Lytchett Matravers Parish Council

Minutes of the meeting held on Monday, January 9th 2017, in the Methodist Church, Wareham Rd, Lytchett Matravers at 7.00p.m.

Cllrs A Cottman (Committee Vice Chairman), A Bush, A Huggins, K Norris, and Mr T Watton (Parish Clerk)

No members of the public were present.

1. APOLOGIES. Cllrs E Wilson, M Colvey, and R Carswell

2. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION. There was none.

3. MINUTES OF ENVIRONMENT AND AMENITIES COMMITTEE MEETING HELD ON 7th November 2016. It was RESOLVED to accept the minutes as a true record, and they were signed by the meeting Chairman.


Minute 6, 4th July 2016: Foxhills open space – tree overgrowth. The Parish Clerk reported that the work has substantially been completed. However one tree was missed. He has written to Brightsone Landscaping about this.

Minute 6, 4th July 2016: MUGA – weed and tree growth maintenance. The Parish Clerk reported that he had arranged for Mr Mills to cut back the overgrowth either side of the vehicle access track and pathway. DISCHARGED.

Minute 6, 4th July 2016: footpaths – bridleway between Dolmans Hill and Morden, the footpath known as “Gypsy’s Path” which runs between Dolmans Hill and Middle Road, and a green lane running from Peatons Lane to Dolman’s Hill, all affected by fallen trees. Cllr Taylor had confirmed that he would visit each of these to confirm the work had been done, but has not yet provided a report. In the meantime Cllr Bush was able to confirm that the tree which has fallen over the green lane running from Peatons Lane to Dolman’s Hill has no yet been removed. Action: Parish Clerk to chase this up. [NB this has subsequently been reported by the Parish Clerk and is logged by DCC under reference 20170113/0916]

Minute 10, 4th July 2016: Risk assessment of recreation Ground. It was noted that the Parish Cllr had prepared this – which was subsequently accepted by the committee. A copy is attached at Appendix 1 to these minutes. DISCHARGED

Minute 12, 4th July 2016: Correspondence – Stephen Mepham, DCC Community Highway Team Leader re parking congestion on Wareham Rd and surrounding area. It had been previously agreed that Cllr Bush, as school Cllr, and Cllrs Huggins and Carswell would meet informally in preparation for a possible meeting with representatives from DCC. The aim of this preparation is to further develop the possible solutions, including utilisation of the land next to the Lytchett Astro as a car park to help alleviate this problem. DISCHARGED.

Minute 5, 5th September 2016 – ROSPA safety inspection report: The Parish Clerk confirmed that South Coast Fencing had bene contacted, as greed at Full Council, and asked to undertake this work at their quoted price. This element is therefore DISCHARGED. The Parish Clerk is to check the reported gap on the joint at the centre of the spiral slide on the Foxhills Play area, and the 5mm radius edges on the skate park equipment since these appear to be merely items repeated from the previous annual report despite having been attended to. Action: Parish Clerk to undertake these checks accordingly.

Minute 11, 5th September 2016 – Bus shelter, Wareham Rd – removal of tree. It was noted that this matter has been completed with the exception of the removal of the tree stump & root. It is RECOMMENDED that the DCC contractors are asked to remove this when they attend to dig up and remove the bus shelter concrete base.

Minute 12, 5th September 2016 –ash tree at library walk. The Parish Clerk reported that the PDC Tree Officer, James Bennett, had not responded to his request for advice on this matter. Action: Parish Clerk to chase this for a site visit to obtain necessary advice.


Recreation Ground / car park.

a) The Parish Clerk is to request Mr Mills removes the small hedge at the eastern end of the High Street car park as it is incomplete and always looks untidy. Action: Parish Clerk to speak to Mr Mills about this accordingly.

b) It had been previously reported that correspondence from a local resident raised a complaint about car parking at the Village Hall end of the car park – which still occasionally blocks access to the tarmac path around the Recreation Ground. In response, Cllr Taylor had agreed to paint a further cross-hatched area at the end of the footpath to indicate to vehicle users the area which needs to be kept clear. This has not yet been completed and so Cllr Cottman has confirmed that he will do this in the Spring. Action: Cllr Cottman to arrange this painting in due course.

c) Regarding the previously reported idea of painting distance marks on the tarmac path at 100 metre intervals for the benefit of walkers and joggers, it was RECOMMENDED that this work is undertaken internally by a Council member during the Spring / Summer.

d) The Parish Clerk reported that correspondence had been received from Poole Borough Council who had taken on the grass cutting contract for the southern end of the Rec from Continental Landscapes. They are now unable to sustain the discounted price for this work as a result of the Sports Club having ceased their contract for cutting of the main playing field (the two areas were cut at the same time to achieve economies of scale). Consequently it was agreed to RECOMMEND Full Council that:

(i) A request is made to the Sports Club for information about the contractor who now cuts the main playing field…and that this contractor is asked to quote for cutting the southern part of the rec.

(ii) That Mr Mills is asked to quote for cutting the southern part of the rec.

Row Park Paddock. Nothing to report.


a) The Parish Clerk reported that there are now eleven full plot and one half plot vacancies as a result of plot holders giving up. There is no common theme in the reasons given, so it would appear that popularity of allotment gardening is currently on a declining trend. There are no names on the waiting list and a vacancies notice has been on display on the noticeboards and website since mid-summer 2016. Holders of a total of 31 plots (out of 71) have paid their 2017 rental fee so far.

b) It was noted that the more significant problem of the overhanging tree branches from Dyetts Wood has not been attended to by the contractors employed by the owner of the wood. An action had been agreed at the previous meeting for Cllr Colvey to forward photos to the owner of Dyetts Wood and to seek to clarify what they will be doing about the tree branches. Action: Cllr Colvey to provide an update on this follow-up task. .

Memorial Green/War Memorial.

The Parish Clerk reported that the finalised Deed of Dedication for protection of this open space under the Centenary Fields scheme have been received from Fields in Trust for Council signatures. Nothing to report regarding condition or maintenance. It was agreed that this would be signed at the forthcoming Full Council meeting.

He also reported that an insurance claim had been submitted, with details obtained from the police, in respect of the damage done to the railings through the vehicle collision with them in December 2016.


Nothing to report.

Club Hall.

The Parish Clerk reported on the correspondence with a nearby resident who had complained about vehicle being driven up tithe doors of the Club Hall. The Parish Clerk had requested that the resident provides details of ay cars involved. After two reports in a 2 week period in December which were subsequently reported the Lighthouse Family Church administrator, it is hoped that this will now cease.

Hedges and Ditches.

Nothing to report.

Foxhills Open Space.

Members were reminded about the rotten railway sleeper which forms the central section of the bridge over the stream. The Parish Clerk indicated that he would identify a contractor to replace this. Action: Parish Clerk to find a contractor accordingly.


It was confirmed that the nominated contractor had been contacted to repair the section of fence at beside the goal at the western end of the pitch.


Nothing to report.

Other open spaces.

Cllr Cottman reported that he had visited the Tesco store regarding the installation of the Defibrillator cabinet. A local electrician had volunteered to wire it in on the external wall – either near the ATM or adjacent to where he fridges are situated in the shop.

6. Report from Huntick Cycle Way working group.

Cllr Huggins commented that there was nothing further to formally report as no response had yet been received from DCC. Cllr Huggins indicated that he would contact Helen Jackson to chase this if nothing is hears in the next week or so.

7. Review of Handyman ad hoc task list.

Currently outstanding ad hoc tasks in priority order:

a) Replace further damaged Gantt rails and palings on Rocket Park fence – TH

b) Emergency repairs to damaged benches – TH

c) Removal of damaged bench at junction of Huntick Rd and Huntick Estate – TH.

d) Refurbishment of benches – team working by TH and SM. Dismantling and removal of bench in front of Vineyard Close flats; replace all timbers on other benches where rot is present. Wood treatment to all benches which are still sound. NB: Bench in front of Tescos to be refurbished by the Local Conservative Association.

8. Consideration of further fencing options for Rocket Park.

The following options were considered:

1. No fence.

2. Repair damaged 100ft of fence to existing standard and design.

3. Repair substantial continuous run of damaged length to an upgraded standard as a trial. Double sided palings affixed with “tap-in” screws.

4. Replace entire fence with metal railings.

It was agreed to RECOMMEND option 3 to Full Council.

9. Annual risk assessments of Council physical assets.

After a brief discussion it was agreed to RECOMMEND to Full Council that the Parish Clerk should undertake an initial review and update of each of last year’s risk assessments and then distribute to members to check and further update against the assets involved:

– Benches…..Cllr Bush.

– Old School Green….Cllr Taylor.

– Allotments….Cllr Wilson.

– Recreation Ground….Working Group from E&A Cttee.

– Cemetery…..Cllr Wilson.

– Bus Shelters…..Cllr Norris.

– Club Hall….Cllr Wood.

– Foxhills Open Space……

Further, regarding the risk assessment for the Recreation Ground it was agreed that the risk of incursions should be added. It was agreed to RECOMMEND to Full Council that a review should be carried out by a Working Group to map out the alternatives to strengthen the recreation ground defences in general, and the bund in particular.


There was none.


It was agreed that the next E&A agenda should include an it mot consider and recommendations for: a) a “house style” for new benches, and

b) a policy for responding to offers to donate a bench. Action: Parish Clerk to research a standard policy for this.

There being no other business the meeting closed at 9pm.

EnvAmenitiesMinutes 170109 Appendix 1 (Risk Assessment for Rec Ground – 2016 -17).doc

Minutes of Environment & Amenities committee meeting 9th January 2017