Held on Monday January 18th 2016 at 7:00 in the Methodist Church, Lytchett Matravers.
PRESENT were Cllrs M Colvey, D Bevan (from 7:10), A Huggins, K Norris, J Taylor, E Wilson, A Cottman, C Wood, P Webb and Mr T Watton (Parish Clerk).
Dist Cllr W Meaden and Mr D Fairbairn (PDC) were also present.
- REceipt of apologies for absence – Cllrs R Carswell, and A Bush.
- DECLARATIONS OF PECUNIARY INTEREST; AND CONSIDERATION OF REQUESTS FOR SPECIAL DISPENSATIONS UNDER SECTION 33 OF THE LOCALISM ACT 2011. In connection to item 12 below, Cllr Colvey declared that his wife is an allotment holder.
- Presentation on the Conduct Code – David Fairbairn, PDC
Mr Fairbirn’s presentation is attached at appendix 1 to these minutes.
There was none.
- THE MINUTES of the Council meeting on December 21st 2016 were approved as a true record of the meeting, and signed by the Chairman.
- Minute 13, 18th August 2014. Establishment of Google Diary. Cllr Carswell had previously commented that he would develop and circulate some instructions to guide members in how to link their diaries to the online calendar on the Council’s website; and also how to add items to the website calendar. Cllr Carswell had indicated that he would prepare and email this briefing to members. As this had been carried forward previously it was agreed to ask Cllr Carswell to provide a written update on this matter as soon as possible. Action: Parish Clerk to contact Cllr Carswell about this.
- Minute 22, 19th January 2015 – Venues for Council meetings. It had previously been discussed that Cllr Carswell would approach the nearby companies to see if it is possible for the Parish Council to have a similar arrangement. As this had been carried forward previously it was agreed to ask Cllr Carswell to provide a written update on this matter as soon as possible. Action: Parish Clerk to contact Cllr Carswell about this.
- Minute 13, 16th February 2015 – Primrose donation to Village Hall toilets refurbishment project. It is anticipated that the work will start in the new year, but that the precise date will be agreed between the contractor and representative of the Village Hall Commmittee. DISCHARGED
- Minute 11, 21st September 2015 – Village Appearance Project. As Cllr Norris has still not had a response to his enquiry to Richard Conway at PDC regarding by-laws related to any limitations on the use of the Memorial Green space Dist Cllr Meaden indicated that she would raise this matter with him.
- Minute 13, 21st September 2015 – request from food vendor for trading pitch. The application for change of use of the car park is under consideration by PDC Planning. Cllr Wood indicated that she would prepare an article for Lytchett Link outlining to the public the background and reasoning for this application. Action: Cllr Wood to prepare an article accordingly.
- Minute 14, 21st September 2015 – website updating. It was agreed that all members would review and update their personal profiles previously published on the website or in Lytchett Link and then forward them to Mr Gracey. These should also be copied to Cllr Colvey who will review them for consistence of length, style and formal before Mr Gracey publishes them on the new website. Action: All Cllrs to review and update their personal profiles and forward to Mr Gracey (cc Cllr Colvey) accordingly.
- Minute 11, 16th November 2015 – Proposed schedule for Lytchett Astro quarterly liaison meetings between representative of the Council, The Sports Club and the Primary School – Parish Clerk. The Parish Clerk reported that he had not yet spoken to Mr France regarding dates and timing for quarterly liaison meetings on Lytchett Astro usage and condition. Action: Parish Clerk to telephone Mr France to discuss this with him and agree an initial date, time and venue which is convenient to him.
- Minute 20, 16th November 2015 – ownership and responsibility for War memorial. Parish Clerk reported that he is seeking a suitable specialist contractor to undertake this cleaning work.
- Minute 9, 21st December 2015 – Neighbourhood Planning Working Group. All members present recognised the achievement of submission of the Neighbourhood Plan. Special mention was made of the significant contributions to this by Cllr Bevan and Cllr Bush, who were thanked for their efforts. Cllr Colvey reported on two communications received from Anna Lee, PDC, in response to the submitted Neighbourhood Plan. One email gave the likely timetable for the final steps in the process. A copy of this is attached at Appendix 2 to these minutes. Parish Council Members were pleased to learn from this that the Neighbourhood Plan would be in place by the end of August 2016. The other email concerned a suggestion from Ms Lee regarding finding a Neighbourhood Plan Examiner. After brief discussion the members AGREED unanimously to adopt the Inspector recruiting process as offered by NPIERS and proposed by Ms Lee.
- Minute 12 , 21st December 2015 – Responses to Football Foundation support visit re Lytchett Astro (Oct 2015) With regard to action point 3/3 in the report of the support visit meeting, as agreed by Council (minute 12, 21st Dec 15) the Parish Clerk reported that he had clarified the interpretation of action point 3 with the Football Foundation. He advised that it was indeed that quotations for repairs and a maintenance contract were not only obtained, but that the work is then commissioned and completed and a regular maintenance contact is set up. It was noted that this matter is discussed further under minute 14 below.
- District Cllrs report.
District Cllr Meaden reported on the following:
She and Cllr Webb had attended the Audit and Governance Committee meeting in mid-December. The Revenue and Benefits section was congratulated on having a 100% correct record for the whole year which apparently is very rare. The Committee looked at the budget for the Dorset Waste Partnership, but just prior to the meeting the household figures for waste collection were changed so the budget will have to be corrected accordingly.
Cllr Webb has been very busy interviewing and appointing a new manager to the Dorset Waste Partnership.
Cllr Meaden attended many school and civic carol services, greeted Father Christmas a number of times in a number of different venues and turned on loads of Christmas lights (all successfully). She attended the Royal Mail Sorting Office for Purbeck before the sun was up one morning to work with the postmen and postwomen in sorting the mail; and they were most appreciative. A very nice letter was sent to PDC from the Royal Mail.
Cllr Meaden has been acting Chairman of the Council since mid-December in the absence of the Chairman; and she chaired the full Council Meeting on 12th January.
PDC has appealed against the 70 house development at Policeman’s Lane, Upton, as only 4 x 1 bedroom flats had been put in by the developer as the affordable housing provision – instead of the 28 proposed by PDC. The Inspector found in favour of 21 homes which would be a mix of 1 and 2 bedroom flats and 2 and 3 bedroom houses. This was a major victory for PDC and sent a clear message to developers that PDC will not be messed around with on this issue.
A new Housing and Planning Bill is currently going through the House of Commons and PDC has sent comments of concern on two issues, the portable discount on right to buy and replacement builds on right to buy, both of which could impact on Purbeck because of its popularity as a location to live.
Local government structure still rumbles on. Lots of options have been put forward for unitaries, staying the same, boundary changes etc. Business cases are being worked up at the moment to help the decision making. All Leaders of councils in Dorset were summoned to the Secretary of State in London. A message came back from that meeting about representation stating that the proposed B’m’th, Poole, E. Dorset and Christchurch Unitary would not be fair to the rest of Dorset. Following the resignation of the E. Dorset Leader a new Leader is being selected before the end of January with two candidates standing.
The Combined Authority has been agreed by all councils in Dorset which at the moment will deal with strategic transport and economic development. Purbeck District Council was successful with its bid for Dorset Green (the previous Winfrith power station) to become an Economic Zone. It is proposed to develop some new business units for small businesses, allow expansion of the two large companies already sited there and build a science research and development centre. As an Economic Zone there are no business rates to pay by companies who locate there for the first 5 years so it is hoped that this will generate a large number of new jobs.
A new government policy – Planning Framework document has been put forward for comment which mostly concerns the provision of starter homes. There is a cap of £250,000 but the average household earnings in Purbeck are £33800 per year so it will be difficult for local people to afford their own home unless developers can be encouraged or legislated to build and provide at a lot less than the cap. Small scale developments of starter homes could be allowed in the Green Belt. Purbeck is supporting Michael Tomlinson regarding this, and propose that only developments of less than 10 units would be allowed into the Green Belt – and only where adjoining a current settlement. Starter homes can only be provided to people under 40, so PDC are asking why this is and citing agism.
- County Councillor’s report
County Cllr Drane was unable to be present.
Village Hall Toilets Refurbishment Working Group. Cllr Wilson commented that she understands the work will not commence until at least after the panto.
Sports Club Governance Working Group. Cllr Webb reported that an initial meeting of the Working Group will take place on Monday 25th January 2016 at 7pm in the Methodist Church. Representatives with interests in table tennis, cricket, and the men’s football club have all indicated their attendance. It was note however that no response had been received to the invitations sent to officials of the Sports Club itself. A representative of the cricket club has a copy of the lease between the council and the Sports Club and also a copy of its constitution. It is believed these will be useful documents to help focus the discussions.
- Recommendations from Committees:
- Environment & Amenities Cttee – meeting 4th January 2016:
- That the following options be explored with the Allotment holders at the forthcoming liaison meeting in March:
- Do nothing.
- Do not carry out the project, but introduce a rental charge freeze for the affected plots only – to compensate those plot holders affected by this.
- Do the full works as intended at the best of the full quoted costs, and levy a rental surcharge of £5 per plot (ongoing for 10 years) on top of whatever rate is decided for rental – to pay for it.
- Do a reduced version of the work for a smaller rental levy to be paid by all plot holders – i.e. remove the scrub and undergrowth only. Note: The contractors will need to be asked to re-quote for this reduced work.
- That two signs be prepared and put up at each end of Jubilee Walk reading “Public Footpath – Pedestrians Only”
Both of the above were AGREED
- Planning Committee – meeting 7th January 2016
Reflecting on the consideration of the proposed development on the land adjacent to The Chequers, Cllr Wood commented that it was pleasing to be able to draw on detail in the Lytchett Matravers Neighbourhood Plan to help inform and guide Planning Committee discussions and views.
It was RESOLVED to receive the minutes of these meetings.
- Consideration of options / next steps for Allotments / Dyetts Wood overhang and boundary clearance.
The members present considered this item in the light of the information recorded in minute 11a above. Cllr Colvey confirmed that he had sent two communications to the owner of Dyetts Wood to ascertain his intentions, but without response. It was noted that it is critical to have a response and the landowner’s agreement if the full version of the work is to be done – because this involves access to his land and substantial work on mature trees growing on it. Consequently the members recognised that this option (option 3) can only be provisionally considered with Allotment holders at the forthcoming liaison meeting at 7:30pm on 2nd March 2016 at the Methodist Church. Cllr Webb indicated that he was willing to approach the landowner on this matter.
- Consideration of nominee for PDC award – Volunteer of the Year.
It was AGREED to nominate Bob Miller for this award, subject to confirmation from PDC that a posthumous award is acceptable to them. Action: Parish Clerk to seek clarification from PDC on this point.
- Consideration of quotations for repair work and regular maintenance of Lytchett Astro.
The Parish Clerk reported that there appeared to be only two specialist contractors offering the full range of required work – Technical Surfaces and Replay. Both were recommended by the Football Foundation and thus the Council may be confident that the appointment of either would meet the Football Foundation’s expectations as an acceptable response to the problem. The reports on the condition of the playing surface at the Lytchett Astro and the work required were identical from these two companies, i.e.:
Repairs: (i) attention to three split seams in the playing surface – one full length and the other two shorter ones, (ii) the addition of approx. 2 tonnes of new rubber crumb to replace what has been lost.
Maintenance – to include:
- Annual inspection and report
- Power sweep and deep clean on each visit
- Decompaction on each visit
- Vegetation treatment (1m width of perimeter) on each visit
- 10m of seam repairs, if required, on each visit
Item | Technical Surfaces | Replay |
Maintenance (annual charge) | ||
2 visits pa | – | £990 |
4 visits pa | £1665 | £1695 |
6 visits pa | £2310 | £1995 |
12 visits pa | £3780 | – |
Repairs to playing surface | £3298 | £2995 |
After brief discussion it was RESOLVED to appoint Replay to undertake the repairs, and to provide regular maintenance – initially using the 2 visits per year option.
Further discussion then turned to the matter of how this is financed. It was AGREED that the Council will meet this expenditure, but with the intention of seeking recovery from the Sports Club in line with the terms of the Tripartite Agreement between the Parish Council, the Lytchett Matravers Sports Club and Lytchett Matravers Primary School.
- Consideration of format and content of Annual Parish Meeting 2016.
In a brief discussion, members were encouraged to start consideration now of what content or activity at this scheduled community meeting would encourage the maximum number of members of the community to attend and take part. Dist Cllr Meaden suggested that this could perhaps focus on future housing development numbers in the village. It was noted that this matter will be added to the agenda of the next Finance & Policy Cttee meeting to consider and develop further. Action: Parish Clerk to add this to the F&P Cttee agenda accordingly.
- Consideration of village-wide problem arising from on-street parking.
Expressions of public concern voiced at the January Planning Committee meeting were noted. The Chairman explained that this matter had been included on this agenda to begin the process and exploring the matter more systematically. He remarked on the particular problem of parking on the High Street near the junctions with Old Pound Close and Hopmans Close. Public concerns and complaints about the affects of the car wash business on the Gables Garage forecourt were also referred to. It was noted that DCC Highways are very reluctant to agree to any parking restrictions. Cllr Meaden indicated that she would seek clarification from various PDC officers regarding the status of the car wash business i.e. planning permission, drainage issues, public health.
- Proposal to register for “Clean for the Queen” initiative (see email to Council members 07/01/16)
It was AGREED to authorise Cllr Norris to register the Council’s next litter pick for this event, to take place over the weekend 4th-6th March 2016.
- Report of any training activity undertaken in the past month.
There was none.
- Reports of Representatives (by exception):-
Village Hall | DAPTC | Footpaths | School Liaison |
Youth Organisations | Sports Club |
Village hall – Cllr Wilson reported that the Village Hall currently has a major heating system failure with a very significant cost to repair.
Youth organisations – Cllr Wood reported on a visit to Club Hall and conversation with officials from the Lighthouse Family Church. They are currently developing a scheme based on Club Hall to establish a food bank / feeding centre run jointly by all thee Churches in the hall. It was also noted that the Army Cadet Group are no longer meeting in the village, so the cadet hall is now unused. Cllr Norris indicated that he would try to find out more about this. Action: Cllr Norris to make enquiries about the Cadet Hall.
- Council to approve the following payments due:-
Inv | To Whom | For What | Net | VAT | Total |
3544 | T Watton | Clerk’s salary – Jan (12 equal monthly payments by standing order) | 905.05 | 0.00 | 905.05 |
3545 | T Watton | Reimbursement of expenses incurred on Council’s behalf (printer cartridges and postage) | 44.02 | 6.00 | 50.02 |
3546 | T Homer | Handyman duties – Dec | 173.25 | 0.00 | 173.25 |
3547 | Continental Landscapes | Grass Cutting, Southern end of Rec – Dec | 20.00 | 4.00 | 24.00 |
3548 | The Landscape Group | Cemetery maintenance – Dec | 303.49 | 60.70 | 364.19 |
3549 | BWBSL | Allotment water charges 16/06/15-16/12/15 | 301.54 | 0.00 | 301.54 |
3550 | Southern Electric | Car ark lighting Quarter 3 2015/16 | 16.47 | 0.82 | 17.29 |
3551 | HLF Planning Ltd | Balance of cost of preparation of Neighbourhood Plan Basic Conditions Statement | 180.00 | 0.00 | 180.00 |
3552 | Paul Fay | Supply and fit staggered barrier – Willow Walk, and fit 3 x feather boards | 355.00 | 0.00 | 355.00 |
3553 | Sutcliffe Play | Supply of replacement tampoline springs (Rocket Park) | 61.18 | 12.23 | 73.41 |
The Council APPROVED the above payments
- “Openness of Local Government Bodies Regulations 2014”, Part 3, Paragraphs 6-10, Record of Decisions and Access to Documents – record of decisions taken by Parish Clerk.
Nothing to report.
The Parish Clerk reported that he had followed-up on two previously reported items by undertaking personal visits to the residents concerned:
- A visit to the resident on whose land the recent fallen tree in the cemetery had been growing. The matter of the damage caused to a tree and commemorative plaque was discussed. This information has been passed on to the family of the person who was commemorated by the damaged tree and plaque.
- A visit to a resident adjacent to the recreation ground regarding a possible misunderstanding about the boundary line between the resident’s property and the recreation ground. The resident has agreed to look into this and provide a copy of the boundary details as shown on their deeds.
It was reported that the Lytchett Minster & Upton Age Concern Day Centre will no longer be able to operate in the Upton United Reformed Church in Upton after June 2016.
There being no other business the meeting closed at 21:30
Annotated by/on …………………………….. Signed by……………………
Download the minutes: Full Council Minutes 18th Jan 2016