Lytchett Matravers Parish Council
MINUTES of the Meeting held on 11th August 2014 in the Sports Club Pavilion, High Street, Lytchett Matravers at 7:30 p.m.
PRESENT:, A Bush, M Colvey, I Maitland, P. Webb, C Wood and the Locum Parish Clerk Mrs K. Bradbury.
1. APOLOGIES. Were received from Cllr K Norris
There was none.
3. Declarations of Pecuniary Interest; and consideration of requests for Special Dispensations under Section 33 of the Localism Act 2011.
There were none.
4. MINUTES OF THE MEETING on 9th June 2014 were ACCEPTED as a true record.
Minute 12, 6th June 2011. Security of council papers & records It was noted that one Council minute book is still with Cllr Bush, who is currently making an electronic copy.
Minute 6, 2nd December 2014 – £25 fee for failed HSBC cheque as a result of failure of Santander failing to act on council instructions to transfer £4000 for HSBC current account. The Parish Clerk was requested to continue to chase Santander for a refund of the £25 penalty incurred because of their failure to act as instructed. In the meantime it was noted that there had been a resolution to close the Santander accounts and to transfer the funds to HSBC. Therefore the Clerk was requested to transfer the full amount of the balances from Santander to HSBC by the end of the month with a view to closing the account shortly after.
Minute 13, 10th February 2014 – Quotes for removal of Cypress trees on Southern side of Recreation Ground. It was noted that only about a third to a half of the work has been completed.
Minute 6, 9th June 2014 – Requirements of funders for village hall toilets refurbishment project. There was no information regarding the progress on the funding for this project. Cllr A. Bush agreed to Follow this up and get a written report on progress in time for the next Full Council meeting
Minute 12, 9th June 2014 – consideration of resourcing of post of editor of Lytchett Link. It was requested that this item be added to the next Full Council Agenda
6. Receipt of Latest bank reconciliation and accounts for 2013/14 to date.
Bank Reconciliation update for 2014/154 had been circulated in advance. A copy is attached at Appendix 1 to these minutes. Councillors had not received the back-up statements and felt they could not approve the reconciliation as it stood. It was noted that the statements and Bank reconciliations were to be posted on the Parish Council website with restricted access for Councillors only. Refer for discussion at the next Full Council meeting
7. Consideration of Grant applications for 2014/15.
It was noted that Purbeck Film Festival was granted £100 at the last Full Council meeting and should be added to the schedule.
It was also noted that there had not been any request for funding from the Sports Association, and that the grant for the lighting of the sports ground granted last year had not been used. There was a discussion regarding the process of approving grants and the measures in place to review the use to which they have been put. It was considered that a review of the grant application process should be carried out. Refer to the next F&P meeting.
Cllr A. Bush agreed to talk to the Parish Clerk and Mr R. Miller to find out what progress has been made in obtaining a Neighbourhood Planning grant from Purbeck District Council. The Neighbourhood Planning group meets fortnightly and the next meeting will be on Tuesday 19th August 2014 in the Sports Pavilion as the last meeting in the local pub was too noisy.
Letters of thanks for Parish Council grants were received from:
- Lytchett Matravers Twinning Association
- Purbeck Citizen’s Advice Bureau
Cllr M. Colvey: suggested that maintenance of the footpath between Foxhills and Deans Grove could be added to the Foxhills maintenance contract. However there was some discussion regarding the ownership of the footpath and whether D.C.C has formally adopted it. If it has been adopted then maintenance id the responsibility of D.C.C. Cllr P Webb agreed to contact Mrs J. Dyball to clarify the question of ownership of the footpath before the Parish Council considers whether to take on responsibility for its maintenance.
Cllr Mr A. Bush: raised the matter of the letter written by Mr Mark Pincott of MPA, setting out the terms of the contract for the Prudential Investment Fund. There were a number of clauses that needed clarifying and Cllr A. Bush and Cllr I Maitland agreed to make the necessary alterations and to circulate the final draft to all Councillors in time for the next Full Council meeting. Refer to the next Full Council meeting.
There being no further business, the Chairman closed the meeting at 20.45pm
Finance Minutes140811draft (Krystyna).doc