With summer here, motorcyclists are keen to dust the cobwebs off and get that bike out of the garage, but a winter of not riding may leave riders a little rusty.
After the success of the Spring Ride-Out, Dorset County Council’s road safety team have teamed up with Dorchester and West Dorset Advanced Motorcyclists (DWDAM) to offer another free talk and ride out to help bikers brush-up their technique.
Starting at the SafeWise centre at Weymouth’s fire station the ride out is along the scenic coast road to West Bay and back. The talk will take place at the centre and lunch will also be provided.
Booking is essential to secure a place. Book online at www.dorsetforyou.com/roadsafety/motorcycling/ride-out or call the road safety team on 01305 224558.
Amy Crowfoot (Dorset Police, Communications and Engagement Department, Force HQ)