June is here and there is a lot going on in the village

Parish Council Councillor Vacancies:

The new council was formally sworn in on 22nd May with 9 elected councillors. We have vacancies for two new parish councillors, which will be advertised this month. If you are interested in becoming a councillor, please contact the Parish Clerk who can arrange for a chat to discuss what is involved.

Thursday, June 6th: The 80th Anniversary of the D-Day Landings

Arrangements to commemorate the 80th anniversary of the D-Day landings which will culminate with the lighting of the beacon and reading of the Nation’s Tribute up on the Recreation Ground at 9pm.

Events in the Village Hall will include:

  • 3:30pm – 9pm: Dorset was a major preparation area for the departing forces and there are many stories involving the community of Lytchett Matravers. To celebrate this, The U3A will be putting on an exhibition of wartime memorabilia and archive material in the Blanchard Room in the Village Hall from 3:30pm.
  • 3:30pm – 9pm: Refreshments will be available in the Village Hall via the Blanchard Room entrance
  • 5:00pm – 8:45pm: Commemorative Film, The Longest Day, shown in conjunction with Purbeck Film Festival [https://purbeckfilm.com/product/the-longest-day-pg-lytchett-matravers-village-hall/]. Doors will open at 5pm. The film will commence at 5:30pm, with an intermission at 7pm. Tickets cost £5 to cover film licence and hall hire. Any surplus will be donated to the British Legion.  To order your Tickets for the film showing, please contact Rob Asprey at asprayr@gmail.com or by messaging 07989 524075.

Up on the Recreation Ground:

  • 7pm – 10pm: Sports Pavilion pop-up bar will be open with a variety of beer, wine and soft drinks
  • 9:00 – 9:30pm: Beacon Lighting. The ceremony starts at 9pm when our Cadets will process with the beacon to the centre of the Recreation ground. The beacon will be lit at 9.15pm, accompanied by the reading of the Nation’s Tribute.

You can read more about what else is going on across the country at D-Day 80 Beacons.

June 6th is also National Fish & Chips Day.  Jo Meade’s fish and chip van will be in #UpOnTheRec car park as usual. Pre-film or intermission suppers can be ordered in advance. Seating will be provided on the Village Hall terrace. No food will be allowed in the hall during the actual film screening.

We are hoping the evening weather will be as kind to us as the last beacon lighting for the Jubilee in 2022.

Saturday, June 15th: The Annual Parish Meeting.

We plan to set up our stand on Library Green from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m., during which time you can come and ask Parish Councillors anything you like, good or bad.

Saturday, June 22nd:  The Midsummer Village Festival #UpOnTheRec.

This will be split into a fun day of two halves.

2pm -6pm will be Afternoon family fun, featuring the bouncy castle, new extended train rides, face painting, craft stalls, games, Balloon magic, Ice Cream, Teas & Coffees, cakes Dorset Search & Rescue event truck and more. Main afternoon events include:

  • 2 – 3pm Family fun Dog Show—with a fun, everyone wins approach to appreciating all the lovely dogs in our village. Look out for full details and how to get involved.
  • 3 – 4pm Moo Music Show – a fabulous kids’ party over on the big stage.

4pm-9pm LM Music Festival Time up on the big stage, with local stars: Holly Jay,  Heather Williams, Red Hot Dorset Nagas, a Red Hot Chilli Peppers cover band, Flynns Arcade, a popular rock jam band.

Refreshments: There will also be plenty of refreshments, including the Sports Pavilion pop-up bar, Jo Meade Fish & Chips, Pizzas, cake, cocktails and much more.

STALL HOLDERS: Please get in touch if you would like to set up a suitable stall and we can slot you in.

VOLUNTEERS: If you think you have some time to help with the organisation on the day, please get in touch. We need volunteers to help with set up and clear up. We also need a number of Marshalls for the day. But most of all we absolutely need visitors to make it the most fun it can be.

June Meeting:

The June meetings will be in the Village Hall. On Wednesday 12th and 26th at 7pm. Agendas are published online, and the report pack is available on request from the Parish Clerk. Meetings always start with public participation, so please come along if you have suggestions or questions that you would like to discuss with the PC or just want to hear what is going on.


Alf Bush,

Chairman, Lytchett Matravers Parish Council

For further information please visit our website at: https://lytchettmatraverspc.org/ or contact the Parish Clerk via lytchettmatravers@dorset-aptc.gov.uk

LMPC Newsletter June 2024
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