Meeting of Full Council, Weds 22nd February 2023 at 7.00 p.m. in the Blanchard Room, Village Hall.

PRESENT were A Bush (Council Chair), V Abbott, M Attridge, B Barker, A Huggins (Council Vice-Chair), K Korenevsky, B Lister, K Morgan, P Webb and Mr T Watton (Parish Clerk).

Also present: Dorset Cllrs A Brenton, B Pipe and A Starr and three members of the public.

PUBLIC PARTICIPATION SESSION (Standing orders suspended)

There was none.


Dorset Cllr Alex Brenton produced a report which had been made available to members ahead of the meeting. Members noted its content, and a copy is associated at Appendix 1a to these minutes.

Dorset Cllr Bill Pipe produced a report copies of which were handed out at the meeting. A copy is associated at Appendix 1b to these minutes.

Cllr Bush expressed interest in Dorset Cllr Brenton’s remarks on the draft refresh of the DC Environment Strategy. She explained that DC had responded to comments on this matter in the public consultation on the Dorset Local Plan – particularly in trying to more effectively link environmental considerations to all aspects of the plan. She also remarked that there had been considerable talk at DC about how to engage better with Parish & Town Councils around environment and biodiversity issues.

Related to Dorset Cllr Pipe’s report, members noted the pressure being applied to DC regarding progress on the Wareham Rd crossing – which Cllr Pipe emphasised he expected to be installed in time for the beginning new school year in September 2023.

Reference was also made to the efforts by Dorset Cllr Pipe and MP Michael Tomlinson to address the current planning system and the protection of Green Belt. Cllr Bush asked how the Parish Council could contribute to that work. Cllr Pipe encouraged the Parish Council to update him and he will lobby on our behalf.

1. To receive and consider apologies for absence.

Cllrs R Aspray and H Khanna.

2. To receive any declarations of interest, and consider any requests for Special Dispensations under Section 33 of the Localism Act 2011.


3. To receive and resolve to approve minutes of Council meeting held on 25th January 2023.

It was RESOLVED to approve the minutes as a true record of the meeting. They were duly signed by the Council Chair.

4. To receive and consider reports of past subject matters on the minutes of the Full Council meetings (for purposes of report only).

It was RESOLVED to receive and note the contents of the following report, which had been prepared and circulated in advance of the meeting by the Parish Clerk. Italics below indicate additional comments made during the meeting.

  1. Minute 21, 22nd September 2021 – signage for BMX / cycle dirt track. The sign has now been installed. DISCHARGED
  2. Minute 7.3, Full Council 27th April 2022 – replacement of the elderly rectangular bin adjacent to the upper car park located approx. halfway between the Sports Pavilion and the Village Hall. The fixing for installation on grass has now been received.
  3. Minute 17, Full Council 10th Aug 2022 – dog exercise area. Actions:

Removal of the bramble roots and re-seeding with grass. It was noted that the work will now be carried out in the spring. DEFERRED.

  1. Minute 29, 28th Sept 2022 – drinking water. At the meeting on 28th September 2022, Cllr Abbott indicated that she would be willing to visit local businesses to ascertain their willingness to offer free refills for drinking water bottles. Cllr Abbott indicated that all businesses visited had agreed to meet such requests. She suggested, and kit was AGREED, that this information now ben included in the next Parish Magazine article. DISCHARGED
  2. Minute 7 ii, Full Council 23rd November 2022 – order for litter bin to replace damaged dog bin in Dog Exercise area. This bin has been received.
  3. Minute 14, 25 Jan 2023 – phone line in Parish Office. A fault on the call diversion facility from the Parish Office to the Parish Clerk’s mobile number has now been rectified by BT, and has been tested locally to confirm that it is working properly.
  4. Minute 17, Full Council 23rd November 2022 – supply and fit weather-treated 4′ high boards to the two goals on the Astro, to replace the damaged fence panels. This order was placed and the work has subsequently been completed. DISCHARGED

5. Chair’s announcements (for the purposes of report only).

There were none.

6. To receive and note the content of the minutes of the Finance & General Purposes Committee Meeting on 11th January 2022 (for purposes of report only)

It was RESOLVED to receive and note the contents of these draft minutes.

7. To consider the following recommendations from the Finance & General Purposes Committee meeting of 8th February 2023: –

The Chair summarised the focus of each of the supporting documents and / or process referred to in the items below, and a vote was then taken on each recommendation.

7.1 Approval of updated / amended Risk Register for 2023-24 as set out in minute 11 and appendix 2 of the F&GP minutes 8th February 2023. RESOLVED

7.2 Approval of updated / amended Schedule of Governance / Internal Controls responsibilities for 2023-24 as set out in minute 12 and appendix 3 of the F&GP minutes 8th February 2023. RESOLVED

8. To consider planning application P/HOU/2023/00459 64 Wareham Road Lytchett Matravers Dorset BH16 6DS. Erect two storey side extension, rebuild front entrance porch, demolish garage and erect fencing.


9. To consider planning application P/HOU/2023/00678 3 Hannams Close Lytchett Matravers Dorset BH16 6DN. Erect single storey front extension


10. To consider planning application P/HOU/2023/00446 (amended plans or additional information) 2 Penrose Close Lytchett Matravers BH16 6EF. Erect first floor front extension, two storey rear extension, single storey rear and side extension, front porch and detached garden room.


11. To receive a report from the Huntick Road Cycleway Working Group (for purposes of report only)

No formal report. However the Chair noted that a new route diagram / plan is needed showing the 2m path width. Cllr Morgan agreed to produce this.

12. To receive a report from the Village Environment Working Group (for purposes of report only)

A summary report had been made available to all members ahead of this meeting and the contents were noted. A copy is associated at Appendix 2 to these minutes.

Cllr Morgan drew attention to the following matters in the report:

  • Items 2 & 3: The reported budget estimates for the High St crossing and the Tesco frontage both include a significant contingency figure.
  • Item 4: Cllr Bush remarked that he had been trying to arrange a meeting with the Primary School about this. Cllr Attridge observed that it may be difficult to fit this into a scheduled Governors’ meeting. Cllr Bush therefore suggested that he would speak to Mr France to ask what may be the best approach.
  • Item 9: it was noted that there is a need to make progress on the 20 MPH application.
  • Item 12: Cllr Huggins provided further details of the proposed planting scheme – i.e. alternating either side of the fence.

In addition, it was reported that Dorset Council Rights of Way had failed to respond appropriately to the request for reinstatement of the footpath sign at the top of Church Walk: Action: Parish Clerk to take this up again with Ranger Katie Black.

13. Receive a report from the Neighbourhood Plan 2 Working Group (for purposes of report only).

A summary report had been made available to all members ahead of this meeting and the contents were noted. A copy is associated at Appendix 3 to these minutes.

Cllr Bush remarked that a first meeting for some time took place this week. The next meeting is scheduled for 21st March 2023. He emphasised that all Council members are welcome to join in.

14. To receive a report from the Lytchett Matravers Youth Hall Working Group (for purposes of report only.

No formal written report. The Chair reported on the following:

  • The work to remove the oak tree branch has been completed. Action: Parish Clerk to approach the Army Cadets for reimbursement for the cost of the work.
  • The three quotes for the replacement of the windows and doors had been received. The consideration of these is covered in minute 21 below.
  • One further quote is awaited for the stage 1 building works.

In addition Cllr Huggins confirmed that Wessex Internet will install broadband.

15. To receive a report on activity in support of local celebrations to mark the Coronation (for purposes of report only).

  • It was confirmed that the Village Hall is booked for this event – which is to take place between 2pm – 7pm on Sunday 7th May. The Sports Pavilion will also be used.
  • Cllr Barker has organised the stage and sound system with the same supplier as last year’s jubilee celebrations.
  • Similarly, the main entertainment is to be booked with Chris Manning. Other entertainers were discussed – and it was agreed that the local schools would be approached to see if they would like a slot for their choirs and / or other groups.
  • Cllr Abbott advised that she had obtained a quote from a face painter who can do 2-5pm on 7th May at a fee of £155. It is understood that the face painting will then be offered free of charge to those present at the event.
  • Cllrs Abbott and Korenevsky are looking at a fully insured supplier of a bouncy castle at £750 for the afternoon – to include supply, set up, and safe operation of it. Some discussion took place regarding whether or not to make a charge to users and, if so, the various charging options.
  • Some discussion also took place regarding mobile catering operations and how / whether they may be charged a licence fee for the occasion. It was agreed that, in principle, operators from outside the village would be charged a one-off fee, but that local LM-based businesses would not.

16. To consider a proposal to put forward to Dorset Council, at the appropriate time, a suggestion that a new road in Lytchett Matravers is named after Mr Edward Tong.

This proposal was AGREED. Action: Parish Clerk to communicate with the relevant team at Dorset Council accordingly.

17. To receive and consider a background report concerning the status, purpose and ownership of the Parish Council office.

The Council Chair summarised this as follows:

  1. The Parish Council Office was constructed in 1978 at a cost of £2647.80 (which was paid by the Parish Council), after the main Village Hall had already been built.
  2. The premises are limited to just the office itself, and does not include the lobby area or the outside door. A copy of an extract from the agreed construction drawing is associated – this shows that it consists of the red lined area only.
  3. It was agreed between the VH Committee and the Parish Council that the Parish Office would be “an extension to the hall, should belong to the Village Hall Committee, be paid for by the Council, and be for the Clerk’s exclusive use.
  4. In 2001 the Parish Council, through its Clerk at the time, asked the Charity Commission for its advice on the status of such a room within the premises / curtilage of a hall operated under Charitable Trust status. The reply from the Charity Commission advises that a rental / lease arrangement would be required.
  5. Also in 2001, the Council then consulted DAPTC (George Page) for advice on whether they should accept such a rental / lease arrangement. GP advised entering negotiations with the VH Committee on the fixing of “a (very modest) rent for use of the Parish Office”.
  6. Correspondence between the Parish Clerk and the Village Hall Secretary in June 2001 confirms acceptance of a proposal of a rent of £50 p.a. for the office, to be offset by the original cost of construction met by the Parish Council. Both organisations agreed that this meant that the Parish Council would be “in credit for some time to come.” [i.e. for 53 years from 1977, so until 2030]

18. To consider a proposal to request the Village Hall Management Committee to arrange for the replacement of the windows and frames in the Parish Council office.

It was AGREED that the Parish Clerk would write to the Village Hall Committee on behalf of the Parish Council, referring to the status of the office and their role as its owner, with a request for them to replace the windows and frames in the office. Action: Parish Clerk to write to the Village Hall Management Committee accordingly.

19. To consider a proposal to arrange for the redecoration of the interior of the Parish Council office.

This was AGREED – to be undertaken after the windows are replaced. It was explained that it is intended to move some of the bulky / robust stored items currently held in the office (such as road signs) to the Pavilion storage area when it is ready.

20. To consider the following grant requests:

20.1 From St Marys PCC for contribution towards the repair of a wall in the closed cemetery / churchyard.

The Council Chair summarised the results of a detailed investigation which had been carried out into the matter of the maintenance of the closed cemetery. He explained that a search of the records and Council minutes had revealed that it had been recorded in the Full Council minutes of August 1996 that a letter had been received from the St Mary’s Lytchett Matravers PCC inviting the Parish Council to take on the maintenance of the closed churchyard. A minute in the following Full Council meeting in Sept 1996 stated that the Parish Council had agreed to accept the maintenance of it. This is in line with the requirements of the Local Government Act 1972, Section 215 which enables such transfers of maintenance responsibility to Parish & Town Councils unless the Parish Council (within 3 months of the request) declines this (or subsequently choses to pass it on) – at which point the responsibility would pass to the District or County Council[1]. No such refusal or subsequent transfer of maintenance responsibility was made in this case. Consequently the transfer requires the Parish Council to maintain both the closed cemetery and the closed churchyard “in decent order and its walls and fences in good repair”[2]

As a result of the above it was recognised that the responsibility for maintenance / repair of the walls in question lies with the Parish Council and therefore the grant application is not required. It was noted that in line with its Financial Regulations a further two estimates / quotations for the remedial works is required to add to the quotation already obtained by the PCC. Action: Two further quotes for the works are to be sought from companies suitably approved by the Diocese of Salisbury.

In a subsequent discussion, Council members wondered whether this included maintenance responsibility for the graves and memorials where family of those buried there can no longer either be identified or contacted. Clearly this situation is far from unique. The Parish Clerk indicated that he would seek definitive advice on this point from the NALC legal team. Action: Parish Clerk to follow this up with NALC accordingly.

20.2 From Lytchett Matravers Scout Group for building improvement works to the access to the Scout hut

It was noted that the grant application is for a £5K contribution towards a project (circa £50K estimate) which involves a number of modifications of the Scout Hut for use by people with disabilities. By way of information background, Cllr Morgan explained that he had been working on some designs for the Scouts which may include a new ‘level’ and wider access into the Scout Hut from the High St side rather than the initially envisaged ramp to the existing doorway, which would need to be widened.

After discussion the Council APPROVED, in principle, a grant award of 10% of the total project cost – up to a maximum contribution of £5K and subject to receipt and Council prior approval of a detailed design proposal for the modifications.

20.3 From Life Education Wessex for a contribution towards their ongoing work in local schools, including Lytchett Matravers and Lytchett Minster.

The Council APPROVED an award of £700.

21. To consider for approval a recommended quote for replacement windows for Lytchett Matravers Youth Hall.

The Council chair referred to a paper giving the details of the proposed works, and the responses from three suppliers. After some discussion it was RESOLVED to accept the quote of £9,955 from Homestyle.

22. To consider for approval designs for revised Lytchett Matravers Parish Council signage/logo for use on Council buildings, noticeboards, letterheads, etc.

DEFERRED until a later meeting.

23. To consider for approval the following signatory changes on the bank mandate for the Council’s previously inactive Santander accounts i.e. Remove Maureen Munford and Julie Dyball; add Alf Bush, Andrew Huggins, Micki Attridge and Peter Webb

The Council Chair outlined the role of bank account signatories – emphasising that the decision-making process on payments takes place in public at Full Council meetings. Consequently the role signatories is part of the process of executing those decisions in a secure way. Council members were invited to volunteer to undertake this role. As no one responded immediately the Clerk indicated that he would email all members seeking volunteers. Action: Parish Clerk to email all members accordingly and then prepare a further proposal for consideration of Full Council.

24. To receive an update from DC Highways regarding Wareham Road crossing by the school (for purposes of report only).

Cllr Huggins referred to correspondence with Dorset Cllr Simon Gibson – the DC Lead member for Highways. This confirmed that the Wareham Road crossed has been included in the DC Local Transport Plan (LTP) for 2023/24. He provided assurances that the Parish Council will be updated as the scheme is developed – but that there is some way to go yet. There is nothing further for the Parish Council to do at this stage.

25. To consider an offer from a mobile catering company to operate from the High St Car Park on Saturday mornings.

After some discussion it was agreed in principle to respond with agreement to this offer – subject to firstly checking with the Football Club – particularly in relation to any other catering arrangements which they may have on Saturday mornings and also subject to consultation with them about where the catering unit would be parked and the conditions under which they would be required to operate. Action: Cllr Bush to speak to the Football club about this.

Subject to the above, the Council provisionally agreed that the following terms would apply:

  • Licence fee will be £100 per quarter
  • Vendor to put out litter bins during operation and remove them afterwards.
  • All litter generated by this operation to be removed from the site by the vendor on every occasion.

26. To note the date of the next Paediatric First Aid session, to take place in the Village Hall, and delivered free of charge, by Ouch training (for purposes of report only)

It was noted that a further session has been booked to take place in the Village Hall on 10th June 2023 between 9:30-11:30am.

27. To consider a proposal to install two benches at the Lytchett Astro.

It was agreed to DEFER this to enable time for a site visit and photographs to clarify the specific locations – to then be put forward as a proposal to the Finance & General Purposes Committee. Action: Cllrs Abbott and Huggins to visit the Astro site to identify suitable locations and prepare a proposal for F&GP Cttee consideration.

28. To resolve to approve the following payments already made:

To Whom For What Net VAT Total
British Telecom Office phone and broadband – Jan 2023 49.60 9.92 59.52
SSE Electricity supply to Lytchett Matravers Youth Hall Quarter 4 2022/23 45.63 2.28 47.91
HSBC Bank Bank charges to 31 January 2023 5.00 0.00 5.00
T Crampton Miller Refund of allotment deposit 33.50 0.00 33.50

It was RESOLVED to approve the above payments already made.

29. To resolve to approve the following payments due:

To Whom For What Net VAT Total
T Watton Clerk’s salary – Feb. 1138.80 0.00 1138.80
HMRC PAYE & ENI – Feb. 388.75 0.00 388.75
Dorset County Pension Fund LGPS pension contrib Feb. 420.13 0.00 420.13
T Homer Handyman duties, Jan 2023 301.62 0.00 301.62
Idverde Ltd Cemetery maintenance Feb 2023 Inv no 10872332 330.75 66.15 396.90
Full Circle Leisure Ltd Skate Park riding surfaces and substrate replacement 20784.26 4156.85 24941.11
D&P Warr Contracting Replace gatepost and repair / re-fix barbed wire 231.00 46.20 277.20
Sutcliffe Play South West Replace & re-fit cableway brake spring and finger guards 516.83 103.37 620.20
Lytchett Matravers Village Hall Hire of Blanchard Room for meetings 10th Aug 2022 – 25th Jan 2023 inclusive 275.00 0.00 275.00
Glasdon UK Ltd Supply of Topsy 2000 litter bin plus 1 x extra ground fixing 423.52 84.70 508.22
Starboard Systems Ltd Annual licence for Scribe accounts package for 2023/24 561.60 112.32 673.92
A Bush Payment of Chair’s Allowance 250.00 0.00 250.00

It was RESOLVED to approve all of the above payments.

30. To note any training undertaken by members or the Clerk in the past month (for purposes of report only).

There was none.

31. To note any decisions and / or action taken by Parish Clerk under “Openness of Local Government Bodies Regulations 2014”, Part 3, Paragraphs 6-10, Record of Decisions and Access to Documents (for purposes of report only).


32. To note correspondence received (for purposes of report only).

  • Cllr Webb advised that he had been in correspondence with DC Highways and understands that the resurfacing work which had been undertaken on Dolmans Hill and Jennys Lane has proved to be sub-standard, and that the matter is being taken up with the contractor involved to get it rectified.
  • Cllr Huggins referred to correspondence with Wessex Internet. They wish to have a 5-10 minute slot to speak to the Parish Council. This has been set up for the beginning of the March Full Council meeting. They will follow this with a public meeting later in the month for which they have booked the Village Hall.
  • The Parish Clerk and Cllr Huggins both commented on the extended correspondence between the Parish Clerk and Aster housing about their lack of action to deal with the overgrown hedges and a broken fence which is considered to be a health & safety risk. In the latest correspondence, Aster housing promised to arrange for their contractor to deal with matter on 22nd Feb 2023 but they had again failed to do so.

The meeting closed at 20:56

Annotated by/on ……………………………..Signed by……………………



Report by Dorset Cllr Alex Brenton

During week commencing 13th February Dorset Council members were in County Hall discussing whether it is better to raise the Council Tax by 5% which is the maximum allowed but will be controversial or 4% which may be more popular but unlikely to cover Dorset’s commitments this year with pay-rises coming along and increases in running costs.

The big topics during February are:-

Environment Strategy The draft refresh of the Environment Strategy was discussed at committee during week commencing 6th Feb. It uses more positive language with some feedback on what has happened so far. The full draft should be available for consultation soon. It was discussed that although Dorset is doing quite a lot on environment issues, not all Parish and Town Councils have prepared an Environment Audit or Strategy for their own areas, and that DC councillors should encourage all local councils to consider the options in insulating and changing energy use in any buildings, converting vehicles to more EV, changing planting and greenkeeping policies to encourage biodiversity, and more active travel routes rather than private cars. Training and support will be offered to P&T Councils to help this along. It is hoped engagement with the DAPTC will have more uptake than previous DC meetings which were poorly attended by P&T councillors in general.

Council tax The proposal to charge more Council tax – doubling – on second homes. This is likely to be accepted but it cannot be introduced until the Levelling-Up Bill permits it; so at least 12 months warning.

The Dorset Planning Environmental Considerations Check list for Planning Applications. This is a checklist devised to make developers and applications consider many environmental improvements to any application before submitting it. It includes rainwater harvesting and collections as well as SUDs systems, solar v panels on new roofs, green roofs, shading and increasing planting as mitigation of a carbon footprint. This has been long awaited and, although it may be in the Dorset Plan, as that has been delayed an interim measure is needed. Cllr Brenton has been campaigning for this for years now out of frustration that we are allowing new houses to be built which are not fit for the future.

New Guidance for Listed building alterations and in conservation areas. This does not greatly change the guidance but does clarify what is or is not acceptable as modernising alterations to listed buildings.

Dorset Climate action Network (DorsetCAN)

Invite to DorsetCANs
Community Solar Energy Event
Solar Streets & Community Initiatives
Please join our Energy Team Event at 7pm Tuesday 28th February 2023!
A DorsetCAN event to bring together people with experience of setting up Solar Streets and Community Solar PV Schemes to share ideas, successful campaigns, and successful strategies.

20s Plenty has published a new map showing those places that have adopted 20mph.

Join the UK National 20mph Campaigner Facebook Groupfor updates between e-newsletters. A vibrant, interactive way to learn what’s happening and how to win. It’s a closed group for campaigners. Join by filling in a couple of questions at https://www.facebook.com/groups/177304489851446.

Training – Mon 20th February Zoom call at 8pm pre register here. Come to ask us anything and hear what other campaigners are doing across the UK. We learn from each other.

20mph saves fuel. New calculations show that 20mph limits in an urban environment reduces fuel costs significantly – up to 10p per mile / £247 a year for a 5 mile daily urban commute. All due to the slow/stop/start nature of urban traffic. Fuel typically costs 14-27p a mile so this is a huge saving. See the Save Fuel briefing

Community Awards SchemeDorset Council’s Community & Culture Project Fund. In round 4 we prioritised applications for those projects that supported groups and communities who were suffering from the cost-of-living crisis. As with other grant rounds we were not able to fund everyone who applied and the panel had to make some difficult decisions. If you provided feedback on any of the applications in your ward (via the feedback Form) you will have been notified of the decision(s). Most were to dinner and warm spaces clubs scattered around the County.

All applicants regardless of whether they were successful or have now been informed of the outcome. The next round of the CCPF will re-open later in the spring. A Press release (including details of ‘Cultural’ awards) will be sent out in the next few weeks.

Cost of Living Payments

The government has announced a series of cost of living payments to be paid across this year and next. Exact payment dates and eligibility periods will be announced soon.

  1. First Cost of Living Payment (£301) – Spring 2023
  2. Disability Payment (£150) – Summer 2023
  3. Second Cost of Living Payment (£300) – Autumn 2023
  4. Pensioner Payment (£300) – Winter 2023/4
  5. Third Cost of Living Payment (£299) – Spring 2024.

Please share with your communities.

There are several benefits that could make claimants eligible for the £301 Cost of Living Payment, including Universal Credit and tax credits – through which 5.4 million households across the UK are expected to qualify, and Pension Credit, through which 1.4 million pensioner households are expected to be paid. 1.3 million will be eligible through legacy DWP benefits such as Jobseekers Allowance and Income Support, reaching a total of 8.1 million households.

Eligible individuals do not need to apply for payments, as they are made automatically. Those eligible for cost of living payments through tax credits, and no other means-tested benefits, will be paid by HMRC shortly after DWP payments are made.

This builds on the government’s wider support package, which includes further funding for the Household Support Fund, bringing its total value for October 2021 to March 2024 to over £2 billion. The fund is distributed to English councils, who know their areas best and are then able to offer direct support for those most in need in their local area. Every household with a domestic electricity supply is also benefitting from the Energy Price Guarantee, which is saving the average household around £900 this winter and a further £500 in 2023/24 by capping energy costs

Family Hubs The first Family Hub opened a few weeks ago at Ferndown and will provide visible, appealing and welcoming spaces for families to access help and support from Dorset Council and from partner services such as NHS health visitors, midwives, early years practitioners, voluntary, community and faith sector partners without needing an appointment or having to travel too far. The second one starts in Wimborne this month

Hospice Care -Two of Dorset’s adult hospices – Lewis-Manning Hospice Care at Poole and Dorchester-based Weldmar Hospicecare have joined the Dorset Care Record.

The hospices, which offer free of charge specialist palliative nursing care to people with life-limiting illnesses, will be able to receive the most up to date information available from health and social care organisations across the county.

They will also be able to provide end of life care information which will be useful for other DCR partners. Hospices in Dorset take patient referrals from different sources – hospital, GPs or community healthcare professionals. Often these are complex cases as patients have tended to move around the health and social care system in the months leading up to hospice care. It is often challenging for hospices to get all the relevant patient information from different health and care organisations, so having read-only access to the DCR will enable them to have a comprehensive understanding of the patient’s medications.

RUOK? campaign launched for Children’s Mental Health Week: 6-12 February

A recent survey carried out by Dorset Youth found that over 40% of young people in Dorset didn’t know how to access mental health advice.

To tackle this, Dorset’s Suicide Prevention Group is launching a new campaign for Children’s Mental Health Week highlighting the wide range of mental health support available to children and young people in Dorset. This includes 24/7 crisis support, NHS services and support provided by local charities such as Dorset Mind and Dorset Mental Health Forum.

Dorset Youth Association website launch

Dorset Youth has launched a new website – there’s lots of really useful information that you can use to support your young people and families including information about voluntary groups that work with young people and activities that young people can take part in.


Report by Dorset Cllr Bill Pipe

Dorset Council has recently set a balanced and workable budget for the financial year2023/24. The budget was debated at full council earlier this month and had the support of allparties and was passed with a majority. A concession was made to provide a second look atthe total funds available to help residents with the cost-of-living difficulties which we allface currently. Cllr Spencer Flower gave an assurance that more funding will be madeavailable for this purpose, relieving some ofthe pressures on our more needy residents. Thebudget was such that there are no cuts to any frontline services.

Again, as in all years, Adult’s and Children’s Social Care took the majority ofthe budget, with increases in funding for both. Local Members ofParliament including MichaelTomlinson are continuing to lobby central government for a better funding formula whichwould help Dorset; which is the second lowest funded county in England, but which also hasthe third highest population ofretired people, who, quite rightly, make increasing demandsupon our Adult Social Care budget.

I have lobbied Cllr Simon Gibson & Cllr Ray Bryan relentlessly in order to speed the processin constructing the school crossing for the village. I am pleased to say that they have signedoff various legal requirements [safety-both pedestrian usage and highway safety] andincluding environmental concerns and the re-siting ofthe bus stop. It would be hoped thatnow that it has been included in the current Dorset Highways works program, work wouldcommence in good time for the crossing to be ready for the new academic year in September.

The DorsetCommunity Volunteer awards took place recently and the panel ofjudges saw fitto award the Community Volunteer Group award to Upton Together at a ceremony held inDorchester. One of the reasons they we were awarded this accolade was that not only were they prepared to cover Lytchett Minster & Upton, we opened our doors to those outside of their immediate area including Hamworthy, Turlin Moor, R.M Poole, Creekmoor and Lytchett Matravers, as well as other places, near and far. Congratulations to all of their volunteers, two ofwhom live in Lytchett Matravers.

I have been working with our M.P., Michael Tomlinson on a number offronts, including therestructuring ofthe National Planning System by trying to introduce a bit of common senseinto the arguments surrounding the current planning system which I think are too rigid,antiquated and without adequate enforcement, useless. We have also worked on theprotection of our greenbelt areas which are very important to us and to future generationswho must also have the opportunity to enjoy the greenbelt as much as we and our forebearshave done in the past.

I am always available to help out in any way that I can.Please contact me on cllrbill.pipe

Or call me on 07880 504379


Village Environment Working Group – Summary Report. February 2023

Working Group Objective:

To identify areas of concern/opportunity within the physical environment of the Village and propose responses.

Working Group Participants:

Ken Morgan, Alf Bush, Andrew Huggins, Karen Korenevsky, Vicky Abbot, Hannah Khanna, Barry Lister


1. Wareham Rd/School traffic/parking – Anticipating imminent DC progress re crossing – New Car Pk?

2. High St Crossing – Possible build out+table funded by PC. Budget Estimate – Suggest allow £40k

3. Tesco frontage – Acceptable design agreed with DC. Suggest joint Tesco/DC/PC funding. Budget Estimate – Suggest allow £45k.

4. School Walk – Extend path across school field? Any response from School?

5. Hannams Close entrance enhancement. Bench in position. Discuss with management company.

6. Sports/Scout Bldgs High St frontage. Revised sketch scheme for enlarged store + TT tables attached.

7. Pond –J.K now eliminated.

8. Boules/Petanque Pitches – Layout/positions agreed.

9. 20mph – new DC policy opportunity. Also consider other highway problems eg R+C crossroads

10. Drop Kerb crossings. Budget price per pair advised £2,506.00 + VAT

11. Finger post Renovations – Blaneys Corner done. Progress on Upper X with discounted parts available. Assemble volunteer team for training + seek sponsorship.

12. Dog Area – Boundary planting ongoing. Woodland Trust 24m length of plants/saplings due mid-March.

13. Rocket Pk (+dog area gateways) – GGs spread bark chippings across muddy areas.


· Dorset Council Highways + Planning/Local Plan. School cooperation. Funds.

Status/Next Steps:

· Dog planting ongoing.

· Boules/Petanque Pitches + Pond + Hannams Gate – Develop designs and invite tenders.

· Refine budget and work up proposal for High St crossing (as part of 20mph proposal?)

· Refine budget and re-approach Tesco/Highways to fund/activate shop frontage remodelling.

· Work up Hannams Gate design and obtain tenders.

· Develop and submit 20mph bid to DC

Financial Forecast:

(£000’s, excluding VAT)

2022-23 2023-24 2024-25
Expense to date Benches, gym, dogs, path, seat 35
Forecast Hannams 5 High St, Sch Path, Boules, TT tables, Tesco(?), SpPav gap, 20mph, Kerbs …………………………………250 Astro C Pk 285
Total 40 250 285


Neighbourhood Planning Working Group – Summary Report. February 2023

Working Group Objective:

To review and revise 2017 NP to reflect changing circumstances and new development.

Working Group Participants:

Alf Bush, Peter Webb, Ken Morgan, Karen Korenevsky, Ian Taylor, Deidre Flegg, Mandy Backhouse, +????

Progress Meeting at Sports Pavilion – 1930hrs 20.3.23

Once we got past the Local Plan issues, the following points were discussed points:-

  1. Form separate Group to address Local Plan process. This Group to concentrate on NP2
  2. NP2 is essential to be able to influence the form and character of whatever scale of new development may happen in and around the village. Without this input, future development will be entirely dictated by developers.
  3. NP2 needs to be concise, easily understood, relevant and limited to a few (10?) impactful policies.
  4. NP2 policies must not repeat LP policies which in turn should not be repeating NPPF policies. The NP should be specific to our village.
  5. NP2 policies must be supported by evidence. We need to start that evidence gathering exercise eg demographics and likely trends to inform housing mix (see info from Mandy today), demand for recreation facilities (see Fields in Trust website guidance), landscape features etc.
  6. NP2 should include Design Briefs for the new development sites already mooted. The Briefs should consider existing landscape features/topography, vehicular access points, pedestrian/cycle connectivity with village facilities and adjoining development, public green open space, natural habitat corridors, scale and form of development, preferred dwelling mix, density etc. (The objective will be to achieve a character specific to our village rather than the bland and repetitive standard housing estate models emerging for instance on the Cranborne Rd side of Wimborne.)
  7. NP2 should include a Design Code/Standards checklist to cover infill/backland development – many of which sites can’t be anticipated.
  8. Principal village areas to be addressed include:-

a. Village Centre/Tesco frontage/High St crossing/additional V Centre/High St facilities.

b. Village Hall (50 yrs old since when pop has trebled)

c. Library – Diversified uses + potential

d. Sports Centre – behind school – pitches, courts, changing – shared parking.

e. New development sites.

  1. Consider NP policies to cover rural parts of Parish beyond Settlement Boundary.
  2. Prepare Preliminary Masterplan to prompt discussion/ideas and serve as base.
  3. Fix a Target Date and establish programme.
  4. List tasks for sharing amongst group.
  5. Date of next meeting? Suggest monthly meetings to report on completed tasks.

Full Minutes 230222v3.docx

Full Council minutes 22 February 2023