Wednesday 21st February 2018, at 7:00 p.m. in the Blanchard Room, Village Hall, Lytchett Matravers

Council Office, Vineyard Close, Lytchett Matravers BH16 6DD Office 01202-624530

Public Participation Session (Standing Orders Suspended): An opportunity for members of the public to raise issues of concern or interest (e.g. ask a question, make a statement or present a petition).

Report from District Councillors (Standing Orders Suspended).

Report from County Councillor (Standing Orders Suspended).


1. To receive and consider apologies for absence.

2. To receive any declarations of interest, and consider any requests for Special Dispensations under Section 33 of the Localism Act 2011.

3. To receive and resolve to approve minutes of Council meeting held on 17th January 2018.

4. To receive and consider reports of past subject matters.

5. Chairman’s announcements.

6. To consider the content of a letter from Michael Tomlinson MP (Jan 2018) regarding broadband provision in Lytchett Matravers – letter circulated to members 9 Feb 2018.

7. To consider a proposal to purchase 4 tonnes of topsoil to be used to improve the ground conditions and levels prior to sowing grass in the cleared area adjacent to Library Walk.

8. To consider a proposed response from the Council to a letter from Michael Tomlinson MP regarding broadband provision in Lytchett Matravers; and also to consider a plan of action to address Broadband and mobile phone coverage weaknesses locally.

9. To consider planning application 6/2018/0050 Mr & Mrs Kevin Marney. 24 Spy Close, Lytchett Matravers, Poole, BH16 6DQ. Single storey side extension and porch

10. To consider planning application 6/2018/0022 Bracken Developments Limited. Former Royal British Legion Club, Wimborne Road, Lytchett Matravers, Poole, BH16 6HQ. Demolition of the former, vacant, Royal British Legion Club building and the construction of 9 dwellings with car parking and landscaping.

11. To consider planning application 6/2018/0061 Mr & Mrs James Sydenham. 9 Chequers Place, Lytchett Matravers, Poole, BH16 6BJ. Single storey rear extension.

12. To consider planning application 6/2018/0064 Mr Jon Tedds & Mrs Rachel Campbell. 41 High Street, Lytchett Matravers, Poole, BH16 6BH. Erect a 2 storey side extension.

13. To receive and consider a report on the meeting with PDC on February 15, 2018.

14. To review and finalise the article for the Lytchett Link concerning the PDC consultation. NB: this article should be then adopted as the updated Parish Council Position Paper.

15. To review the proposed response to the PDC Consultation questionnaire as a Parish Council collective response.

16. To receive and consider an update report regarding the Youth Hall: (a) land transfer; and (b) meeting with DCC and a local resident.

17. To consider the content and approach to the Annual Parish Meeting.

18. To resolve to approve the following payments already made:

Inv To Whom For What Net VAT Total
3881 British Telecom Purchase of phone box junction of Wareham Rd / Deans Drove 1.00 0.00 1.00

19. To resolve to approve the following payments due:

Inv To Whom For What Net VAT Total
3882 T Watton Clerk’s salary – Feb (12 equal monthly payments by SO) 864.83 0.00 864.83
3883 T Watton Reimbursement of office expenses TBA TBA TBA
3884 DCC LGPS pension contrib January and February 687.24 0.00 687.24
3885 T Homer Handyman duties, January 2018 202.50 0.00 202.50
3886 Idverde Ltd Cemetery maintenance – January 2018 303.49 60.70 364.19
3887 Borough of Poole Removal and disposal of vandalised bench slab concrete 85.00 17.00 102.00
3888 Borough of Poole (i) Removal & disposal of tree branches at boundary of Foxhills Open Space; (ii) Adjust level of safety surface under roundabout at Rocket Park. 508.40 101.68 610.08
3889 Printerbase Ltd Replacement scanner / copier / printer 210.98 42.20 253.18

20. To note any training undertaken by members or the Clerk in the past month.

21. To note any decisions and / or action taken by Parish Clerk under “Openness of Local Government Bodies Regulations 2014”, Part 3, Paragraphs 6-10, Record of Decisions and Access to Documents.

22. Correspondence.

23. To note date of next meeting and items for future agendas.

Members are reminded that the Parish Council has a general duty to consider the following matters in the exercise of any of its functions: Equal Opportunities (including: race, gender, sexual orientation, religion, marital status and any disability); Crime & Disorder; Health & Safety; and Human Rights.

Parish Clerk: T. Watton Date: February 2018

Full Council agenda 21st February 2018 – 7pm in the Blanchard Room, Village Hall, Wareham Rd.