Held on Monday November 16th 2015 at 7:00 in the Methodist Church, Lytchett Matravers.
PRESENT were Cllrs M Colvey, A Bush (from 7:30), D Bevan, K Norris, J Taylor, E Wilson, C Wood (from 7:30), A Cottman, P Webb and Mr T Watton (Parish Clerk).
County Cllr F Drane, and one member of the public were also present.
1. REceipt of apologies for absence – Cllrs R Carswell and A Huggins.
2. CHAIRMAN’S ANNOUNCEMENTS. The Chairman remarked on the good turnout for the Remembrance service in the village.
As a mark of respect for the victims of the events in Paris on Friday 13th November, 1 minute’s silence was held.
Mr C McDonald wondered if the Council was aware of continued problems with the use of the Sports Club Pavilion due to showers not working and a damaged floor in the Referee’s Room. Mr McDonald commented that as a result the Lytchett Red Triangle football team are currently obliged to play their home matches elsewhere – at additional cost of hiring pitches, etc. The Chairman assured Mr McDonald that the Council is looking into the underlying causes leading to these problems with the pavilion as part of a wider project to examine the governance of the Sports Club. Cllr Webb is leading the Working Group looking into this and has established the Terms of Reference for the investigation.
Mr Maitland, organiser of the Village Fayre, provided an update on what is being planned for the Fayre which is due to take place on 14th May 2016. He explained that there is an intention to try to expand the Fayre and thereby to stimulate grater interest in it which will in turn increase financial contributions to it which can be used to grow it even further. He explained that in order to seed this cycle of growth the Village Fayre Committee wished to apply for a Parish Council grant of £1000. It was agreed to consider this at the December Finance & Policy Committee meeting. Action: Parish Clerk to add this matter to the agenda of the F&P Cttee meeting.
5. THE MINUTES of the Council meeting on October 19th 2015 were approved as a true record of the meeting, and signed by the Chairman.
- Minute 13, 18th August 2014. Establishment of Google Diary. Cllr Carswell had previously commented that he would develop and circulate some instructions to guide members in how to link their diaries to the online calendar on the Council’s website; and also how to add items to the website calendar. Action: Cllr Carswell to prepare and email this briefing – CARRIED FORWARD.
ii. Minute 22, 19th January 2015 –Venues for Council meetings. It had previously been discussed that Cllr Carswell would approach the nearby companies to see if it is possible for the Parish Council to have a similar arrangement. Action: Cllr Carswell to approach companies accordingly. CARRIED FORWARD.
- Minute 13, 16th February 2015 – Primrose donation to Village Hall toilets refurbishment project. Cllr Colvey reported that he had met with the Village Hall Committee. He advised that a letter constituting a purchase order has gone to the appointed contractor. It is understood that the Village Hall representatives on the Working Group will agree the commencement date for the work with the contractor.
- Minute 19, 20th July 2015 – car park entrance, surface repair by DCC Highways. It was noted that this work was not done at the same time as the High St re-surfacing. It is not known why this was overlooked by the DCC Highways contractors. Action: Cllr Taylor to raise this with his contact at DCC Highways and report back. CARRIED FORWARD
- Minute 13, 17th August 2015 –Approach to DCC regarding training for footpath maintenance. It was agreed to DISCHARGE this item and not to proceed with it.
- Minute 11, 21st September 2015 – Village Appearance Project. Cllr Norris reported that PDC will not replace the finger posts. Cllr Taylor advised that a small team of Council members, assisted by a resident, will undertake this work in Spring of 2016. Cllr Norris also advised that he had received no response to his enquiry to PDC regarding by-laws related to any limitations on the use of the Memorial Green space. Cllr Colvey requested that he is informed if no response is received within one month of the enquiry being made. If that is the case he will then formally chase Mr Conway, the officer responsible at PDC.
- Minute 12, 21st September 2015 –consideration of response to selection of development sites put forward in the partial review of the Purbeck local plan part 1. It was confirmed that response has been submitted. DISCHARGED.
- Minute 13, 21st September 2015 – request from food vendor for trading pitch. It was noted that Cllr Wood had written to PDC Planning regarding a possible “change of use” application for the car park. This matter is covered under minute 11 below.In response to a question from Cllr Webb assurance was given that any granted “change of use” would not remove the right to also retain its existing use as a car park.
- Minute 14, 21st September 2015 – discussion / agreement of options for website training dates. After a brief discussion it was agreed to DISCHARGE this item on the basis that the establishment of a retainer for Mr Gracey regarding website management, as well as the training Cllr Taylor and the Parish Clerk already have, is sufficient to meet the Council’s needs.
On a related matter, it was agreed that Cllr Taylor would pick up the existing Cllr profiles from previous copies of the Lytchett Link and forward them to Cllr Colvey to check and forward to members for updating. Action: Cllr Taylor to collate and forward the profiles to Cllr Colvey accordingly.
- Minute 17, 21st September 2015 – Consultation on oil & gas fracking in Dorset. Cllr Norris reminded members that he had circulated a response from MP Michael Tomlinson on this matter. It was explained that the consultation exercise in question was intended for technical experts. The MP’s office will continue to monitor the matter. In the light of this, it was RESOLVED to accept Cllr Norris’ proposal for the Council to keep it on a watching brief only. DISCHARGED.
7. District Cllrs report.
District Cllr Webb firstly offered attendance apologies on behalf of Dist Cllr Meaden. He then provided the following report of proceedings of Purbeck District Council:
Purbeck District Council meeting was held on 11th November. Unfortunately Dist Cllr Webb was unable to attend the meeting. He reported that the meeting had dealt with a number of matters which have no impact on Lytchett Matravers or were updates to existing matters previously reported. However, of significance was the decision that PDC should be part of an application to central government to create a Combined Authority for Dorset, Poole and Bournemouth.
Regarding the proposed Combined Authority, Cllr Webb explained that if the application is approved, DCC, Poole & Bournemouth Borough Councils and the six District Councils in Dorset will be members. The Combined Authority will deal with strategic economic development and transport. Membership of the Combined Authority will be made up of the leaders of each authority – with the Dorset LEP being present but without voting rights. There would be a constitution which requires all Authorities to agree unanimously on reserved matters. The reserved matters would include approval of the budget, any decision to undertake additional functions, e.g. strategic planning, changes to the constitution, standing orders, delegated powers, and giving a vote to the LEP.
Cllr Webb stressed that not to be part of this Combined Authority would disadvantage Purbeck in any discussions and decisions on future economic development and transport infrastructure. The LEP is the vehicle government expect to use to channel funds for economic development and hence implicit funds for transport infrastructure. He also observed that whether or not the Combined Authority leads to one or more Unitary Authorities across Dorset area, will have to await developments. PDC are concerned that if a pan-Dorset unitary or East and West Dorset separate Unitaries were to be formed, there is a danger of a democratic deficit for all of the Districts. He reasoned that this would be because the Unitaries would almost inevitably use the cabinet system of governance which concentrates power in very few hands.
Cllr Webb also reported that the East Dorset SHMA is due to be published on 1 December. This will give the numbers of houses and types of housing that need to be considered in the Partial Review of the Purbeck Local Plan. It would also give some clues as to the numbers to be built in Poole and East Dorset. Under the “duty to cooperate across boundaries” this may lead to pressure on PDC to help Poole & East Dorset achieve their numbers. It is also now likely that it will be later in 2016 that a Purbeck Preferred Options paper giving where development should take place, is put forward for consultation. Cllr Webb observed that the pressure for Lytchett Matravers to have more houses isn’t going away.
Finally, Cllr Webb reported that most of the items that PDC will be dealing with in the next few months will revolve around budget setting, the Combined Authority, and the implications of the SHMA on the Partial Review of the Purbeck Local Plan.
8. County Councillor’s report
County Cllr Drane reported that on 29thOctober he had attended the DCC Volunteer of the Year awards and was pleased to see the range of groups doing work to meet needs in the community.
He had also attended the Dorset Police and Crime Panel committee meeting on 10th November. The budget is to be cut, with less contribution also coming from central government.
Cllr Drane attended the Full DCC Members meeting on 12th November. He reported that he had raised the problem of pavements needing repair. He felt that the budget allocation for road and pavement repairs was inadequate to meet Dorset’s needs.
At a seminar dealing with the possibility of the Dorset Fire & Rescue Service joining with that from another area, Cllr Drane queried whether such a change would result in a reduction in the number of front line Fire & Rescue staff. He was assured that it would not.
On 16th November Cllr Drane attended a seminar about Youth Centres in Dorset led by Sarah Tough, Director for Children Services. A press release on this subject will be made on 17th November. But in the meantime he was able to report that the expenditure budget for Youth Centres is to remain unchanged at £1.2m. However he noted that whilst DCC do not have a legal obligation to provide Youth Centres, they do intend to do all they can to help support facilities and activity for young people in whatever ways they can. A presentation will be given to the DCC Cabinet on 13th January 2016 on this matter, followed by a public consultation exercise.
Cllr Drane commented that at the Youth Services seminar he had taken the opportunity to speak to Sarah Tough about the safety concerns regarding the use of Huntick Road as a route to Lytchett Minster school. He referred to previous work undertaken on this matter – including the initiation of a public petition. He reminded Parish Council members that he and members of the DCC appeals committee had walked the route to experience the safety risks first hand. It was clarified that the petition would need 1000 signatures to be considered by DCC, and that much work would be need to achieve this. Pressure on tus matter to date had resulted in the grass verge being cut and a white line painted in the middle of the Road up to Lytchett Matravers. Options were briefly discussed by Parish Council members regarding action to re-invigorate the petition and press DCC to take more substantive and effective actions.
Neighbourhood Planning Group. It was noted that, thanks to the efforts of Cllr Bevan, the plan should be signed off by the Group within a day or two of this Council meeting.
10. Recommendations from Committees:
(a) Planning Committee – meeting 5th November 2015:
There were no recommendations to bring forward.
(b) Environment & Amenities Committee – meeting 2nd November 2015:
There were no recommendations to bring forward.
It was RESOLVED to receive the minutes of both of the above meetings.
11. Proposal for “change of use” of High St car park – Cllr Colvey.
Members’ attention was drawn to the points made by Cllr Bevan in an email on this topic circulated to all members on 11th November 2015. Cllr Bevan remarked that the normal fee for such change of use would be £385. The process followed by PDC Planning would include consultation with various agencies and stakeholders – such as DCC Highways. It was noted that if it goes ahead the cost of any such application should be met by the Council rather than passing directly over to traders or other interested parties – on the basis that it is the Council’s car park. After some discussion the following was RESOLVED:
Lytchett Matravers Parish Council to apply for change of use for the entire High St car park to category A5. The Parish Council’s intention is that this change of use is to enable casual use by take-away food vendors who are granted prior approval by the Parish Council; in addition to the continued normal use as a public car park.
As a separate, but related, matter it was noted that some unauthorised food vending occasionally occurs in the High St car park. It is believed this is mostly linked to events organised by the Lytchett Matravers Sports Club. Action: Parish Clerk to write to the secretary of the Sports Club to draw this to their attention with a view to ceasing the practice and ensuring the Club officials understand the reasoning and constraints involved.
12. Proposed schedule for Lytchett Astro quarterly liaison meetings between representative of the Council, The Sports Club and the Primary School – Parish Clerk.
The Parish Clerk stressed that there was an important expectation from the Football Foundation and Dorset FA that the Parish Council, the Lytchett Matravers Sports Club, and Lytchett Matravers Primary School would establish and carry out quarterly liaison meetings between the three parties to note, discuss and plan actions regarding the condition, maintenance and usage of the Lytchett Astro. Consequently the Parish Clerk put forward a set of proposed dates for these meetings for the coming 12 months as follows:
The Parish Clerk explained that these had not yet been agreed with either of the other organisations but by scheduling them during term time and at 4pm in the school he was hopeful that they would fit in with the availability of the relevant member of school staff. Action: Parish Clerk to write to the contact at the school and secretary of Lytchett Matravers Sports Club.
13. Proposal for compliance with requirement to offer Council employees with a Workplace Pension (The Pensions Act 2008) – Cllr Norris
Cllr Norris provided a progress update on the investigations he and the Parish Clerk has carried out based on legal advice from NALC and DAPTC. It has been established that the “Stage Date” (i.e. the date by which the Council must have a scheme set up and available for the Parish Clerk to join if he so wishes) is August 2016. Information is being sought from Anne Cheffey, Pensions Manager at DCC regarding the joining process and costs of the LGPS. This matter will be progressed further via the Finance & Policy Committee to enable a recommendation to be brought back the Full Council.
14. Report of any training activity undertaken in the past month.
There was none.
15. Reports of Representatives (by exception):-
Village Hall | DAPTC | Footpaths | School Liaison |
Youth Organisations | Sports Club |
Youth Organisations: Cllr Wood reported that she had an appointment to visit the Club Hall on Friday evening.
Footpaths: A request had been made by a resident that the area at the High St end of the footpath across the Recreation Ground between the Eldons Drove car Park and the High St car park be kept clear of vehicles as there is often inconsiderate parking there which prevents the passage of buggies for disabled people. Cllr Cottman confirmed that he had materials to be able to paint a cross hatched area at that point. It was RESOLVED to undertake this action.
16. Council to approve the following payments already made: –
Inv | To Whom | For What | Net | VAT | Total |
3520 | HLF Planning Ltd | Payment on account towards preparation of NP Basic Conditions Statement and responses. | 480.00 | 0.00 | 480.00 |
3521 | Alfalfa Ltd | Repairs to Lytchett Astro fence. | 998.00 | 199.60 | 1197.60 |
The Council APPROVED the above payments
17. Council to approve the following payments due:-
Inv | To Whom | For What | Net | VAT | Total |
3522 | T Watton | Clerk’s salary – Nov (12 equal monthly payments by standing order) | 905.05 | 0.00 | 905.05 |
3523 | T Homer | Handyman duties and reimbursement for purchase of materials – Oct | 266.98 | 0.00 | 266.98 |
3524 | Continental Landscapes | Grass Cutting, Southern end of Rec – Oct | 20.00 | 4.00 | 24.00 |
3525 | The Landscape Group | Cemetery maintenance – Oct | 303.49 | 60.70 | 364.19 |
3526 | Lytchett Matravers Methodist Church | Hire for Council meetings August-October 2015 | 225.00 | 0.00 | 225.00 |
3527 | Mark Gracey | Annul website hosting fee (01/11/15-31/10/16) | 105.00 | 0.00 | 105.00 |
3528 | DCC | Purchase of road signs for Remembrance day parades | 362.00 | 72.40 | 434.40 |
3529 | S P Mills | General grass cutting etc Nov 2014-Oct 2015 | 4340.00 | 0.00 | 4340.00 |
3530 | Lytchett Matravers Village Hall | Room hire – meeting with Allotment holders | 30.00 | 0.00 | 30.00 |
The Council APPROVED the above payments
18. “Openness of Local Government Bodies Regulations 2014”, Part 3, Paragraphs 6-10, Record of Decisions and Access to Documents – record of decisions taken by Parish Clerk.
The Parish Clerk advised council members that he had arranged for the supplier of the play equipment at Rocket Park to supply and fit new springs on the mini trampoline at a cost (supply only) of under £70. The fitting was done at no charge.
The Parish Clerk reported on correspondence with the contractor who currently cuts the grass on the southern side of the Recreation Ground. The contractor is to be taken in house by Poole Borough Council. The Clerk has been able to agree for this work to be transferred with the contractor into Poole Borough Council and to continue uninterrupted and at no change to the current cost.
The Parish Clerk reported on two items of correspondence he had received:
Two copies of the annual report and accounts of DAPTC.
A letter from DCC Highways giving details of a report on circumstances leading to the fatal road collision which occurred at the Rose & Crown crossroads in the village recently.
Cllr Colvey reported on a letter received from the Mayor of Les Pieux. The letter notes that a twinning relationship between the two communities has been in existence for over 25 years. However it is noted that the number of families locally who are actively involved seems to be dwindling and so the Mayor asks that this community does what it can to encourage greater involvement. The letter is to be passed on to the Lytchett Matravers Twinning Association.
Cllr Norris drew attention to correspondence with PDC Planning regarding a queried breach of planning permission. PDC were able to advise that the queried work had been undertaken under “Permitted Development”.
Cllr Cottman remarked on the attendance of Fire & Rescue service crew who attended the Remembrance Day service. He wished thanks to be given to the Chief Fire Officer for enabling this attendance.
It was observed that the War Memorial is becoming a little discoloured. It was agreed that it may be appropriate to arrange for it to be cleaned. However, there was some doubt as to the ownership or and responsibility for the memorial. Action: Parish Clerk to write to the Ware Graves Commission seeking to clarify ownership and responsibility; as well as any other advice they may be able to offer regarding its cleaning.
Cllr Colvey wished to clarify the Council’s views on the unresolved matter of a resident’s interest in purchasing the land at the northern end of the Allotment Fields. It was determined that there is currently no Council interest in selling this land.
There being no other business the meeting closed at 21:12.
Annotated by/on …………………………….. Signed by……………………