Meeting held on Wednesday May 11th 2022, at 7.00 p.m. in the Sports Pavilion

PRESENT: M Attridge (Committee Chair), V Abbott, R Aspray, B Barker, M Colvey, A Huggins, H Khanna, K Korenevsky, P Webb, and Mr T Watton (Parish Clerk).

No members of the public were in attendance.


There was none.

1. Apologies:

Cllrs A Bush & K Morgan.

2. Declarations of Pecuniary Interest – and consideration of requests for Special Dispensations under Section 33 of the Localism Act 2011.

Cllr Colvey declared an interest in item 7 below, as the applicant of this planning application.

3. To receive and approve minutes of the Finance & Policy Committee meeting held on 13th April 2022.

The minutes were ACCEPTEDas a true record and signed by the Committee Chairman.

4. To receive and consider reports of past subject matters.

The following matters were included in the Clerk’s report of past subject matters. [nb: comments made or decisions taken at the meeting are shown in italics]

i. F&GP Cttee 11 Aug 2021 Minute 4 – New dog waste bin for Middle Rd. Dorset Waste Services have been contacted with a request to reinstate clearances of this bin.

ii. F&GP Cttee 13 Oct 2021 Minute 7, Allotments vacancies and waiting list. The only vacant plots currently are plot 12 and plot 33 (previously numbered plot 31). Plot 12 is under treatment by George Mills to deal with the weed infestation and plot 33 is being investigated by a groundsworks contractor who has exposed a quantity of brick / rubble under its surface.

Three further Lytchett Matravers residents have joined the waiting list within the last report (April). One further resident has decided they don’t want a plot after all and so have been removed from the list. Three vacant plots have been let this month. One existing tenant (plot 11) has advised that she is giving up wef 31st May 2022 and will clear belongings from the plot by that date. This decision was promoted by a communication asking the tenant to bring the plot back into cultivation.

The tenants of the following nine plots have been written to regarding the condition of their plots / lack of cultivation: 11, 36, 47, 52, 55, 56, 65, 67 and 69.

iii. F&GP Cttee 10th Nov 2021 Minute 13 Review of play equipment in Rocket Park play area. Cllr Abbott had agreed to visit other play areas and report back with suggestions for alternative items of play equipment to replace the Record Roundabout. At the April 2022 meetingCllr Abbott reported that she has seen a see-saw which she considered suitable. She is working with Cllr Huggins to obtain three comparative quotes for supply and installation of an item of play equipment which she will propose to replace the Record roundabout.

iv. F&GP Cttee 8th Dec 2021 Minute 9, proposal to replace and re-site War Memorial flagpole. This has now been installed. DISCHARGED

v. F&GP Cttee 8th Dec 2021 Minute 10, Condition of bus shelter at lime Kiln Rd opposite the war memorial. Cllr Morgan reported that he had examined this closely and found that the structure of the roof is poor and the brickwork at one end is crumbling. Consequently he felt that the original proposal to treat the roof with a coating and to modifying the shelter to create an opening facing the road was not practical. At the April meeting of the Full Council RESOLVED that the roof is removed by a specialist asbestos contractor, the brickwork is demolished and removed from site, the base is made good, and then the surrounding soil level raised to the level of the surface of the base.

vi. F&GP Cttee 13th April 2022 – Bins At the F&GP Cttee meeting on 13th April 2022 it was agreed that the Parish Clerk should write to the Manager of the Tesco Express store to formally request them to reinstate the bin they had removed from outside the shop. This letter has been sent.

vii. Planning applications:

Planning application 6/2021/0282 Land east of Wareham Road Lytchett Matravers. Phased residential development of site for 95 dwellings, new vehicular and pedestrian access onto Wareham Road and other associated works including landscaping and open space.DC planning portal shows that this application has still not yet been determined.

Planning application 6/2021/0361 Bexington Lime Kiln Road Lytchett Matravers Dorset BH16 6EL. Demolition of existing bungalow and outbuildings to enable the construction of five new dwellings with access and parking. DC planning portal shows that this application has still not yet been determined.

Planning application 6/2021/0376 27 Huntick Estate Lytchett Matravers Dorset BH16 6EB. Sever land and erect a detached dwelling with parking. DC planning portal shows that this application has still not yet been determined.

Planning application P/FUL/2021/02674 Cuckoo Hill Deans Drove Lytchett Matravers Dorset BH16 6EQ. New dwelling with associated access and parking.

Planning application P/FUL/2021/02738 Land Adjacent 68 The Spinney Lytchett Matravers Dorset BH16 6AS. Erect 1 No 2 bed house with parking. DC planning portal shows that this application has still not yet been determined.

Planning application 6/2021/0372 Land at 2 Lions Court Wimborne Road Lytchett Matravers Dorset BH16 6HQ – Revised. Sever land from 2 Lions Court and erect new dwelling. DC planning portal shows that this application has still not yet been determined.

Planning application 6/2021/0365 Caroline Cottage Prospect Road Lytchett Matravers Poole BH16 6ED – Revised. Alteration to listed building to install a new wood burner and new chimney pot. DC planning portal shows that this application has still not yet been determined.

Planning application P/MPO/2021/03684 Land adjacent to Wessex Water Reservoir Purbeck Road Lytchett Matravers Poole Dorset. (1) to specify which units are to be affordable dwellings, (2) to amend the mortgagee exemption clause, (3) to clarify that commencement of development only relates to commencement of any works undertaken pursuant to the planning permission, and (4) to confirm that the release provisions apply to any person who has staircased to own 100% of the equity in a shared ownership unit and not just tenants. DC planning portal shows that this application has still not yet been determined.

Planning application P/FUL/2021/03167 Bokers Farm Poole Road Lytchett Matravers Poole BH16 6AG. Erect an agricultural building with hardstanding area/concrete skirt/ramps and rainwater harvesting tanks. Create new track to building. DC planning portal shows that this application has still not yet been determined.

Further amended planning application 6/2021/0372 Land at 2 Lions Court Wimborne Road Lytchett Matravers Dorset BH16 6HQ. Sever land from 2 Lions Court and erect new dwelling. As amended by plans received on 7th December 2021, from chalet bungalow to a single storey low level bungalow. DC planning portal shows that this application has still not yet been determined.

Planning application P/CLE/2021/05532 (Cert of Lawfulness) Redbridge Farm Dolmans Hill Lytchett Matravers BH16 6HP. Construction and use of a building as an independent residential unit of accommodation (The Forge) and the use of an existing building as a permanent residential unit (The Grainstore). DC planning portal shows that this application has still not yet been determined.

Planning application P/HABR/2021/00066 The Barn Sandy Lane Lytchett Matravers Poole BH16 6DB. Change of use from agricultural to dwelling house. DC planning portal shows that this application has still not yet been determined.

Planning application P/FUL/2021/05598. Owls Farm Dolmans Hill Lytchett Matravers BH16 6HP. Temporary retention of 2no. storage containers. Permission needed until 31st December 2022. DC planning portal shows that this application has still not yet been determined.

Planning application P/HOU/2021/04771 Hawthorns Deans Drove Lytchett Matravers Poole BH16 6EQ. Proposed First Floor Extension to form Dressing Room & EnSuite bathroom. DC planning portal shows that this application has still not yet been determined.

Planning application P/PALH/2022/00808 Glenwoods Poole Road Lytchett Matravers Wimborne BH21 3RP. Additional storey to existing dwelling, increasing height from 7.068 metres to 10.468 metres. DC planning portal shows that this application has still not yet been determined.

Planning application P/FUL/2021/03291 Land Adjacent Goresmead Cottage Foxhills Road, Lytchett Matravers Poole BH16 6BD. Proposed agricultural barn.DC planning portal shows that this application has still not yet been determined.

Planning application P/HOU/2022/00355 Bennic Farm Dolmans Hill Lytchett Matravers Poole BH16 6HP. 22 solar panels to be installed in garden 8kw on pods 5m from boundary in enclosed private area. DC planning portal shows that this application has still not yet been determined.

Planning application P/FUL/2022/00806 Deans House Deans Drove Lytchett Matravers Dorset BH16 6EQ. Sever land adjacent Dean House and erect new detached dwelling; create new vehicular access. DC planning portal shows that this application has still not yet been determined.

Planning application P/FUL/2022/01093 8 High Street Lytchett Matravers Poole BH16 6BQ. Sever land and construct new 2 bedroom detached bungalow. DC planning portal shows that this application has still not yet been determined.

Planning application P/FUL/2022/01066 Land Adj, Clouds Hill Burbidge Close Lytchett Matravers Poole Dorset. Sever land and erect 3 bed chalet bungalow with associated parking. DC planning portal shows that this application has still not yet been determined.

Planning application P/FUL/2022/01095 Land at Blaneys Corner To the east of Wareham Road and south of Wimborne Road. Lytchett Matravers. Erect 25 dwellings (C3 use class), new vehicular and pedestrian access onto Wimborne Road and other associated works including landscaping and open space. DC planning portal shows that this application has still not yet been determined.

Planning application P/VOC/2022/01291 164 Wareham Road Lytchett Matravers Poole BH16 6DT. Variation of Condition 2 & 5 of planning approval 6/2020/0314 (sever plot and erect a detached two storey dwelling with associated access, parking, landscaping and amenity space) to agree to the new building location 700mm further forwards towards the highway and the new foul water drainage connection. DC planning portal shows that this application has still not yet been determined.

Planning application P/CLP/2022/01830 11 Landers Reach Lytchett Matravers Poole BH16 6NB. Demolish conservatory and replace with kitchen extension. Part conversion of garage. (Cert of Lawfulness). DC planning portal shows that this application has not yet been determined.

Planning application P/CLE/2022/01879 Valley Farm Middle Road Lytchett Matravers Dorset BH16 6HJ. Certificate of lawfulness to continue without planning permission the positioning of two shipping containers on land for a period in excess of four years. DC planning portal shows that this application has not yet been determined.

Planning application P/HOU/2022/01674 104 Wareham Road Lytchett Matravers Poole BH16 6DT. Single storey rear extension, demolish existing conservatory. DC planning portal shows that this application has not yet been determined.

Planning application P/CLP/2022/01891 Taylors Farm Wimborne Road Lytchett Matravers Poole BH16 6HQ. Construction of new detached garages at the rear of the property within the curtilage of the dwelling. Demolition of existing detached garage at rear of the property. No new access required. (Cert of lawfulness). DC planning portal shows that this application has not yet been determined.

Planning application P/HOU/2022/02086 13 Gibbs Green Lytchett Matravers Poole BH16 6ND. Single storey side extension to form garage with utility behind and large storage area. Convert existing garages to offices with additional windows. Bin store created internally to the new garage and driveway extended across the front garden. DC planning portal shows that this application has not yet been determined.

Planning application P/LBC/2022/02269 Castle Farm House Castle Farm Road Lytchett Matravers Poole. Minor alterations to approved flat roof dormers under Planning Permission refs. 6/2020/0555 and 6/2020/0556. Proposed alterations include addition of upstand at rear of flat roof to accommodate lead detailing requirements, change of fall to fascia with ogee gutter and downpipes. DC planning portal shows that this application has not yet been determined.

Planning application P/FUL/2022/00691 15 Dillons Gardens Lytchett Matravers Poole BH16 6DW. Demolish existing buildings and erect 6no. houses with parking. DC planning portal shows that this application has not yet been determined.

5. To receive and note the 2022-23 year to date bank reconciliation (for purposes of report only).

A copy of the bank reconciliation is attached at Appendix 1 to these minutes. It was RESOLVED to accept and approve this reconciliation.

6. To receive and consider a report covering 2022-23 year to date income and expenditure (for purposes of report only).

The report was circulated to all members by the Parish Clerk. It was RESOLVED to accept and approve this. The income and expenditure report is included in Appendix 1 to these minutes.

7. To consider planning application P/HOU/2022/02148 135 Wareham Road Lytchett Matravers Dorset BH16 6DZ. Proposal to construct a timber framed, larch clad and insulated structure to link existing dwelling to existing pool house. Also to feature a sloping ‘living roof’.

NB Cllr Colvey left the room and took no part in the discussion of this item.


8. To receive and consider a paper on the safety and insurance relating to Bennys Bumps.

Cllr Huggins referred to a paper he had prepared on this matter which had been made available to all members ahead of the meeting.

The Council’s insurers have agreed to add this to the Council’s cover for public liability provided a regular inspection and maintenance regime is introduced and the results are documented and kept.

It was noted that a RoSPA safety inspection had been carried out by an independent inspector and that whilst the report had acknowledged that there is currently no formal standard for Bike Tracks of this type, the inspector’s observations had been made on “reasonable assessment” of risk and likelihood and with reference to another British Standard relating to Wheeled Sports.

The issues the inspector highlighted were all classified as “Low Risk” i.e.

  • Surface Erosion
  • Obstacles in the track (Rocks/Bricks)
  • Litter
  • Parts of track are Waterlogged (at time of inspection)
  • Turf slipping.

Following discussion, it was agreed to RECOMMEND to Full Council that routine weekly safety checks of this facility are added to the Village Handyman’s check sheets. It was also agreed to RECOMMEND that Gould Groundworks are approached ask if they would be prepared to undertake six monthly inspection and maintenance visits, and to respond to ad hoc requests for maintenance work to this facility as necessary.

9. To receive an update report on the local arrangements for celebration of the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee

Cllr Barker had prepared a report giving details of the planning and arrangements made to date, as well as identifying the matters still to resolve. A copy of this report was made available to all members ahead of the meeting and a copy is associated at Appendix 2 to these minutes.

The following points were agreed during the discussion:

  • List of Council members who are available to attend and help on the Thursday evening and / or on the Sunday.
  • The Guerrilla Gardeners will move their normal Tuesday activity to Monday 6th June to assist with tidying up the rec after the events.
  • Cllr Huggins would investigate the hiring of extra bins from Dorset Council, and request a pick up for the collected litter during week commencing 6th June.
  • Cllr Webb would speak to the Tesco Express store manager to find out whether it would be possible to dispose of event rubbish in the store’s large commercial bins.
  • Cllr Huggins will need a layout plan of the rec for the jubilee events so that he is able to advise the suppliers of the picnic tables / benches where to drop them.
  • The stage and bar for the Sunday event will both be set up on the evening of Sat 4th June.
  • Parish Clerk to apply online to St John’s Ambulance and EMS to see if first aid cover for each event can be provided by either organisation.
  • Council members to approach the Football Club, Sally Wells and Alan Cottman to see if they have a qualified first aider available to cover each of the events.
  • Google map of the recreation ground with emergency exits marked on it to be prepared for publication, use at each even,t and for the information of all.
  • Cllr Huggins to provide a set of road pins for use to help create the safety cordon around the beacon.
  • Cllr Huggins to investigate the purchase of 2 banners advertising the events.
  • The free licence offered by the PRS (up to 300 people) should be sufficient.

Members noted the following committed expenditures:

  • Bagpiper (Thursday evening) £100
  • Face painting (Sunday) £130

Some discussion also took place regarding a bouncy castle(s) for the Sunday afternoon. The Parish Clerk advised that the Council’s insurers would require details of the proposed supplier’s public liability and accidental damage cover for this equipment fairly quickly so that it does not delay the insurers processing the Council’s wider insurance cover requests for the events. Action: Cllr Abbott to obtain this information and forward it to the Parish Clerk by noon on Monday 16th May 2022.

10. To consider a proposal from Cllr Barker for a donation of £25 to be made to St Mary’s Church for supplying teas & coffees for the Annual Parish meeting.

Unanimously RESOLVED to APPROVE.

11. To consider a proposal from Cllr Bush that the Council approves the trimming back of the surrounding runners / stems of the Rhus tree on the boundary between the recreation field and Dillons Court, while maintaining the central tree.

DEFERRED to next meeting.

12. To consider options for the improvement of bunds on recreation ground.

It was noted that the Village Hall Management Committee would be happy with the bund around the High St end of the VH to be planted, if this could be funded by the Council. Cllr Colvey indicated that he would ascertain how much would be required for the necessary plants. Action: Cllr Colvey to approach “Mike” accordingly.

It was agreed to defer the discussion about the Hannams Close bund until a further meeting.

13. To consider items for an article in the next Parish Magazine.

The following items were identified:

  • Queen’s Jubilee celebration events.

14. To note correspondence received.

There was none.

The meeting closed at 20:23

Annotated by/on ………………………….Approved by/on ………………………

Appendix 1

Bank reconciliation and 2022/23 year to date report covering income and expenditure.

See separate report.

Appendix 2

Update report – Queen’s Platinum Jubilee Celebrations

Date of report: 11 May 2022

Reported by: Beverly Barker

Subject Status:

Village community Queens Jubilee celebrations will take place between 2nd and 5th June 2022. Two LMPC led events are planned for the celebrations:

  • Thursday 2nd June 2022: Lighting a Beacon – on the Rec between 8-11pm with Beacon lighting at 21:45pm
  • Sunday 5th June 2022: Big Jubilee Picnic – on the Rec between 2 & 6pm


Alf Bush to be lead coordinators for the Beacon lighting. BB & Peter Webb to coordinate Big picnic.

Need to agree support teams for management of 2nd & 5th June events

Draw up detailed timelines for each event, including prep and tidy-away to ensure all aspects of prep are identified and allocated

Overall plans and status outlined below.

Thursday 2nd June 2022: Lighting a Beacon on the Rec

Lead coordinator: Alf Bush

Timing: general gathering 8-11pm, with Beacon lighting at 21:45pm

Beacon: Beacon & fuel organised. AB to organise beacon lighting, safety barriers and marshals

Bagpiper: to play from 21:15 – 21:45 including recommended commemorative tunes.

Refreshments: The Chequers to provide a bar in Sports Pavilion. Jo Meade to provide Fish&Chip van on lower Rec car park. SMLC considering offering Tea/coffee from VH

Accommodation: Village Hall & Sports Pavilion booked for use of facilities for evening

Insurance: Parish Clerk to coordinate with insurers

Plan for preparation and tidy-away and other safety measures:

Mow Rec at beginning of week. Establish Litter/recycling areas. Organise groups to help with litter pick (Scouts/GGs/other groups). Organise DWP to collect

Police Dorset notified – awaiting response. Fire station to be notified.

First Aid Rm to be set up in Sports Pavilion. Need to enquire about booking local SJA

Register with brunopeek@mac.com by 30th May 2022 for media listings. Details as follows

Name and Job Title of Contact/Coordinator: Alf Bush

Name of Council or Organisation: Lytchett Matravers Parish Council

Name of Piper, if applicable: Alison Mallinson

Postal address including county and postcode: Vineyard Cl, Lytchett Matravers BH16 6DD

Country – England

Telephone number – landline: ab

Mobile number: ab

Email address: ab

Beacon location: Lytchett Matravers Recreational Ground, High St, Lytchett Matravers, Poole BH16 6BG

Sunday 5th June 2022: Big Jubilee Picnic to be held on the Rec between 2 & 6pm

Lead coordinators: BB & ANO

Timing: General gathering between 2-6pm

Refreshments: The Rose & Crown to provide bar in Sports Pavilion. Café Greywood organising pre-order collection picnic boxes (promoted on FB). Robert Ferret’s Mister Softee ice-creams will pop by 4:30pm – need to organise coned off area in the Car Park by Scout Hut to ensure safe queuing.

Accommodation & infrastructure: Village Hall & Sports Pavilion booked for use of facilities during day. 17m Star Tent organised to provide shelter & shade. Rental of haybales organised £100 bales to be delivered. PC to confirm numbers


The Charitable Emporium (Hawkeye Houlihan/Wonky Donk Festival) providing fixed/covered stage 6m x 6m with full PA system, backline, and 32 channel mixing desk with qualified engineer.

– Chris Manning to provide a variety of music from 2-5pm.

– Frayed Strings Ukulele 2:40-3:10pm (have another commitment at 3:30pm)

– LM Primary School KS2 Choir to perform from 4.15- 4:30pm.

– Awaiting confirmation: musician from Minster School & Two Man Travelling Medicine Show to perform 5pm to 6pm.

Cake Bake competition: To be held in VH. Theme Jubilee inspired cakes only. Cakes to be delivered by 3pm. Judging time 3:30-4pm. Winner announced 4:10pm on stage & cakes available for eating 😊 Judge: Susan Billington from Blandford, an NFWI cookery and preserves judge.

Cllr Aspray to investigate PSA ‘background music licence for large public event’.

Insurance: Parish Clerk to coordinate with insurers

Plan for preparation and tidy-away and other safety measures as above

LMPC to decide if we want to hire/volunteer any additional marquee, gazebos, trestle/tables, litter bins/recycling stations, bunting & other site decoration, etc.

Financial Impact: Budget of £2000 approved at Full Council February 2022

Cost allocations to date

The Charitable Emporium (Hawkeye Houlihan/Wonky Donk Festival): fixed/covered stage 6m x 6m with full PA system, backline, 32 channel mixing desk with qualified engineer. 17m Star Tent. £1250 plus VAT

Chris Manning Band: Play between 2-5 including set of Bublé/ Swing Classics, Keys and Sax Duo and provision for hosting Karaoke. £400.

Cost to be approved

Bagpipes for Beacon lighting event: Alison Mallinson [contact details redacted] – To play 21:15 – 21:45, including the recommended music for the Beacon ceremony @ £100

Costs to be considered

Facepainting for Jubilee picnic: £130 for 3hrs, working 2-5pm on Sunday

Bouncy Castle for Jubilee picnic: CASTLEMANIA – slide £120 and/or castle £70. Requires power within 30meters of the castles

LMPC Queens Jubilee event planner
Things to do…. Action needed …Notes made… etc Co-ordinator
Beacon lighting Beacon lighting – Confirm dates – 2nd June @ 9:45. Event timing 8-11pm AB
Big Lunch picnic Big Lunch picnic – Confirm dates – 5th June. 2-6pm PW
Beacon Lighting – 2nd June @ 9:45. Event timing 8-11pm

AB will be lead co-ordinator for the Beacon Lighting event

Beacon lighting Need to confirm Rec layout for evening
Beacon & fuel bought and stored. AH to brief AB on all details about Beacon. Back up instructions to be put in Dropbox AH
AB to collect, set up and remove Beacon from site. Need to check how long it need to cool down. AB
AB to arrange safety fencing using Road closure barriers (6 x 1m barriers currently in Parish office). Further barriers to be identified to extend parameter. AB
Marshalling – AB to co-ordinate team of marshals. AB
AB will be Master of ceremonies and light the Beacon. AB
Bagpipes: Alison Mallinson to play ceremonial piping 21:15 to 21:45. BB – PC fee proposal above. BB
BB to register Beacon on Interactive mapping: https://platinumjubilee.gov.uk/event-submission/ and on media listing as above. https://www.queensjubileebeacons.com/register-beacon-events BB
BB to draw up list of Cllrs that can commit to attend & assist with event. AB to source more volunteers if needed. BB/AB
Entertainment General food and drink
Chequers to provide bar for Thursday 2nd June in Sports Pavilion. Need access from 6:30pm on the evening and expect to be cleared up and out by midnight. Will serve cask ale, bottled lagers plus some non-alcoholic options. Spirits [gins, vodka & rum] + soft drinks, wine & mini Prosecco bottles. PW to liaise with Venessa re access & set up. PW
Jo Meade confirmed Fish n Chips. BB to liaise with Jo Meade about parking by Scout Hut with serving side facing football pitches & queuing on the grass. Area to be coned off. BB
Tea/coffee/hot chocolate may be served from the Village Hall? SMLM currently considering this. BB
Site Prep/Clearance Prep of ground and facilities for 2nd June
AB to organise for grass to be cut early in the week to ensure safe, level & clean AB
Village Hall booked to provide shelter/toilet facilities.

AB will collect keys and open/close VH. [BB to coordinate if Tea/coffee being supplied-see below]

Sanitizing/litter bins/Litter recycling areas to be established to encourage good practice & ensure people can dispose of things safely.
Volunteers needed. Requested via Parish Mag & FB. [2 to date].

AB to contact Scout group re clear up on Friday morning & approach other volunteers

GGs to be asked if they can help repair Rec on Monday 6th.

AH to organise for DWP to collect rubbish bags w/c 6th June.

Rubbish bags to be stacked by upper car park gate as per litter picks.

AH to enquire if DWP can lend us some additional rubbish bins. (When will litter grabbers arrive?) AH
All Ability Access – is there anything else to consider?
Emergency Services Notify police /local community police officer; fire brigade and ambulance service.
St Johns Ambulance: AH to enquire on booking local SJA AH
First Aid Room to be set up in Sports Pavilion. Need to print some signage for around the Rec & identify which door to go in. BB/PW/AB
AH to enquire about getting Fire buckets/fire extinguishers AH
AB to sketch out emergency entrance/exit points for fire-brigade / ambulance if needed

AB to organise remove height barriers on gates

Do we need to close carpark to the public for the evening?

Police have been notified of event. Awaiting response. BB
Insurance Insurance for Beacon event
Insurance: Parish Clerk to coordinate with insurers TW
Do we need to consider anything else – employers liability insurance; damage to people’s land or property; damage to equipment; etc.
Big Lunch picnic – Confirm dates – 5th June. 2-6pm

PW will be lead co-ordinator for the Big Picnic

Food and Drink: Summary below.
R&C to provide bar in Sports Pavilion for afternoon of Sunday 5th June

R&C to set up evening of Sat 4th evening. AB confirmed booking. PW to liaise with HC re keys/set up

Café Greywood: Lyndsey to offer "pre order of afternoon tea box’s IE: coronation sandwiches scones cakes strawberries cream and jam…" To provide photos for promotion BB
Robert Ferret’s Mister Softee ice-creams of Ice Cream Bournemouth will pop by at 4:30pm [https://www.icecreambournemouth.co.uk/events/].Need to organise a ‘coned’ off area by Scout Hut to enable safe entrance / exit & ensure any queuing on grass BB/ANO
Entertainment Summary below. See music tab for updates
The Charitable Emporium (Hawkeye Houlihan/Wonky Donk Festival) supplying fixed/covered stage 6m x 6m with full PA system, backline, and 32 channel mixing desk with qualified engineer.

Meeting 11/5 to organise site layout, power connections, cabling, timing, etc. TW to liaise on insurance.

Chris Manning confirmed to play Sunday 5th 2-5pm interspersed with other acts HK/BB
Frayed Strings Ukulele, 2:40-3:10pm [contact details redacted] BB
LM Primary School KS2 Choir will perform from 4.15- 4:30pm.

A musician from Minster school may perform/TBC.

Awaiting confirmation of Two Man Medicine show for 5-6pm BB
Bouncy castles – VH liaising with supplier. Need to consider power/safety/insurance. VH/TW
PRS licence for general background music for the event. https://www.prsformusic.com/licences/ RA
Baking competition Bake Off competition for Sunday afternoon
To be held in VH. Theme Jubilee inspired cakes only. Cakes to be delivered by 3pm. Judging time 3:30-4pm. Winner announced 4:10pm on stage & cakes available for eating. Judge: Susan Billington from Blandford, an NFWI cookery and preserves judge. Events pencilled in. BB to confirm details

Need volunteer to coordinate

Site Prep and Clearance. Prep of ground and facilities for Sunday 5th June.
AB to organise for grass to be cut early in the week to ensure safe, level & clean AB
Sanitizing/litter bins/Litter recycling areas to be established to encourage good practice & ensure people can dispose of things safely.
Team to litter pick after the event. Volunteers needed. Requested via Parish Mag & FB. [2 to date].

AB to contact Scout group re clear up on Friday morning & approach other volunteers

GGs to be asked if they can help repair Rec on Monday 6th.

AH to organise for DWP to collect rubbish bags w/c 6th June.

Rubbish bags to be stacked by upper car park gate as per litter picks.

AH to enquire if DWP can lend us some additional rubbish bins. (When will litter grabbers arrive?) AH
All Ability Access – is there anything else to consider?
Emergency Services Notify police /local community police officer; fire brigade and ambulance service.
St Johns Ambulance: AH to enquire on booking local SJA AH
First Aid Room to be set up in Sports Pavilion. Need to print some signage for around the Rec & identify which door to go in. BB/PW/AB
AH to enquire about getting Fire buckets/fire extinguishers AH
AB to sketch out emergency entrance/exit points for fire-brigade / ambulance if needed

AB to organise remove height barriers on gates.

Police have been notified of event. Awaiting response. BB
Accommodation & infrastructure Sports Pavilion & VH Booked. 17m star tent to be supplied. Other gazebos to be considered
Village Hall booked to provide shelter/toilet facilities. BB to collect keys & open/close VH. BB
17m Star Tent booked to provide shelter & shade. Who will help to put it up?
Dave Warr can lend us to 100 small straw bales. LMPC to confirm numbers.

Where should they be delivered to?

New tables & benches to be used on Rec for weekend. When are they due to arrive? AH
Bouncy Castles and facepainting to be considered VH
Hiring or Borrowing Equipment: Do we want to consider additional marquees, portable toilets, barriers and bunting, sound equipment, or other site decoration, etc?
Insurance Insurance for public picnic event
Insurance: Parish Clerk to coordinate with insurers TW
Promotion Details published in PM, website & on FB.
Website copy Online, countdowns for week 8, 7, 5, 3 & ‘This week’ set up to run on FB BB
Website copy Temporary Jubilee banner for website designed for 29th May – 6th June BB
Parish Mag: details published May & June BB/AB
Social media: overview and details posted to FB each week. Can Cllrs please share / like posts when they go up to help them stay around longer.

Individual events set up on FB. Please join in & share.

Parish notice board – can we get some posters up on the notice boards? TW
Posters – ideas for poster below. Can we put posters up in VH, Library? Pubs? Is there anywhere else? Need to organise printing ?
Emails to schools (MA to organise email with parent-mail PS)

Need to compile an email list of any clubs, organisations for general invite & details.


Simple Website banner & for social media posts

Detailed Banner – suggested for website posts and Poster creative for notice boards & social media

Parish Notice Board, Village Hall, library, Sports Pavilion, R&C & Chequers

Individual event posters for social media/ web posts

All media assets are available in the Dropbox/LMPC/Projects/Queens Jubilee.

Please use them in your posts/emails to colleagues, groups or communities that you think might be interested. Please check for latest versions

FinanceGenPurposesCommittee Minutes 220511 Appendx 1 (Bank Rec and Budget report April 2022).pdf
FinanceGenPurposes Committee Minutes 220511.docx

Finance & General Purposes Committee minutes 11 May 2022