The meeting of the Council will be held on Monday 18th July 2016

At 7:00 p.m. in the Methodist Church, Wareham Rd, Lytchett Matravers

Tim Watton Parish Clerk

Council Office, Vineyard Close, Lytchett Matravers BH16 6DD Office/Fax 01202-624530


1. Apologies for absence.

2. Public Participation Session (Standing Orders Suspended). An opportunity for members of the public to raise issues of concern or interest (e.g. asks a question, make a statement or deputation or present a petition).

3. Declarations of Pecuniary Interest; and consideration of requests for Special Dispensations under Section 33 of the Localism Act 2011.

4. Chairman’s Announcements

5. Minutes of Council Meeting on 20th June 2016.

6. Matters arising not listed below.

7. Reports from District Councillors (Standing Orders Suspended).

8. Report from County Councillor (Standing Orders Suspended).

9. Reports from Sub Committees and Working Groups:

Neighbourhood Plan Working Group

Village Hall Toilets Refurbishment Project Working Group

Sports Club Governance Working Group

Huntick Rd Cycleway Working Group

10. Recommendations from Committees

Environment & Amenities – meeting 4th July 2016.

Planning Cttee – meeting 7th July 2016.

11. Consideration of quotation for removal of roof of bus shelter, Wareham Rd adjacent to the school.

12. Consideration of other works related to the enforced removal of bus shelter roof, Wareham Rd adjacent to the school.

13. Consideration of a proposal to adopt as the Council’s corporate response the content of the 30/06/16 email by Cllr Wood to Gerald Rigler regarding PROPOSED SITES for REQUIRED ADDITIONAL HOUSING.

14. Report of criminal damage to fence at Rocket Park, and consideration of public expenditure for repair.

15. Approval of £44,500 into Council’s investment with Prudential – including transfer of funds.

16. Progress towards Parish Clerk statutory auto enrolment in pension scheme.

17. Report of any training activity undertaken in the past month.

18. Reports of Representatives (by exception):-

Village Hall DAPTC Footpaths School Liaison
Youth Organisations Sports Club

19. Council to approve the following payments due:-

Inv To Whom For What Net VAT Total
3609 T Watton Clerk’s salary – July (12 equal monthly payments by standing order) 904.99 0.00 904.99
3610 T Homer Handyman duties – June, plus reimbursement for purchase of two gate springs 229.40 1.33 230.73
3611 The Landscape Group Cemetery maintenance – June 2016 303.49 60.70 364.19
3612 HMRC PAYE and ENI, quarter 1 2016/17 921.66 0.00 921.66
3613 Southern Electric Car park lighting, quarter 1 2016/17 16.47 0.82 17.29
3614 Brighstone Landscaping Ltd Maintenance of Foxhills open space 1st Jan-30th June 2016 1240.86 248.18 1489.04
3615 T Watton Reimbursement for:

(i) office expenses incurred Jan-July 2016

(ii) mileage to SLCC roadshow 14/07/16










3616 T Watton Reimbursement for payment to BT of Parish Office phone and broadband charge (6 June 16) 115.57 23.11 138.68
3617 BWBSL (Wessex Water) Allotment water charges 17/12/15-23/06/16 96.10 0.00 96.10
3618 K Kelly Return of allotment deposit (allotment 44) 32.00 0.00 32.00
3619 K Norris Reimbursement of expenses incurred (purchase of rubbish sacks for litter pick) 15.99 3.20 19.19
3620 A Huggins Reimbursement of mileage expenses incurred for attendance at meetings in Wareham & Studland on Council’s behalf. 22.05 0.00 22.05
3621 J Taylor Reimbursement of payment for printing of CALM leaflet and proforma 259.00 0.00 259.00
3622 SLCC Enterprises Ltd Delegate fee for SLCC regional roadshow 34.50 6.90 41.40
3623 SLCC Enterprises Ltd Publication “Local Council Administration” (10th edition) @ SLCC member discount 73.60 0.00 73.60
3624 Pamela White Accountancy Services Services for 2015/16:

Internal audits, year end procedures, payroll services

1225.00 245.00 1470
3625 R M Smith Fencing Ltd Supply & fix 3 x height barriers at Rec 4250.00 850.00 5100.00

20. “Openness of Local Government Bodies Regulations 2014”, Part 3, Paragraphs 6-10, Record of Decisions and Access to Documents – record of decisions taken by Parish Clerk.

21. Correspondence

22. Matters of Interest & Information.

Members are reminded that the Parish Council has a general duty to consider the following matters in the exercise of any of its functions: Equal Opportunities (including: race, gender, sexual orientation, religion, marital status and any disability); Crime & Disorder; Health & Safety; and Human Rights.

Parish Clerk: T. Watton Date: July 2016

Full Council agenda 18th July 2016 – 7pm in the Methodist Church, Wareham Rd, Lytchett Matravers