Held on Monday April 24th 2017 at 7:00 in the Methodist Church, Lytchett Matravers.

PRESENT were Cllrs M Colvey, R Carswell, A Huggins, K Norris, J Taylor, E Wilson, P Webb, C Wood, and Mr T Watton (Parish Clerk).

3 members of the public and two representatives from Virgin Media were also present.

Presentation by representatives of Virgin Media concerning ultrafast broadband network connection work in Lytchett Matravers.

Mr. Edward Wickes, Community Liaison Officer with the Virgin Media, and a representative from the company’s engineering department undertook the presentation. A copy of the Powerpoint slides used is associated at appendix one to these minutes. It was clarified that the works are expected to commence in mid-June, with completion – subject to operational requirements – by September 2017. Almost all of the cabling will be in narrow trenches along pavements and therefore some inconvenience to pedestrians is to be expected. The presenters explained that Wayleave agreements would be required where cabling or cabinets are located on privately owned land. Scrutiny of the plan of the village showing the proposed areas for coverage revealed the need for some further adjustment to ensure commercial areas are incorporated and areas of significant residential density, such as Wimborne Road and the lower part of Middle Road are also included. Council members requested that liaison takes place regarding the areas of the village which it is more important to undertake outside of school term time to avoid exacerbating the pre-existing traffic and pedestrian congestion problems.

1. REceipt of apologies for absence – Cllrs A Bush, A Cottman, and County Cllr F Drane.

2. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION SESSION (standing orders suspended).

There was none.


The Chairman reported that Mrs Gracey had resigned as a member of the Council. The Parish Clerk clarified the process for advertising the resultant vacancy.


There were none.

5. Minutes of The Full Council Meeting on 20th MARCH 2017.

These were APPROVED as a true record of the meeting and signed by the meeting Chairman.


i. Minute 14, 21st September 2015 – website updating. It was agreed that all members would send their personal profiles to Cllr Colvey again. Action: all members.

ii. Minute 13, 19th September 2016 – replacement of Wareham Rd bus stop adjacent to the primary school. It was noted that neither Mr Hook nor his line manager, Mr Shaw, had responded to Cllr Wood’s communications. Cllr Wood is now going to approach Mr Shaw’s line manager, Mr M Piles.

iii. Minute 20, 17th October 2016 Decommissioning of Telephone Kiosks: A response from BT or the Conservation Officer at PDC is still awaited.

iv. Minute 11, 16th January 2017 – Deed of Dedication for protection of Old School Green. The Parish Clerk reminded those present that Old School Green was now fully protected. However, some minor paperwork for the Land Registry records is still outstanding from FIT. The Parish Clerk indicated that he would contact their Legal Officer again to chase this. Action: Parish Clerk to chase Fields In Trust again.

v. Minute 20, 16th January 2017 – steps in front of the pharmacy premises. The Parish Clerk reported that a response had been received from the owner of the Pharmacy premises offering a meeting to discuss any actions which may be appropriate to improve awareness of safety on the steps. Cllr Colvey agreed to meet with the owner accordingly.

  1. Extraordinary Council Meeting, 27th February 2017, Minute 4, bullet point 1 – PDC adherence to its own processes and guidelines re proposed RES. Cllr Webb reported that he had raised the matter of compliance with PDC procedures with relevant Officers at PDC, however it would seem they are not prepared to change their current stance or offer any further comment on the line they are taking to permit consideration of this proposal as it currently stands. Parish Council Members noted that the officer concerned, Sylvia Leonard, is leaving PDC. Cllr Wood expressed concern about the degree of fairness of PDC not including such “windfall” housing numbers as this within the Purbeck Local Plan allocation for Lytchett Matravers or taking any cognisance of it. Cllr Webb suggested writing to PDC formally on this latter point – which Cllr Wood agreed to do on behalf of the Parish Council.

vii. Minute 10a bullet 2, 20th March 2017 – Club Hall: Cllr Colvey referred to a letter from Mr. Holden. He explained that a letter had been written to DCC Cllr Finney in pursuit of the Neighbourhood Plan aims to acquire control of a number of village assets, including the land on which Club Hall stands. Cllr Norris expressed concern that, as the Council’s liaison person with the scouts, he felt this action had put him in a difficult position. It was agreed by all that there was a need to set up a meeting re-establish constructive dialogue with the Scouts on this matter.

viii. Minute 2, bullet 2, March 20th 2017 – pavement adjacent to 19 & 20 Huntick Estate. It was noted that PDC Planning Dept has not yet responded. Action: Parish Clerk to chase this.

7. District COuncillor’s report (Standing Orders suspended).

Cllr Meaden provided a written report as follows:

She expressed regret that she had been unable to attend the last Parish Council meeting. She had given talks and presentations at 2 schools that day and was pushing too hard to get everything done and attend the Council meeting also.

She reported that in the past month she had given talks to schools on democracy as part of the “British Values” element of the national curriculum. The talk encompasses her civic role as PDC Vice-Chairman. She also found the Away Day at Bulbury Woods to be of great interest and thanked the Council for allowing her to be there and take part.

She reported on a Councillor Briefing at Purbeck District Council on Safeguarding. Although attendance was compulsory it was run by a different agency than usual and with a rearranged emphasis which she found very thought provoking. Previous safeguarding has included radicalisation and although this was touched upon, the main thrust this time was on how councillors have a privileged position with access to people’s homes and problems.

Cllr Meaden reported that in the village she has been involved in complaints about potholes, dangerous pavements, the ever continuing parking problems especially at bus stops and more verbal abuse from lorries waiting to get into Tesco. She had also become involved in sewage problems with two residents and is in discussion with Public Health, the Environment Agency and Wessex Water on this matter. .

She reported that she had attended the village Annual Parish Meeting in the Library, but had little to do as Parish Councillors were all busy dealing with the residents who came in. She was pleased to see Councillor John Taylor looking so well and being out and about again. She stated that he had brought to the attention of a further Police Unit, the litterer at the bottom of Foxhills Road. This Unit is now working with Tesco at Fleetsbridge so hopefully this matter may now reach a satisfactory conclusion.

She observed that March & April saw quite a lot of planning applications in the village, with many small individual extensions and conversions up to the Wessex Water application, the Rural Exception Site and various developers coming forward with new options for the Local Plan.

In her civic role as Vice-Chairman of PDC she attended the Lyme Regis Civic Day which she found to be one of the more worthwhile civic days – with emphasis on local businesses and the community.

8. County Councillor’s report (Standing Orders suspended)

County Cllr Drane was unable to be present due to County Council election commitments.


Sports Club Governance Working Group – Cllr Webb reported that a meeting of the Working Group was scheduled to take place on Thursday, 27th April 2017.

Neighbourhood Planning Working Group – Cllr Wood referred to the comments made by Dist. Cllr Meaden highlighting that there may be some confusion amongst residents as to what the forthcoming NP Referendum refers to. It was noted that efforts will be needed to ensure members the public do understand what they are being asked to vote for. To that end Cllr Bush had adjusted the flyer – which needed to be delivered urgently. Cllr Huggins had arranged for the display of the banner. Members planned to be present near the village hall on polling day to support the communication efforts.

Huntick Cycle Way Working Group – Cllr Huggins reported that he has received an indication of costings from Helen Jackson (DCC) for four different options. It would seem DCC are currently focusing on the Parish Council’s preferred option, which has been costed at £571k. Cllr Huggins has drafted a questionnaire to go on to the Council’s website, and be distributed by the schools, to capture the level of public support for this initiative.

Village Centre Working Group – Nothing to report.

10. Recommendations from Committees:

The following recommendations were considered:

a) Finance & Policy Cttee – meeting 10th April 2017:

· To allocate an initial sum of £500 for legal advice towards recovery of the outstanding monies from the Sports Club, and any subsequent action required. RESOLVED

· Acceptance of the Bank Reconciliation and Accounts update as attached at Appendix 1 to the Finance & Policy Cttee minutes of 10th April 2017. RESOLVED

· That a request is sent to Dorset Highways to verify the matter of public right-of-way access to the field at the end of the allotment in Castle Farm Road used by the bee keeper. RESOLVED Action: Cllr Carswell to do this.

· The adoption of the meetings timetable for 2017/18 as attached at Appendix 2 to the Finance & Policy Cttee minutes of 10th April 2017. RESOLVED

· The acceptance of the quotations 2 and 3 from Poole Business Services, for attention the fence around Rocket Park, as detailed in minute 11 of the Finance & Policy Cttee minutes of 10th April 2017. RESOLVED

· That grant awards totalling £530, as detailed in minutes 12 and 13 of the Finance & Policy Cttee minutes of 10th April 2017 be awarded to CALM for membership CPRE, and to set up its own website. RESOLVED

· Acceptance of the year end Asset Register statement 2016/17 as attached at Appendices 3a and 3b to the Finance & Policy Cttee minutes of 10th April 2017. RESOLVED

· Acceptance and adoption of the amendment to the Council’s Financial Regulations as detailed in appendix 5 to the Finance & Policy Cttee minutes of 10th April 2017. RESOLVED

· Acceptance that no other changes are currently necessary to the Council’s Standing Orders or Financial Regulations at this time. RESOLVED

· That the Full Council notes that the annual review of the Burial Records has therefore been successfully concluded. RESOLVED

b) Planning Committee – meeting 6th April 2017:

· No recommendations.

It was RESOLVED to receive the minutes of both meetings.

11. 6/2017/0151 Mr & Mrs C & R Inman. 4 Scutts Close, Lytchett Matravers, BH16 6HB. Erect a single storey rear extension. NO OBJECTION

12. Consideration for agreement of Housing Needs Survey (see email to members 20th April 2017). It was RESOLVED to formally accept this.

13. Consideration of resolution requesting the District Council to commit to a further consultation on a full preferred options Draft Local Plan after the forthcoming forums have concluded their work and prior to the preparation of the Pre-Submission plan. Deferred to next meeting.

14. Report from Cllrs Colvey and Wood on annual review of the Council’s Insurance cover. Deferred to next meeting.

15. Renewal of Clerk’s membership of SLCC and approval of Annual membership fee of £139. It was RESOLVED to approve this.

16. 2016/17 year end statement of Council’s Earmarked Reserves. Deferred to next meeting.

17. Report of any training activity undertaken in the past month.

The Parish Clerk reported that he had attended two events run by DAPTC; the annual conference of DAPTC at Kingston Maurward on Thursday 23rd March 2017, and a Procurement course held in Dorchester on 3rd April 2017. He reminded those present that he was also booked on a four day SiLCA course offered by the Society of Local Council Clerks (SLCC) on 27th April, 22nd June, 27th July and 24th August 2017.

18. Reports of Representatives (by exception):-

Village Hall DAPTC Footpaths School Liaison
Youth Organisations Sports Club

There were no reports.

19. Council to approve the following payments already made:

Inv To Whom For What Net VAT Total
3734 HMRC PAYE / NIC Quarter 4 2016-17 879.66 0.00 879.66

20. Council to approve the following payments due:-

Inv To Whom For What Net VAT Total
3735 T Watton Clerk’s salary – April (12 equal monthly payments by SO) 849.84 0.00 849.84
3736 DCC LGPS pension contrib April 337.00 0.00 337.00
3737 T Homer Handyman duties, March 243.00 0.00 243.00
3738 Idverde Ltd Cemetery maintenance – March 2017 303.49 60.70 364.19
3739 Brighstone Landscaping Ltd Foxhills Open Space maintenance Jan-Mar 2017 620.43 124.09 744.52
3740 DAPTC Fees for Clerk’s attendance at Annual Conference (23/03/17 and Procurement Course (03/04/17) 120.00 0.00 120.00
3741 SLCC Enterprises Ltd Fee for Clerks attendance on CiLCA 4 day course Spring & Summer 2017 250.00 50.00 300.00
3742 Bulbury Woods Golf Course Fee for venue hire / catering for meeting 79.58 15.92 95.50
3743 SSE Car park lighting, Quarter 4 2016-17 16.70 0.83 17.53
3744 Shaw & Sons Ltd 2 x Allotment rental receipt books 37.75 7.55 45.30
3745 Dorset County Council Land rental annual charge – Club Hall 15.00 0.00 15.00
3746 Barrington International Ltd Pocket radar replacement unit 45.83 9.17 55.00
3747 HLF Planning Ltd Disbursements – Ordnance Survey licence 39.71 7.94 47.65
3748 CALM Grant payment 2017 530.00 0.00 530.00
3749 A Huggins Reimbursement of expenditure on NP referendum banner 20.00 4.00 24.00
3750 T Watton Reimbursement of mileage and office expenses 17.86 10.73 28.59
3751 Society of Local Council Clerks SLCC annual membership fee 139.00 0.00 139.00

Council RESOLVED to approve all of the payments listed in minutes 19 and 20 above.

21. “Openness of Local Government Bodies Regulations 2014”, Part 3, Paragraphs 6-10, Record of Decisions and Access to Documents – record of decisions taken by Parish Clerk.

The Parish Clerk had nothing to report.


A letter from PDC re street naming for development adjacent to Chequers pub “Chequers Field”. Action: Parish Clerk to add to agenda of next Full Council meeting.


Cllr Taylor reported on approaches to him from by two local residents: (i) regarding overhanging trees in Foxhills Crescent interfering with residents’ gardens from housing association land and (ii) concerns over safety problems arising from residents parking too close to road junctions. The complainant had asked whether the Council would support a request for yellow line parking restrictions. The members noted that item (i) is in effect a private dispute which the residents concerned will need to take up with the housing association. They also noted that Dist. Cllr Meaden has been raising the matters underlying item (ii) with the police. She indicated that she would continue her efforts on this matter.

Cllr Huggins commented that a grant request to M B Wilkes Ltd had not received a response. He is seeking advice about a named contact at the company to direct it to. He advised that he is also seeking quotes for the possible new / reoriented playing surface of the basketball park at the recreation ground.

The meeting closed at 9:05pm

Annotated by/on …………………………….. Signed by……………………

Full Council minutes 24th April 2017