey, K Norris and Mrs P Harding (Locum Clerk)

1. APOLOGIES. Cllrs A Bush and R Carswell had given their apologies.


No members of the public were present.


It was RESOLVED to accept the minutes as a true record, and they were signed by the Chairman. (The Chairman was to hold these and pass to the Parish Clerk in the next few days).


Minute 6, 1st September 2014 – Recreation Ground: Litter bin near the skate park. It was reported that this still has not been carried out but it was believed to be imminent.

Minute 4, 7th September 2015: Priority list of Handyman Tasks. This is now a standing item on the Agenda and will be discussed in detail later in the meeting.


Recreation ground / car park.

a) It was reported by the Chairman that at the last full Parish Council meeting it was agreed that the ‘overgate’ proposal was accepted and that it should be purchased.

b) Cllr Colvey reported that the Village Hall Committee have agreed to contribute up to £250 towards the ‘bund’ project. It was therefore proposed by Cllr Colvey, and agreed by all present, that a RECOMMENDATION be made to the next full council meeting to approve the ‘bund’ project, subject to the receipt of the promised funds from the Village Hall Committee. Action: Clerk to forward the recommendation to full council.

c) Cllr Colvey reported that he had received no further information from Sutcliffe Play equipment, regarding fencing. Cllr Huggins agreed to take this on and to establish the options and costs. Action: Cllr Huggins to make contact with Sutcliffe Play equipment.

d) The weeds and litter noted at the previous meeting have been cleared.

e) A letter has been drafted by the Parish Clerk to the resident of Hannam Close regarding the complaint about flooding in the area.

f) The Village Fayre Committee have requested permission to shut the High Street car park on Saturday 14th May from 11am to 6pm in order to ensure the safety of pedestrian traffic and activity in the car park. Access to the Tesco’s side will remain open until 12noon. Cllr Cottman asked who held the keys for the car park barrier and sports club and agreed to ask the Clerk to circulate the contact details of the key holders for future reference. Action: Cllr Cottman to contact the Clerk to establish key holders for the barriers and sports club.

g) The clearance of the rubbish next to the boundary fence near Rocket Park is in hand with no cost to the Parish Council.

h) It was noted that Cllr Cottman and Cllr Carswell are managing the Recreation ground security project and should give updates to this committee. Action: Clerk to ensure that Recreation Ground security project is added to the E&A agenda in future.

Row Park Paddock.

Nothing to report.


a) All plots are now let, with the exception of the unviable plot (31). Two names are on the waiting list, one of which does not want a plot at this time and the other wants a half plot.

b) Mr Young did not attend the meeting, but the Chairman reported that the venue and date of the next meeting is booked and will be confirmed at the Parish Council meeting.

Memorial Green/War Memorial.

a) There is no further progress on the cleaning of the war memorial, but it is hoped that this will still be carried out via Mr Nimmo and the Royal Marines when possible.

b) Cllr Colvey reported that the Queen’s Birthday Picnic would be going ahead as planned and that flyers were to be distributed to suitable venues and notice boards to generate ‘adequate interest’ to make the event a success. Cllr Cottman suggested that the A3 advertising boards could be used once the village fayre is over this weekend. Action Cllr Cottman to arrange with Cllr Colvey to hand over the advertising boards once available.

c) It was also reported that Tesco’s have agreed to make a cake following a design created by the local school children.


An elderly ornamental tree was blown over in a gale in April. This was removed during a regular maintenance visit but the stump still remains just visible above the ground. It is not considered a hazard. It is hoped that the next offer of a donated tree, as a memorial, could be planted next to this stump.

Club Hall.

a) The maintenance work by the Lighthouse Family church has been completed, with the inside and some outside having been repainted. New blackout window blinds have been fitted. The carpet tiles have been ordered, and will be fitted free of charge. A donation of £2500 has been secured for a new kitchen, to be supplied by Howdens and fitted free of charge by Paul Fay. One of Sunseeker’s suppliers has also donated up to £400 for new kitchen appliances. The remaining item is the conversion of the toilet to allow disabled access and funding for the windows and supplementary heating.

b) Mrs Fay is to lead the community project based at the hall after voluntarily reducing her paid working week by a day. Training for the Lighthouse staff for this project is also being supplied by a specialist agency.

c) A letter has been sent to the resident of a property sharing a boundary with the club hall regarding suggested fence damage.

d) It was noted that the potholes in the car park adjacent to the club hall are still there and it was agreed to review their condition at the end of the summer. Action: Clerk to place this on the agenda in the Autumn.

Hedges and Ditches.

Nothing to report.

Foxhills Open Space.

a) Cllrs Colvey and Taylor had been to inspect and moved the Herras fencing that was in place over to the estate side. It has been agreed that when the fencing from around the playground is collected this extra fencing will also be taken. The site is to be inspected again for hazards before the first litter pick on the 25th June.

b) Cllr Cottman reported that last Friday a ‘free running’ bull mastiff/Staffordshire bull terrier type dog had attacked two Jack Russell dogs which were badly hurt. The police have been informed. It was proposed by Cllr Cottman that signs listing specific breeds of dog which should be kept on a lead and muzzled when in that area should be considered. These signs list the dog breeds and also include pictures of those breeds and have been seen by Cllr Cottman in other open spaces. It was agreed that the costs of these signs should be investigated to try and prevent a repeat of the recorded dog attack. Action: Cllr Cottman to establish a price for the signs and circulate the details as soon as possible. Clerk to put the proposal for purchase forward to the Parish Council agenda if received before Monday.


Nothing to report


Cllr Colvey proposed that Cllr Taylor be asked to postpone any work on the Glebe Road final link until it is clear what is happening with regard to future large housing developments in the area, as these may naturally lead to a more suitable solution. Action: It was agreed to take the final link of the path off the objectives list for the next 12 months. Clerk to add the open space around Tesco’s to the objectives list in its place. Cllr Wood is to work with Dorset County Council on this matter.

Other open spaces.

Dyetts WoodThe landowner has agreed to clear the overgrowth, but this dependent on better weather. However an access has been created to allow further works to be carried out.


Cllr Huggins reported that a meeting was held on the 27th April 2016 which included the landowner. Cllr Huggins was elected Chairman of the working group.

The group considered a number of options for the cycle way with two potential routes being identified for further investigation. It was also suggested that a ‘pinch point’ area be considered as a potential solution to make priority to one direction of traffic and slowing vehicle speeds.

The group is still very small and there is a large amount of work and research to be carried out to establish information on cycle ways and funding streams. As well as trying to facilitate links with SUSTRANS and the local School. Anyone interested in joining the group is encouraged to contact Cllr Huggins.

It was agreed by the working group that the project would be informally known as the Huntick Cycle Way and the next meeting is scheduled for the 21st June at the Rose and Crown.


The following tasks have recently been completed:

a) Recreation ground dog control signs

b) Signage both ends of Jubilee Walk

The following tasks still have to be carried out:

a) Replace broken gate latch at Rocket Park play area

(Cllr Colvey proposed that this be amended from a gate latch to a spring closer)

Action: Agreed that this should be investigated as an option, but repair to still remain high priority

b) Replace a further damaged dolly post on the recreation ground

c) Secure bus shelter roof (Lime Kiln Rd near Flowers Drove)

d) Recreation Ground litter bin installation

e) Remedial work on play areas arising from the review of the last ROSPA safety inspection.

a. Mastic joint in slide at Foxhills Play area.

b. Remove broken sections of basketball fascia and grind off studs on basketball backboard.

(Cllr Huggins suggested that this task is postponed until the decision is made whether to replace the backboard). Action: Clerk to inform handyman that this repair is postponed.

f) Install concrete post and key safe at Eldons drove car park

g) Wareham Road noticeboard installation

h) Refurbishment of benches on Cllr Bush’s risk assessment list.

(Cllr Norris is look at these benches ahead of Saturday’s Village Fayre and to report back to the Clerk regarding whether they are a danger a potential danger to those attending and should be removed prior to the event). Action Cllr Norris to report the status of the benches to the Clerk as soon as possible.


All of the recommendations have been completed with the exception of those in item 7e above.


The Parish Clerk was made aware of a personal injury accident, resulting in a broken leg, which occurred on the recreation ground and the circumstances noted. Both the Parish Clerk and Chairman have contacted the resident concerned regarding the matter.


There were no items of correspondence.


Cllr Huggins informed the meeting that he recently attended the MUGA and became aware of the large amount of land which is unused next to this area. This area is owned by Dorset County Council but leased to the Parish Council. It was suggested that with permission and funding this could be considered for development to increase the car parking capacity for the school.

There being no other business the meeting closed at 8.10pm.

Minutes of Environment & Amenities committee meeting 9th May 2016