The Parish Council is your democratically elected local authority and made up of unpaid councillors who are elected to serve for four years.

If you are interested in becoming a parish councillor, you should contact the Parish Clerk who can tell you when the next elections will be held or whether there are any ad hoc vacancies. If vacancies do arise, they will be advertised in a number of places, including this website, the Dorset Council website, the Parish Magazine and across the Parish Council’s social media channels.

You can read more about the role of a Parish Councillor on the "What is the Parish Council?" page here, and when the council holds it meetings on the Council Meeting Schedule page. You can also view the Councillors' Registers of Interests here.

Full Council

Chair: Alf Bush
Vice Chair:
Andrew Huggins

Vicky Abbott

Rob Aspray
92 High Street, BH16 6BJ
07989 524075

Matthew Rigby

Alf Bush
The Shooting Box, Middle Road BH16 6HJ
01202 622500

Aaron Thomas

Andrew Huggins
23 Trenchard Meadow BH16 6NA
01202 623939

Hannah Khanna
07803 477502

Karen Korenevsky
07956 408393

Ken Morgan
3 Palmers Orchard BH16 6HG
01202 622447 / 07540 701027

Peter Webb
Old Park Farm, Dolman’s Hill BH16 6HP
01929 459232 / 07774 180182

Finance & General Purpose Committee

Vice Chair

R Aspray
R Ong
K Korenevsky, V Abbott, H Khanna, K Morgan, P Webb.

The Council Chair (Alf Bush) and Vice Chair (Andrew Huggins) are members of all council committees by virtue of their leading council roles.

Dorset Councillors

Lytchett Matravers sits in the Dorset Council ward of Lytchett Matravers and Upton. You can see more about the ward and exactly where the boundaries lie on the Dorset Council web site at

map showing the Council boundary

Lytchett Matravers is served by three Dorset Council councillors:

Cllr Alex Brenton:
Cllr Steve Robinson:
Cllr Andrew Starr:

Clerk to the Parish Council

Julie Wigg
Tel: 07596 885667

The role of Clerk is to ensure that Council business is conducted properly and to provide independent, objective and professional advice and support.

You can read more about the roles of councillors and the Parish Clerk here.