Held on Monday April 18th 2016 at 7:00 in the Methodist Church, Lytchett Matravers.

PRESENT were Cllrs M Colvey, A Carswell, A Huggins, J Taylor, E Wilson, C Wood, P Webb, K Norris, and Mr T Watton (Parish Clerk).

Dist Cllr W Meaden, County Cllr F Drane and 2 members of the public were also present.

1. REceipt of apologies for absence – Cllrs A Bush, A Cottman, and D Bevan.




Mrs Fay made a presentation explaining a community initiative which the Lighthouse Family Church (LFC) are carrying out based at the Club Hall. This will involve the facilities being made available one day per week for all members of the community to access. The idea is to offer a “coffee shop” environment as a drop-in point with a wide range of support and advice facilities being available to meet whatever needs arise. This includes established links with local food banks who are working with LFC, and partnering with agencies who offer various advice topics such as parenting, benefits, family / personal budgeting, etc. LFC also hope to offer a breastfeeding club; and that an established local elderly persons’ lunch club will relocate to the hall in the near future.

The LFC recognise that in order for these additional community benefits to be attractive and have maximum impact, some work is necessary to improve the accommodation. The LFC therefore have plans in hand for repainting and tidying-up inside and out using tier own volunteers and at no cost to the Council. In addition they have raised £1720 for carpet tiles, and have secured grants / donations to refurbish the kitchen and buy new kitchen equipment – which will be fitted free of charge. Other aspects which require work are (i) the conversion of a toilet to make it accessible for use by disabled people (a requirement of the Disability Discrimination Act 1995), (ii) repairs / replacement of some windows, and (iii) installation of additional heating. Mrs Fay assured the council that LFC fundraising efforts will continue. However she asked the Council to consider whether it would be prepared to offer a grant towards the cost of one or more of these outstanding items. She referred to written quotations for the various works which had been circulated to council members prior to the meeting. Mrs Fay also explained that the LFC wish to hold an event such as a lunch to publicise this initiative. Mrs Fay also indicated that as a measure of her personal commitment to this, she will be heading it up, and plans to request her employer releases her for one day per week to do so.

In response, Cllr Wood recommended that a representative of LFC attends the forthcoming Annual Parish Meeting “Connexions” event to further publicise this initiative. The Council Chairman indicated that whilst a grant request could not be considered at this meeting, this will be dealt with as an agenda item at the May Full Council meeting.

In response to a question, Mrs Fay clarified that it is hoped to have this initiative fully up and running by September 2016.

5. THE MINUTES of the Council meeting on March 21stwere approved as a true record of the meeting, and signed by the Chairman.


  1. Minute 13, 18th August 2014. Establishment of Google Diary. Cllr Carswell had previously commented that he would develop and circulate some instructions to guide members in how to link their diaries to the online calendar on the Council’s website; and also how to add items to the website calendar. Cllr Carswell had indicated that he would prepare and email this briefing to members.He commented that he would now put together a new instruction document for members on this. Action: Cllr Carswell to prepare the document accordingly. CARRIED FORWARD

ii. Minute 14, 21st September 2015 – website updating. It had been previously agreed that all members would review and update their personal profiles previously published on the website or in Lytchett Link and then forward them to Mr Gracey – and to then forward copies to Cllr Colvey to review them for consistency (length, style and format) before Mr Gracey publishes them on the new website. Council members were reminded that this action is still outstanding. However, at the Council meeting on 21st March 2016 it had been decided that instead these should now go to Cllr Taylor. Despite this, no updated profiled were received and so it was decided that these should be forwarded to Cllr Taylor in time for the May Full Council meeting. Actions: All Cllrs to update their profiles and forward them to Cllr Taylor before 16th May 2016. Cllr Taylor to provide an update to the May meeting of Full Council indicating whose up-to-date profiles he is holding and whose are still outstanding.

  1. Minute 20, 16th November 2015 – ownership and responsibility for War memorial. The Parish Clerk had previously reported that his enquiries had led him to Mr Steve Nimmo, a Funeral Director who acts as a liaison with the Royal Marines at Hamworthy. Mr Nimmo had indicated that he would arrange for an inspection of the memorial stone and report back in due course. Since the Parish Clerk had not received a response by 19th March 2016, he contacted him again and was advised that Mr Nimmo had been particularly busy. In view of both the potential for Mr Nimmo’s military contacts to pick up the cost of this work, and its non-urgent nature, it was noted that that it is in the interest of the Council to be patient. CARRIED FORWARD.

iv. Minute 11, 18th January 2016 – signage for Jubilee Walk. These signs are now with Mr Mills for installation.

  1. Minute 12, 18th January 2016 – boundary between allotments and Dyetts Wood.It was noted that the recent breach in the hedge alongside the southern boundary of the Allotment fields seems to be planned work by contractors on behalf of the owner of Dyetts Wood. The land affected is not owned by the Parish Council.

vi. Minute 19 18th January 2016 –Youth Organisations / further proposal for extended usage of Club Hall and related refurbishment to it. This matter is covered in the presentation by Mrs Fay reported in minute 4 above.

vii. Minute 4, 21st March 2016 – condition of the surface of the A31. Cllr Wood noted that large sections of this road locally have now received some temporary patching.

viii. Minutes 11 and 12, 21st March 2016 – vending licences. Action: Parish Clerk to communicate the decisions to both the existing vendor and the prospective additional vendor.

ix. Minute 15, 21st March 2016 – date for Annual Parish Meeting 2017 – action: Parish Clerk to add consideration of this as an agenda item to the next meeting of the Finance & Policy Cttee meeting.

7. District Cllrs report.

District Cllr Meaden reported on the following:

She had attended the Purbeck District Council (PDC) Audit and Governance meeting at which there was a presentation from Dorset Waste Partnership. Most of the response to this was regarding the terrible littering across the whole area but especially down the Upton By Pass. Reasons offered on previous occasions were reiterated – training and Health and Safety implications – so no change at the moment. Also at this meeting information was given by PDC officers of possible business tax appeals from Parenco and the Ministry of Defence which could leave PDC facing a very large bill, so provision is being made for future finance to be available should this happen.

Cllr Meaden has raised the subject of Nitrogen Mitigation at PDC and a meeting was held because there is a Planning Framework document out for consultation on this currently. This calls for agricultural land to be taken out of agricultural use and planted with trees. When she asked a few residents of Lytchett Matravers about this the answer was that the village already looks across Morden Forest and Wareham Forest to the pretty mixed scenery of the Purbeck agricultural land beyond and nobody consulted wants that to be planted with trees as well. The point of doing this is because of sewage finding its way into Poole Harbour. It is understood that planting trees on agricultural land does not address this problem. The resolution would be to upgrade the Sewage Treatment works at Dorchester and expand at Poole plus putting in more Sewage Treatment works. However Wessex Water say that this will cost too much money.

Briefings to PDC councillors by officers have taken place about the increased housing numbers and changes to the PDC Housing Allocations policy. Some debate took place about “local connection” because currently PDC asks people to prove a 5 year local connection before this counts in their favour on the Housing Register. Other Councils with 3 years are being challenged and the government guidance is for 2 years. PDC thinks this is too short and would put so many more people on the Register. Officers are finding out more information about success or otherwise of legal challenges to other councils and PDC may change the policy accordingly.

Cllr Meaden reported that discussions are continuing about Unitary Authorities without still knowing anything. East Dorset previously said they did not want to discuss this subject at all but it is understood they held a meeting on 18th April where it was expected that they would vote against being in the proposed East Dorset Unitary Authority with Bournemouth, Poole and Christchurch. They favour being in the Shire Unitary Authority composed of the other districts and County. Thus would represent a large swing because a great deal of work has taken place joining East Dorset and Christchurch.

In the village regarding the congestion at the top of the High Street Cllr Meaden reported that she had found out that the Enterprise vans, the silver motorhome and the black Range Rover all belong to a resident in one of the flats over the car wash – and they are likely to stay. Since a slight altercation at the car wash facility with the motorhome sales business, the car wash forecourt has been scrupulously kept very free of cleaned vehicles which may be parked in The Chequers car park. This has relieved pressure on the congestion of the road. The motorhome sales business will be careful in future to have only five or less motorhomes for sale on the forecourt. This also will relieve pressure on the forecourt. Cllr Meaden thinks this is probably as far as we will get on relieving this source of congestion. She commented that whenever she has mentioned yellow lines to residents of the village there has been real anger and/or dismay. She believes this would definitely not be a popular move. She observed that the congestion seems to be worse now from Hopmans Farmhouse to Jennys Lane junction and believes this is all to do with residents of these homes parking on the road rather than in their own driveways. One home (the retirement bungalow which is now a family home) simply does not have enough space for all their cars.

Regarding the bus shelter and having a bus space painted at the end of Lime Kiln Road, Cllr Meaden reported that she has spoken to the Passenger Transport Service who asked her to see how many times the bus shelter was blocked. She subsequently found only one car parked nearby which would have made it difficult for the bus to pull in properly. She spoke to the car owner, who agreed to park further back. The Passenger Transport Service responded by saying that as there seems to be either no problem or only a small problem, no action will be taken. The painting in the High Street was undertaken because the problem there was on a daily basis involving a number of vehicles.

Cllr Meaden observed that fly-tipping is now an increasing problem for Lytchett Matravers brought about partly because Poole has recently introduced charging at their Household Recycling Centre. It seems that some residents of Poole are now tipping their bedding, boxes, furniture etc., on our verges and laybys. PDC has now completed the necessary legalities to allow warning notices to be displayed at sites where fly-tipping has become common; and also allowing covert cameras to be placed if PDC officers consider this measure appropriate. The Environment Agency has also agreed to be part of this operation. She assured the Council and residents that she will continue to keep pressure on the PDC officers and Dorset Waste Partnership about this issue.

She has asked the proposed Police Crime and Disorder Commissioner candidates about rural crime and responses have been most unsatisfactory. Apparently, according to their responses, the budget for rural crime has not been decreased, rural residents need to carry out their own self-help (what this means is padlocking a shed door rather than vigilante law), and most rural homes have burglar alarms so rural crime must be declining rather than increasing.

Cllr Meaden has also been attending civic occasions – because many of the civic dignatories are only in post for one year and their year is drawing to a close. Therefore, there are thanksgiving church services etc., being arranged and having to be attended. The town Mayor of Lytchett Minster and Upton is hosting a male voice choir concert at the Gainsford Theatre for her closing occasion.

Cllr Webb added to this report by referring to the PDC Preferred Options paper which will be considered in a PDC Advisory Group meeting on 17th April. He drew attention to the requirement for 3195 dwellings over and above the District planned figure included in the Purbeck Local Plan. He then outlined possible allocations of that requirement around the District – particularly the possible levels of additional development which may be imposed on Lytchett Matravers and its immediately surrounding area.

8. County Councillor’s report

County Cllr Drane reported on the following:

He added to Cllr Webb’s remarks on the possible impacts of the additional housing development arising from the Partial Review of the Purbeck Local Plan. It was observed by Parish Council members that LMPC should use the Neighbourhood Plan mechanisms as far as they are able when this goes through consultation.

Cllr Drane confirmed that nothing had been resolved regarding the establishment or make-up of the proposed combined authorities.

He warned the Parish Council that it seems likely that there will be progressively more and more activity and responsibility offered for delegation to Parish and Town Councils.


Village Hall Toilets Refurbishment Working Group. It was reported that the Village Hall Committee don’t yet have a date for the commencement of the work. However the contractor is trying to move his other commitments around to accommodate it.

Sports Club Governance Working Group. It was reported that there had not yet been a second meeting of the group. However the Sports Club AGM has taken place. There was some inaccuracies and speculation in information put out in preparation for that meeting – which Cllr Bush was able to correct. As a result of the AGM and other efforts, some good progress has been made towards improvements in governance of the Sports Club – including the establishment of a new committee and appointment of officers for each of the key posts. It is anticipated that the Sports Club Committee will now meet regularly. However the Working Group will also continue for the time being – focussing on issues such as the constitution and improved governance.

Neighbourhood Planning Working Group. Cllr Bush reported that he and Cllr Bevan are considering which Inspector the Council should accept for the draft plan. The output of the referendum run by PDC will be in September. This is something of a delay, due to their commitments on elections before then.

10. Recommendations from Committees:

(a) Finance & Policy Cttee – meeting 4th April 2016:

  • Acceptance and approval of the Bank Reconciliation and Accounts update as attached at Appendix 1 to the Finance & Policy cttee minutes. AGREED.
  • That the following earmarked reserves are maintained:

Foxhills Open Space Maintenance £163,000 (fixed sum invested to generate yearly income)

Skate park sinking fund £6,000 currently held, to be increased at £1400 pa.

And that the following new reserves are established at the indicated annual contribution rates

Foxhills play area sinking fund £5400 pa

Rocket Park play area sinking fund £7000 pa

Village Centre project £25,000 pa


  • Payment of grants as listed in the document attached at Appendix 3 to the Finance & Policy cttee minutes. AGREED.
  • That, with regards to the issues raised during a visit to the Village by DCC Councillor Finney, the council notes that all of the outstanding points except for "Area around Tesco", the route to Lytchett Manor School and the "Round the Village Walk" are being progressed as part of Neighbourhood Plan. AGREED. It was also AGREED that these remaining three are prioritised as follows:

Item Priority Lead council member, Action

Area around Tescos High Cllr Wood, check responsibility of utility companies for making good after road works

Route to Lytchett Manor school High Cllr Huggins, to work on data to prove the need.

Round Village Walk High Cllr Taylor, to look at practicalities of Glebe Road-Foxhills Rd link

(b) Planning Committee – meeting 7th April 2016

There were no recommendations to bring forward.

It was RESOLVED to receive the minutes of both of the above meetings.

11. Report of review of Council’s Standing Orders and Financial Regulations – March 2016 (see Full Council minute 21, 21st march 2016).

Cllr Norris reported that he and the Parish Clerk had reviewed the Council’s Standing Orders and Financial Regulations and determined that there were no parts of either document which required changes at this time.

12. Reports of review of the Council’s burial records 2015/16.

Cllr Wilson reported that she had reviewed the burial records and physically checked these against the plots in the cemetery and found them all to be correct and up to date.

13. Consideration of proposal for improved security of the Recreation Ground

Cllr Carswell referred to the proposal he had prepared and which had been circulated to members by email on 15th April 2016 (attached at Appendix 1 to these minutes). It was noted that whilst the principles of improving the security of the recreation ground were communicated to the Village Hall committee, their formal agreement for the specific solution(s) and its encompassing the Village Hall land needs to be obtained before works affecting the hall go ahead. Cllr Wilson was therefore asked to arrange for Cllr Carswell to have a slot on their next meeting agenda to cover this point.

Cllr Taylor offered the opinion that there are no Planning Permission implications.

Subject to securing the Village Hal committee’s agreement the view of the Full Council was that this project should go ahead and consequently RESOLVED to give authority to spend £4280 on the 3 x height restriction gates. Action: Cllr Carswell to consult the Village Hall Committee.

14. Review of arrangements for Annual Parish Meeting.

A brief discussion took place to confirm the 20 organisations attending, arrangements for further awareness advertising, the speakers wishing to take up a slot, and the Council members who would be present.

15. Report of any training activity undertaken in the past month.

There was none.

16. Reports of Representatives (by exception):-

Village Hall DAPTC Footpaths School Liaison
Youth Organisations Sports Club

There were no reports.

17. Council to approve the following payments due:-

Inv To Whom For What Net VAT Total
3574 T Watton Clerk’s salary – April (12 equal monthly payments by standing order) 905.05 0.00 905.05
3575 T Homer Handyman duties – March, plus reimbursement for payments made to purchase materials 361.23 8.03 369.26
3576 The Landscape Group Cemetery maintenance – March 2016 303.49 60.70 364.19
3577 Southern Electric Car park lighting Quarter 4 2015-16 16.82 0.84 17.66
3578 Wessex Print & Signage Ltd Annual Parish Meeting A2 banners 42.00 8.40 50.40
3579 Dorset County Council Annual Land rental – Lytchett Matravers Youth Club 15.00 0.00 15.00
3580 Open Spaces Society Annual membership subscription 2016-17 45.00 0.00 45.00
3581 Purbeck CAB Grant – cost of sessions in Lytchett Matravers Library 1800.00 0.00 1800.00
3582 Purbeck Film Festival 2016 Grant – towards cost of festival 2016 100.00 0.00 100.00
3583 Lytchett Matravers Scouts Grant – contribution towards cost of new floor in Scout Hut 750.00 0.00 750.00

The Council APPROVED the above payments

18. “Openness of Local Government Bodies Regulations 2014”, Part 3, Paragraphs 6-10, Record of Decisions and Access to Documents – record of decisions taken by Parish Clerk.

There was nothing to report.


A letter was received from a resident of Hannams Close reiterating a point made by email earlier in the year concerning the possibility of nuisance caused by flooding of the footpath on the eastern side of the Recreation Ground. It was noted that this matter had previously been investigated. It was agreed that the Parish Clerk would prepare a reply on the Chairman’s behalf.


The Council Chairman sought the approval of the Council to go ahead with his proposal to encourage celebration of the Queen’s birthday by hosting a “bring-your-own” informal picnic on the Memorial Green. The Council AGREED to this. Cllr Carswell indicated that he would prepare a flyer to give out at the Annual Parish Meeting.

The Parish Clerk reported that three of the new dog control signs on the recreation Ground had been installed facing the wrong way. He has asked the Village Handyman to correct this urgently.

The meeting closed at 21:15

Annotated by/on …………………………….. Signed by……………………

FullMinutes160418 Appendix 1 (Recreation ground security proposal with costings).pdf

Full Council minutes 18th April 2016