CALM 2016 Facts
- Lytchett Matravers currently has c1500 houses
- Lytchett Matravers is still committed to 50 houses as in the old Purbeck Plan - the Huntick Road development
- Lytchett Matravers also provides houses for Purbeck numbers through 'windfall' - not included in the Plan, e.g. Chequers car park (9); rear of the Rose & Crown (5); Wessex Water site (c20-24); plus other single plots developed across the village. Total to 2030 likely to be close to 50
- Lytchett Matravers is surrounded by Green Belt to protect it from development that might merge communities - how can this be lifted to provide more housing?
- Partial Review proposals would increase the village housing by 6-20% or have a new village 66% the size of Lytchett Matravers on its border
Please join us because...
- We challenge the numbers used in the consultation
- Our Green Belt was placed here for a reason - we need to fight to protect it!
- This review is being challenged by Parish Councils across Purbeck - who worry about infrastructure, jobs, second homes and impact on tourism - a major local employer. We need to join them as well
- Purbeck councillors and local MPs are also challenging the proposals and we would urge local residents to join the fight
Did you know?
The recent decision by a government inspector has told Purbeck District Council to provide an additional 3080 houses in Purbeck, on top of the planned 2520 by 2030. This is known as the Partial Review of the Purbeck Plan.
The proposals for Lytchett Matravers are either:
- Option 1: 94 houses
- Option 2: 330 houses
- Option 3: 600 houses
- 980 houses - creation of a new village at the bottom of Wareham Road (but located in the Parish of Lytchett Minster, who would receive most of the financial benefit of the development)
Our village is surrounded by Green Belt protection that is going to be lifted to provide these extra houses - contrary to its original purpose!
Why's this happening?
When the Purbeck Local Plan was adopted there were concerns from government inspectors about the housing numbers included in it. Like our Neighbourhood Plan these documents provide for regulated housing and development.
Hence there has been a Partial review of this Plan in respect of the housing numbers.
This partial review has determined that the proposed 2520 houses to be provided were insufficient due to a suggested increase in population and number of jobs in the area (location unspecified).
So the inspector has worked out in a format that is being challenged, that purbeck needs an additional 3080. Purbeck District Council have been trying to work out where they should go...
This web page is produced by CALM 2016 in conjunction with the Parish Council
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