Held on Monday June 20th 2016 at 7:00 in the Methodist Church, Lytchett Matravers.

PRESENT were Cllrs M Colvey, A Bush, A Carswell, A Cottman, J Gracey, A Huggins, J Taylor, C Wood, P Webb, K Norris, and Mr T Watton (Parish Clerk).

Dist Cllr W Meaden, County Cllr F Drane and 3 members of the public were also present.

1. REceipt of apologies for absence – Cllr E Wilson.


Mrs Hampshire reported that she believed some gullies were not being cleared on Huntick Road. It is understood that this is a matter for Dorset County Council Highways Department. District Cllr Meaden indicated that she would take up this matter in liaison with Mrs. Hampshire.

3. CHAIRMAN’S ANNOUNCEMENTS. Cllr Colvey called for a minute’s silence in respect for the death of MP Jo Cox – which was duly held.

Referring to the picnic held to mark the 90th birthday of the Queen, he commented that 44 people attended, and reported that some of the cake went to residents of the sheltered housing in the village. He also expressed thanks for the work done by Mr Steve Mills to ensure that the grass on the Old School Green was cut and looked its best for the event.

Cllr Colvey, as Chairman of the Parish Council, has been invited to attend and speak at the celebration to take place at St Mary’s church to welcome the new minister.

He formally welcomed the newly co-opted Cllr Julia Gracey to the Parish Council.


5. Minutes of Council Meeting on 16th May 2016 were approved as a true record of the meeting, subject to minor amendment to draft minute 28 to clarify that it was not the Lighthouse Family Church who had requested that the path to Club Hall be widened. The minutes were then signed by the Chairman.


i. Minute 14, 21st September 2015 – website updating. Actions: Cllr Taylor to review the personal profiles he has received and individually approach the members he has not had one from. CARRIED FORWARD

ii. Minute 15, 21st March 2016 – date for Annual Parish Meeting 2017 – it was noted that this matter was considered by the Finance & Policy Cttee in June and the date for the meeting has been established as Thursday 20th April 2017. discharged.

7. District Cllrs report.

District Cllr Webb reported that:

  • PDC are out to consultation on the Partial review of the Purbeck Local Plan.
  • There is also to be a consultation on the Dorset Home Choice Allocation policy. The most significant change is the likely reduction in the local connection qualifying period from 5 to 2 or 3 years, due to legal precedent in another council where a 3 year period was held to be too long.
  • Purbeck District Council voted for a fixed penalty fine of £400 for fly tipping, with no rebate for early payment. This is an additional deterrent, but the burden of proof is the same as for a legal prosecution.
  • PDC has allocated money to develop a digital hub and technical business centre at Dorset Green, which is now a local enterprise zone.
  • PDC are now able to put homeless people into private accommodation, if there is insufficient room in their own housing stock.

District Cllr Meaden also commented on the following:

  • As the Vice-Chairman of PDC she had attended the re-opening of the Rex Cinema in Wareham. The Cinema had been closed over the winter for a total refurbishment, new lighting and film equipment. It is understood that quite a few residents use the Rex and were missing this venue.
  • 20th June was British Armed Forces Day and Cllr Meaden was a member of the dignitary party raising the flag and inspecting the troops at Westport House.
  • She had attended the Queen’s Birthday picnic at the War Memorial Green with her mother and they both thoroughly enjoyed themselves.
  • Cllr Meden had received some complaints about Tesco, the size of the lorries servicing the shop and the exhaust fumes from them. Consequently she visited the store to speak to the Manageress. There was a 40 ft articulated lorry delivering at the time – which Cllr Meaden understand to be the longest lorries possible on UK roads. However, the manageress disagreed. The lorries have been seen to wait down the road until they can pull into the layby. It is believed that the lorry drivers have, apparently, been a bit vocal to other car users who get in front of them. Whilst at the store the delivery was taking place and one of the loaded cages got stuck in a rut in the pavement. There were already two staff, one pulling the cage and one pushing. The cage was seen to be about to tip over when another staff member came running and saved it. Had it tipped over there was an elderly couple waiting to enter the store and whilst it is believed the elderly lady was mobile enough to have got out of the way, her husband most definitely was not. The cage, in Cllr Meaden’s opinion, had been well over-loaded and exceeded the recommended safe handling weight. It was filled with bottles of wine, beer, lager and cider. Had this cage tipped over there would have been lots of broken glass. The next cage in was also judged to have been well over-loaded with heavy goods also. The pavement is in a poor state of repair, but according to the Manageress of Tesco, this is a Tesco responsibility not a Dorset Highway one. A risk assessment was carried out two months ago and everything was found to be in order. Cllr Medan has taken the complaints and her eye-witness incident up with Tesco Customer Service who are looking into the loading of the cages, the state of the pavement and the possibility of different routing which could mean slightly smaller lorries.
  • There have been more complaints about dog fouling and fly tipping. PDC now has an extra enforcement officer and she is out on foot in the village with the other dog warden. Incident leaflets have been distributed to villagers and anything reported is being followed up by officers. New government legislation was introduced in May regarding fly tipping and at its Council meeting on 12th June, PDC voted in favour of issuing fixed penalty notices for fly tipping offences. The maximum fine was recommended (£400) and with no reduction for early payment. This is for small offences only. It is planned that the legal system should be simplified for councils who will be prosecuting fly tippers, also making it quicker and less costly. Alleged fly tippers, if successfully prosecuted, will pay the Council’s costs, which is not the case at the moment.
  • Regarding the Partial Review of the Local Plan and the public consultation, which took place showing the 4 options for Lytchett Matravers and the options for Lytchett Minster and Upton, there was a good showing from the village. People were genuinely interested, there was some anger but mostly people wanting to know what the options were and then wanting to make their opinion heard and placing their vote. Paper responses were available and some were completed at the venue, some were taken away. Cllr Meaden is collecting any paper responses left at the Library every Thursday and taking them to PDC.
  • She was in the Library on Thursday morning 16th June and some residents saw her there, asked questions, looked at the document and took paper response sheets away with them. At the end of the public consultation event in the Village Hall, the vote was overwhelmingly in favour of the new village option. It has to be said, however, that at the moment, the new village has not been given an opinion by Natural England. Cllr Meaden had a meeting with the Doctors Surgery regarding their opinion on the medical facilities associated with the different options. The doctors feel that whatever option is chosen, if any, the current medical facilities are adequate in size and location with the possibility of an extra doctor if necessary.
  • The melting pot of the unitary authorities and the combined authority continues to bubble. The Leader at PDC has just been voted as the new Leader of the Leaders Forum for Dorset – which possibly gives Purbeck a stronger voice in the Local Plan Review and any strategic planning role in the future.

8. County Councillor’s report

County Cllr Drane reported on the following:

He had attended a meeting at which the NHS transport plan, associated with the proposed forthcoming geographical location of emergency facilities, was discussed.

Regarding the proposed Unitary Authority, Cllr Drane commented on the related financial planning assumptions – a cost of £20m to achieve the proposed change to a Unitary, and an assumed saving after the first year of £35m. The saving is due mostly to staff reductions. It was noted that Cllr Drane understands there may be a reduction in Council members from the current 330 to 90 in future. There is some concern at a potential risk of under-representation.

Cllr Drane referred to the proposed removal or reduction of the number of mobile libraries – which is to be voted on by the PDC cabinet. There is concern at how any resultant gap in service provision will be filled.


Village Hall Toilets Refurbishment Working Group. Those present were reminded that Cllr Bush had intended speaking to the appointed contractor to verify if and when he can commence the work. However it is understood that the contractor is currently away. In the meantime Cllr Colvey reported that the chair of the Village Hall Committee believes that the date the contractor had indicated for commencement of the work might slip. In the light of these points it was decided to set up a meeting to review the situation as soon as Cllr Bush has had a response to his questions to the contractor. It is intended that this review meeting will involve Councillors Colvey, Wilson, and one other member. Action: Councillors Colvey and Wilson to set up the meeting accordingly.

Sports Club Governance Working Group. Cllr Webb reported that a meeting had taken place of this working group on Wednesday 15th June. At that meeting the new secretary of the sports club gathered a list of items to be discussed at a forthcoming general committee meeting of the Sports Club. It is anticipated that this meeting will be lengthy and challenging. He also reported that the Sports Club have recognized the need to separate the running of the Sports Club, the youth football club, and the Lytchett Astro as distinctly separate activities. The Parish Clerk reported that the Football Foundation had been in touch with the new secretary of the Sports Club and she has taken on responsibility for liaison with the Football Foundation regarding this year’s annual support meeting for the Lytchett Astro. This is scheduled to take place on 12th July commencing at 15:00.

Neighbourhood Planning Working Group. Cllr Bush reported that efforts are still being made to fix the post of examiner for the Lytchett Matravers Neighbourhood Plan. He explained that an Examiner had been chosen but just before she was due to start, the Council was told that she was no longer accredited for this work. However it is understood that Steve Tapscott at PDC has indicated that it would be acceptable to appoint her for this role after all. Consequently Cllr Bush has written to her.

Huntick Cycle Way Working Group. It was noted that a meeting of this group will be held at the Rose and Crown public house commencing 7:30pm on 27 June.

10. Recommendations from Committees:

(a) Finance & Policy Cttee – meeting 13th June 2016:

  • Acceptance and approval of the Bank Reconciliation and Accounts update as attached at Appendix 1 to the Finance & Policy Cttee minutes. Unanimously AGREED.
  • Acceptance of the financial statements and Annual Return figures for year ending 31st March 2016 as discussed at Finance & Policy Cttee minutes and subsequently amended and circulated to all members by the Parish Clerk to address two pints noted at the committee meeting:

(i) That the £25K held for the toilets refurbishment project for the Village Hall is identified as such.

(ii) That the unrealised gain in value on the Prudential investment be shown on the financial statements.

These documents were unanimously AGREED by Full Council and are attached at Appendices 1 and 2 respectively to these minutes.

  • That a “Centenary Fields” Deed of Dedication to protect the Old School Green – also known locally as the “Memorial Green”) to be applied for. Unanimously AGREED.
  • That the current value of the following Earmarked reserves is added to the Prudential Investment:

Election fund £ 1,500

Skate Park Sinking Fund £ 5,600

Foxhills Play Area Sinking Fund £ 5,400

Rocket Park Play Area Sinking Fund £ 7,000

Village Centre Project Earmarked Reserve £25,000

TOTAL £44,500

This was unanimously AGREED.

(b) Planning Committee – meeting 2nd June 2016

There were no recommendations to bring forward. However it was noted that Cllr Wood has taken on the task of devising a matrix giving details of material planning considerations which may be drawn on when considering applications.

It was RESOLVED to receive the minutes of both of the above meetings.

11. Consideration of proposal for fence behind basketball court, recreation ground.

Cllr Huggins explained that the background to this initiative included comments at last year’s annual ROSPA safety inspection regarding the fragmentation of the surface of the basketball goal backboard, and also risks caused by a protruding bolts at the back of it. In addition, feedback had been received about the inconvenience caused by lack of catch fencing to prevent the ball running out of the playing area. Cllr Huggins had noted that some play parks have a basketball area which incorporates fencing and goals for other sports – thus encouraging multi-games use. He pointed out that installing something similar on the Lytchett Matravers recreation ground facility would enhance its utility. He reported that he had sought quotations for a single goal end / catch fence arrangement from two established equipment suppliers as follows:

Sutcliffe play £5574

Miracle design and play £8100

In consideration of these quotations, members wondered what guarantee terms were available in respect of the equipment. Cllr Huggins agreed to investigate this. Discussion then took place about possible adjustment of the orientation of the existing basketball area to increase its usefulness. In the light of this it was agreed to establish a mini project to review feasibility of reorientation or relocation of the court, as well as taking into consideration the various options for goal ends – including adding a second goal and at a later date. A project team consisting of Cllr Huggins and the Parish Clerk agreed to take this on and report back via the Environment and Amenities Committee.

12. (i) Allocation of responsibilities for risk assessments of Council assets 2016/17 (ii) proposal for revised approach.

The Parish Clerk explained that allocation of responsibility for undertaking the initial risk assessment of each asset should also then include regular visits and checks throughout the year, to be fed back to the Council as and when necessary. This was agreed.

Allocations of responsibility for risk assessments were made as follows:

Benches and seats – Cllr Bush

Allotments – Cllr Cottman

Bus shelters – Cllr Norris

Club Hall and its car park – Cllr Wood

Cemetery – Cllr Wilson

Old School Green – Cllr Taylor

Recreation ground – Members of the Environment & Amenities Cttee

Lytchett Astro – Cllr Cottman

Action: Parish Clerk to forward copies of the risk assessment forms to the appropriate members for them to complete

13. Securing the Club Hall car park.

Cllr Taylor put forward a proposal for a gate to be installed. It was AGREED that Cllr Carswell should obtain a quotation for such a gate and its installation and refer this to the Environment and Amenities Committee to consider. Action: Cllr Carswell to obtain a quotation and refer it to the Environment & Amenities Committee.

14. Consideration of a proposal to replace the noticeboard between the library and the pharmacy.

Cllr Gracey showed some photographs of the current noticeboard, illustrating its poor condition. She suggested that the noticeboard could be tidied up by being rubbed down and re-varnished as an interim measure – with a longer term plan to replace it at some later date. She indicated that she was willing to take on this Refurbishment task. This was unanimously agreed.

15. Consideration of Grant requests:

The Parish Clerk explained that it had been anticipated that a further grant request may have been received in time for this meeting – but ultimately it had not been. However, since the setting of this agenda item it had been drawn to the Parish Clerk’s attention that it is important for fairness and transparency reasons that the Council strictly adheres to its own published policy and guidelines on this matter – and that therefore in future grant requests failing to been received by the published deadline should not be considered. In the light of this he suggested that it would be appropriate for the Finance and Policy Committee to review the terms of this particular policy. Action: Parish Clerk to add this matter to the agenda of the next Finance and Policy Committee meeting.

16. Report of any training activity undertaken in the past month.

There was none.

17. Reports of Representatives (by exception):-

Village Hall DAPTC Footpaths School Liaison
Youth Organisations Sports Club

There were no reports.

18. Council to approve the following payments due:-

Inv To Whom For What Net VAT Total
3595 T Homer Handyman duties – May 258.02 0.00 258.02
3596 The Landscape Group Cemetery maintenance – May 2016 303.49 60.70 364.19
3597 DAPTC Annual subscription 798.61 0.00 798.61
3598 Borough of Poole Grass cutting, southern end of Recreation Ground

Apr 16-Mar 17

240.00 48.00 288.00
3699 Lytchett Matravers Guides Grant 250.00 0.00 250.00
3600 Lighthouse Family Church Grant 700.00 0.00 700.00
3601 T Watton Clerk’s salary – June (12 equal monthly payments by standing order) 904.99 0.00 904.99
3602 St Mary’s Church Grant 500.00 0.00 500.00
3603 Lytchett Matravers Village Hall Room hire 2/6/16 25.00 0.00 25.00
3604 Churches Fire Security Ltd Test & service fire equipment at Club Hall 121.53 24.31 145.84
3605 Dorset County Council Funding for additional library opening time 1316.00 0.00 1316.00
3606 Full circle leisure Ltd Resurfacing of skate park riding surfaces 1473.00 294.60 1767.60
3607 Zurich Municipal Council annual insurance premium 1902.27 0.00 1902.27
3608 DAPTC Course fee – Essentials for Councillors 65.00 0.00 65.00

The Council APPROVED the above payments

19. “Openness of Local Government Bodies Regulations 2014”, Part 3, Paragraphs 6-10, Record of Decisions and Access to Documents – record of decisions taken by Parish Clerk.

The Parish Clerk reported on two matters:

  • Short notice liaison with the Sports Club leading to a decision to utilise the southern part of the Recreation Ground to park cars during their recent football tournament weekend, to avoid parking congestion on surrounding roads and in the High St car park.
  • To book a specialist asbestos company to urgently carry out an inspection of the damaged roof of the bus shelter adjacent the primary school – in response to potential risk to the public of the roof collapsing and /or releasing asbestos particles.


The following correspondence was received:

A telephone call from a resident reporting the poor condition of the surface of Church Walk.

Cllr Wood referred to the various correspondence related to the additional development options arising from the partial review of the Purbeck Local Plan. She expressed concern that the Council needs to do more to read, understand and contribute to the debate regarding this. She drew attention to the judicial review being demanded by residents in another community in Purbeck, and commented that the Lytchett Matravers community could be doing more. It was noted that as a result of the preparation of the Neighbourhood Plan the Council has a clear mandate on this. It was agreed that there was a need to convene a meeting to discuss actions and establish a clear agenda and process to undertake it. It was agreed that a meeting involving Council and interested members of the community would be organised to take place in the Rose & Crown PH at 7:30 on 30th June 2016. In preparation for that, Cllr Colvey commented that a map would be needed showing the proposed potential development options in relation to the parish boundaries for Lytchett Matravers and Lytchett Minster & Upton. It was noted that he would ask Mr Tapscott, PDC, for this.

Cllr Wood also reported on correspondence in which the agent, a Mr Morgan, had indicated a proposal to offer the Royal British Legion club premises in Wimborne Road for sale at market value as licenced premises. It was reported that in conversation with him he had indicated that the option to consider a community partnership had been turned down due to the need to obtain “best value”.

Cllr Colvey referred to correspondence from a representative of the Lighthouse Family Church asking whether the Council would be willing to offer them a guarantee of tenure of the Club Hall premises for a specified amount of time, in the light of their current intentions to develop the community benefits and services they offer based at that premises, and within the context of the Scouts project to ultimately demolish and re-build. It was agreed that Cllr Colvey would write to the Lighthouse Family Church on this matter.


  • It was noted that a litter pick was scheduled for 26th June.
  • Cllr Huggins sought confirmation that the Council would reimburse Cllr Gracey for any expenses she incurs in tidying up the noticeboard. The Parish Clerk emphasised the importance of promptly and consistently submitting claims for any expenses incurred in the course of activities as council members.

The meeting closed at 21:30

Annotated by/on …………………………….. Signed by……………………

FullMinutes160620 Appendix 1 – 2016 Final accounts pwa20 6 16 (003a).xls
FullMinutes 160620 Appendix2 – Annual Return Figures 2016.xls

Full Council minutes 20th June 2016