Benny’s Bumps BMX Track
Back in 2020/21 a lot of work was done to improve the Recreation Ground car park and Eldons Drove path. For a short while this left a heap of soil at the lower end, which was subsequently shaped into a BMX track by Benny Gould of Gould Groundworks.
LMPC were very grateful to Benny for donating his time and machinery to put the track together and for his ongoing commitment to maintaining it.
The BMX track has now been formally recognised with a new sign and has been officially named Benny’s Bumps.
Guerrilla Gardeners out and about
Although the Guerrilla Gardeners are not officially restarting until March, they have been taking advantage of some of the lovely weather that we have had to get ahead on some small jobs around the village.
One of these was to remove the bags of chippings that were being stored by Rocket Park and spread them around Rocket Park and at the entrance to the dog area so make things a little less soggy under foot.
Broken Glass on the Rec
We did notice some broken glass in the area of the upper entrance to the dog area which we have cleared away, but the glass was in very small pieces, so please watch out and take care. If you do spot any further issues, please let us know.