Lytchett Matravers Parish Council

Minutes of the meeting held on Monday, July 3rd 2017, in the Methodist Church, Wareham Rd, Lytchett Matravers at 7.00p.m.

Cllrs R Carswell, A Bush, A Cottman, A Huggins, K Norris, A Huggins, M Colvey and Mr T Watton (Parish Clerk)

One member of the public was present.

PUBLIC PARTICIPATION. A member of the public commented on item 10 below regarding the aim to clear vegetation on Eldons Drove lane. He expressed concern that any opening-up of the lane might adversely affect the security and privacy afforded to nearby properties, and that its use might promote additional short term parking problems in Eldons Drove. Cllr Bush responded by explaining that the Neighbourhood Plan includes the intention to use the lane as part of a safer walking route to & from the primary school and as such is part of a wider initiative to alleviate parking and traffic congestion problems as well as improve children’s safety. The direct access to the school from that direction would be intended to have a locked gate into the school grounds. The resident explained that he had no objection to the use of the lane for school children’s access, but was concerned that thus might also include access to the Lytchett Astro; and that opening the lane up might thus attract more use at other times too. Cllr Bush clarified that it was not intended to create an access to the Lytchett Astro site.

1. APOLOGIES. Cllrs E Wilson, B Barker.


3. Election of Committee Chair for 2017/18. Nominations: Cllrs R Carswell and E Wilson. Cllr Carswell was appointed by majority vote.

4. Election of Committee Vice Chair for 2017/18. Cllr E Wilson was nominated and duly appointed.

5. To receive and approve minutes of Environment and Amenities Cttee meeting held on May 8th 2017. It was RESOLVED to accept the minutes as a true record, and they were signed by the meeting Chairman.

6. To receive and consider reports of past subject matters. The Parish Clerk provided the following report:

Minute 6, 4th July 2016: footpaths – bridleway between Dolmans Hill and Morden, the footpath known as “Gypsy’s Path” which runs between Dolmans Hill and Middle Road, and a green lane running from Peatons Lane to Dolman’s Hill, all affected by fallen trees.

BACKGROUND AND HISTORY: Cllr Bush had previously reported that the tree which has fallen over the green lane running from Peatons Lane to Dolman’s Hill had not been removed, despite requests to DCC ROY dept to attend to the matter. The Parish Clerk reported this matter a second time to DCC Rights of Way department via their online reporting system and was given ref 20170113/0916. As he did not receive a response to this it was reported again in May 2017 by the Parish Clerk and logged by DCC Rights of Way Dept under the new ref no 20170308/0452.

Latest report: Despite this further reporting of the problem by the Parish Clerk, the ROW department at DCC had, as at 29th June 2017, still not provided any information on what action they have taken. Consequently the Parish Clerk contacted DCC and arranged for Katie Black, the “Purbeck Area Ranger” to contact him to discuss the matter. She confirmed that the tree had been removed. DISCHARGED.

Minute 12, 5th September 2016 –Ash tree at library walk. The Parish Clerk consulted the PDC Tree Officer, James Bennett. Mr Bennett confirmed that the multi-stemmed ash growing amongst the oaks near to the library is not protected by the group Tree Preservation Order that protects other trees at this location. He also said that in his opinion it would be of future benefit to the oaks to remove this ash. On this basis the Parish Council sought three quotes for its removal, selected a contractor and resolved to have the work undertaken. Subsequently the selected contractor, as a matter of routine, contacted the PDC Tree Officer immediately before commencing the work and was informed that the tree was within the group TPO after all. He has therefore had to submit an application for the works on the Council’s behalf. The outcome of that application is now awaited.

Minute 5b, 6th March 2017 At the committee meeting on 8th May 2017 Cllr Cottman advised that the required cross hatched area which is needed to keep a clear access to the tarmac path around the Recreation Ground will be painted by him after the Village Fayre has taken place. Cllr Cottman advised that he would attend to this before the next meeting of thus committee.

Minute 5g, 6th March 2017 House style benches (ideally recycled plastic) : Parish Clerk to gather together a representative sample literature covering the benches available.

REPORT: The Parish Clerk has discovered that there are a quite large number of suppliers and an even larger number of designs available for everything from domestic / minimal use garden benches, multi-coloured benches for school playgrounds, through to robust street furniture for high volume use such as at transport interchanges and city centres. The main suppliers of benches for use in public places, of recycled plastic construction, advertise frequently in the specialist Parish & Town Council publications. Of these the most prominent, competitive and reputable seem to be:




All three suppliers offer a good range of recycled plastic benches, with prices ranging from £300-£600 ex VAT – from which it should be possible for the Council to select a “house style” for all future benches installed in and around the village.

Members also reported on their own research into local suppliers of benches – and a Working Group was formed consisting of Cllrs Cottman and Huggins to investigate this matter further and to carry out comparisons of the value for money and robustness of local product offerings vs the national suppliers mentioned above. They agreed to provide a written report to the next meeting of this committee.

Minute 5, 8th May 2017: fault with “Record” roundabout at Rocket Park It had previously been reported that one of the roundabouts at Rocket Park may have a bearing problem. Sutcliffe Play Ltd looked at this and reported back to confirm the problem, and said they could undertake the work at an estimated £500+ as specialist parts needed to be ordered in. Subsequently the Parish Clerk discussed the matter with Poole Business Services who maintain all Poole Borough Council play areas. They confirmed that they could get the bearing made locally and fit it for an estimated £225 + VAT. As this is below the de-minimus, the Parish Clerk asked them to go ahead. The repair work is therefore in hand.

Minute 10, 8th May 2017: Outstanding risk assessments: The following are still outstanding:

– Benches…..Cllr Bush.

– Old School Green….Cllr Taylor.

– Recreation Ground….Working Group from E&A Cttee. It was agreed that this would consist of Cllrs Wilson, Norris, Carswell and the Parish Clerk.

– Club Hall….Cllr Wood.

7. To consider a proposal to remove the litter bin near the bus stop adjacent to Lytchett Matravers Primary School. It was RESOLVED to install a bin identical to the one adjacent to Rocket Park and to locate it as close as possible to the position of the old bin, but further back towards the hedge. It was noted that this work will need to be undertake after the removal of the concrete base of the old bus shelter and the relocation of the lamp post.

8. To receive and consider a paper about project and Working Group organisation. A copy of the paper produced by Cllr Bush is attached at Appendix 1 to these minutes. It has been annotated to show which Councillors are nominated as members of each Working Group – to be agreed with all nominees.

9. To initiate a review of the current objectives and performance of village and highway verge grass cutting.

The Parish Clerk explained that he had identified Mr Steve Davies, the Green Space team leader (East) who manages the grass cutting & weed spraying schedule for the part of the county which includes Lytchett Matravers. He has left message asking Mr Davies to contact him to confirm the locations and specification for urban and rural grass cutting and kerb weed spraying carried out by DCC and the local Housing Association (formerly PDC). Once those details are obtained they will form a foundation for a review of the effectiveness of the arrangements.

10. To consider a proposal to request DCC to allow the Parish Council to set up vegetation clearance of both Eldons Drove lane and the entrance to the Lytchett Astro

It was RESOLVED that the timing of presenting this proposal would be managed by the Eldons Drove Lane Working Group.

11. To receive and consider the Parish Clerk’s report covering the following physical assets.

A report as follows was circulated to all members in advance of the meeting:
11.1 Recreation Ground / car park.

(a) Some discussion took place regarding the possibility of replacement of the current dolly posts with recycled plastic ones. As part of the fact finding for that initiative the Parish Clerk agreed to calculate the cost per unit for purchase and installation of the current wooden dolly posts. Action: Parish Clerk to prepare a report covering this point.

(b) The installation of 2 x monohinge gates at Rocket Park and an inner “skin” to the fence on the long side adjacent to the zip wire – now completed. DISCHARGED.

(c) Work to clear the car park gutters of weed and rubbish. DISCHARGED

(d) Still no further progress noted regarding the proposal put forward by a member of the sports club to undertake some building work at the pavilion which will enable their bin to be stored inside the building and thus reduce the risk of fly tipping. This proposal would require the formal ratification of the Sports Club Committee.

11.2 Row Park Paddock.

Nothing to report

11.3 Allotments.

(a) There are currently 4 vacant plots. The Parish Clerk has asked Mr Mills to strim these plots to reduce the nuisance from weed seeding.

(b) During May the Allotment Association had canvassing plot holders to ascertain support for a process of grant applications for (i) a project to lay drainage pipes through the main trackways for plot holders to connect in to, (ii) purchase and installation of a toilet. Reminder – in order to progress this the Allotment Association would have to adopt a formal constitution so that it could apply for grants. Nothing further has yet been formally reported back from the Allotment Association regarding this initiative or the response from plot holders on the proposal.

(c) The advertising of vacant plots continues. The Allotment Association is also advertising the fact that there are vacant plots available for let.

11.4 Old School Memorial Green / War memorial.

(a) The contractor appointed by the Council’s insurers removed the damaged railings and installed the replacements on 4th May. DISCHARGED

(b) Mr Mills has still to arrange for soil to be delivered to fill the depression in the ground.

11.5 Cemetery.

Nothing to report.

11.6 Club Hall.

(a) The combination lock has still not yet been fitted to the gate. Prior to fitting the Parish Clerk will need to be informed of the combination number so that Gables garage, The Lighthouse and the Army Cadets can be informed. Action: Cllr Taylor to fit the lock and advise the Parish Clerk of the combination at the time when this is done.

(b) The matter of a car belonging to a Gables Garage customer who has apparently abandoned it is being looked into. The problem is evidently between Gables garage and their customer and thus for the proprietor of the Garage to resolve. The council is merely the lessee of the land on which it is parked. The essence of the problem is that an abandoned / defunct car cannot be disposed of without the registration document, but the garage business is apparently not in possession of this and lost contact with the owner of the vehicle some considerable time ago.

11.7 Hedges & Ditches.

Nothing to report

11.8 Foxhills Open Space.

(a) Poole Business Services have now installed the new risers to the path steps on either side of the stream. DISCHARGED.

11.9 Lytchett Astro.

Nothing to report

11.10 Footpaths.

(a) Following Cllr Norris’ approach to DCC prompted by a point raised under “public participation” by Mrs Hampshire, DCC had installed signs at each end of Jubilee Walk indicating that it is not a bridleway. DISCHARGED.

11.11 Other open spaces.

(a) The refurbishment of the bench near the posting box outside Tescos has now been completed. DISCHARGED

(b) The bench on High Street near the library windows and bus stop is still missing the front slat. The Handyman has adjusted its retaining bolts so they do not protrude and has wrapped the brackets with hazard tape whilst he urgently obtains a new slat – to be fitted as a high priority – see comment in report below to agenda item 12.

(c) The Handyman had repaired the bus shelter opposite Old School green by mortaring the loose bricks back in place. DISCHARGED.

12. To review the Handyman’s ad hoc task list.

Currently outstanding ad hoc tasks in priority order:

a) 6 x palings kicked out at Rocket Park fence, to be re-fixed. TH

b) Replacement of front slat on bench – High Street, adjacent to Library windows and near bus stop. TH has the timber but i still to obtain the replacement long bolts to fix it. Urgent H&S matter. TH.

c) Removal of the concrete ends of the damaged bench at junction of Huntick Rd and Huntick Estate – TH.

d) Fit two dolly posts at the Recreation Ground adjacent to where the bench was recently removed – to ensure its continued security. TH has the posts ready to install.

e) Refurbishment of benches – team working by TH and SM. Replace all timbers on other benches where rot is present. Wood treatment to all benches which are still sound.

Cut off the protruding bolts from the base where the bench has been removed from the recreation ground.

f) Rocket Park play area – replace broken gantt rail and re-fix fence palings. DISCHARGED

g) Investigation to see if the broken facia of the Basketball goal can be removed. Completed by TH. DISCHARGED

h) Cut off the protruding bolts on the back of the basketball board. Completed by TH. DISCHARGED

– NB: the above items are in addition to the following list of regular tasks the Handyman carries out every week:

– Litter pick – High Street car park

– Litter pick and clean – all bus shelters

– Litter pick and bin clearance – Lytchett Astro

– Litter pick and bin clearance Foxhills Open space play area

– Litter pick Rocket park play area

Safety inspections and routine maintenance (oil all bearings etc) Foxhills play equipment, Rocket park play equipment, Lytchett Astro, Skate Park, Basketball court.

13. To consider discussion paper covering highways issues to raise with DCC on their visit on 18th July 2017.

A list as attached at Appendix 2 to these minutes was agreed.


· Notification of branches from a tree on Willow Walk which had fallen onto a neighbouring garden fence.

· Reference by Cllr Cottman to a report of an investigation into problems with a residential property which may have been caused or exacerbated by tree roots from the Foxhills Open Space.

· An offer by a resident to help distribute Lytchett Link.

· An enquiry by a member of the public about Council support for the publication or distribution of a leaflet giving details of local walks.

There being no other business the meeting closed at 8:55pm.

EnvAmenitiesMinutes 170703 Appendix 1 (Working Group membership).docx
EnvAmenitiesMinutes 170703 Appendix 2 (DCC Highways Issues list).docx

Minutes of Environment & Amenities committee meeting 3rd July 2017