Held on Monday March 21st 2016 at 7:00 in the Methodist Church, Lytchett Matravers.

PRESENT were Cllrs M Colvey, A Bush, A Carswell, A Cottman, A Huggins, E Wilson, C Wood, P Webb, K Norris, D Bevan and Mr T Watton (Parish Clerk).

Dist Cllr W Meaden and three members of the public were also present.

1. REceipt of apologies for absence – Cllrs J Taylor and County Cllr Drane.

2. CHAIRMAN’S ANNOUNCEMENTS. The Chairman commented that Cllr Bevan felt that due to the pressure of other commitments it would be necessary to stand down from the Council with effect from April. However it was pleasing that he would continue to work with the Council in support of the Neighbourhood Plan. He offered Cllr Bevan the Council’s thanks for all his hard work over the duration of his time as a member.



Mrs Hampshire commented that she had hoped to speak to County Cllr Drane regarding the condition of the surface of the A31. She pointed out that it was resurfaced in time for the 2012 Olympics, but is already now breaking up. Dist Cllr Meaden understands that it is scheduled for repairs.

Mrs Hampshire remarked that she had noticed from recent Council minutes that money had been spent on repairs to the Lytchett Astro. She commented that she understood that the Lytchett Matravers Sports Club should normally bear this responsibility. She wondered how well it was used by members of the Lytchett Matravers community. It was confirmed that it is well used by various community groups and individuals in the evenings and at weekends. The Primary school have full use of it on weekdays during term time. The matter of the Sports Club’s management and maintenance of the facility is part of a wider review into governance of the Sports Club which is currently being carried out in a project led by the Parish Council.

Two members of the public asked if the Council could provide any update on what is happening with the scheme for the Scouts to redevelop Club Hall and relocate there from their existing building on the Recreation Ground car park. The Chairman explained that although an item related to this had been included on the agenda for this meeting, the District Commissioner of the Scouts had requested that this matter is not discussed until after some internal decisions are made by the Scouts with regard to it. Cllr Norris added that recent conversations with Mr Holden and Ms Mechen had affirmed that the Council would only deal with the Scouts on this once there was internal agreement about the Scouts’ views on it. The Chairman clarified that the original idea of a premises swap had been raised by someone representing the Scouts. He stressed that it had not been initiated by the Parish Council. He also clarified that the Council owns the land on which the current Scout Hall stands, but not the building itself. The land is leased to the Scouts, with around 10 years left to run on the lease. The Parish Council owns the Club Hall building; and lease the land on which is stands from Dorset County Council.

5. THE MINUTES of the Council meeting on February 15th 2016 were approved as a true record of the meeting, and signed by the Chairman.


  1. Minute 13, 18th August 2014. Establishment of Google Diary. Cllr Carswell had previously commented that he would develop and circulate some instructions to guide members in how to link their diaries to the online calendar on the Council’s website; and also how to add items to the website calendar. Cllr Carswell had indicated that he would prepare and email this briefing to members.He commented that he would now put together a new instruction document for members on this. Action: Cllr Carswell to prepare the document accordingly.
  2. Minute 22, 19th January 2015 – With regard to the matter of Wifi availability for Council meetings held in the Methodist Church, it was noted that there appeared to be only very weak signal from anything currently within range – which would probably be impractical. It was also noted that the Council had so far not found this lack of Wifi at meetings to be a significant problem. DISCHARGE.
  3. Minute 11, 21st September 2015 – Village Appearance Project. As indicated at the previous meeting, Cllr Meaden approached Mr Conway, PDC, direct to request a response to Cllr Norris’ question regarding any relevant byelaw. In his subsequent response, Mr Conway confirmed that there was no byelaw preventing the Memorial Green being used for general recreational purposes. He did however remind members that the byelaw covering dogs does apply. DISCHARGE

iv. Minute 13, 21st September 2015 – request from food vendor for trading pitch. The Parish Clerk pointed out that the next step of agreeing a review and adjustment of the relevant Council Policy regarding food vending in the car park and the level of annual licence fee for this, was on the agenda for this evening’s meeting….after which the matter can be DISCHARGED.

v. Minute 14, 21st September 2015 – website updating. It had been previously agreed that all members would review and update their personal profiles previously published on the website or in Lytchett Link and then forward them to Mr Gracey – and to then forward copies to Cllr Colvey to review them for consistency (length, style and format) before Mr Gracey publishes them on the new website. Council members were reminded that this action is still outstanding. However, at the Council meeting on 21st March 2016 it was understood that instead these should now go to Cllr Taylor. Actions: All Cllrs to update their profiles and forward them to Cllr Taylor. Cllr Taylor to provide an update to the next meeting of Full Council indicating whose up-to-date profiles he is holding and whose are still outstanding.

  1. Minute 20, 16th November 2015 – ownership and responsibility for War memorial. The Parish Clerk had previously reported that his enquiries had led him to Mr Steve Nimmo, a Funeral Director who acts as a liaison with the Royal Marines at Hamworthy. Mr Nimmo had indicated that he would arrange for an inspection of the memorial stone and report back in due course. Since the Parish Clerk had not yet had a report back from Mr Nimmo as of 19th March 2016, he has now chased him about this.

vii. Minute 11, 18th January 2016 – signage for Jubilee Walk. The Parish Clerk confirmed that these signs have been supplied and he had agreed with Mr Mills that he would install them.

  1. Minute 12, 18th January 2016 – boundary between allotments and Dyetts Wood.Cllr Colvey confirmed, for the purposes of update to Allotment holders at the forthcoming liaison meeting, that the owner of Dyetts Wood was positive about the need to deal with the problem of overgrowth affecting the allotments and the boundary between the allotments and the wood. However the due to the bird nesting season, this work cannot now commence until after the end of August.

ix. Minute 19 18th January 2016 –Youth Organisations / further proposal for extended usage of Club Hall and related refurbishment to it. As previously reported, the LFC had asked if some financial support might be possible for some form of insulation to the floor in view of the fact that the floor has no membrane or insulating layer. The floor tiles form a cold condensing surface when it is very cold outside and the heating is on. The LFC had also wondered whether some financial support might be possible for repairs to window frames to improve draught exclusion / insulation and / or additional heaters. In response to these points, it had been suggested to LFC that they submit more detailed proposals, including costs (or a requested £ sum), which may be treated as grant requests. It was noted that these are still in preparation by LFC and are yet to be submitted. Action: Grant requests or other forms of funding to be considered by the Council in due course.

7. District Cllrs report.

District Cllr Meaden reported on the following:

She has been keeping an eye on the congestion at the top of the High Street. For the most part it has been better. The silver motorhome had gone but has reappeared this weekend.

Cllr Meaden’s part of the litter pick went well. She commented that he had a good partner to work with.

The bus stop layby has finally had the words painted in and appears to have stopped the people who were parking in there and causing the bus to have to pick up and drop off its passengers in the road. In response to this point, Cllr Bush wondered if it was possible to get the bus stop opposite the war memorial (Lime Kiln Rd, on the shelter side) similarly marked.

Cllr Meaden has been dealing with parking problems in the village, mainly around Friars Court and Abbots Court where vehicles were parking across dropped kerbs. This is especially inconvenient for those residents who use mobility scooters. She was pleased to report that she has spoken to the various “offenders” and they have all been very nice and the problem seems to have stopped.

She observed that a planning application (Penrose Close/Burbidge Close) is causing problems with quite a few objections and access difficulties. These have finally been remedied, but Cllr Meaden feels the development will need to have an eye kept on it when it actually starts being built especially regarding how building materials and vehicles are got onto the site.

Monday 14th March was Commonwealth Day and in the absence of the PDC Chairman Cllr Meaden officiated at the ceremony. It went well and was attended by a good number of people including some public from Lytchett Matravers. They were entertained in the Members Room at Purbeck District Council along with some Commonwealth soldiers and pupils from Purbeck School.

Cllr Meaden commented on the PDC Volunteer of the Year award evening. She have been very impressed by the activities and achievements which were recognised by awards. It is understood that PDC are seeking to encourage more volunteering.

Finally, she observed about how proud she feels regarding the achievement of the Lytchett Matravers Neighbourhood Plan. This is repeatedly mentioned at PDC and represents an impressive piece of forward thinking by this community.

8. County Councillor’s report

County Cllr Drane was unable to be present.


Village Hall Toilets Refurbishment Working Group. An attempt has been made to obtain an update from the Village Hall Committee, but a response has not yet been received. It is understood that the Village Hall Committee have in turn been emailing the contractor regarding a start date, but without response.

Sports Club Governance Working Group. Cllr Webb commented that the documents promised by Mr Fudge to send to the Parish Clerk have still not yet been received. An option to consider some form of replacement for the current administrative arrangements of the Sports Club was discussed. Questions were explored about how this might be done, and under what authority. It was pointed out that if the Parish Council were to take such a step, it would probably also be obliged to address the matters of the physical shortcomings of the Sports Club pavilion. It was also questioned as to how that ongoing task might be resourced so as not to deplete the Parish Council’s capacity, or divert its attention from carrying out its own work. It was agreed that, whilst maintaining the request for the promised documentation and information from Mr Fudge, the Working Group should develop a proposal for the setting-up of a replacement administration of the Sports Club for the Parish Council to consider. Action: Cllrs Webb, Bush and Cottman to consider this.

Neighbourhood Planning Working Group. Cllr Bush commented that the PDC consultation ran until 18th March 2016. It was also noted that a Principal Planning Officer at DCC had offered some feedback, a copy of which had been forwarded by County Cllr Drane. However, it seemed that this had not yet been received by all members of the Parish Council. Action: Parish Clerk to forward this to all members.

10. Recommendations from Committees:

(a) Environment & Amenities Cttee – meeting 7th March 2016:

  • Acceptance and approval of a quotation from Evolution Skate Parks for the re-coating of all riding surfaces of the skate park (in response to the points raised in the last ROSPA Play Area Safety Inspection) at a cost of £1473.00 plus VAT. AGREED – noting that as supplier and installer of the park this contractor may be considered to be a specialist supplier. Action: Parish Clerk to advise the contractor accordingly.
  • Acceptance and approval of the revised policy for food vending in the Parish Council car park. See minutes 11 and 12 below.

(b) Planning Committee – meeting 3rd March 2016

There were no recommendations to bring forward.

It was RESOLVED to receive the minutes of both of the above meetings.

11. Review of “Policy regarding use of High Street Car Park by food vendors”. The Environment & Amenities Cttee recommendation on this matter was considered by the Full Council, and after discussion it was agreed to delete two conditions within the draft policy. It was then RESOLVED to accept the amended policy as attached at Appendix 1 to these minutes.

12. Consideration of licence fee for food vendors operating under the above policy on the High St Car Park, Lytchett Matravers. In accordance with the recommendation from the Environment & Amenities Committee, it was RESOLVED that this fee should be £100 per licence for the year 2016/17 year.

13. Scouts proposed development of Club Hall. In accordance with the reasons given in the second paragraph of minute 4 above, this matter was not discussed in any detail. However, Cllr Norris drew attention to a note from Claire Mechen which he had circulated to members. The Scouts are currently considering their resolve to go ahead with a re-submission of the planning application for the development of the Club Hall.

14. Consideration of fly tipping problem on Foxhills Open Space; and setting-up of Open Spaces cleaning budget. The Parish Clerk referred to correspondence with a local resident on this matter. It was clarified that this agenda item had been initiated in part by points raised in a previous email by this resident, and in part by observations by Council members during the most recent litter pick event. The Chairman reminded members that the Council is obliged to arrange for clearance of litter on its own land. He also reminded those present that Council members had undertaken a site visit to the area in question last year. It was observed that the extent or volume of litter in the area was not significantly worsening, but does need to be dealt with. It was suggested and RESOLVED that a targeted litter pick is organised by the Council in this specific area – and that this should then be illustrated (with “before and after” photos) in Lytchett Link. A related written article should make it clear that removal and disposal of fly tipping is undertaken as an additional burden on the local element of the Council Tax borne by residents.

15. Proposed council meetings timetable for 2016/17.It was noted that the proposed date for next year’s Annual Parish Meeting was shown on the proposed timetable as Easter Saturday. The Parish Clerk explained that this had been driven by lack of availability of the Village Hall on Saturday 22nd April 2017. In the light of this it was RESOLVED to approve the timetable of meetings for 2016/17 without a date for the Annual Parish meeting 2017 – as attached at Appendix 2 to these minutes. This then enables the Council to consider the date and venue for the 2017 Annual Parish Meeting separately. Action: Council members to consider the date and venue for the 2017 Annual Parish Meeting.

16. Report of any training activity undertaken in the past month.

The Chairman and Parish Clerk attended the annual conference of the Dorset Association of Parish & Town Councils.

17. Reports of Representatives (by exception):-

Village Hall DAPTC Footpaths School Liaison
Youth Organisations Sports Club

DAPTC – Cllr Norris reported that he and Cllr Wilson had attended the recent meeting of the DAPTC Purbeck Area Committee. He indicated that he would circulate the minutes to all members. It was agreed to look into the possibility of hosting a meeting of the Purbeck Area committee within the village in the autumn. Cllr Norris will indicate this at the next area meeting in May.

Youth Organisations – Cllr Wood wished to review this role which she currently holds, as it does not seem to have a specific focus, or organisation to relate to. She indicated that she would speak to Annie Mitchener to see if there was some way in which a link could be established with the Guides.

18. Council to approve the following payments due:-

Inv To Whom For What Net VAT Total
3562 T Watton Clerk’s salary – March (12 equal monthly payments by standing order) 905.05 0.00 905.05
3563 T Homer Handyman duties – February 270.77 3.75 274.52
3564 The Landscape Group Cemetery maintenance – Feb 2016 303.49 60.70 364.19
3565 DAPTC Chairman & Clerk’s attendance at DAPTC Annual Conference – March 2016 120.00 0.00 120.00
3566 BT Payment Services Ltd Office phone and broadband: Mar-Jun 2016 136.98 2.06 139.04
3567 Anglebury Press Ltd Print 1500 Lytchett Link no 58 302.00 0.00 302.00
3568 Swift Signs Ltd 2 x signs for jubilee walk, 1 x sigh for allotments 56.00 11.20 67.20
3569 Lytchett Matravers Carnival Committee Grant award for 2016 carnival (as approved 21/12/15) 750.00 0.00 750.00
3570 Life Education Wessex Grant award for 2015-16 (as approved 21/12/15 630.00 0.00 630.00
3571 D & P Warr Hedge trimming – High St and Eldons Drove 110.00 22.00 132.00
3572 Borough of Poole Grass cutting, southern end of rec – Feb & March 2016 40.00 8.00 48.00
3573 Lytchett Matravers Village Hall Electricity used in Parish Office 177.41 8.87 186.28

The Council APPROVED the above payments

19. “Openness of Local Government Bodies Regulations 2014”, Part 3, Paragraphs 6-10, Record of Decisions and Access to Documents – record of decisions taken by Parish Clerk.

There was nothing to report.


There was none.


The Parish Clerk reported that he and Cllr Norris had reviewed the Council’s Standing Orders and Financial Regulations and, in the light of the substantial changes during 2015/16, as well as confirmation that the existing Financial Regulations already accommodate the introduction of the requirements for the Clerk’s pension arrangements, no changes are required. Action: Parish Clerk to include a formal agenda item to accept this as part of the April Full Council meeting.

The Chairman proposed a vote of thanks to Cllr Bevan for his hard work and service to the Council during his period of office as a member.

Cllr Bush suggested another informal meeting of members to further plan the forthcoming Annual Parish Meeting….such as ensuring a high level of buy-in and the arrangements for invitations to local organisations. It was agreed to hold a meeting at 8pm on Wednesday 23rd March.

The meeting closed at 21:00

Annotated by/on …………………………….. Signed by……………………

Full Council minutes 21st March 2016