Weds 27th May 2020, at 7:00 p.m. online – access details available on request from the Parish Clerk
Council Office, Vineyard Close, Lytchett Matravers BH16 6DD Office 01202-624530
Public Participation Session (Standing Orders Suspended): An opportunity for members of the public to raise issues of concern or interest – e.g. ask a question, make a statement or present a petition. (Standing Orders Suspended).
Report by Dorset Councillors (Standing Orders Suspended)
- Election of Chairman of the council
- To receive the declaration of acceptance of office of the Chairman of the council.
- To receive and consider apologies for absence.
- To receive any declarations of interest, and consider any requests for Special Dispensations under Section 33 of the Localism Act 2011.
- Election of Vice Chairman of the council.
- To receive the declaration of acceptance of office of the Vice Chairman of the council.
- To receive and resolve to approve minutes of Council meetings held on 22nd April and the Extraordinary Council meeting on 30th April 2020.
- To receive and consider reports of past subject matters (for the purposes of report only).
- Chairman’s announcements (for the purposes of report only).
- To consider appointment of council representatives to the DAPTC Area Committee and the Larger Councils Committee.
- To consider appointments of Lytchett Matravers Youth Group Link, Litter Picking events co-ordinator, Rights of Way (footpaths and bridleways) representative; and liaison roles to other village organisations as required.
- To receive and note the content of the minutes of the Finance & General Purposes Committee meeting on 13th May 2020 (for the purposes of report only).
- To receive and note the Notes of a Meeting with Dorset Council Highways on 11th May 2020: Cllrs Bush, Carswell and Watts.
- To consider the council’s views in response to a resident’s suggestion of a community Scarecrow Festival to be held in the autumn as a fundraiser for Forest Holme.
- To consider planning application 6/2020/0228 Tall Tree Cottage, Lime Kiln Road, Lytchett Matravers, Poole, BH16 6EL. Remove rear porch and erect single storey rear extension
- To consider planning application 6/2020/0168 4 High Street, Lytchett Matravers, Poole, BH16 6BG. Demolish existing side extension & replace with new porch canopy. Erect a single storey side extension with rooflights & form a loft conversion with rooflights & side dormer.
- To receive and consider reports of the following Working Groups: (i) Village Centre: R Carswell(ii) Library: A Bush
(iii) Astro: A Huggins
(iv) Village Hall: A Cottman
(v) Huntick Rd Cycle Path: A Huggins
(vi) LM Charitable Trust: R Watts
(vii) Parish Council communications: B Barker
(viii) Climate Emergency: R Carswell
(ix) Broadband provision improvements: Cllr Huggins (x) Defibrillator project: A Cottman
18. To resolve to approve the following payments due:
Inv |
To Whom |
For What |
Net |
Total |
4302 |
T Watton |
Clerk’s salary – May (12 equal monthly payments by SO) |
945.54 |
0.00 |
945.54 |
4303 |
Dorset County Pension Fund |
LGPS pension contrib May 2020 |
373.14 |
0.00 |
373.14 |
4304 |
Membership fees 2020/21 |
202.00 |
0.00 |
202.00 |
4305 |
Idverde Ltd |
Cemetery maintenance – April 20 |
303.49 |
60.70 |
364.19 |
4306 |
Idverde Ltd |
Grass cutting area adjacent to playing pitches |
24.00 |
4.80 |
28.80 |
4307 |
Information Commissioners Office |
Data Protection registration annual renewal fee |
35.00 |
0.00 |
35.00 |
4308 |
Lytchett Matravers Village Hall |
Electricity used in Parish Office Mar 2019-Apr 2020 |
455.82 |
0.00 |
455.82 |
4309 |
Sutcliffe Play (South West) Ltd |
Zip wire repairs – trolley, spring and stopper |
782.00 |
156.40 |
938.40 |
4310 |
T Watton |
Reimbursement of expenses: postage Total |
65.28 24.42 16.67 106.37 |
0.00 4.88 3.33 8.21 |
65.28 29.30 20.00 114.58 |
4311 |
SLCC Enterprises Ltd |
Clerk’s training course: “Operation London Bridge” |
30.00 |
6.00 |
36.00 |
4312 |
Alpha Rail Ltd |
Balance of cost of goods supplied (extra over-raked panels) |
1015.62 |
203.12 |
1218.74 |
4313 |
A Huggins |
Reimbursement of cost of purchase of MIFI unit for defib phone box. |
33.32 |
6.67 |
39.99 |
4314 |
J Chamberlain |
Refund of £5 allotment fee transferred to LMPC in error. |
5.00 |
0.00 |
5.00 |
- To note any training by members or the Clerk in the past month (for the purposes of report only).
- To note any decisions and / or action taken by Parish Clerk under “Openness of Local Government Bodies Regulations 2014”, Part 3, Paragraphs 6-10, record of decisions and access to documents (for purposes of report only.
- Correspondence received (for purposes of report only).
- To note date of next meeting and items for future agendas.Members are reminded that the Parish Council has a general duty to consider the following matters in the exercise of any of its functions: Equal Opportunities (including: race, gender, sexual orientation, religion, marital status and any disability); Crime & Disorder; Health & Safety; and Human Rights.
Parish Clerk: T. Watton Date: May 2019