Lytchett Matravers Parish Council

Minutes of the meeting held on Monday, May 8th 2017, in the Methodist Church, Wareham Rd, Lytchett Matravers at 7.00p.m.

Cllrs E Wilson (Committee Chair), R Carswell, M Colvey, A Cottman, A Huggins, and Mrs K. Bradbury (Locum Parish Clerk)

One member of the public was present.

PUBLIC PARTICIPATION. Mr Patrick Cremin, 7 Vineyard Close is involved with the maintenance of the bund that has been created around the front of the Village Hall and which has been sown with a wild flower mixture. Unfortunately the soil brought in to create the bund must have had bits of mares tail root in it as a patch of the mare’s tail has appeared on part of the bund near the car park. There is also a lot of broken glass incorporated in the soil that was delivered to the site. Cllr Rob Carswell agreed to investigate methods of getting rid of the mare’s tail

1. APOLOGIES. Cllrs J Taylor, A Bush, K Norris


3. MINUTES OF ENVIRONMENT AND AMENITIES COMMITTEE MEETING HELD ON 6th March 2017. It was RESOLVED to accept the minutes as a true record, and they were signed by the meeting Chairman.


Minute 6, 4th July 2016: footpaths – bridleway between Dolmans Hill and Morden, the footpath known as “Gypsy’s Path” which runs between Dolmans Hill and Middle Road, and a green lane running from Peatons Lane to Dolman’s Hill, all affected by fallen trees. Cllr Bush was able to confirm that the tree which has fallen over the green lane running from Peatons Lane to Dolman’s Hill has not yet been removed. The Parish Clerk reported this matter again online to DCC Rights of Way department under ref 20170113/0916 but received no response. Consequently it is again to be re-reported. Action: Parish Clerk to re-report this. [NB this has been subsequently reported by the Parish Clerk and logged by DCC Rights of Way Dept under the new ref no 20170308/0452.]

Minute 12, 5th September 2016 –Ash tree at library walk. The Parish Clerk consulted the PDC Tree Officer, James Bennett. Mr Bennett confirmed that the multi-stemmed ash growing amongst the oaks near the library is not protected by the group tree preservation order that protects the other trees at this location. He also said that he thought it would be of future benefit to the oaks to remove the ash. However he was unsure which side of the boundary the trees were growing on as the most southerly oak appeared to be on the library land. Consequently he said that he will look into this. As no further advice on this last point has been received the Parish Clerk has chased his matter again. Action: As this matter has been unresolved for so long and as DCC is likely to plead lack of funds to fell the tree it was RESOLVED that the Parish Clerk should obtain quotes for the felling of the Ash and ask Cllr Alf Bush if he could do it.

Minute 5b, 6th March 2017, The required cross hatched area which is needed to keep a clear access to the tarmac path around the recreation ground will be painted by Cllr Allan Cottman in the spring. Cllr Cottman will do the painting after the village fair.

Minute 5f, 6th March 2017, The bolts left protruding after the removal of the bench near the sports pavilion are due to be cut off by the Handyman.Terry has confirmed that this has been done. DISCHARGED.

Minute 5g, 6th March 2017, House style benches (ideally recycled plastic): Parish Clerk to gather together a representative sample literature covering the benches available. Cllr M. Colvey brought in a catalogue of recycled plastic furniture. It was agreed that the benches would have to have replaceable bolts for ease of replacement of parts in case of vandalism. Cllr A. Bush is currently carrying out a risk assessment survey of the Parish Council’s benches. When the survey is complete the Parish Council will have a better idea of the number of replacements required. Action: Parish Clerk to obtain catalogues of recycled plastic furniture and Cllr A. Bush to complete the risk assessment on the Parish Council benches.


Recreation Ground / car park.

a) It had been reported that one of the roundabouts at Rocket Park may have a bearing problem. Sutcliffe Play Ltd has been asked to look at this and report back.

b) As resolved at the April Full Council meeting, an order has been placed with Poole Business Services for the installation of 2 x monohinge gates at Rocket Park and an “inner” skin to the fence on the long side adjacent to the zip wire. They have already ordered the gates and will undertake the work over three days either week commencing 15th or 22nd May 2017.

c) Mr Mills has undertaken work to clear the car park gutters of weeds and rubbish.

d) No further progress has yet been made on the proposal to put forward by a member of the sports club to undertake some building work at the pavilion which will enable their bin to be stored inside the building and thus reducing the risk of fly tipping. This proposal requires the formal ratification of the Sports Club Committee. It appears that the refuse bin is not parked outside any more. Action: Parish Clerk to check if the work has been done.

e) Iverde Ltd (formerly The Landscape Group Ltd) is now regularly cutting the grass at the Southern end of the Recreation Ground. It was suggested that this area could be fenced off to create a dog exercise area. Action: Cllr M. Colvey and Cllr A. Cottman agreed to investigate dog exercise areas in Bournemouth (Redhill Park) and to take pictures for illustration.

Row Park Paddock. Nothing to report.


a) There are currently 7 vacant plots, with one present holder considering taking on a second one. The allotment Association is canvassing plot holders to ascertain support for a process of grant applications for (i) a project to lay drainage pipes through the main trackways for plot holders to connect to, (ii) purchase and installation of a toilet. It should be noted that in order to progress this, the Allotment Association is likely to have to adopt a formal constitution. It is believed it already has a bank account as it has received grants from the Parish Council in the past. While it was considered to be a good thing to support improvements on the allotment fields, at present there is no way of comparing the annual receipts from fees against the outgoings on things like water rates, mending broken taps, rotavating fallow plots. It was suggested that costs of rotavating could be reduced if vacant plots were covered with black plastic to prevent the spreading of weeds.

b) The advertising of vacant plots continues. The allotment Association intends to now also advertise the fact that there are vacant plots to let.

c) Mr Mills replaced a tap which had been broken off at the joint with its standpipe.

d) The police have offered to run informal allotment security awareness sessions for plot holders. The Parish Clerk has agreed this with the police. They will attend the allotment fields on one or more Saturday mornings to do this.

Memorial Green/War Memorial.

a) The contractor appointed by the Council’s insurers removed the damaged railings and installed replacements on 4th May 2017.

b) Mr Mills is arranging for soil to be delivered to fill the depression in the ground.


Mr Mills has fitted the replacement gate to Church Walk.

Club Hall.

The combination lock has not yet been fitted to the gate. Cllr Taylor has it and will pass it to Cllr Carswell when he returns from holiday. Prior to fitting the Parish Clerk will need to be informed of the combination number so that Gables Garage, The Lighthouse and the Army Cadets can be informed.

Hedges and Ditches.

Nothing to report.

Foxhills Open Space.

This is now being maintained by Poole Business Services, as agreed by Full Council. They have replaced the rotten sleeper in the middle of the bridge and have done some weed killing on the gravel paths. It was reported that the sleeper on one of the outside edges of the bridge which supports the handrail is beginning to show signs of rot. The sleeper does not require urgent attention but should be regularly monitored.


Nothing to report.

Lytchett Astro

Nothing to report.


Following Cllr Norris’s approach to DCC, prompted by a point raised under “public participation” by Mrs Hampshire (a complaint about horse riders using the path), DCC have now installed signs at each end of Jubilee Walk indicating that it is not a bridleway.

Other open spaces.

a) The refurbishment of the bench near the posting box outside Tescos has now been completed.

b) The bench on High Street near the Library windows and bus stop is missing a front slat. The Handyman has adjusted its retaining bolts so they do not protrude and has wrapped the brackets with hazard tape whilst he urgently obtains a new slat – to be fitted as a high priority. If the handyman has not repaired the seat yet, this might be a candidate for the new “House “Style” Recycled Plastic Bench. Cllr M. Colvey’s catalogue had some benches in “rainbow colours” that would look good outside the library.

c) The Handyman has repaired the bus shelter opposite the Old School Green by mortaring the loose bricks back in place.


Following the report and samples provided during Public Participation time by Mr Patrick Cremin it was considered that the first priority would be to get rid of the mare’s tail which is a pernicious weed that is very difficult to eradicate once it is well established. Several suggestions were put forward for tackling the problem; (i) cover the bund with woven black plastic covered with better-quality topsoil which can be sown with grass seed and strimmed regularly, (ii) Hoe the weeds regularly to weaken the mare’s tail. Remove the soil in the affected area and replace it with fresh soil, (iii) Weedkiller. Cllr Rob Carswell agreed to talk to Wilkes and to investigate methods of control for mare’s tail.


Cllr Huggins had sent his report to the Parish Clerk but there had not been sufficient time to circulate them to all members. The proposal to tarmac the area ties in with the longer term ambition to move the sports pitches to the area behind the school and to build a pavilion there as well. The pavilion will require the provision of water and electricity utilities. Herringbone parking would provide more spaces, though it was admitted that DCC is not in favour of this type of layout and lighting and traffic movements in and out would need to be considered.

Provisional quotes have been received (i) M.A. Hart £2600,000 for 7,000sq metres, (ii) Fletchamores £71,000 for 1,000 sq metres. It was RESOLVED to refer the matter to Full Council for a detailed briefing when the report will have been circulated to all members.


Quotes for tarmac were received from: (i) M A Hart £32,000, (ii) Fletchamores £35,000. Quotes to install a fence at each end were received from: Sutcliffe, Miracle and Wicksteed at £8,000 per end. The Sport England community Asset Fund has confirmed that a ball court would be allowed. The fund has three tiers of grant funding and the middle tier of grants are in the region of £15,000 to £50,000

The land has a slope and if the scrapings were used to level the area a bit there is enough space to allow for a tennis court, according to measurement estimates I found on tennisracquets.com. The ball court would be better used if it was fenced as balls would not runaway down the slope and into the scrub at the bottom. If the project was agreed it was suggested that a dugout would also prove attractive to spectators. There was also some discussion about getting a user group onside and involved as this would be helpful with a grant application.It was RESOLVED that Cllr Huggins would do a bit more investigation and do a short briefing at the next Full Council meeting.

  1. Review of Handyman ad hoc task list

Currently outstanding ad hoc tasks in priority order:

Replacement of front slat on bench – high Street, adjacent to Library windows and near bus stop. See Minute 5, 8th May 2017, Other Open Spaces (b). If the Handyman has not replaced the slat yet then it was suggested that a Recycled Plastic Bench in rainbow colours might be a suitable alternative. TH.

Removal of the concrete ends of the damaged bench at junction of Huntick Road and Huntick Estate. TH.

Buy and Fit two dolly posts at the recreation ground adjacent to where the bench was recently removed – to ensure its continued security. If the replacement dolly posts have not been purchased yet then consider using Recycled Plastic Posts as an alternative. TH.

Refurbishment of benches – team working with TH and SM. Replace all timbers on other benches where rot is present. Wood treatment to all benches which are still sound. Again it was suggested that a programme of gradual replacement of wooden benches with Recycled Plastic ones should be implemented in order to reduce maintenance costs.

Cut off the protruding bolts from the base where the bench has been remved from the recreation ground.

Rocket Park Play area – replace broken gantt rail and re-fix fence palings. TH

Investigation to see if the broken facia of the basketball goal can be removed. TH.

Cut off protruding bolts on the back of the basketball board. TH.

N.B. the above items are in addition to the following list of regular tasks the Handyman carries out every week:

Litter pick – High Street car park

Litter pick and clean – all bus shelters

Litter pick and bin clearance – Lytchett Astro

Litter pick and bin clearance – Foxhills open space play areas

Litter pick – Rocket park play area

Safety Inspections and routine maintenance (oil and bearings etc) – Foxhills play equipment, Rocket play equipment, Lytchett Astro, Skate Park and Basketball Court.

9. UPDATE ON Annual risk assessments of Council physical assets.

It was noted that the following are due to be completed outstanding:

– Benches…..Cllr Bush.

– Old School Green….Cllr Taylor.

– Recreation Ground….Working Group from E&A Cttee.

– Cemetery…..Cllr Wilson.

– Bus Shelters…..Cllr Norris.

– Club Hall….Cllr Wood.

– Foxhills Open Space……


There was none.

Minutes of Environment & Amenities committee meeting 8th May 2017