Minutes of the
Meeting held on Wednesday July 10th, at 7.30 p.m.
in the Blanchard Room, Lytchett Matravers Village Hall
PRESENT: Cllrs R Aspray (Chair), A Bush, A Huggins, P Webb, K Morgan, M Rigby, R Ong, and Mrs A Clothier (Locum Clerk)
PUBLIC PARTICIPATION: 1 member of the public was present. The member of the public asked for a review of the speed limit on Middle Road. The Parish Council explained that they are focusing on 20mph zone at present but the next phase will be to look at other speed limits. It was also raised that Halls Road has a significant dip on one side – this is difficult when pulling over for cars. The Parish Council suggested logging a complaint on Dorset Council’s website.
The new patio outside the Village Hall was also discussed – there is a dip towards the pathway which is not accessible for wheelchairs. Cllr Morgan to look into this.
- Apologies: Cllrs V Abbott, H Khanna, A Thomas, K Korenevsky
- Declarations of Pecuniary Interest – and consideration of requests for Special Dispensations under Section 33 of the Localism Act 2011.
Cllr Ong declared an interest in Item 8.
- To receive and approve minutes of the Finance & Gen Purposes Committee meeting held on 12th June 2024
It was raised that the final bullet point of Item 21 needs correcting from £25 to £15.
Subject to this change, these minutes were accepted as a true record of the meeting and were duly signed by the Committee Chair.
- To receive and consider reports of past subject matters.
The following matters were included in the Clerk’s report of past subject matters. [nb: comments made or decisions taken at the meeting are shown in italics]
Minute No | Action Point | Progress |
F&GP Cttee, 13 December, Minute 10 | Raise issues with Spinney Play Park | Play area issues are ongoing –
Cllr Abbot will meet Aster’s Neighbourhood Officer on site on the 25th July 2024. |
F&GP, 13 December, Minute 19 | Resolve light outside Tesco and Pharmacy | Cllr Abbott reported that they are waiting for a refurbishment which has been postponed. Cllr Abbot will monitor.
Ongoing. |
F&GP, 10 January, Minute 11 | Clerk to contact residents on the waiting list to re let allotments | Clerk to carry out check of allotments and write to tenants who are not tending their plots.
Ongoing |
F&GP, 14 February, Minute 10 | Clerk to prepare FAQs on allotments for the website | Items to be prepared for September meeting |
F&GP, 14 February, Minute 11 | Review Risk Register within 3 months and link to Internal Controls and Policy Register | To go on next agenda. Clerk to action |
F&GP, 14 February, Minute 13 | Clerk to set up a meeting with the Church to speak about the interment of ashes process. | Clerk to set up a meeting with Cllr Ong and the Church. To be arranged by September |
F & GP 12th June Minute 11 | To confirm and approve signatories against each of the Parish Council’s bank accounts. Clerk to contact banks | UTB in progress. Aim to complete by October |
F & GP 12th June
Minute 18 |
Re: 74 High Street, Lytchett Matravers – access via high street – Clerk to check previous correspondence. | A letter was sent to the resident in July 2021 to say that the Parish Council could not grant access rights as it was not the Parish Council’s land. Clerk to look at lease to see if there are restrictive clauses regarding a licence. |
F & GP 12th June
Minute 21 |
To accept Sutcliffe Play quote for zip line and trampoline | Work booked in |
F & GP 12th June Minute 21 | Clerk to investigate Dorset Council rent charge re: The Youth Hall | Email from Dorset Council saying it does look like we have been charged incorrectly. They will investigate further. Ongoing |
i. Planning applications – See Appendix 1
- To receive and note the 2024-25 year to date bank reconciliation (for purposes of report only).
A copy of the bank reconciliation was made available to all members ahead of the meeting and is attached at Appendix 2 to these minutes. It was RESOLVED to accept and approve this reconciliation.
- To receive and consider a report covering 2024-25 Council income and expenditure (for purposes of report only).
The report was made available to all members by the Parish Clerk.
It was RESOLVED to accept and APPROVE this.
The income and expenditure report is included in Appendix 2 to these minutes.
- To receive and consider a report on the current uptake, waiting list and upkeep of the allotments (for purposes of report only).
See Appendix 1
- To consider printing further Guerrilla Gardener recruitment leaflets
A further 500 leaflets are needed to deliver with the Parish Magazine at a cost of £64.50. It was raised that there is a charge for leaflets to be inserted into the Parish Magazine of £30.
It was RESOLVED to APPROVE the additional printing.
- To consider a report from the Guerrilla Gardeners on proposed improvements
Cllr Bush outlined that there are a number of projects that the Guerrilla Gardeners are working on including:
- Cutting verges on the High Street
- Bund at the Village Hall – some further drop posts will be placed at edge of the Recreation Ground so the purpose of the bund to stop vehicles driving on to the land no longer exists. Different ideas for the area were discussed.
Action: Cllr Aspray to speak to Woodlands nursery regarding planting suggestions
- Old School Green – it was suggested that the inner fence or gates could be removed and benches installed on the Green. This will be looked into.
- To consider installing 6 concrete slabs as a base for the donated bench on Church Walk
This is complete. The Percival family will need to be notified that the bench is in place.
Action: Clerk to notify the Percival family that the bench has been installed.
It was RESOLVED to APPROVE payment for the concrete slabs
- To receive and consider a report on the Youth Hall Car Park trial hole
See Appendix 3. The work was successful and this is a potential solution to the drainage issues on the site. The plans will be used to feed into the quotations, which will also include the disabled access.
- To consider a proposal for tree works in the Foxhills open space area.
A resident has asked about the maintenance of some large trees on the Foxhills Open Space, backing on to Gibbs Green. The Parish Council’s Tree Policy states that they will not be obliged to cut back healthy trees and it was not highlighted on the tree report that the trees are unhealthy. The concerns are that the trees are very tall and close to the property. The proposal is to get a tree surgeon to quote to thin and reduce the height of the trees. It was agreed to obtain a quote for the work.
Action: Cllr Huggins to obtain a quote for the tree works
- To consider Planning Application P/VOC/2024/03545 76 Wareham Road, Lytchett Matravers, BH16 6DT.
Application to vary condition no 2 of approved P/AP/HOU/2021/02735 (Erect a replacement garage) to allow the garage to be increased in length by 900m and re-sited to be 1500m from the existing building.
No objection in principle but would like the pitch of the roof to be reduced to decrease the detrimental effect on the neighbouring property.
- To consider any items for an article in the next Parish Magazine.
· Summer Festival – suggestion of meeting to organise the next year’s event.
· Two new Parish Councillors
· Church Walk Bench
- To note correspondence received.
· Cllr Ong – the bridleway off Foxhills Road is very overgrown and needs to be cut back.
Action: Cllr Ong to log this on the Dorset Council website
· Cllr Bush – follow up call with Tesco’s to take place on 12th July
· Cllr Huggins – a resident had passed on thanks to the Guerrilla Gardeners for clearing Abbotts Court pathway. The tactile surfacing for the dropped kerbs is complete. A meeting on the Inpost locker meeting will take place shortly.
· Cllr Morgan – there are graves that overlap other graves in the cemetery and action is needed to overcome this. The family need to be written to formally to ask them to reduce the size of the grave. The Parish Council could also consider reviewing the regulations to remove plastic flowers/ornaments.
· Cllr Webb – Gate at Church Walk – the padlock cannot be opened as the key has been lost. Parish Council to get rid of the existing chain and padlock and replace it with a new one.
The meeting closed at 9.11pm
Annotated by/on____ Alison Clothier (Locum Clerk) Approved by/on _____________________
Clerks Report Appendix 1.pdf
Budget Report Appendix 2.pdf
Bank Rec Appendix 2.pdf
YH Trial Hole 2nd July 24 – Appendix 3.pdf