Held on Monday May 16th 2016 at 7:00 in the Methodist Church, Lytchett Matravers.
PRESENT were Cllrs M Colvey, A Carswell, A Cottman, A Huggins, J Taylor, E Wilson, C Wood, P Webb, K Norris, and Mr T Watton (Parish Clerk).
Dist Cllr W Meaden, County Cllr F Drane and 3 members of the public were also present.
1. REceipt of apologies for absence – Cllr A Bush.
2. Consideration of candidates for Co-option to membership of the Parish Council.
The Parish Clerk reported that he had received one application for co-option by the published deadline, Mrs Julia Gracey. Her application had already been forwarded to members for their information. It was RESOLVED that Mrs Gracey was thus duly appointed.
3. Acceptance of office of newly co-opted Council member. In view of Cllr Gracey being on holiday and unable to attend the meeting, this matter is DEFERRED until the June meeting of the Full Council.
4. Election of Chairman of the Parish Council for 2016/17. Cllr Colvey was nominated and confirmed his willingness to stand. There being no other nominations, Cllr Colvey was duly ELECTED.
5. Receipt of Chairman’s acceptance of office. The Parish Clerk indicated that he would forward the necessary acceptance form to Cllr Colvey to print out and sign.
6. Election of Vice Chairman for 2016/17. Cllr Bush was nominated and it was confirmed that prior to the meeting he had indicated his willingness to stand. There being no other nominees he was duly ELECTED.
7. Receipt of Vice Chairman’s acceptance of office. The Parish Clerk indicated that he would forward the necessary acceptance form to Cllr Bush to print out and sign.
8. CHAIRMAN’S ANNOUNCEMENTS. Cllr Colvey took the opportunity to remind members of the forthcoming issue of Lytchett Link, and reviewed the possible articles / topics for it, including:
· An announcement of the informal picnic to mark the Queen’s 90th birthday
· Article about the “Preferred options” for the Purbeck Local Plan partial review
· Litter picks
· Village Fayre May 2016 – pictures
· “Meet the Councillors”
· Recreation ground security improvement project
9. DECLARATIONS OF PECUNIARY INTEREST; AND CONSIDERATION OF REQUESTS FOR SPECIAL DISPENSATIONS UNDER SECTION 33 OF THE LOCALISM ACT 2011. There were none. It was noted that Cllrs Carswell and Webb had provided updated “Declarations of Interests” reflecting recent changes of address.
Mrs Hampshire asked if the Council would be making any representation regarding the NHS Dorset proposal to relocate the Major Trauma and Maternity Services to The Royal Bournemouth Hospital from Poole. In a subsequent discussion it became evident that there was a lack of clear understanding about what exactly is proposed. Cllr Norris volunteered to investigate and clarify this via his POPPP work.
11. Appointments to :
Environment & Amenities Committee
Cllrs. E Wilson, R Carswell, A Cottman, A Huggins, J Taylor, K Norris
Finance & Policy Committee
Cllrs K Norris, A Bush, M Colvey, J Gracey, C Wood, P Webb
Planning Committee
Cllrs C Wood, E Wilson, J Taylor, A Huggins, R Carswell, P Webb, and A Cottman
12. Appointment of representatives to:
Village Fayre – Cllrs A Cottman and J Gracey
DAPTC, Purbeck Area Cttee – Cllrs K Norris and E Wilson
Village Hall – Cllr E Wilson
School Councillor – Cllr A Bush
Youth Organisations – Cllr C Wood
Sports Club – Cllr A Bush and A Cottman
Appointment of Footpaths Officer – Cllr J Taylor
Appointment of Editor of Lytchett Link– Cllr J Taylor
13. Minutes of Council Meeting on 18th April 2016 were approved as a true record of the meeting, subject to minor amendment to draft minute 10, and then signed by the Chairman.
i. Minute 13, 18th August 2014. Establishment of Google Diary. It was noted that this matter has now been resolved. DISCHARGED.
ii. Minute 14, 21st September 2015 – website updating. It had been previously agreed that all members would review and update their personal profiles previously published on the website or in Lytchett Link and then forward them to Mr Gracey – and to then forward copies to Cllr Colvey to review them for consistency (length, style and format) before Mr Gracey publishes them on the new website. Council members were reminded that this action is still outstanding. However, at the Council meeting on 21st March 2016 it had been decided that instead these should now go to Cllr Taylor. Despite this, no updated profiled were received and so it was decided that these should be forwarded to Cllr Taylor in time for the May Full Council meeting. Actions: All Cllrs to update their profiles and forward them to Cllr Taylor before 16th May 2016. Cllr Taylor to provide an update to the May meeting of Full Council indicating whose up-to-date profiles he is holding and whose are still outstanding. CARRIED FORWARD
iii. Minute 20, 16th November 2015 – ownership and responsibility for War memorial. The Parish Clerk had previously reported that his enquiries had led him to Mr Steve Nimmo, a Funeral Director who acts as a liaison with the Royal Marines at Hamworthy. Mr Nimmo had indicated that he would arrange for an inspection of the memorial stone and report back in due course. Since the Parish Clerk had not received a response by 19th March 2016, he contacted him again and was advised that Mr Nimmo had been particularly busy. In view of both the potential for Mr Nimmo’s military contacts to pick up the cost of this work, and its non-urgent nature, it was noted that that it is in the interest of the Council to be patient. DISCHARGED.
iv. Minute 11, 18th January 2016 – signage for Jubilee Walk. These signs have now been installed. DISCHARGED.
- Minute 12, 18th January 2016 – boundary between allotments and Dyetts Wood.DISCHARGED.
vi. Minute 19 18th January 2016 –Youth Organisations / further proposal for extended usage of Club Hall and related refurbishment to it. This matter was reported in detail under minute 4 of the meeting on 18th April 2016. DISCHARGED.
vii. Minute 4, 21st March 2016 – condition of the surface of the A31. DISCHARGED.
viii. Minutes 11 and 12, 21st March 2016 – vending licences. DISCHARGED.
ix. Minute 15, 21st March 2016 – date for Annual Parish Meeting 2017 – it was noted that this matter is being considered by the Finance & Policy Cttee in June.
15. District Cllrs report.
District Cllr Meaden reported on the following:
Fly-tipping has been a major issue in and around the village. Fly-tipping signs have been displayed down Foxhills Road. A new system of issuing Fixed Penalty Notices for this offence is going before Purbeck District Council in June with a heavy fine attached which it is hoped will act as a deterrent to offenders.
Residents have complained to Cllr Meaden during the month about dog fouling. The PDC Dog Warden has been patrolling the village on foot. He has had a “talk” with some offenders and has issued some verbal warnings.
The car wash at the top end of the High Street has now changed ownership and has had a surface water drainage system installed professionally; so it is hoped this will improve that problem. The new owner has also arranged for the forecourt to be cleaned weekly.
The main Purbeck District Council business has been the Partial Review Advisory Group (PRAG) meeting regarding the housing numbers. Approximately between 150 and 200 members of the public attended. A recommendation to Council was passed for a public consultation to take place showing the options for development. At the Council on 10th May a similar number of the public attended again and heard the resolution to hold a public consultation for a 9 week period beginning 6th June. This is longer than the statutory 6 week period. The alternative option for Lytchett Minster will be part of the document.
Cllr Meaden has been re-appointed as Vice-Chairman of Purbeck District Council.
Finally Cllr Meaden observed what excellent attendance there was at the Annual Parish Meeting “Connexions” event at the Village Hall. She was kept busy about littering, fly-tipping, dog fouling, the development in and around the village, potholes and schools being turned into academies.
In response to the point made above, Cllr Wood asked for an update on any progress towards installation of CCTV cameras to counter the increase in fly-tipping. Cllr Meaden reported that PDC have obtained special permission to use these, and the fines for any offenders are likely to be significant. She also volunteered to write a piece for the Lytchett Link making the point that if residents are having building work done they should check that the contractor(s) will dispose of the waste properly.
Cllr Norris expressed thanks for Cllr Meaden’s efforts to get the Dog Warden to visit the village.
Cllr Meaden then offered a few minutes’ informal summary of the key points regarding the Purbeck Local Plan partial review “Options” document. It was noted that the members of the DAPTC Purbeck Area Committee will be covering this topic at a special meeting on 25th May. It was also agreed that in preparation for the public consultation and the likely questions and issues to be raised by members of the Lytchett Matravers community, it would be useful to hold a separate more detailed briefing for Lytchett Matravers council members on 26th May.
16. County Councillor’s report
County Cllr Drane reported on the following:
A special meeting is to take place at DCC on 25th May regarding the concentration of certain specialist NHS facilities on to the Royal Bournemouth Hospital and removal of equivalent services from the other hospitals in Dorset. Concerns have been expressed about this and the exact range and capabilities of the facilities for those services which will be left at the other hospitals. Efforts will be made to clarify this in terms of the impact on the pubic.
With regards to the question of the proposed “Combined Authority”, this matter is still proceeding, but the outcome remains unclear at this stage. Dist Cllr Webb drew attention to the public consultation which is now open online on the Dorset For You website.
Village Hall Toilets Refurbishment Working Group. It was reported that a start date of August 2016 has now been agreed for the work.
Sports Club Governance Working Group. Work is proceeding “behind the scenes” to tidy up the Sports Club’s financial affairs. The currently planned date for the next meeting of the Working Group is 15th June 2016, the focus for which will be the interface between the Parish Council and the Sports Club.
Neighbourhood Planning Working Group. It was noted that the recommendation for the nomination of Inspector had been submitted. The Inspector’s role is to determine if the Lytchett Matravers Neighbourhood Plan is sound.
18. Recommendations from Committees:
(a) Environment & Amenities Cttee – meeting 2nd May 2016:
- Consideration of an offer of £250 contribution from the Village Hall Management Committee towards the cost of the bund which is part of the recreation ground security. AGREED.
- Approval of the payment for the high level gates for the Recreation Ground Security project. AGREED.
Following a brief discussion, it was agreed that Cllr Carswell would re-draw the plan proposal for the above project to give two options for the security arrangements for the western end of the High Street car park (i.e. adjacent to the Village Hall) (i) bollards / dolly posts or (ii) dragon’s teeth. Action: Cllr Carswell to re-draw the plans and obtain additional costings in accordance with these options.
(b) Planning Committee – meeting 5th May 2016
There were no recommendations to bring forward.
It was RESOLVED to receive the minutes of both of the above meetings.
19. Review of Council’s insurance cover.
The Parish Clerk reminded those present that the policy schedule had been circulated in advance of the meeting. After a brief discussion it was RESOLVED that no changes were necessary to the schedule or levels of cover.
20. Consideration and completion of section 1 of Annual Return 2015/16 (Annual Governance statement).
The Parish Clerk had circulated a copy of the Section 1 list of statements to members for consideration in advance of the meeting. He then read out each of the statements for the members to formally consider. It was unanimously AGREED that the Council’s arrangements had complied with each statement except the last one – which was not applicable. Section 1 of the return was formally agreed, signed and dated by the Chairman and the Parish Clerk.
21. Consideration of Village Hall heating problem.
It was RESOLVED to deal with this matter with the grant requests under item 23 below.
22. Consideration of Grant requests: (i) Lighthouse Family Church, (ii) St Mary’s Church.
After some discussion it was RESOLVED to make grant awards to the Lighthouse Family Church, St Marys Church, the Village Hall, and the 1st Lytchett Girl Guides as detailed in the schedule attached as Appendix 1 to these minutes.
23. Report of any training activity undertaken in the past month.
There was none.
24. Reports of Representatives (by exception):-
Village Hall | DAPTC | Footpaths | School Liaison |
Youth Organisations | Sports Club |
There were no reports.
25. Council to approve the following payments already made:-
Inv | To Whom | For What | Net | VAT | Total |
3584 | HMRC | PAYE & ENI quarter 4, 2015/16 | 921.80 | 0.00 | 921.80 |
The Council APPROVED the above payment.
26. Council to approve the following payments due:-
Inv | To Whom | For What | Net | VAT | Total |
3585 | T Watton | Clerk’s salary – May (12 equal monthly payments by standing order) | 904.99 | 0.00 | 904.99 |
3586 | T Homer | Handyman duties – April | 261.00 | 0.00 | 261.00 |
3587 | The Landscape Group | Cemetery maintenance – April 2016 | 303.49 | 60.70 | 364.19 |
3588 | SLCC | Annual membership subscription 2016-17 | 149.00 | 0.00 | 149.00 |
3589 | Information Commissioners Office | Data Protection Annual Registration fee | 35.00 | 0.00 | 35.00 |
3590 | H Vowles | Refund of burial plot purchase | 236.25 | 0.00 | 236.25 |
3591 | Lytchett Matravers Methodist Church | Hire for meetings | 250.00 | 0.00 | 250.00 |
3592 | Lytchett Matravers Village hall | Hire for Annual Parish meeting, April 2016 | 40.00 | 0.00 | 40.00 |
3593 | Paula Harding | Cover for Clerk at meeting on 9 May 2016 | 73.93 | 0.00 | 73.93 |
3594 | S P Mills | Landscaping handyman work – April & May 2016 | 440.00 | 0.00 | 440.00 |
The Council APPROVED the above payments
27. “Openness of Local Government Bodies Regulations 2014”, Part 3, Paragraphs 6-10, Record of Decisions and Access to Documents – record of decisions taken by Parish Clerk.
There was nothing to report.
The following correspondence was received:
A letter from the 1sy Lytchett Girl Guides detailing a grant request.
A letter from Purbeck CAB thanking the Council for its grant award for 2016.
A letter from Purbeck Film Festival organisers thanking the Council for its grant award for 2016.
A letter from DCC giving advance notice of the request for payment of the 1 hour per week extra opening to Lytchett Matravers Library.
A letter from Fields In Trust giving details of their forthcoming AGM in London.
Cllr Norris reported on a request made to widen the path from the Club Hall car park to the building itself to improve the accessibility for disabled people. This was AGREED.
Congratulations were offered to Cllr Cottman and all those involved in the planning and delivery of an excellent Village Fayre.
The meeting closed at 21:02
Annotated by/on …………………………….. Signed by……………………
FullMinutes 160515 Appendix 1 – Grant awards 2016.doc