Meeting of Full Council, Weds 24th April 2024 at 7.00 p.m. in the Blanchard Room, Village Hall.

PRESENT were Cllr A Bush (Chair), A Huggins, K Morgan, P Webb, R Ong, M Attridge, H Khanna, K Korenevsky, and Mrs A Clothier (Locum Parish Clerk / RFO).

Also present: Dorset Councillor A Brenton

PUBLIC PARTICIPATION SESSION (Standing orders suspended)

There was one member of the public present.

Mike Bennett, CEO from Dorset Youth Association (DYA) attended the meeting. They help around 45 youth clubs around Dorset. It has been a struggle to keep youth clubs open so they were very pleased to be contacted about getting a Youth Club in Lytchett Matravers open. They have Youth workers that live locally. DYA and the Youth Club Committee will work together to source funding. They are looking at Tuesday evenings – two sessions in one night. The Hall will open from at 6pm – age range from Year 6 upwards. DYA are amazed with the amount of work that has gone into the Youth Hall.

The Chair outlined that Parish Council have decided not to renovate the building – a 2-year trial period had been approved up to March 31, 2026 to get the Youth Club up and running. At the end of this period there would be the possibility of rebuilding if it was successful. The CIO will eventually manage the Youth Hall. There was a trial evening and 24 young people are signed up.

Capacity was discussed and DYA tend to work on 1:15 – depends on volunteers and size of the building. There will be two paid youth workers plus volunteers (1-5). The model is based on Sturminster Marshall who are getting around 15 younger children and 4-8 older children. Children will be able to walk to and from the Youth Club themselves once it is set up and consent forms have been signed. It is universal access, so open to all. Any extra help and promoting will be helpful – DYA insist on open and honest communication. Behaviour wise they have expectations – young people will sign a form at the beginning.

The contract was discussed and it was highlighted that Year 2 is wholly caveated – may increase to 2 sessions if they are very popular. DYA will help apply for joint funding bids. If they come under budget they will roll this into Year 2. DYA will do termly reports to feedback.

The contract would need to be with the Parish Council as that is where the funding is coming from to start with. When the CIO is set up the contract could be cancelled and taken up with the CIO. Holiday and sickness cover will be provided where possible.


There are many road closures to the west of Lytchett due to tree works.

Grants have come in from the Levelling Up Fund for Nutrient neutrality mitigation. It was questioned how effective the measures will be.

Dolman’s Hill is on the list for pothole repairs.

Win on Waste continues in Lytchett Matravers.

1. To receive and consider apologies for absence.

Cllrs B Barker, R Aspray, V Abbott,

2. To receive any declarations of interest, and consider any requests for Special Dispensations under Section 33 of the Localism Act 2011.

3. To receive and resolve to approve minutes of Council meeting held on 27th March 2024.

It was RESOLVED to approve the minutes of this meeting as true records of it. The minutes were duly signed by the Council Chair.

4. To receive and consider reports of past subject matters on the minutes of the Full Council meetings (for purposes of report only).

It was RESOLVED to receive and note the contents of the following report, which had been prepared and circulated in advance of the meeting by the Parish Clerk. Italics below indicate additional comments made during the meeting.

Minute Action Point Progress
Minute 29, Full Council 26th July 2023 Continued failure of Aster Housing to maintain their children’s play area between Lockyers Way and The Spinney, or the pathways around it and the pathway connecting Abbotts Court and Wareham Rd. The condition of the play park is still an issue and this is being monitored.
Minute 17, Full Council 25th October 2023

Parish Clerk to instruct the preferred contractor for the repairs to the Churchyard / cemetery wall.

Ongoing. The contractors are delayed due to the weather and will now be starting in late Spring
Minute 5, Full Council 24th January 2024 Parish Clerk to seek three quotes for drop bollards Ongoing

Integrate with heat pump


Minute 16, Full Council 24th January 2024 Cllr Bush to ask Rob Camp if the school crossing patrol could be moved. Ongoing. Awaiting outcome of the zebra crossing consultation.

Waiting until after election

Minute 17, Full Council 28th February 2024 Cllr Ong to obtain a third quote for the Youth Hall car park One quote received and awaiting two further quotes.

On main agenda

Minute 18, Full Council 28th February 2024 Cllr Bush to give Gables Garage notice for the Youth Hall car park Awaiting dates for Youth Hall car park works.
Minute 20, Full Council 28th February 2024 Clerk and Cllr Ong to meet with Church to discuss cemetery arrangements. Complete. The next step is to meet with Reverend Partridge

It was concluded that this could be deferred until the permanent Clerk starts.

Minute 21, Full Council 28th February 2024 Cllr Huggins to provide a quote for the supply of a bench to the clerk and the History group Quote provided and supplied to History group.

Bench to be ordered

Minutes 24, Full Council 28th February 2024 Organisation of Summer Events Ongoing

On main agenda

Minute 30, Full Council 28th February 2024 Clerk to ask policing team to attend Parish Council meeting. Complete with a range of dates given

Clerk to chase up whether they are coming to a Parish Council meeting.

This has been postponed due to a family bereavement

Minute 5, Full Council 27th March 2024 Cllrs to review insurance schedule Cllr Ong and Cllr Webb have started the process of reviewing the schedule

Underway. It was suggested that the Parish Council pay for valuation of sports pavilion and youth hall – item for next agenda

Minute 10, Full Council 27th March 2024 Cllr Khanna to circulate suggestions for Parish Council sign On main agenda
Minute 11, Full Council 27th March 2024 Cllr Korenevsky to investigate construction of footpath or cycleway from Wimborne Road Jubilee Walk junction back to the village. Ongoing
Minute 13, Full Council 27th March 2024 Cllr Huggins to coordinate fitting of solar lights at Youth Hall Complete

It was noted that all the solar lights at the Astro have been broken

Minute 19, Full Council 27th March 2024 Clerk to confirm village hall booking for summer event Complete

5. Chair’s announcements (for the purposes of report only).

· A thank you was given to Cllr Attridge and Cllr Barker for their time and effort as Parish Councillors.

6. To receive and note the content of the minutes of the Finance & General Purposes Committee Meeting on 10th April 2024 (for purposes of report only)

It was RESOLVED to receive and note the contents of these draft minutes.

7. To consider Planning Application P/FUL/2024/01736 Lynmouth, Lime Kiln Road, Lytchett Matravers BH16 6EL

Sever the plot and construct a detached bungalow with associated access, parking and landscaping.

The Parish Council has NO OBJECTION to this application but would like to offer comment. Firstly, the Parish Council consider that measures to tackle climate change should be integral to the design of new buildings and for this reason consider that PV should be installed on the South West roof space. Rainwater disposal is also a concern as the soakaways are not always effective and the garden/forecourt areas are very small to accommodate run-off attenuation tanks. Finally, the Parish Council would question whether one parking space is adequate and whether thought could be put towards opening up the frontage to achieve another space.

8. To receive a report from the Village Environment Working Group (VEWG).

A summary report had been made available to all members ahead of this meeting. A copy of the report is associated at Appendix 1 to these minutes. In terms of the Sports Store – the steelwork should be going in on the 6th May. The banking by the terrace should be done by the end of the week. The benches from the library could go against the back wall and the doors can then latch on to the end of the benches.

Pond – Japanese Knotweed has reoccurred along the path. There is no knotweed where the excavation is due to start. The Parish Council have responsibility as the landowner to stop the knotweed spreading. Steve Mills to spray/inject the Japanese knotweed.

Boules pitches – grass seeding now complete. Multiple compliments have been received for the boules pitches.

Benches – refitted at the astro

Hannams Gate – Cllr Morgan to put letters and designs through the resident’s doors.

Cemetery – there is a need to measure where the reserved plots are near the bund as some soil may need to be moved.

Action: Cllr Morgan to measure reserved plots at cemetery

9. To review initial designs for Council premises signage.

Mock ups were circulated for Parish Council signs for the Sports Pavilion, Astro, Parish Office, Rocket Park, Foxhills Park, Recreation Ground etc. There is already a logo and colour theme agreed for the Youth Hall so this will be different. Cllr Morgan had designed a sign based on Cllr Khanna’s ideas – this is the view from the Recreation Ground. The fret has been added in. On specific facilities e.g. Boules, rules will be added. It was concluded that most people would recognise this as a view from the Recreation Ground. It was decided that the Parish Council should try to incorporate the Youth Hall sign into this design if possible. Regulations were discussed in terms of visibility and black on yellow conformed with regulations.

Action: Cllr Khanna to liaise with Cllr Barker about Youth Hall signs.

10. To receive a report from the Highways Working Group.

A summary report had been made available to all members ahead of this meeting. A copy of the report is associated at Appendix 2 to these minutes.

The Parish Council Highways Survey is now closed and some results were shown – there are 400 comments to analyse. The community are largely in favour of the 20mph zones.

The dropped kerbs will be commencing on Tuesday 7th May. On Vineyard Close a streetlamp has been installed on the corner so they will have to splay out the path and cut the corner of the path.

11. To receive a report from the Neighbourhood Plan 2 Working Group.

Nothing to report.

12. To receive a report from the Lytchett Matravers Youth Hall Working Group (YHWG).

A summary report had been made available to all members ahead of this meeting. A copy of the report is associated at Appendix 3 to these minutes. The Wednesday/Thursday warm space session has been up and running.

The next step is publicising on social media. Signage will be a positive addition.

The Charity Commission have agreed the CIO so the committee are now looking at setting up the bank account.

A list of items to purchase was presented for approval – £1509.94 in total – Cooker, dishwasher, printer, Sum Up machine, crockery. These will be owned by the Parish Council. It was RESOLVED to APPROVE the purchase of these items.

13. To approve the Agreement with Dorset Youth Association

As discussed in public participation. The cost for the first year is £8,700. At the point when the CIO takes over then the contract will be reissued. There is a 6 month notice period. No issues were raised. It was RESOLVED to APPROVE the agreement with Dorset Youth Association.

Action: Cllr Bush and Cllr Huggins to sign the agreement

14. To consider report and resolve to accept recommended quotation to repair Youth Hall car park

Estimates have escalated – initial quotes were around £3600. The real problem is the water and it needs to be investigated whether a bore hole can be created. It was noted that £15,000-£16,000 is a lot of money to spend on a two year project. The run off could go into the foul soakaway system, but – a Parish Council project should not be adding to this. It was suggested that a digger and driver were hired to see if a borehole system would be possible. All in agreement

Action: Cllr Morgan and Cllr Webb to obtain a price for investigation

15. To approve renewal of SLA with Dorset Council on two footpaths – Church Walk and Jubilee Walk.

This is a cost of £540 per year – Dorset Council have been providing this service for several years. It was RESOLVED to APPROVE the renewal.

16. To discuss Lytchett Matravers Summer Events

A programme of events was placed on Dropbox in advance of the meeting. The Facebook post went out on 23rd April and there has been lots of interest. The budget is £3000. Sponsorship to be sought.

The stage is booked and the ice cream van is booked – charging was discussed but it was concluded they would not be charged. It was discussed whether a working group need to be set up to organise this but concluded that most of the organisation was already underway. There are several things left to organise, including:

· PPL/PRS licence

· Insurance

· Risk Assessment

The Rose and Crown cannot help with D-Day. Cllr Bush and Cllr Webb to speak to the Chequers.

17. To consider proposal for Ham Radio repeater station.

This is an amateur club and the equipment is a modest size. They would need to install their own antenna. At the moment the Youth Hall does not have an internet connection. The Sports Pavilion may be a better candidate for the building. This was agreed in principle with further discussion to take place on location.

18. To consider proposal for replacement clerk’s laptop.

Defer to next meeting. The issue is Microsoft Office – the Parish Council needs a Business version. Cllr Huggins is obtaining quotes.

19. To approve the appointment of the locum clerk as Responsible Financial Officer until a permanent appointment is made.

It was RESOLVED to APPROVE the Locum Clerk as RFO until a permanent appointment is made.

20. To resolve to approve the following payments already made:

To Whom For What Net VAT Total
BT Office phone and broadband fee 55.98 11.19 67.17
SSE Youth Hall Electricity Bill 8.10 0.40 8.50
O2 Parish Clerk Mobile Phone – March 11.96 2.39 14.35
Propel Finance Plc Monthly repayment for LMPC Clerk’s mobile phone – 7.42 1.48 8.90
HSBC Bank account fee – March 5.00 0 5.00
RTH Services Removal of Waste from Youth Hall 425.00 0 425.00
Dorset Council Garden Waste collection – Churchyard 69.50 0 69.50

21. To resolve to approve the following payments due:

To Whom For What Net VAT Total
T Homer Handyman duties, March 2024 312.60 0.00 312.60
Alison Clothier Salary – April 984.07 0.00 984.07
HMRC Income tax and national insurance – April 334.11 0.00 334.11
Alison Clothier Expenses – postage 4.80 0.00 4.80
Dorset Council Apr-Mar 25 SID Deployment 750.00 150.00 900.00
The Play Company Bench for Church Walk 448.00 89.60 537.60
Saregcv Cleaning Youth Hall Cleaning 90.00 0.00 90.00
DAPTC Annual Subscription 1034.76 0 1034.76
Idverde Grounds Maintenance for St Marys and Row Park Cemetery 384.95 76.99 461.94
Cllr A Bush Expenses including pharmacy light. Cemetery tap, safety notices and GG refuse to tip 162.58 29.06 191.64
Gould Groundworks Ltd Cemetery Footpath, removal of fence, construct new patio 14923.51 2984.70 17908.21
Cllr A Huggins 3 Replacement defibrillator pads 430.66 86.13 516.79
Cllr R Ong Expenses for Youth Hall including groceries for warm space café, stools, baby change unit, saucepans, beans bags and signs 540.71 71.39 612.10
Cllr B Barker Youth Hall expenses – kitchenware and cake boxes 36.45 7.29 43.74
Fletchamoore Construction of Boules/Petanque courts 8463.00 1692.60 10155.60

The £15 from the Youth Hall Annual Rent has been taken off the list as it is supposed to be a peppercorn rent so is being queried.

It was RESOLVED to approve all of the above payments.

22. Training by members or the Clerk in the past month (for the purposes of report only).


23. To note any decisions / action taken by Parish Clerk under “Openness of Local Government Bodies Regulations 2014”, Part 3, Paragraphs 6-10, record of decisions and access to documents (for purposes of report only).

24. To note correspondence received.

Cllr Ong – Cadets have asked if they can put a banner up on the High Street temporarily and this was confirmed.

Car Park Licence – a request for a mobile catering van was received for the High Street Car Park for 7am-4pm Monday to Saturday. This was discussed but concluded that it would not be allowed on such a basis.

Confidential Items The press and public were excluded from the meeting in accordance with s1(2) of the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 due to confidential staffing issues being discussed.

25. To receive report from the staffing committee

The report was received and discussed.

26. To approve recommendations from the Staffing Committee regarding parish clerk vacancy

It was RESOLVED to APPROVE the appointment of the Julie Wigg as the new Parish Clerk.

The meeting closed at 21:18 Annotated by/on ……………………………..Signed by……………………

Appendix 1

Lytchett Matravers Parish Council



Working Group Objective:

· Development and improvement of village amenities, principally within PC control

· Particular focus on Recreation Ground + Library Green areas + School Car Park/Sports Project.

Working Group Participants:

Ken Morgan, Alf Bush, Andrew Huggins , Karen Korenevsky, Vicky Abbot, Hannah Khanna – Review Mtg held 6.3.24

Details:- Hannams Gate, Pond, Pav/Store/TT, Boules, Rocket Pk, School C Pk/SpProject. Cemetery

1. Hannams Gate. Design presented to PC July 23. Details worked up for costing.

2. Sports Store between Pavilion and Scout Hut – Base laid. Steel frame delayed. Now due mid May.

3. Sports Pavilion Terrace – Complete save for grass banking.

4. Pavilion Heat Pump guard – temporary protection in place. Enclosure to follow.

5. Pavilion – Retractable bollards + Entrance Porch/widened door + possibly TT tables to follow.

6. Pond – Survey measurements + levels + detailed design required. JK now re-occurred to N of pond site.

7. Eldons Drove ditch – inexplicably blocked and diverted onto road. To be realigned – Highways?

8. Boules/Petanque Pitches – completed. Grass seeding required. Rules advice signing required.

9. Village Notice Board Replacement – Complete detailed design + invite tenders.

10. Finger Post Renovations –Volunteer team required for training. Sponsors?. CPRE grant possibility.

11. School Parking/Sports Project. Car park/School drop off layout issued and on hold pending zebra crossing. Possibly submit Pl Application to provoke discussion.

12. Cemetery Path Extension – Completed. Bund./boundary planting required.

13. PC Signing – Ideas for a standardised PC ownership sign. See Agenda Item 9.

14. ‘Public’ Spaces – Ascertain ownership of non-PC owned public spaces – eg Rozalia Meadows pond.


DC Highways. School. Funding/Grants.

Status/Next Steps:

· Heat Pump enclosure detailed and ready for fabrication – invite quotations.

· Notice Board + Hannams Gate + invite tenders.

· Sort Ditch – Pond– Further JK treatment? Clear vegetation, survey levels dims, develop + agree designs and invite tenders.

Financial Forecast:

(£000’s, excluding VAT)

2023-24 2024-25 2025-26
Expense to date
Forecast Sp/Pav /TT/Terrace 55

Topo survey 1

Pond 15

Contingencies 20

Notice Board 5

Hannams Gate 5

Rocket Park Surface 80

Fingerposts 5

Contingencies 30

Total 91 125 ?

Appendix 2

Lytchett Matravers Parish Council

Summary Report – Dorset Council Highways WG

April 2024

Working Group Objective:

Review of all Highways related projects and establishing close liaison with Dorset Council Highways.

Working Group Participants:

Andrew Huggins (Chair), Ken Morgan, Alf Bush, Peter Webb, Beverly Barker, Rob Aspray


PC projects that require Dorset Council Highways interaction and agreement. To set up a more formal working arrangement with DC Highways to progress those projects.


DC Highways approval and partial funding

Status/Next Steps:

1. School Crossing – Highways have been given the green light to proceed with the Zebra crossing proposal, subject to various checks. Consultation has started – Statutory consultees first.

2. Huntick Road Cycleway – apply for approval for next section – Rozalia Meadows to Jubilee Walk

3. High Street Crossing – apply for permission to install as a ‘place’ project.

4. Tesco Island – Create formal notice to Tesco of intentions with DCH approval. AH to write to Tesco CEO office again and CC Southampton Distribution centre and local store manager – not done yet.

5. 20 MPH Zones – Apply for central village area to be set to 20 mph. Traffic survey results received – we asked DC if the results indicated the site was a good candidate for 20mph – no response received.

6. Drop kerbs – proposal deferred to Sept 2023 F&GP meeting for installation of dropped kerbs on the Spinney, Burbidge Close and Vineyard Close. Cost confirmed as 18.5K. Budgeted £15K – Awaiting installation date form DCH – chased April 2024.

7. Wareham Road crossing by school – DCH advised that due to the concerns raised in the consultation this is now deferred until adt erh the May 2023 elections at which point there will be a meeting between Hightways, Dorset Cllrs and LMPC.

8. LMPC Highways Survey now ended. Initial overview analysis attached, but there are many comments that need to be reviewed rather than taking the responses purely on the numbers.

9. We may consider applying for a weight restriction on the main roads into the village.

Financial Forecast:

(£000’s, excluding VAT)

2024-25 2025-26 2026-27
Expense to date
Forecast 1751 802 2503
Total 175 80 250


1. School crossing – High St crossing 75, 20MPH – 30, Drop kerbs – 15, Huntick cycleway stage 2 – 35

2. Tesco forecourt – 80

3. Huntick cycleway stage 3 – 250 LMPC contribution to overall cost.


Appendix A: Overview of Highways report

Appendix A: Overview of Highways report

There were a lot of comments which still need to be analysed before drawing conclusions from the pure numerical data portrayed below.

Appendix 3

Lytchett Matravers Parish Council

Lytchett Matravers Youth Hall Working Group (LMYH WG) April 2024

Working Group Objective:


· Renovate Lytchett Matravers Youth Hall (LMYH) for community use & Youth Club.

· Develop business plan for use. Fundraise to enable rebuild of purpose-built, energy-efficient building.

Working Group Participants:

Council members: Roger Ong (Chair), Ken Morgan, Alf Bush, Beverly Barker

Community members: Clare Duran, Kris Knudsen, Ben Cross, Alex Brenton


Management reverted to LMPC July 2022. Land leased from DC till 19/12/2056 on a Peppercorn rent and covenanted for youth-oriented purposes. Survey showed building old but structurally sound with asbestos in roof. Major renovation rejected but repair needed to improve accessibility, sustainability, etc. See minutes for further details.

· Stage 1: minor works required to bring building back into immediate use. Overall budget £25,000 but at financial year end £17,407 spent with building operational apart from WiFi connection but with previously advise equipment still needing to be purchased to be fully functional.

· Stage 2: Develop business case for full rebuild including designs & funding for the rebuild. Key Dependency: DC – land transfer.

Current News, proposals and recommendations


· Open Day 9/3/24 Great success. 104+ visitors & many enquiries. 1st party booking 22/3.

· Final 2023-24 proposal for approval needing to be undertaken in financial year 2024/25: Kitchen equipment – Cooker, Dishwasher, printer/laptop, club equipment, SumUp etc.

· 2024-25: Car park/path brief updated. Revised tenders ongoing but indicative cost (see separate paper) of £16,000 excluding emergency rear disable escape route still to be costed. Ext Lights to be Solar lighting which AH has purchased and RO will install on concrete posts with agreement from the Cadets.

· Youth Club: Dorset Youth contract drawn up with CEO to present at meeting 24/3/24 and for Councillors to discuss and approve. Official start date 21st May 2024 for two sessions – years 6/7 and years 8+

· Discussion held with the Cadets who are keen to use the building one evening a week (probably Monday) and their Deputy Commandant of the Dorset ACF will be contacting the governing body of the Army Cadet Force the RFCA with a request that the Cadets can use the Youth Hall.

· A family open session was run on Tuesday 16th April 18.00 to 20.00. A very good session with 16 adults and 19 children wishing to sign up for the Youth Club with Dorset Youth. To maintain interest, in the interim a family session from 18.00 to 20.00 will be run each Tuesday until Dorset Youth commence their Youth Club.

· In addition, the Youth Hall has been opened from 10th April each Tuesday and Wednesday from 11.00 to 14.30 with RO undertaking this at present. As anticipated a few people have called in to ascertain what is being offered and what the facilities look like. It will take time for word of mouth and promotion to be raised. Enquiries from Current Affairs group, U3A bridge group, private table tennis hirers, baton twirling group and young mothers group are currently being discussed.

CIO (Charitable Incorporated Organisation)

The Charity Commission has now approved the registration of the charitable entity under Charity No. 1207861. A Charity Commission account for the CIO will need to be set up for reporting and monitoring purposes and this is underway.

Once completed discussions can then be held with potential banks (CAF Bank, Lloyds Bank Plc etc) to open a bank account. This is likely to take several weeks as this is not a fast process.

LMPC Financial Forecast 2023-26 Summary:

Excluding VAT Detail 2023-24 2024-25 2025-26
Capex Budget 25,000 0 80,000
Revenue Budget 0 20,000 20,000
Capital £10k

Windows/ doors

18/4/23 & 26/5/23 Replacement windows 8,150 10,930 2,240*
19/10/23: Front/Fire Doors, int trim 2,780
Capital £15k

minor internal work

17/11/23: WC & partition, extra int fire door 2330 6,477
23/12/13: Plumbing & water heater 1217
9/1/24: Waste removal 275
28/2/24: Ceiling painting 700
28/2/24: External window trim 475
28/2/24: Door locks, etc 45
8/3/24: Cash box, First Aid Kit, Window Film 120
15/3/24: LMPC funding contribution to heating 1315
15/3/24: DC/ UK Shared Prosperity Fund (£9500) 0
Est: Baby changer 150 7,593
Est: Office/Sports Equipment, etc. 700
Est: Outdoor planting/green room 500
Est: Kitchen equipment 2200
Est: Path lighting 1200
Est: Residual 2843
Capital Work Car Park

Disabled rear exit and path

Est. 16,000

Ext. 3,000

Total 25,000 41,240 100,000

*Sanction sought for separate list of Capex items held in Dropbox (three quotes provided) to be purchased £1,509.94 + shipping say total £1,550.00

Full Council minutes 24th April 2024