Meeting of Full Council, Weds 21st December 2022 at 7.00 p.m. in the Blanchard Room, Village Hall.

PRESENT were A Bush (Council Chair), V Abbott, M Attridge, A Huggins (Council Vice-Chair), R Aspray, H Khanna, K Korenevsky, K Morgan, P Webb and Mr T Watton (Parish Clerk).

Also present: Dorset Cllrs A Brenton and A Starr.

PUBLIC PARTICIPATION SESSION (Standing orders suspended)

There was none.


Dorset Cllr Alex Brenton produced a report which had been made available to members ahead of the meeting. Members noted its content, and a copy is associated at Appendix 1 to these minutes.

1. To receive and consider apologies for absence.

Cllr B Lister. Dorset Cllr B Pipe was also unable to be present.

2. To receive any declarations of interest, and consider any requests for Special Dispensations under Section 33 of the Localism Act 2011.


3. To receive and resolve to approve minutes of Council meeting held on 23rd November 2022.

It was RESOLVED to approve the minutes as a true record of the meeting. They were duly signed by the Council Chair.

4. To receive and consider reports of past subject matters on the minutes of the Full Council meetings (for purposes of report only).

It was RESOLVED to receive and note the contents of the following report, which had been prepared and circulated in advance of the meeting by the Parish Clerk. Italics below indicate additional comments made during the meeting.

  1. Minute 21, 22nd September 2021 – signage for BMX / cycle dirt track. It was agreed that the signage would be erected by the Guerrilla Gardeners. This has been delivered to the Parish Council office. It was clarified that this notice requires two posts to be installed. Suggestions were made by members about where to obtain the necessary round posts.These have now been obtained and discussion took place regarding the sign location. At the meeting on 21st December members were encouraged to consider this and feed back to the Council Chair where they felt the sign should be sited for best effect.
  2. Minute 7.3, Full Council 27th April 2022 – replacement of the elderly rectangular bin adjacent to the upper car park located approx. halfway between the Sports Pavilion and the Village Hall. This has now been received. It was agreed that the Guerrilla Gardeners will install it. However due to the ground conditions consideration is still taking place regarding the type of fixing for it.
  3. Minute 17, Full Council 10th Aug 2022 – dog exercise area. Actions:

Removal of the bramble roots and re-seeding with grass. The Parish Clerk advised that immediately after this was raised, he had spoken to Mr Warr, who had agreed to undertake this task. The Parish Clerk expressed some concern at the November meeting that this work had apparently not yet been carried out. Cllr Webb indicated that he would contact Mr Warr about it.This has been done and it is noted that the work will be carried out in the spring.

  1. Minute 29, 28th Sept 2022 – drinking water. At the meeting on 28th September 2022, Cllr Abbott indicated that she would be willing to visit local businesses to ascertain their willingness to offer free refills for drinking water bottles. At the December meeting Cllr Abbott indicated that she had one further visit to make about this.
  2. Minute 7 ii, 23rd November 2022 – order for litter bin to replace damaged dog bin in Dog Exercise area. This order has been placed.
  3. Minute 19, 23rd November 2022 – annual service contract for Adult Exercise equipment. The Clerk has responded to Caloo Ltd to set this up.

5. Chair’s announcements (for the purposes of report only).

The Chair referred to a workbook dealing with expenditure planning, CIL, Earmarked Reserves etc for 2023/24 to be circulated ahead of the January F&GP Cttee meeting. It is intended to go through these at that meeting to inform and support Council decision-making on budgeting and precept setting for the coming financial year. He encouraged all members to examinee these and respond with any questions they may have.

He also referred to the matter of the height restriction barrier at the western (higher) end of the High Street car park which had been damaged by a vehicle on the eve of the Queen’s Jubilee celebration in early June 2022. It was noted that the insurance claim had been settled in full, and that a suggestion had been made that the barrier may no longer be needed in that location due to the enhanced protection now in place for the field. Members were asked to consider this further in preparation for a subsequent discussion at an F&GP Cttee meeting.

6. To receive and note the content of the minutes of the Finance & General Purposes Committee Meeting on 7th December 2022 (for purposes of report only)

It was RESOLVED to receive and note the contents of these draft minutes.

7. To consider planning application P/HOU/2022/04571 Oakhurst Huntick Road Lytchett Matravers Poole BH16 6BB. Erect single storey side extension. Alterations to existing out building and create new link to form annexe

The Council noted with concern that the proposed link contains a bedroom with its window on the west side right up against the boundary with the neighbouring property. The Council wished to register an OBJECTION to this proposal on the grounds of overlooking which adversely affects the privacy of the neighbouring property.

8. To consider planning application P/HOU/2022/07620 Deans Leaze Lime Kiln Road Lytchett Matravers Dorset BH16 6EL. Retain raised ridge height to form loft conversion with two dormer windows to front, one dormer to rear; form pitched roof over existing dining room at rear and replace existing side outbuilding with utility room; enclosed front porch with pitched roof.


9. To consider planning application P/FUL/2022/06986 Chartley Jennys Lane Lytchett Matravers Poole BH16 6BP. Sever plot, extend existing Pool House to form detached dwelling.

Noting that this is an application to form – partly by conversion of an existing ancillary structure – a new dwelling beyond the Village Settlement Boundary within Open Countryside and within the Green Belt, the Parish Council wishes to submit an OBJECTION to this application. This objection is on similar grounds to those submitted for application 6/2021/0031 – i.e. that it is inappropriate development within the Green Belt and contrary to paras 143-145 of the NPPF and Policy CO of the Purbeck Local Plan.

10. To consider planning application P/HOU/2022/07711, 11 Landers Reach Lytchett Matravers BH16 6NB. Replace existing conservatory with new single storey extension.


11. To consider planning application P/HOU/2022/06559 3 Vineyard Close Lytchett Matravers Poole BH16 6DD. Single storey flat roof open sided extension.


12. To receive a report from the Climate Change Emergency Working Group (for purposes of report only).

No formal report.

13. To receive a report from the Huntick Road Cycleway Working Group (for purposes of report only)

No formal written report. Cllr Huggins briefly remarked that the next step was to submit to DC Highways a detailed design for the next proposed section of the cycleway – to Jubilee Walk.

14. To receive a report from the Village Environment Working Group (for purposes of report only)

A summary report had been made available to all members ahead of this meeting and the contents were noted. A copy is associated at Appendix 2 to these minutes. Cllr Bush reported that he had chased Mr Bradley (Dorset Council) for a progress report on the case for the Wareham Rd School Crossing – which Mr Bradley had indicated he hoped to get to the portfolio holders by Christmas.

15. Receive a report from the Neighbourhood Plan 2 Working Group (for purposes of report only).

Reference was made to the information in Dorset Cllr Brenton’s report (see Appendix 1 to these minutes) regarding the approach developed with Natural England which would allow planning applications to be granted in the Poole Harbour catchment. The Council’s appointed Barrister has been updated on this.

16. To receive an update on upgrade to, and plans for usage of, former Youth Club Building.

A summary report had been made available to all members ahead of this meeting and the contents were noted. A copy is associated at Appendix 3 to these minutes. Cllr Bush reported that the quotations from the three prospective suppliers for the “stage 1” works are awaited. Work on the defects identified in the report on the building electrics commenced on Monday 19th December 2022.

It was noted that there is some urgency to get the planned tree works done, so that the oak tree branch does not further damaged the Youth Hall roof.

It was also noted that mail delivery box has been installed and that “Lytchett Matravers Youth Hall, High Street Lytchett Matravers BH16 6BJ” has now been added as an official address on the Royal Mail Postal Address File (PAF) database. As well as its use by delivery organisations, the information on the PAF database is used by the utility companies, financial institutions and other businesses to validate the location of premises.

17. To receive a report on the Paediatric First Aid session run on 26 November and consider a proposal for future events.

Cllr Huggins reported that the event capacity was 12 persons (limited by the number of mannequins available) and that 7 people attended the event on 26th November. After a brief discussion, noting that the commitment from the Council is to fund the £50 Hall hire charge, the Council confirmed that it would like to support the provision of more of these sessions.

18. To discuss and consider the contents of a paper detailing a list of the motions which were CARRIED at the DAPTC AGM on Saturday 19th November 2022.

Note: details of all of the approved motions may be found at https://www.dorset-aptc.gov.uk/DAPTC_AGM_36520.aspx

The members present considered each of these DAPTC approved motions in turn and RESOLVED to support the following ones:

AGM item 7 “To deliver a ‘Working Together’ agreement between Dorset Council and parish and town councils in the same area before 2024”

AGM item 8a (submitted by West Moors TC and Charlton Marshall PC) “Request that the requirement to display planning site notices within Dorset, is monitored and enforced to provide a convenient and correctly timed consultation period for neighbours and parish and town councils. Additionally, that Dorset Council return to their previous policy of directly advising relevant parties/neighbours of planning applications.”

AGM item 8b (submitted by Lyme Regis TC and Char Valley PC) “Request that NALC continue to lobby central government for changes to the Local Government Act 1972 Schedule 12 Part II, permitting parish and town councils to determine whether they meet online and/or in person.”

AGM item 8c (submitted by Lyme Regis TC) “Request that NALC lobby central government for changes to the National Planning Policy Framework to reduce the conflict and contradiction between Conservation’s adherence to less effective standards, and Building Regulation’s requirements to improved environmental and energy efficient insulation methods and materials, whilst respecting the value of listed buildings.”

AGM item 8d (submitted by Lyme Regis TC) “Request NALC lobby central government to make amendments to housing legislation to amend the qualifying criteria for out of area applicants and weight the criteria in favour of applicants with a proven local connection.”

AGM item 8e (submitted by Corfe Castle PC) “That DAPTC support the provisions in the Levelling-up and Regeneration Bill to discourage the growth in second homes by a 100% surcharge on council tax and seeks further discretionary controls on the growth in holiday lets and if passed a resolution be forwarded to NALC, the Local Government Association and Dorset MP’s” [sic]

AGM item 8f (submitted by Piddle Valley PC) “Piddle Valley Parish Council requests that DAPTC lobby the Dorset Police and Crime Commissioner to support better enforcement, and the Government for stronger penalties, for the illegal use of public Rights of Way by motor vehicles (Footpaths, Bridleways and Restricted Byways).”

AGM item 8h (submitted by Broadmayne PC) “Broadmayne Parish Council urges DAPTC to make representations that Dorset Council should adopt an updated vehicle speed limit policy for roads within towns and villages. Within built up areas, where there are journeys made by foot along a road and there is either no footway or only partial footway provision, the default speed limit for motor vehicles for the entire length of road within the built-up area should be 20mph. When local communities have requested a 20mph limit.” It was noted that this tool had already been achieved.

AGM item 8j (submitted by Alderholt PC) “DAPTC requests Dorset Council planning team to make the necessary changes to the planning portal at the earliest opportunity, to allow each parish and town to create weekly planning reports identifying new planning applications and those where decisions have been made.”

AGM item 8k (submitted by Beaminster TC) “The Dorset Association of Town & Parish Councils strongly urges the National Association of Local Councils to lobby Government to secure legislation for the inclusion of solar electric, water heating generation and other energy saving and generating technology in all new domestic and industrial buildings in the UK.”

19. To resolve to approve the following payments already made:

British Telecom Office phone and broadband – Nov 2022 49.60 9.92 59.52
S P Mills Balance of annual general grass cutting / ad hoc grounds maintenance payment made in Nov 520.00 0.00 520.00
Idverde Ltd Grass cutting southern part of rec (1 cut on 24 June 2022 original invoice not received) Inv 10857983 31.20 6.24 37.44

It was RESOLVED to approve the above payments already made.

20. To resolve to approve the following payments due:

To Whom For What Net VAT Total
T Watton Clerk’s salary – Dec. 1138.80 0.00 1138.80
HMRC PAYE & ENI – Dec. 388.75 0.00 388.75
Dorset County Pension Fund LGPS pension contrib Dec. 420.13 0.00 420.13
T Homer Handyman duties, November 2022 239.87 0.00 239.87
Idverde Ltd Grass cutting southern part of rec (1 cut between March 2022 – late presented invoice) Inv 10839584 31.20 6.24 37.44
Idverde Ltd Grass cutting southern part of rec (1 cut on 9th Dec 2022) Inv 10867187 31.20 6.24 37.44
Idverde Ltd Cemetery maintenance Dec 2022 Inv no 10867596 330.75 66.15 396.90
HSBC Bank Bank charges to 30 Nov 2022 5.00 0.00 5.00
T Watton Reimbursement of expenses incurred on behalf of Council Dec 2022 28.07 0.92 28.99
Octopus Energy Ltd Sports Pavilion energy Inv KI-3D2D83BF-0028 8th Oct – 30th Nov 2022 14.17 0.71 14.88
BCP Council Construction of Library Walk 4750.00 950.00 5700.00
Ashley Security Ltd Supply 1 x ASEC Padlock + 3 keys for LM Youth Hall vehicle gate 31.08 6.22 37.30
Lytchett Matravers Village Hall Hall hire charge for first aid training session 26/11/22 50.00 0.00 50.00
British Gas Final bill standing charge only – LM Youth Hall 7.26 0.36 7.62
D & P Warr Contracting Hedge trimming – High St Car Park & Eldons Drove 150.00 30.00 180.00
K Morgan Reimbursement of expenditure on behalf of Parish Council – purchase of materials for Lime Kiln Rd bench / planter, Library Green Path and Dog Exercise area 486.74 97.35 584.09
SSE LM Youth Hall electricity 20 Oct – 1st Dec 51.78 2.58 54.36
A Bush Reimbursement of expenditure incurred on behalf of Council – posts for BMX track sign 10.30 2.06 12.36
A Bush Reimbursement of expenditure incurred on behalf of Council – mail delivery box for LM Youth Hall. 20.82 4.17 24.99

It was RESOLVED to approve all of the above payments.

21. To note any training undertaken by members or the Clerk in the past month (for purposes of report only).

There was none.

22. To note any decisions and / or action taken by Parish Clerk under “Openness of Local Government Bodies Regulations 2014”, Part 3, Paragraphs 6-10, Record of Decisions and Access to Documents (for purposes of report only).


23. To note correspondence received (for purposes of report only).

Cllr Huggins referred to correspondence he was engaged in with Mr S Mepham of Dorset Council Highways regarding road signage related to the Rose & Crown crossroads.

The meeting closed at 20:08

Annotated by/on ……………………………..Signed by……………………



Report by Dorset Cllr Alex Brenton

Poole Harbour Catchment.

I have queried why some planning applications have been allowed through whereas others are caught up in the Poole Harbour issue. Some info is on the Dorset website. Nutrient Neutrality in Poole Harbour – Dorset Council

Housing Regs say that foul sewers have to be connected to mains sewer if available. Isolated dwellings which have individual sewage treatment tanks can get dispensations. DEFRA gives advice on this for farms, etc.

Working with Natural England, an approach has been developed which would allow planning applications to be granted in the Poole Harbour catchment. Natural England have agreed that once the upgrade of sewerage treatment works has been secured in legislation (currently passing through parliament) that the need for development to be phosphorus neutral in the Poole Harbour catchment, will no longer apply.

As of 4 January, Dorset Council will start to grant consents for development in the Poole Harbour catchment with a condition preventing the development from starting until the legislation has passed through parliament. Should an applicant agree to the pre-commencement condition, decisions on planning applications will be made following the normal decision making process. The need for nitrogen neutrality still applies and Dorset Council have the Nitrogen Neutrality in Poole Harbour SPD in place to help with this. The proposed approach to achieving nutrient neutrality needs to be set out in a Water Quality Nutrient Neutrality Statement, to accompany planning applications, as required by the council’s validation checklist.


Village Environment Working Group – Summary Report. Dec 2022

Working Group Objective:

To identify areas of concern/opportunity within the physical environment of the Village and propose responses.

Working Group Participants:

Ken Morgan, Alf Bush, Andrew Huggins, Karen Korenevsky, Vicky Abbot, Hannah Khanna, Barry Lister


1. Wareham Rd/School traffic/parking – Anticipating imminent DC progress re crossing – New Car Pk?

2. High St Crossing – Possible build out+table funded by PC.

3. Tesco frontage – Acceptable design agreed with DC. Suggest joint Tesco/DC/PC funding. Possible bollard/boulder compromise?

4. School Walk – Extend path across school field?

5. Hannams Close entrance enhancement. Bench in position. Discuss with management company.

6. Sports/Scout Bldgs High St frontage. Sketch scheme incl covered store + 2x outdoor TT tables.

7. Pond –J.K now eliminated.

8. Boules/Petanque Pitches – Layout/positions agreed.

9. 20mph – new DC policy opportunity. Also consider other highway problems..

10. Drop Kerb crossings.

11. Finger post Renovations – Blaneys Corner done. Vol Training + sponsorship. Progress on Upper X with discounted parts available.

12. Dog Area – Boundary planting ongoing. Woodland Trust donating 24m length of plants/saplings.


· Dorset Council Highways + Planning/Local Plan. School cooperation. Funds.

Status/Next Steps:

· Dog planting ongoing.

· Boules/Petanque Pitches + Pond + Hannams Gate – Develop designs and invite tenders..

· Establish budgets and work up proposal for High St crossing.

· Establish budget and re-approach Tesco/Highways to fund/activate shop frontage remodelling.

· Work up Hannams Gate design and obtain tenders.

· Develop and submit 20mph bid to DC

· URGENT – Help required to move and spread playground chippings.

Financial Forecast:

(£000’s, excluding VAT)

2022-23 2023-24 2024-25
Expense to date Benches, gym, dogs, 30
Forecast Path, seat, Hannams 10 High St, Sch Path, Tesco, Sp Pav gap, Pond, 20mph, Kerbs 300 Astro C Pk 285
Total 40 300 285


Lytchett Matravers Youth Hall – Summary Report. Dec 2022

Working Group Objective:

To review the status & condition of the Youth Hall and set out new business plan for use.

Working Group Participants:

All Parish Councillors


The PC are the owners of the Youth Hall; land is leased from DC until December 19, 2056. The PC has been in discussion with DC re: the transfer of the land to the PC. This was approved by DCC on December 6, 2017. The Lighthouse Church relinquished their tenancy on June 30, 2022.


The PC intends to use the building primarily for youth purposes, but will renovate to be multi-purpose public community space.

Status/Next Steps:

Completed Insurance guidance from Zurich including fire security.

Lighthouse clearance complete

Follow on from electrical report; all critical and most non-critical items addressed and new certification being obtained.

Immediate next steps See list below

Quotes underway for Stage 1 renovation

Long term action plan for renovation Determine approach between stage 1 (get the building into use) and/or stage 2 (full renovation) – see below
Set out usage plan and fee plan The building is midway in size between the Village Hall and Sports Pavilion, so the hiring cost structure will also be midway.

It is intended that the building have specific areas that will remain in place for users (e.g. play area, sofa area), storage spaces.

Financial Forecast:

(£000’s, excluding VAT) 2022-23 2023-24 2024-25
Expense to date 1 0 0
Forecast 251 10 802
Total 26 10 80

Note 1 2022-23 assumes costs of immediate tasks and stage 1 renovation

Note 2 2024-25 assumes costs after establishing of business use, full renovation to meet CCE standards

Renovation Task Summary

Immediate Next Steps:

  • Repair front door handle
  • Clear kitchen
  • Full internal clean
  • Repair/fix all electrical issues – completed 19/12/2022
  • Relocate electrical consumer unit and replace with metal box.
  • Install letter box
  • Register formal name and address with Royal Mail
  • Check water leak
  • Fix broken windows
  • Liaise with Army cadets (usage, oak tree)
  • Reduce oak tree crown from asbestos roof
  • Clear gutters
  • Repaint all interior walls, etc.
  • Install broadband
  • Confirm Dorset Youth Association membership
  • Establish regular maintenance checks, cleaning rota, etc.

PC to investigate grant assistance for all stage 1 and stage 2 tasks

Note that project expenditure of £25k+ requires the PC to advertise the spec nationally.

Stage 1 – work required to set out the building for safe secure public use:

  • Insulate floor (rises by 43mm)
  • Revamp WCs and include disabled WC & plumbing
  • Revamp kitchen/office space & plumbing
  • New suspended ceiling over WCs and kitchen/office with hatch and ladder to storage space
  • Install new external doors (front and emergency exit at rear)
  • Install new internal door to rear room
  • Repair/replace broken windows
  • Replace all lights with LEDs
  • Repaid driveway flooding, etc.

Stage 2 – work required to fully renovate the building in line with Climate Emergency guidelines:

  • Replace roof with full insulation and new ceiling
  • Insulate walls
  • Install double glazing throughout
  • Install ASHP and solar panels as per Sports Pavilion
  • Replace all electric heaters with modern equivalents
  • New ceiling and loft space for storage with ladder for rear area
  • New smooth pathway to building

Preliminary Usage Plan

Typical weekday: 9-12 Moo Music

12-16 Lunch and Natter sessions (warm place)

16-22 Youth activity (3 night per week)

Army Cadets 19-22 Possible 2 nights per week (Mon & Thurs)

Full Minutes 221221v2.docx

Full Council minutes 21 December 2022