FINANCE AND POLICY COMMITTEE of Lytchett Matravers Parish Council

Meeting to be held on Monday, June 5th 2017, at 7.00 p.m. in the Methodist Church, Wareham Rd, Lytchett Matravers

PRESENT: Cllrs K Norris, B Barker, A Bush, M Colvey, C Wood, P Webb and the Parish Clerk (Mr T Watton).

Public participation. There was none

1. APOLOGIES. There were none.


There were none.

3. To elect the Chairman of the Finance & Policy Committee for 2017/18. Cllr Norris was nominated. There being no other nominations he was duly ELECTED.

4. To elect the Vice Chairman of the Finance & Policy Committee for 2017/18. Cllr Bush was nominated. There being no other nominations he was duly ELECTED.

5. To receive and approve minutes of the Finance & Policy Committee meeting held on 10th April 2017. These were ACCEPTED as a true record and signed by the Committee Chairman.

6. Reports of past subject matters: The following matters were included in the Clerk’s report:

i. Minute 12, 6th June 2011. Security of council papers & records. It was noted that one Council minute book is still with Cllr Bush, who is currently making an electronic copy. Carried forward.

ii. Minute 15, 8th August 2016 – Sports Club rent invoice. The outstanding amounts for 2015, 2016 AND 2017 have now been paid and the payment banked. A further invoice has been sent for the outstanding £85 payment in respect of 2014.

iii. Minute 13, 6th February 2017 – Steps adjacent to Library Walk. The owner of the pharmacy premises replied to the Clerk’s letter regarding concerns about the safety of the steps. He offered to meet Council members to discuss the matter and Cllr Colvey agreed to arrange to meet him.

iv. Minute 14, 6th February 2017 – Arrangements for Annual Parish Meeting 2017. Meeting held. DISCHARGED.

v. Minute 10, 10th April 2017 – Response to Housing white paper consultation. Agreed response sent to PDC. DISCHARGED.

vi. Minute 11, 10th April 2017 – Improvement works to Rocket Park fence & gates. Members noted the Clerk’s report that the work is due to be completed week commencing 5h June 2017. DISCHARGED.

vii. Minute 12, 10th April 2017 – Grant to CALM for membership of CPRE. Grant cheque had been authorised and prepared. A replacement cheque was necessary to be made out to reimburse an individual who member of CALM who made the payment for CPRE membership when it was revealed that CALM does not have its own bank account. This has subsequently been cashed. DISCHARGED.

viii. Minute 13, 10th April 2017 – Grant payment to CALM for its website. Authorised in principle by Full Council at its May meeting. However, once it was discovered that CALM does not have its own bank account the Parish Clerk suggested that the Council is invoiced by Mr Gracey direct for the work. This is to still be accounted for as a grant to CALM. Members to note that the revised estimate is a total of £480 (Website construction £300, 1 year’s maintenance £180). The Clerk suggested the need for CALM to establish its own bank account so that its affairs can be handled in a way which clearly identifies it as a separate entity and ensures transparency of its income and expenditures. A principal was RESOLVED that a specific sum of money be held by the council to support CALM’s activity, which that organisation to apply for to the Council as required.

7. Bank Reconciliation and accounts

This statement was circulated to members separately, and it was RESOLVED to receive and note their content. The supporting bank statements were examined and signed by the Chair of F&P committee to confirm matching with the Bank Reconciliation report. Members noted that due to advancing the meetings date by one week it was necessary to compile the Bank Reconciliation over the weekend 3/4th June. A current discrepancy of £111.56 had been briefly discussed with the Internal Auditor on 5th June, and was believed to be related to required adjustments to the standing order for the Clerk’s salary due to change in PAYE figures. Mrs White, the Internal Auditor, was due to undertake the first quarter internal audit later in June and will verify this and report back after that task is complete. A copy of the bank reconciliation statement is attached at Appendix 1 to these minutes.

8. Statement of Prudential investment valuation as at 31st March 2017

Statement received from Mark Pincott and circulated to members separately. It was RESOLVED to receive and note the content of this.

9. To consider a proposal that the Council uses the CIL monies so far received to fund the current project to refurbish the fence & gates to Rocket Park. After some discussion of this proposal it was NOT AGREED. Instead it was RESOLVED that CIL Monies received will be retained for specific discrete development projects. It was noted that the Parish Clerk will create a specific record in the working financial records to track receipt and use of CIL monies. Action: Parish Clerk to set this up. Also to confirm with PDC that allocated CIL money must be spent within 5 years of issue.

10. To consider a proposal that any surplus CIL money after meeting the cost of the Rocket Park fence & gates project be used for the distance markers on the recreation ground circuit path. Subject to the resolution above. This proposal was NOT AGREED.

11. Statement of Council’s Earmarked Reserves.

A statement prepared by Cllr Bush was been circulated as a separate file to this main report. A copy is attached at appendix 2 to these minutes. It was RESOLVED to note and accept this.

12. To consider a proposal that a further £8400 is added to the Prudential investment – representing the budgeted 2017/18 contributions to Earmarked reserves as follows: Skate Park £1400, Play areas £2000, Lytchett Astro £5000. It was RESOLVED in principle to do this and to add a further £5400 representing 2017 sinking fund budget contributions to it; making a total further investment of £13800. This is subject to confirmation from Mr Pincott of the fee charged for this investment. Action: Parish Clerk to contact Mr Pincott accordingly.

13. To consider quotations received for felling and removal of multi stemmed Ash tree at Library Walk.

The Clerk reported that following a visit to the site, the PDC Tree Officer advised that in order to facilitate unhindered growth of the nearby Oaks it would be an advantage to remove this Ash tree. Consequently the Parish Clerk sought three quotations from qualified tree surgeons. Replies were received as follows:

Kieran Boyland Treecare Ltd Net £220, VAT £44, Total £264

Broadoak Tree-care Net £320, VAT £64, Total £384

The PDC Tree Officer had also taken upon himself the task of verifying whether the tree in question is on Parish Council or DCC land. Having investigated this he remained unsure, due to its location right on the boundary, and consequently advised consultation with DCC on this point before any work is undertaken. After some discussion the members RESOLVED to accept the quotation form Kieran Boyland Treecare Ltd, and instructed the Parish Clerk to arrange for the work to be carried out.

14. To consider quotation for replacement of rotten steps at Foxhills Open Space. A quotation of £760 + VAT has been obtained from the holder of the maintenance contract for the Foxhills Open Space, Poole Business Services (Poole Borough Council). This has be circulated separately for information. In view of the figure being over the de-minimus expenditure level, the Councils’ Financial Regulations normally require a further 2 quotations to be requested for comparison. In view of the urgent safety nature of this work it was RESOLVED that the Clerk should arrange for this work to be undertaken by Poole Business Services as soon as possible for the price quoted.

15. To consider Council’s insurance policy renewal. Council members have already formally reviewed the level and extent of cover and reported on its adequacy. The council is currently in the middle of a 3 year (discounted fee) deal with Zurich Municipal’s in-house Town & Parish Council specialist insurers. Members are asked to note the renewal premium is £1797.02 + £215.64 IPT = total £2012.66. It was RESOLVED to note and accept this.

16. To receive and consider grant requests 2017/18. The Grant control form has been circulated to all members. The total budget remains unchanged at £6400, which includes £1500 for “youth facilities”. It was RESOLVED to award grants as detailed in the report attached at appendix 3 to these minutes.

17. To receive and note report on progress towards accounts and completion of Annual Return for year 2016/17 The Clerk reported the figures for the accounting statements at section 2 of the Annual Return had been prepared. The members then considered and confirmed “yes” answers to each of the Governance statements at Section 1 of the Return. It was noted that the Annual Return will be tabled for approval by Full Council on Monday 19th June 2017.

18. To note correspondence received.

Cllr Colvey reported on an arranged meeting with Mr P Scarlett, DCC Head of Estates, and Mr C Proven, DCC Valuer, on 15th June to discuss the Parish Council’s interest in a number of assets held by DCC – including the Library, the field behind the primary school and the land on which Club Hall stands. It was noted that Mr Graham Lee may be interested in taking part in this meeting – in connection with the Library.

There being no further business, the Chairman closed the meeting at 20:45

Annotated by/on …………………………. Approved by/on ………………………

FinanceMinutes170605 Appendix 1 (bank rec).xlsx
FinanceMinutes170605 Appendix 2(Statement of Earmarked Reserves 31 Mar 2017 v2).xlsx
FinanceMinutes170615 Appendix 3 (Grants control form June 2017v2).doc

Minutes of Finance & Policy Committee meeting 5th June 2017