Meeting held on Wednesday January 9th 2019, at 7.00 p.m. in the Blanchard Room, Village Hall, Lytchett Matravers
PRESENT: Cllrs R Watts (Vice Chair), A Cottman, R Carswell, M Colvey, A Huggins, K Norris, P Webb, and Mr T Watton (Parish Clerk)
One member of the public was present.
Public participation: There was none.
1. APOLOGIES. Cllrs A Bush and C Wood.
2. Declarations of Pecuniary Interest; and consideration of requests for Special Dispensations under Section 33 of the Localism Act 2011.There were none.
3. To receive and approve minutes of the Finance & Policy Committee meeting held on 5th December 2018. These were ACCEPTED as a true record and signed by the Committee Vice Chairman.
4. To receive and consider reports of past subject matters. The following matters were included in the Clerk’s report of past subject matters. [nb: comments made or decisions taken at the meeting are shown in italics]
i. F&P Cttee Minute 12, 6th June 2011. Security of council papers & records. The members noted that the Dorset History Centre is the recognised repository for public historical documents – where they are stored in environmentally controlled conditions to preserve them, and where they are made available for public examination. In the light of this it was RESOLVED to recommend to Full Council that the minute book in question be transferred to the Dorset History Centre in Dorchester without local scanning.
ii. E&A Cttee minute 5.4 6th Nov 2017 Old School Green / War Memorial. Mr Mills has put about 2 tonnes of soil in the depression. This work was interrupted by the wet weather in December. He will resume work week commencing 7th January after a 2 week break. He will now order more purchased soil (2-3 tonnes) and will take delivery and spread this during early January, weather and supplier delivery performance permitting.
iii. F&GP Cttee, 8th August 2018, Minute 14 – Specification for re-modelling and upgrading of Lytchett Astro entrance trackway area. The Parish Clerk undertook a site visit with the third potential contractor on the morning on Monday 7th January. His response with a price is awaited.
iv. F&GP Cttee, 12th September 2018, Minute 10, – proposal to create a Parish Council-led community team to clear Church Walk back to the fence line and to infill the groove in the surface path – The contractor has commenced work on this area. There was an interruption in this before Christmas due to horses having been turned out to graze Row Park Paddock. These have since been removed and the Parish Clerk has met with the contractor and advised him to continue as soon as possible, whether or not the volunteers are available, since their work can follow-up after the main cutting work is done. Carried Forward.
v. F&GP Cttee, 14th November 2018. Work to prepare a grant funding request for submission to Sport England. It was noted that two significant inputs to this to increase its chance of success are the level of support for the project by the local community, as demonstrated by a public consultation exercise, and the identification of other funding contributions towards the total sum required. Advice on effective consultation has been requested from Dorset Community Action and they have responded. The details of this have been passed back to Cllr Huggins to arrange a meeting suitable to him.
vi. Planning application responses sent to PDC and reported as “not yet determined” by PDC at the September LMPC F&GP Committee meeting:
Planning application 6/2018/0063 Lewis Wyatt (Construction) Ltd & Morrish Builders. Land at Huntick Road, Lytchett Matravers. Erection of 46 dwellings (including affordable homes), new vehicular access via Huntick Road, associated landscaping, drainage & all other development works. PASS shows this application has still not yet been determined. Regarding the Council’s request to begin discussions with both parties regarding the amenity aspects, Cllrs Bush and Huggins have reiterated their intention to contact Wyatts on this matter now that DCC Highways has confirmed its responsibility for maintenance of the verge and that their checks at the Land Registry confirm that it is not registered. In response to an enquiry be the Parish Clerk, Helen Nolan (Planning Technical Officer), promised to confirm the latest proportion of affordable housing (in response to the Dist Valuer’s comments) and to advise LMPC of this by Tuesday 8th January. She subsequently did this – advising that Andrew Collins (PDC Planning Officer) had confirmed that this would be 40%. She also reported that the developer has made a number of technical changes to the proposal regarding drainage and highways issues which require further consultation with DCC Highways and Wessex Water. Consequently the earliest date this will go to PDC Planning Committee now is February 2019.
Planning application 6/2018/0515 Valley View Farm, Castle Farm Road, Lytchett Matravers BH16 6DA. Temporary rural workers dwelling. PASS shows this application has still not yet been determined.
Planning application 6/2018/0521 Valley View Farm, Land south of Castle Farm Road, Lytchett Matravers BH16 6DA. Erection of 7 polytunnels, new farm service track and car parking area. PASS shows this application has still not yet been determined.
Planning application 6/2018/0582 Mr Nicholas Rubenstein. Land between 66 & 68 The Spinney, Lytchett Matravers, BH16 6AS. Erect detached single storey garage. PASS shows this application has now been approved.
Planning application 6/2018/0590 Mr J. Gregory. Valley View Farm, Land south of Castle Farm Road, Lytchett Matravers BH16 6DA. Erection of livestock building. PASS shows this application has still not yet been determined.
Planning application 6/2018/0586 Mrs A Baker. 56 High Street, Lytchett Matravers, Poole, BH16 6BH. Convert dwelling to 2 flats. Erect a single storey front extension & side external staircase. New car parking layout & boundary fencing. PASS shows this application has still not yet been determined.
Planning application 6/2018/0557 Dr and Mrs Adam and Vicky Nicholls. 47 High Street, Lytchett Matravers, Poole, BH16 6BH. Create a dropped kerb, erect a front garden boundary fence and other associated works. PASS shows this application has now been approved.
Planning application 6/2018/0604 Mr M Wingfield – Harlequin Homes. The Shooting Box, Middle Road, Lytchett Matravers BH16 6HJ. Sever plot, erect two dwellings with access and parking. The response to PDC from the Parish Council strongly recommended that the plots are laid out differently to enable the two parking spaces to be positioned side-by-side, to encourage parking within the dwelling plots rather than on the side of this very narrow road. PASS shows this application has been withdrawn.
Planning application 6/2018/0610 Mr Rob Holden. Chartley, Jennys Lane, Lytchett Matravers, Poole, BH16 6BP. Outline planning permission to extend above existing property to form a first floor and erect a 2 storey extension on front (east) elevation. Erect a detached garage with pitched roof. PASS shows this application has not yet been determined.
Planning application 6/2018/0623 OOTA Property Ltd. Foxhills Farm, Foxhills Road, Lytchett Matravers, BH16 6BD. Formation of new driveway utilising existing access onto Foxhills Road. PASS shows this application has not yet been determined.
Planning application 6/2018/0620 Mr & Mrs W & E Sewell. Foxdale, Burbidge Close, Lytchett Matravers BH16 6EG. Front single storey extension linking the garage to the house, rear single storey extension and associated ramping and decking. PASS shows this application has not yet been determined.
5. To receive and note the 2018/2019 YEAR to date bank reconciliation. A copy of the bank reconciliation is attached at Appendix 1 to these minutes. It was RESOLVED to accept and approve this, subject to circulation to all members of the relevant bank statements.
6. To receive and consider a report covering 2018/19 year to date council income and expenditure. The report having been circulated to all members, it was RESOLVED to accept and approve this.
7. To Consider planning application 6/2018/0645 Bracken Developments Limited. Former Royal British Legion Club, Wimborne Road, Lytchett Matravers, Poole, BH16 6HQ. Outline application for the demolition of the former, vacant, Royal British Legion Club building and the construction of 7 dwellings with car parking and landscaping. The council wished to respond by expressing concerns about the level of parking provision within this proposal. The Council noted that the Planning, Design and Access Statement submitted in support of the Planning Application states that “14 car parking spaces are proposed, 2 for each unit with additional visitor spaces if needed.” The Council maintains that additional visitor spaces are required, to avoid overspill of visitors cars being parked on the adjacent main road into the village at a particularly hazardous point near a bend, and these visitor spaces must be identified on the Site Plan. In addition, the Council notes that none of the car parking spaces identified are of the size needed to accommodate people with disabilities, and recommends that at least one of the visitor spaces should be. The Council also wished to strongly recommend that the plots are laid out to enable the pairs of parking spaces to be positioned side-by-side to more effectively facilitate parking within each plot. In addition, clarification is to be sought from PDC regarding what restrictions would be put on use of the portion of the site which is within the greenbelt.
16. To review and approve the text of the forthcoming article for the Parish Magazine. Members noted that no proposed text had been made available for consideration at the meeting. However, Cllr Norris agreed that he would prepare something regarding the control of dogs on the recreation ground based on the material sent to the Council by Jill Jackson following the PDC Officers’ visit to Full Council in November. He also agreed to prepare something to advise of the next scheduled litter pick.
17. To note correspondence received. Cllr Watts reported that at a meeting with the Village Hall Management Committee an informative document was provided to the Council giving details of the arrangements for construction and subsequent occupation of the Parish Council office.
Cllr Cottman reported on Wessex Water’s response on 5th / 6th January 2019 to rectify and clean up the effects of a domestic sewerage overflow which had entered the water course flowing through the Foxhills Open Space.
The meeting closed at 19:55
Annotated by/on …………………………. Approved by/on ………………………
Fin&GenPurMinutes 190109 Appendix 1 (Bank Rec and accounts summary) (Excel)