Meeting held on Wednesday October 10th 2018, at 7.00p.m. in the Blanchard Room, Village Hall, High St, Lytchett Matravers
PRESENT: A Bush (Chair), A Huggins, A Cottman, M Colvey, B Barker and Mrs Alison Clothier (Temporary Parish Clerk)
Public participation. There were no members of the public present.
1. APOLOGIES. C Wood, R Watts, P Webb, J Taylor, R Carswell, and K Norris
2. Declarations of Pecuniary Interest; and consideration of requests for Special Dispensations under Section 33 of the Localism Act 2011.
There were none.
3. To receive and approve minutes of the Finance & Policy Committee meeting held on 12th September 2018. These were ACCEPTED as a true record and signed by the Committee Chairman.
4. To receive and consider reports of past subject matters. The following matters were included in the Clerk’s report of past subject matters. [nb: comments made or decisions taken at the meeting are shown in italics]
i. F&P Cttee Minute 12, 6th June 2011. Security of council papers & records. At the August 2018 meeting that Cllr Bush would approach a local historian about what she may be able to do to capture relevant detail of interest before the 1890s minute book is deposited with the Dorset History Centre archive. There was a discussion about where the best place for the minutes would be and it was suggested that the Parish Council could scan it so that the village has a copy as well as Dorset History Centre. There is potential to also print an extract from the minutes in the Link. Carry Forward.
ii. E&A Cttee Minute 10, 8th May 2017: Outstanding risk assessments: At the July 2018 meeting it was agreed that Cllr Carswell would take over responsibility for preparing a risk assessment for Old School Green. There is particular need to look at the wall. Action: Clerk to ask Cllr Carswell to carry this out before Remembrance Day. Carry Forward
iii. E&A Cttee minute 5.4 6th Nov 2017 Old School Green / War Memorial. The Parish Clerk has again contacted Mr Mills to remind him about the task to arrange for soil to be delivered to fill the depression in the ground. It was suggested that Mr Mills be asked to do this work in the next two weeks or after Remembrance Day. The Clerk contacted Mr Mills to ask him to carry out the work after Remembrance Day. Remembrance Day road closures have been organised – Cllrs to attend at 10.45am.
Action: Cllr Bush to speak to organisers about preparation for the day.
iv. F&GP Cttee, Minute 26, 13 June 2018 – refurbishment of Landers Reach Roundabouts. As resolved, the Parish Clerk placed an order for this work with Poole Business Services. The work will be carried out on Saturday 6th October. Cllr Huggins to write an article about the work for the Link and Parish Magazines. This work has been completed. Cllrs gave their thanks to Cllr Huggins. Discharge.
v. F&GP Cttee, 8th August 2018, Minute 14 – Specification for re-modelling and upgrading of Lytchett Astro entrance trackway area. At the meeting on 8th August it was resolved that Cllr Bush would prepare a specification for use to obtain quotes for this work. This specification has now been passed to the Parish Clerk and approaches have been made to three prospective groundworks contractors – One quote has been received for £7660. These quotes are without permanent surfacing – it is hoped that once the site is used then this will keep the growth of vegetation down. Other surfacing was discussed for example eco matting. Proposal is to clear it and then decide the way forward. The school need to put up the alternative entrance. The lights on the pathway are usually damaged and these will need to be removed – at this stage they would clear around them. Carry Forward.
Action: Clerk to chase up remaining two quotes.
vi. F&GP Cttee, 8th August 2018, Minute 15 – development of a detailed specification for pathway and gate to school premises via Eldons Drove. At the meeting on 8th August it was resolved to approve work towards preparation of a specification for this work in order to ascertain the costs involved. Poole Business Services have been asked to clear the vegetation from the pathway at a cost of £265. The long term plan is that the astro entrance may become a main entrance to the school and Eldons Drove would be a walking entrance. Carry Forward.
vii. F&GP Cttee, 8th August 2018, Minute 17 – proposal to reinstate George VI coronation memorial plaque. Revd Partridge had been asked about the possibility of the tree being planted in the graveyard but this would not be appropriate as it would interfere with the gravestones. It was concluded that the plaque should be moved to the middle of the village where people would see it – the best position was thought to be Old School Green. The planting of the tree would be looked at, at a later date. Cllrs to investigate the best position for the plaque. Due to objections to putting the plaque on Old School Green the possibility of locating at the Church without a tree will be investigated, however Old School Green is still viewed as a good location for the plaque. The site should be referred to as Old School Green with Memorial Walk. Carry Forward
Action: Cllr Wood to discuss location of the plaque with Revd Partridge.
viii. F&GP Cttee, 8th August 2018, Minute 18, Bollards / Dolly Posts. As resolved, the Parish Clerk has asked the Handyman to obtain and install wooden dolly posts in the current gaps at the Rec Ground. This work is in progress. Cllr Huggins to write a proposal for the work and obtain three quotes. It was concluded that the easiest site to progress would be the car park at the Eldons Drove end of the rec. Carry Forward.
Action: Cllr Huggins to prepare a spec for the Eldons Drove car park
ix. F&GP Cttee, 12th September 2018, Minute 10, – proposal to create a Parish Council-led community team to clear Church Walk back to the fence line and to infill the groove in the surface path – This is a Dorset County Council owned path that has become increasing overgrown. It was proposed that, due to insurance concerns, it would be safer to employ someone to do the hedge cutting work that needed power tools and that volunteers could complete the rest of the work. A group from the Church have volunteered to help. It was also suggested that sleepers could be put in to define the path and control the growth of vegetation. Cllrs to meet on Monday 17th September to walk the path and assess what work need to be done. The Parish Clerk has had one quote from PBS and has requested two more quotes. Cllr Bush will be meeting with another contractor on the 11/10. The Church Group are keen to clear some of the path – any money saved could then be put in to maintaining the path. Carry Forward.
x. F&GP Cttee, 12th September, Minute 13 – response to Housing Green Paper – this was discussed at Full Council and it was concluded that the Parish Council would not be giving a response. DISCHARGE.
xi. Planning application responses sent to PDC and reported as “not yet determined” by PDC at the September LMPC F&GP Committee meeting:
Planning application 6/2018/0063 Lewis Wyatt (Construction) Ltd & Morrish Builders. Land at Huntick Road, Lytchett Matravers. Erection of 46 dwellings (including affordable homes), new vehicular access via Huntick Road, associated landscaping, drainage & all other development works. PASS shows that PDC has still not yet determined this application. Despite the Clerk’s written chasers to PDC Planning, they have still not yet responded to the Council’s request to begin discussions with both parties regarding the amenity aspects, or to its comment that the Parish Council would like to ensure that the developers speak to Andrew Bradley, DCC Highways Engineer, to ensure that the plans to provide the cycle way are incorporated into the development proposal. As a result of this, on 16th July the Parish Clerk spoke to the relevant Planning Officer at PDC and was informed that the Officer will contact DCC Highways for their comments on the matter. At the meeting on 8th August it was agreed that the council should attempt to open a dialogue direct with the developers. To this end Cllr Colvey indicated he would provide Cllrs Bush and Huggins with the email contact details he holds for them. The District Valuer has the financial information from the developers so will be able to do the viability assessment. Still awaiting information about cycleway/footpath.
Planning application 6/2018/0287. Nest Homes. Land adjacent to Wessex Water Reservoir, Purbeck Road, Lytchett Matravers. Construction of 25 dwellings and associated access, car parking and landscaping. PASS shows that PDC has still not yet determined this application.
Planning application 6/2018/0386 Mr Nicholas Rubenstein. Highgrove, Eldons Drove, Lytchett Matravers, Poole, BH16 6HH. Variation of condition 2 of planning permission 6/2016/0345 (Demolish existing house and erect 2 new dwellings) to amend hard surfacing and landscaping to front of properties. PASS shows that PDC has now approved this application
Planning application 6/2018/0362 Nicholas Rubenstein. 86 Wareham Road, Lytchett Matravers BH16 6DT. Demolish existing buildings, erection of new building to include a ground floor shop and coffee shop, 2 ground floor flats, with 2 flats above, and a detached single storey building at the rear comprising 2 flats together with associated access and parking. PASS shows that PDC has now approved this application
Planning application 6/2018/0369 Mr Nathan Thomas. 15 Prospect Road, Lytchett Matravers, Poole, BH16 6ED. Single storey rear extension. PASS shows that PDC has now approved this application
Planning application 6/2018/0420 Mrs Victoria Pattison. Pidgeon House Cottage, 81 High Street, Lytchett Matravers, Poole, BH16 6BJ. Erect 2 storey rear extension including first floor balcony and bay window with balcony over in the existing house. PASS shows that PDC has now approved this application
5. To receive and note the 2018/2019 YEAR to date bank reconciliation.
A copy of the bank reconciliation is attached at Appendix 1 to these minutes. It was RESOLVED to accept and approve this. Money is now coming in from the football club so this is positive. It was noted that the football club is thriving.
6. To receive and consider a report covering 2018/19 year to date council income and expenditure.
The report having been circulated to all members it was RESOLVED to accept and approve this. The Sports Club expenditure tracker was also examined and it was RESOLVED to accept and approve this.
7. To receive and note the External Auditor Report for 2017/18. The interim annual return was presented and accepted by the Parish Council. The relevant information is published on the Parish Council website and on the noticeboard.
8. To consider planning application 6/2018/0542 Dymboro, Eldons Drove, Lytchett Matravers, Poole, BH16 6HH. Insert 6 rooflights for internal loft conversion.NO OBJECTION
9. To consider a proposal to lock the gate to the MUGA and to discuss general maintenance of the MUGA. A detailed discussion took place on the advantages and disadvantages of locking the MUGA. The reason for the proposal is to generate income to pay for repairs. The main concerns about locking it were about preventing young people from using this facility and the dangers of climbing over the fence to use it. At the moment there is only one regular user that pays so it was suggested that there is a reminder put in the Parish Magazine to book the MUGA through the Sports Association. The Parish Council presently pay the maintenance contact at £1000 per annum. The proposal to lock the MUGA was not carried but it was RESOLVED to continue making the repairs to the MUGA.
10. To consider the proposal to install the George VI Coronation Memorial Plaque in the village.
As above
11. To consider progress on the Landers Reach Roundabout improvements.
As above
12. To consider to request to operate a food trading van in the Parish Council car park.
There were no objections to the request for a pizza van to trade in the car park but it was concluded that this should be on any night other than Thursday. It was RESOLVED to approve the request on the basis of same licence as the current food trader, subject to annual review.
13. To consider a response to the DEFRA survey on Local Partnerships.
The DEFRA survey had been looked at by Cllr Norris and concluded that a response would not be needed. It was RESOLVED to not respond to this survey.
14. To consider a proposal of items for inclusion in the next article for the Parish Magazine; and also for the next edition of Lytchett Link.
It was agreed to include the following articles in the Parish Magazine: Allotments, Landers Reach Roundabout, Pavilion, Litter Pick, Community Working Group, Booking MUGA, Centenary – Road Closure.
The Lytchett Link will be deferred until a later date.
A discussion took place on the merits of merging the Parish Magazine with the Lytchett Link, with the suggestion that this would be distributed to the whole village and would be free of charge. The Parish Magazine generates an income for the Churches so it was thought that this should still be a monthly subscription magazine with the Link coming out quarterly. There is a need to look at the format and style of both magazines to update them and also to see how links with the website and social media could improve distribution.
19. To note correspondence received.
No correspondence was received.
Meeting closed at 21:02
Annotated by/on …………………………. Approved by/on ………………………