Lytchett Matravers Parish Council

Minutes of the meeting held on Monday, September 4th 2017, in the Methodist Church, Wareham Rd, Lytchett Matravers at 7.00p.m.

Cllrs R Carswell, K Norris, A Huggins, M Colvey and Mr T Watton (Parish Clerk)

One member of the public was present.


1. To receive and consider apologies for absence. Cllr A Cottman.

2. To receive any declarations of interest, and consider any requests for Special Dispensations under Section 33 of the Localism Act 2011.There were none.

3. Election of Committee Vice Chair for 2017/18. In view of his absence from this meeting it was RESOLVED to RECOMMEND to Full Council the appointment of Cllr A Cottman to this role.

4. To receive and approve minutes of Environment and Amenities Cttee meeting held on July 3rd 2017. It was RESOLVED to accept the minutes as a true record, and they were signed by the meeting Chairman.

5. To receive and consider reports of past subject matters. It was REsolved to accept the following report provided by the Parish Clerk: (further points added at the meeting are shown in italics).

Minute 6, 4th July 2016: footpaths – bridleway between Dolmans Hill and Morden, the footpath known as “Gypsy’s Path” which runs between Dolmans Hill and Middle Road, and a green lane running from Peatons Lane to Dolman’s Hill, all affected by fallen trees. It has been reported to the Parish Clerk that these obstructions have been removed. DISCHARGED

Minute 12, 5th September 2016 – Ash tree at library walk. This work has been completed. DISCHARGED.

Minute 5b, 6th March 2017 This matter was raised with DCC during the visit to the village in July. Notes of this visit have been circulated to all members as appendix 3 to the minutes of the F&P Cttee meeting on 14th August 2017. These notes indicated that Mr P Goodland (DCC) took this away as an action point to arrange. Action: Parish Clerk to monitor for the completion of this work.

Minute 5g, 6th March 2017 House style benches (ideally recycled plastic):

A group of Cllrs has been charged with building on the initial investigative work by the Parish Clerk reported at the last meeting. That further work concerns the development of a paper to include a scoped / costed project plan for progressive replacement of benches with a suitable standard and robust design in re-cycled plastic. The group consists of Cllrs Huggins and Cottman. The group will also investigate and propose a project plan for the progressive replacement of dolly posts at the Recreation Ground with a plastic alternative. RESOLVED.

Minute 10, 8th May 2017: Outstanding risk assessments: The following are still outstanding:

– Old School Green….Cllr Taylor.

– Recreation Ground….Working Group from E&A Cttee. It was RESOLVED to form this Working Group consisting of Cllrs Norris, Cottman and Carswell. Cllr Norris will propose a date / dates to undertake the assessment.

– Club Hall….Cllr Wood.

6. To consider a proposal to tidy the line of trees at Library Walk by removal of the Ivy. The Parish Clerk reported that he had sought the expert opinion of Mr S Mills, as grounds maintenance contractor, regarding the most cost efficient, environmentally friendly and effective way to remove ivy from the line of Oaks at Library Walk. His report with a recommendation on this was circulated to members by email on 03/09/17. It was RESOLVED to accept his recommendation to cut the ivy close to ground level and let it naturally die back. Action: Parish Clerk to arrange this with Mr Mills.

7. To receive and consider a request from the Sports Club to write off the remaining portion of a debt regarding repairs to the Lytchett Astro (members to see the email on this subject circulated to all members on 22nd August) The details of this were included in the letter circulated to all members by email on 22nd August 2017. It was RESOLVED to approve this, subject to the Sports Club committing to take over responsibility for the annual contract with Replay Ltd for Astro pitch maintenance with effect from the next renewal date.

8. To receive and consider the Parish Clerk’s report covering the following physical assets.

A report as follows was circulated to all members in advance of the meeting:
8.1 Recreation Ground / car park.

(a) Still no further progress has yet been noted regarding the proposal put forward by a member of the sports club to undertake some building work at the pavilion which will enable their bin to be stored inside the building and thus reduce the risk of fly tipping. As a reminder, this proposal would require the formal ratification of the Sports Club Committee.

(b) Opinion has been sought from Mr S Mills, as grounds maintenance contractor, regarding the most suitable way to manage the “bunds” near the village hall. His report with suggestions and estimates on this has been circulated to members by email on 03/09/17. The members expressed their gratitude to local residents for their efforts in panting and maintaining the section of the bund to the south side of the Parish Council office entrance. The council wishes to encourage this excellent work to continue, and more generally to encourage residents to adopt areas in this way. It was RESOLVED to accept Mr Mills recommendation and price of £90 to tidy up the section of bund along Vineyard Close to the north side of the Parish Council office entrance and the section fronting the High Street. Action: Parish Clerk to arrange for Mr Mills to attend to this.

(c) An update on progress by Poole Business Services regarding the repair to the “Record” roundabout will be provided as soon as it is received from the contractor. Some damage to Gantt rails and palings on the northern side of the Rocket Park fence will be attended to at the same time.

8.2 Row Park Paddock.

Nothing to report

8.3 Allotments.

(a) There are currently 5 vacant plots (2 resignations and 1 new let since the last E&A report).

(b) No news has yet been received regarding the Allotment Association’s initiative to canvass plot holders about support for grant applications for (i) a project to lay drainage pipes through the main trackways for plot holders to connect in to, (ii) purchase and installation of a toilet. Reminder – in order to progress this the Allotment Association would have to adopt a formal constitution so that it could apply for grants.

(c) The advertising of vacant plots continues. The Allotment Association are now also advertising the fact that there are vacant plots available for let.

(d) The half yearly liaison meeting between allotment holders and Parish Council representatives is due to take place on Wednesday 11th October at 7:30pm in the Methodist Church. A poster advertising this to all plot holders is on display on the allotments noticeboard. There are currently 4 vacant plots. The Parish Clerk has asked Mr Mills to strim these plots to reduce the nuisance from weed seeding.

8.4 Old School Memorial Green / War memorial.

(a) Mr Mills has still to arrange for soil to be delivered to fill the depression in the ground.

8.5 Cemetery.

Nothing to report.

8.6 Club Hall.

(a) The combination lock has still not yet been fitted to the gate. Prior to fitting the Parish Clerk will need to be informed of the combination number so that Gables garage, The Lighthouse and the Army Cadets can be informed. Action: Cllr Carswell to approach Cllr Taylor about this.

(b) The matter of a car belonging to a Gables Garage customer who has apparently abandoned it has not yet been resolved by the garage. Reminder: the problem is between Gables garage and their customer. The council is merely the lessee of the land on which the vehicle has been parked. The problem is that an abandoned / defunct car cannot be disposed of without the registration document, but the garage business is apparently not in possession of this and has lost contact with the owner of the vehicle. The combination lock has still not yet been fitted to the gate. Prior to fitting the Parish Clerk will need to be informed of the combination number so that Gables garage, The Lighthouse and the Army Cadets can be informed. Action: Cllr Taylor to fit the lock and advise the Parish Clerk of the combination at the time when this is done.

8.7 Hedges & Ditches.

Nothing to report

8.8 Foxhills Open Space.

A technical report on the effect of roots from a tree planted on the open space on a property in The Spinney is awaited.

8.9 Lytchett Astro.

Nothing to report

8.10 Footpaths.

Nothing to report.

8.11 Other open spaces.

(a) The work to remove the multi-stemmed Ash Tree within the line of Oaks at Library Walk was completed in August, after PDC approved this work. This approval was necessary due to its inclusion in a group TPO. DISCHARGED

(b) Mr Mills has been asked to deal with overgrowth affecting the area adjacent to the Deans Drove end of Willow Walk – as raised by a resident in the public participation session at the August Full Council meeting.

(c) Mr Mills has been asked to provide a quote for removal of the fallen tree affecting Willow Walk.

(d) The work to replace the bus stop adjacent to the school in Wareham Rd has been completed. All that remains is for the handyman to install the replacement waste bin nearby, when it is delivered by the suppliers.

(e) The handyman has completed the repair to the bench at the bus stop in the High street, near the library. DISCHARGED

9. To review the Handyman’s ad hoc task list.

Currently outstanding ad hoc tasks in priority order were noted:

a) 6 x palings kicked out at Rocket Park fence and a damaged gantt rail, to be re-fixed by Poole Business Services when they attend to repair the Record roundabout. PBS

b) Installation of new waste bin near the new bus stop on Wareham Rd. TH

c) Fit two dolly posts at the recreation ground adjacent to where the bench was recently removed – to ensure its continued security. TH has the posts ready to install.

d) Refurbishment of benches – team working by TH and SM. Replace all timbers on benches where rot is present. Wood treatment to all benches which are still sound.

– NB: the above items are in addition to the following list of regular tasks the Handyman carries out every week:

– Litter pick – High Street car park

– Litter pick and clean – all bus shelters

– Litter pick and bin clearance – Lytchett Astro

– Litter pick and bin clearance Foxhills Open space play area

– Litter pick Rocket park play area

– Safety inspections and routine maintenance (oil all bearings etc) Foxhills play equipment, Rocket park play equipment, Lytchett Astro, Skate Park, Basketball court.


There was none.

There being no other business the meeting closed at 8:15pm.

Minutes of Environment & Amenities committee meeting 4th September 2017