Lytchett Matravers Parish Council

Minutes of the meeting held on Monday 6th January 2014 in the Sports Club Pavilion, High Street car park at 7:30 pm



Cllr L Wilson (Chairman), Cllr A Bush, Cllr R Miller, K Norris, Cllr M Colvey, Cllr C Wood and Mr T Watton (Parish Clerk).


One member of the public was also in attendance.


1.     APOLOGIES: Cllrs J Dyball and P Talbot


2.     PUBLIC PARTICIPATION (standing orders suspended):

Mr Aspray, representing the Allotment Society, asked about the arrangements for those Allotment holders wishing to pay their rental payment for 2014 in cash. The Parish Clerk confirmed that this can be done by them contacting him by email or telephone. He will then arrange to visit the Allotment holders concerned at a mutually convenient time.




4.      MINUTES OF THE MEETING HELD ON 4TH NOVEMBER 2013 It was RESOLVED to accept the minutes of the meeting on Monday 4th November as a true record. They were signed by the Chairman.



The following comments on matters from the minutes of the last Environment & Amenities Committee meeting were provided:

Minute 6, 7 July 2011- Recreation Ground: Millennium viewpoint plaque. This task is now on hold pending removal of the nearby fir tree.

Minute 8, 1st July 2013 – Recreation Ground, 3 new dog bins: The Parish Clerk confirmed that the Village Handyman will be installing the posts for the new bins in week commencing 13th January – weather permitting.

Minute 8, 1st July 2013 – Recreation Ground, “No Dogs” sign on Rocket Park Gates: These have been passed to the Village Handyman for affixing.   

Minute 8, 1st July 2013 – Recreation Ground, Dog tethering rings. These were passed to the Village Handyman before Christmas.

Minute 6, 4th November 2013 – Rocket Park fencing. It was noted that Cllr Taylor is organising a working party to screw the palings in place.

Minute 6, 4th November 2013 – Club Hall. It was noted that the Cherry tree has now been removed.

Minute 6, 4th November 2013 – Foxhills Open space, trees on boundary. It was noted that the Parish Clerk has arranged to inspect the boundary with a manager from Brighstone Landscaping to identify and quote of any pruning or removal of trees considered necessary.

Minute 9, 4th November 2013 – removal of Fir tree on recreation ground. It was noted that this has been booked with a contractor to take place in mid-January – weather permitting.

Minute 11, 4th November 2013 – Donated Christmas tree in surgery grounds. It was reported that there had been problems with the tree lights due to the external power socket at the surgery being affected by rainwater.



The following items were discussed:

Recreation Ground / Car park – It was commented that the drainage system on the playing are appear to be working well, despite the very wet conditions.


Allotments – Cllr Colvey reported that he had noticed that a new pile of wood chippings had been tipped at the Allotments.

The Parish Clerk read out a letter from an allotment holder complaining about the rubble adjacent to his plot, which he felt had reduced the enjoyment of it in making it difficult for his family members to access the plot safely. The letter asked why the council had permitted this to be done and why he had not been consulted before the rubble was placed there. In a subsequent discussion Councillors were reminded that a recent risk assessment had found the area of rubble to be unacceptable and that an action point is pending for quotes to be obtained for its removal. Cllr Miller indicated that he would speak to Cllr Taylor to expedite this action. The Parish Clerk confirmed that he would reply to the Allotment holder to address the points he made.


Row Park Paddock – Nothing to report


Library Walk – Nothing to report.


Memorial Green / War Memorial – Cllr Colvey commented that he had heard that local Councils were being encouraged to support suitable events or actions to mark the 100th Anniversary of the start of the First Word War. He suggested that the Council considers this. It was suggested that the wall behind the memorial is rebuilt.


Turbetts Green – Nothing to report.


Cemetery – It was reported that the very wet weather affected the preparation for a recent burial by filling the grave with water. It was explained that the hill above is crossed with old land drains which run into and across the cemetery. This, together with the heavy clay soil has resulted in the grave digger reporting that it is unsafe to dig “double depth” graves.


Club Hall – Cllr Colvey reported that he had not yet spoken to his contact regarding a bat survey.


It was noted that it has been some time since the Council had a progress report on the project with the Scouts. Cllr Norris indicated that he would ask Mrs Taylor for an update. Action: Cllr Norris to contact Mrs Taylor.


Hedges and Ditches – Nothing to report.


Foxhills Open Space – Nothing to report.


MUGA – Cllr Miller asked that the Sports Club be approached for an update on the path lighting project. It was noted that the 2013 grant was awarded on the understanding that it would contribute the lighting project. Action: Parish Clerk to speak to the Sports Club about this. 


Village Centre Project – Nothing to report.


Footpaths –

Jubilee Walk. Cllr Colvey reported that this path remains quite dry underfoot despite the poor weather.

Foxhills Open Space – Deans Drove. The line of this path is now passable. The various legal issues are still to be resolved.


Other Open Spaces – It was noted that the matter of parking and traffic congestion on Deans Drove and Wareham Rd will be discussed at a meeting at DCC on 16th January 2014. It is understood that a group of residents will be attending. Council members have been invited to attend if they wish.



Following on from the Risk Assessment of the Allotments, it was agreed that the Parish Clerk would prepare standard forms for the other Council physical assets, ready for allocation to members at the January Full Council meeting. Cllrs were reminded that carrying out Risk Assessment is a key part of its Annual Governance responsibilities.


8.              BURIAL RECORDS – REVIEW.

Cllr Wilson kindly agreed to carry out the review of the burial records to ensure they are in agreement with actual burials at Row Park Cemetery over the past year. This is part of the Council’s Annual Governance responsibilities. Action: Parish Clerk to pass a copy of the records to Cllr Wilson to enable to checks to be done.



  • The Parish Clerk reported on an email from Kerry Smyth, Democratic Services Officer, DCC to advise that the matter of parking and congestion in in Deans Drove / Wareham Rd will be discussed at the Roads & Rights of Way Committee (item 4b – Public Participation) on 16th January 2014.
  • Cllr Wood reported on a message from a resident which accompanied the return of a Neighbourhood Planning Questionnaire. The resident is very interested in becoming involved in the possible Coffee Shop idea.



  • The Parish Clerk reported that the date for the 2014 Parish Council election will be 22nd May 2014. He explained that the Annual Meeting of the Council (at which the old council stands down and the new one takes over) must be held within 14 days of the first working (i.e. non-Bank Holiday) Monday immediately following election Thursday.
  • It was noted that a further 76 responses to the Neighbourhood Plan questionnaire had been received.
  • Cllr Colvey sought volunteers to join him for a litter pick to take place sometime in the 2 weeks following this meeting.
  • Cllr Miller proposed a vote of thanks to all Council members who had been involved in producing and getting the Neighbourhood Plan questionnaires distributed.


The meeting closed at 8:40pm

EnvAmenitiesMinutes 140106draft


E & A – January 2014