The goal of the Highways working group is to work with Dorset Council Highways team to improve pedestrian and vehicular access and safety around the village.

Many of the projects that LMPC want to carry out will require agreement and funding from Dorset Council Highways. To achieve this, the project group aims to establish a more formal working arrangement with DC Highways to help ensure their progress.

The list of projects that currently falls under this group includes the Wareham Rd School Crossing, High Street Crossing, Tesco Forecourt, 20 MPH application, Huntick Cycleway extension, and Drop kerbs expansion around the village.

You can read about the status of our progress in the reports below.

If you have any questions about these project or the working group please contact the Parish Clerk

DC Highways & Working Group Updates

Read the latest updates about Dorset Council Highways and the working group

If you have any questions please contact the Parish Clerk