In a news release, Dorset Council are requesting that anyone looking to donate items such as clothing, electrical goods, etc. using a recycling bank in a car park, to keep hold of them until the pandemic is over, because these car park recycling banks are not currently being emptied. Some people are leaving bags outside or next to closed recycling banks. Not only is this considered fly-tipping, it’s likely the contents will be spoiled and will probably end up as regular rubbish.
In the release, the Council says:
If you have items that you would usually take to a recycling bank in a car-park, please wait until the banks are being emptied again, consider if there’s another way to deal with them while maintaining social distancing, or reduce what you produce. For example: –
- Could your clothes and textiles be donated elsewhere, or sold online?
- Could you switch from cartons to different packaging that can be recycled at the kerbside?
- Can your old electronic device be fixed?
- Could you use alternatives to foil?
As soon as volunteer, staff and resource levels return to normal, we will ensure all recycling banks are opened back up and make an announcement.
You can read the full press release here.