Held on Monday October 20th 2014 at 7:30 in the Sports Club Pavilion, High Street Car Park.

PRESENT were Cllrs: M Colvey, A Huggins, R Carswell, A Cottman, I Maitland, K Norris, J Taylor, P Webb and Mr T Watton (Parish Clerk).

Also present were PC Jon Stuart and three members of the public.

1. REceipt of apologies for absence – Cllrs A Bush, C Wood and E Wilson. County Cllr F Drane.


The Chairman explained that he felt that it was appropriate to bring forward on the agenda the presentation from Mr Gracey on the preparation and operation of the Council’s new website. The agenda was adjusted accordingly.

3. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION SESSION (Standing Orders Suspended)

PC Jon Stuart commented on the crime statistics for the local area. He drew attention to the new “Alert” system for sharing information about current crimes / emerging risks. He also distributed copies of a Crime Prevention Advice leaflet.


5. THE MINUTES of the Council meeting on September 15th 2014 were approved as a true record of that meeting, and signed by the Chairman.


  • Minute 10(i), 18th August 2014. Lytchett Link, latest edition. A revised deadline of 22nd September was agreed for contributions to be submitted to Cllr Taylor. DISCHARGED.
  • Minute 13, 18th August 2014. Establishment of Google Diary. Cllr Carswell reported that the matter of re-communicating the arrangements for this, and providing training for Cllrs, were in hand.
  • Minute 14, 18th August 2014. Community support funding request for Village Hall toilets project – Camborne Energy. It was noted that this was covered by a separate agenda item. See minute 11 below.
  • Minute 10, 15th September 2014. Litter bin for MUGA. A bin is available for installation.

7. Development of new website – Mark Gracey

Mr Gracey introduced himself and reminded members of the origins of the task to create a new website. The new website is at lytchettmatraverspc.org

He then provided a slideshow tour around each page of the website. A copy of the slides is attached at Appendix 1 to these minutes. In response to a question he explained that the slider at the top of the home page will display whatever pictures the Council wishes.

The home page also gives links to the four latest postings anywhere on the website.

The links at the bottom connect to the calendar, Twitter and Facebook.

The “Our Community” link can lead visitors out to other community organisations’ websites.

It was agreed to have a “private” council members’-only area, which will be accessed via individual usernames and passwords.

Following discussion of the “What’s left to do” slide in Mr Gracey’s presentation, it was AGREED to formally switch over to the new website.

The Parish Clerk will meet Mr Gracey for a website administration training session during w/c 3rd Nov.

Thanks were expressed to Mr Gracey for his hard work and dedication in producing the new site for the Council.

8. District Cllrs report.

Dist Cllr Colvey provided a report noting the proceedings of the meetings of the PDC Overview & Scrutiny Committee, and the Planning Committee.

DARS has been installed in the Council Chamber in order to comply with the Openness of Local Government Bodies Regulations 2014, which alters the provisions of the Public Bodies (Admissions to Meetings) Act 1960, to permit members of the public to film, photograph or make audio recordings of council meetings. This also applies to Parish & Town Councils, who will need to review and, if necessary, amend their Standing Orders.

Amendments are being considered to the Community Infrastructure levy (CIL) and a consultation exercise is currently under way.

Adjustments are being made to the staffing in the Building Control Department.

The Small Business Friendly Award Programme is to be presented by the Dorset chair of the Federation of Small Businesses.

9. County Councillor’s report

No report was given at the meeting because County Cllr Drane was unable to be present.


Neighbourhood Planning Group.

It was noted that a further meeting of the Neighbourhood Planning Group was due on Tuesday 21st October.

11. Recommendations from Committees:

(i) Finance & Policy Committee – meeting 13th October 2014:

· Receipt of the latest bank reconciliation and update of the working accounts by Full Council (attached at Appendix 1 to the Finance & Policy Cttee minutes of 13th October 2014). Also to note the reported discrepancy of £86.99, which is to be investigated within the next regular internal audit.

· To make a grant of £1600 to the Sports Club as a contribution towards the project to replace the Sports Club pavilion doors.

· Acceptance of the process, application, conditions and details as set out in the draft letter of acceptance to go to Primrose Solar, requesting a £25,000 contribution from them towards the project to refurbish the Village Hall toilets and cloakroom area (as set out in Appendix 4 to the Finance & Policy Cttee minutes of 13th October 2014).

In regard to the approval of the process and conditions for acceptance of the letter to go to Primrose Solar, it was confirmed by the Council that this is on the firm understanding that the Village Hall Committee has already formally confirmed their understanding and acceptance that no work is to commence until the requested £25,000 has been received by the Parish Council; and that that the Village Hall Committee will be responsible for funding any expenditure on this project above the grant figure eventually received from Primrose Solar.

It was RESOLVED to accept and act on these recommendations as detailed above.

12. Receipt of remaining risk assessment.

Cllr Colvey advised that this was not available yet. Carried forward.

13. Consideration of funding request for a Planning Application regarding Club Hall

This agenda item also considered a grant application which had been received from the Sports Club by Cllr Colvey. It was RESOLVED to provide a grant of £1185 to the Lytchett Matravers Scouts to fund the planning application fee for Club Hall.

It was also RESOLVED to provide a grant of £1600 to the Sports Club as a contribution towards their project to replace doors on the Sports Pavilion.

It was noted that a letter (undated) had been received in October from the Village Hall Committee requesting a contribution towards their project to replace fire doors – se “Correspondence” (minute 23) below. The Council noted that it was currently supporting the Village Hall Committee with its toilets refurbishment project, and regretted that this later request had been received after this year’s grants budget had already been fully committed.

14. Consideration of an offer of a presentation to Environment & Amenities (or Planning) committee on Club Hall redevelopment.

It was considered that this would be appropriate; but should take place after a formal response to the Planning Application had been received from PDC.

15. Consideration of proposed resolutions for DAPTC AGM (see email of 24th September).

It was agreed to send formal support for the Bridport resolution, but not the Chideock one. Action: Parish Council to write to DAPTC accordingly.

16. LMPC representation on the Purbeck Transport Action Group (PTAG) (see email of 26th September).

It was RESOLVED not to provide a representative to this group, due to its heavy focus on matters concerning Wareham and Swanage only.

17. Consideration and approval of distribution arrangements and expenditure for distribution of Lytchett Link. After a brief discussion itwasagreed that the quickest, cheapest and most sure way of distributing the current issue of Lytchett Link would be for councillors to carry out a hand delivery similar to that employed for the Neighbourhood Plan questionnaire. Cllrs who were not present at the meeting are to confirm whether they are available to carry out a portion of the delivery. Cllr Colvey will plan the arrangements and distribute the necessary numbers of copies to Councillors.

18. Review of the Council’s Grant process.

The documented process was reviewed and it was RESOLVED to make one amendment. The revised process is attached for information at Appendix 2 to these minutes.

It was also noted that the process should be published on the new website – with the other council policies. Action: Parish Clerk to arrange for publication on the website.


Cllrs Wilson, Huggins and Carswell had attended a DAPTC seminar on Planning. The Parish Clerk had attended the full day “Clerks Seminar” arranged by DAPTC.


Village Fayre DAPTC Footpaths Village Hall
School Liaison Youth Organisations Sports Club

There were none.

21. Council to approve the following payments ALREADY MADE: –

Inv To Whom For What Net VAT Total
3373 HMRC PAYE and ENI Quarter 2 888.92 0.00 888.92

It was RESOLVED to approve the payment listed above.


Inv To Whom For What Net VAT Total
3374 T Watton Clerk’s salary – October (12 equal monthly payments by standing order) 878.20 0.00 878.20
3375 T Homer Handyman duties – September . 240.75 0.00 240.75
3376 Continental Landscapes Grass Cutting, Southern end of Rec – September 20.00 4.00 24.00
3377 The Landscape Group Cemetery maintenance- September 303.49 60.70 364.19
3378 HLF Planning Ltd Professional services (Mr D Bevan) – Neighbourhood Plan 85.00 17.00 102.00
3379 Lytchett Matravers Sports Club Grant award 2014-15 1600.00 0.00 1600.00
3380 Brighstone Landscaping Ltd Foxhills Open Space maintenance – July-Sept 14 560.93 112.19 673.12
3381 BDO LLP Annual Return fee 330.00 66.00 396.00
3382 Fields in Trust Annual membership fee 50.00 0.00 50.00
3383 Honeybun Plant Hire Supply and install capping on fence to Deans Drove – Foxhills OS path 320.00 64.00 384.00
3384 DAPTC Fee for Clerks Seminar – Sept 2014 50.00 0.00 50.00
3385 Full Circle Leisure Ltd Annual maintenance contract – Skate Park 408.00 81.60 489.60
3386 Lytchett Matravers Scout Group Grant – Fee for planning application regarding Club Hall 1185.00 0.00 1185.00

It was RESOLVED to approve all the payments listed above.


The Parish Clerk reported on the following correspondence received:

A letter from Viridor Credits accompanying a grant award of £3930 towards the Deans Drove – Foxhills Open Space path. The letter asks the Council to confirm to Viridor that the project is meeting the stated community objectives and asked:

(i) if the Council already has a Viridor plaque to put on display, and

(ii) what publicity is being arranged. Cllr Colvey indicated that he would respond on behalf of the Council.

DCC has issued a consultation exercise on litter and street cleaning – but with an unrealistic deadline of 31st October for responses. In view of this, Cllr Norris indicated that he would respond by stating that the deadline is not feasible.

A letter from HLF Planning Ltd with a copy of their terms of engagement (for signature) for input to the Neighbourhood Plan.

A letter from Prudential confirming that the investment transaction is complete, and enclosing a “Prufund Quarter Date Switch Statement”.

A letter from The Local Government Boundary Commission advising of the commencement of a consultation exercise on the review of electoral boundaries in Dorset.

A letter from DCC enclosing the formal public notice of the Traffic Regulation (Restriction of Waiting) (Wareham Road, Lytchett Matravers) Order no 7, 2014. This comes into force from 31st October 2014 and provides for a permanent “No Waiting” yellow line adjacent to No 94 Wareham Rd and the school crossing point. The restriction applies to the periods 8am-9am and 3pm-4pm Mon-Fri.

A letter from The Village Hall Committee requesting Parish Council grant support for a project to replace the fire doors in the Village Hall.


Cllr Norris confirmed that he is progressing the planning for the litter picking event.

Cllr Huggins reported that he had been approached by a resident with a question about street lighting. It was explained that whilst this matter is under the overall responsibility of DCC, they have outsourced the contracting elements. The DCC and subcontractors policy regarding enquiries and complaints is that individual residents must contact them individually.

The meeting closed at 9:59pm.

Annotated by/on …………………………….. Signed by/on …………………………

FullMinutes 141020 Appendix1.pdf
FullMinutes 141020 Appendix 2 (Policy for grants as amended 20 Oct 2014).doc

Minutes of Full Council meeting 20th October 2014