80th Anniversary of D-Day
Thanks to the many village groups that came together to mark the 80th anniversary of D-Day. The War Memorial was bedecked with Not the WI poppies, the Longest Day was showing, tea and coffee were being served in the village hall together with the U3A exhibition of Lytchett in WWII. The Army Cadets provided a fitting guard of honour for the lighting of the beacon at dusk together with the reading of the National Tribute.
Cemetery Path
An extension to the cemetery path has been installed. This path is to link the current Row Park cemetery with the field above. This field is owned by the Parish Council and is earmarked for the future expansion of the cemetery; hopefully many years ahead.
Sports Pavilion Storage
As of the time of writing, the steel frame has finally been delivered and we expect this to go up reasonably quickly. This will allow the football club to securely store goal posts and bars and provide more space with the pavilion itself. This will then provide scope for further renovation.
Guerrilla Gardeners
Our gardeners have been in and around the village, mainly clearing the Wareham Road pavement in the last few weeks. This is an important route to the school and needs to be kept clear. This is the growing season and many verges have sprouted beyond our immediate capability. If you can trim the grass verge adjacent to your house, as many do, it would be a big help. We have also cut back the hedge opposite the Methodist Church which was becoming a real obstruction for passing vehicles. That will be much safer until it grows again.
The trees around the boules area have been re-staked and surrounded with chippings to improve the overall appearance and hopefully a level of protection.
We are looking for more volunteers for GGs. We meet on Tuesdays for just 2 hours. It is work, but everyone chats while they’re working so it’s a social group as well. Join in, have fun and do your bit to help our village. Please call or email the Parish Clerk and find out (details below).
New Parish Clerk
The Parish Council are please to welcome our new parish clerk, Julie Wigg. Julie has met some of the village residents and groups already, but will try to touch base with everyone over the next few months. Thanks to our locum, Alison Clothier, for standing in over the last few months.
Parish Council Meetings:
Our next meetings are on July 10th starting at 7.30pm and 24th starting at 7pm in the Village Hall. Agendas are published online and the report pack is available on request from the Parish Clerk. Meetings always start with a public participation session, so please come along if you have suggestions or questions that you would like to discuss with the Parish Council or just want to hear what is going on. Stay and listen to our discussions because it’s all about your village.
We still have vacancies for councillors, we have much to do and we need your help. Please let the Parish Clerk know if you would like more information about being a councillor and what it entails.
Alf Bush,
Chairman, Lytchett Matravers Parish Council
For further information please visit our website at: https://lytchettmatraverspc.org/ or contact the Parish Clerk via lytchettmatravers@dorset-aptc.gov.uk. The Parish Clerk can also be contacted directly on 07596-885667.