Wednesday 23rd February 2022 at 7:00 in the Village Hall.
PRESENT were A Bush (Council Chair), V Abbott, M Attridge, B Barker, A Huggins, M Colvey, H Khanna, K Korenevsky, K Morgan, P Webb and Mr T Watton (Parish Clerk).
Also present: Dorset Cllr A Starr, and two members of the public.
PUBLIC PARTICIPATION SESSION (Standing orders suspended)
A resident of Glebe Road asked when the next NP2 meeting would be taking place. Cllr Bush advised that this was scheduled for mid-March. He also explained that the work would start with the appointed consultant in week commencing 28th February 2022. He emphasised that the focus of the work with the consultant was the updating of the Lytchett Matravers Neighbourhood Plan, rather than anything further on the PLP or the application from Wyatts for the 95 dwellings. Indeed, he explained that the Consultant had stated that there was no further appropriate action which could be taken on the PLP. Consequently Cllr Bush explained that the agenda of the forthcoming NP2 Working Group meeting would not include anything related to the PLP or the Wyatts planning application.
Notwithstanding this, the resident reiterated his concerns about the PLP and the Wyatts application. Cllr Morgan reminded him that the Parish Council had also appointed a Barrister to advise on the possibility of pursuing a Judicial Review of the PLP, within 6 weeks of its adoption, if there are sufficient grounds for doing so. This would concern whether the PLP was legal and sound and not on the selection of sites for development.
Dorset Cllr Brenton had provided a report which was made available to members ahead of the meeting and is included as an appendix to these minutes (appendix 1).
There were no comments or questions.
1. To receive and consider apologies for absence.
Cllrs V Abbott, M Colvey, K Korenevsky and P Webb.
2. To receive any declarations of interest, and consider any requests for Special Dispensations under Section 33 of the Localism Act 2011.
Cllr Aspray declared an interest in item 10 below as he owns a property next door to that which is subject of the planning application concerned.
3. To receive and resolve to approve minutes of Council meeting held on 26th January 2022.
It was RESOLVED by all present to approve the minutes as a true record of the meeting.
4. To receive and consider reports of past subject matters (for the purposes of report only).
It was RESOLVED to receive and note the contents of the following report, which had been prepared and circulated in advance of the meeting by the Parish Clerk. Italics below indicate additional comments made during the meeting.
- Minute 21, 22nd September 2021 – signage for BMX / cycle dirt track. An order has been placed for the signage.
- Minute 15, 26th January 2022 – Parish Clerk to add the periodic review of the system of Defib unit operational checks to the Internal Control / Governance plan. This has been added to the plan which was subsequently reviewed by the F&GP Cttee in Feb 2022 and recommended to Full Council for acceptance. DISCHARGED
- Minute 19, 26th January 2022 – Parish Clerk to contact to contact Rosie Darkin-Millerto confirm her appointment as Internal Auditor. This has been confirmed in writing between Mrs Darkin-Miller and the Parish Clerk. DISCHARGED
- Minute 27, 26th January 2022 – Parish Clerk to respond to the resident of Dillons Gardens regarding the request for parking restrictions. A reply has been sent and no further correspondence received on this matter. DISCHARGED
5. Chair’s announcements (for the purposes of report only).
The Council Chair reported on the following:
- A tree brought down on Jubilee Walk during the recent storm. This was reported to Dorset Council ROW team and it seems work had started on clearing it.
- An article in The Echo covering the points of concern about planning matters raised in the letter to Dorset Cllr David Walsh.
6. To receive and note the content of the minutes of the Finance & General purposes committee meeting on 9th February 2022 (for purposes of report only).
It was RESOLVED to receive and note the contents of these draft minutes.
7. To consider the following recommendations from the Finance & General Purposes Committee
7.1 Acceptance of Updated Risk Register. RESOLVED to APPROVE
7.2 Acceptance of updated schedule of Governance / Internal Controls Responsibilities. RESOLVED to APPROVE
8. To consider planning application P/PALH/2022/00808 Glenwoods Poole Road Lytchett Matravers Wimborne BH21 3RP. Additional storey to existing dwelling, increasing height from 7.068 metres to 10.468 metres.
After some discussion it was RESOLVED to respond to advise the LPA that the Parish Council “noted” this application.
9. To consider planning application P/FUL/2021/03291 Land Adjacent Goresmead Cottage Foxhills Road, Lytchett Matravers Poole BH16 6BD.
The Parish Council wished to OBJECT to this proposal. The Council noted that the proposed development lies within the Green Belt and is significantly disproportionate to the associated land holding. Consequently the Council considers the proposal to be harmful to the Green Belt. The Council questions whether the proposed development is reasonably required in connection with agriculture or forestry or other appropriate uses.
10. To consider planning application P/HOU/2022/00879 36 Hannams Close Lytchett Matravers Poole BH16 6DN. Front single storey extension with lean to roof.
11. To consider planning application P/CLP/2022/00881 (Certificate of Lawfulness) 7 Cecil Place Lytchett Matravers Poole BH16 6FG. Convert roof space into habitable accommodation with side dormer.
The members noted that there are no documents or relevant information visible on the planning portal to enable the Council to meaningfully consider this application. Neither is the case officer identified. It was RESOLVED to DEFER consideration of it. Action: Parish Clerk to schedule this matter to the next F&GP Cttee Meeting, and to write to the LPA to request that they urgently rectify these two omissions and advise the Council of the revised deadline date for the Parish Council’s considered response.
12. To consider planning application P/HOU/2022/00355 Bennic Farm Dolmans Hill Lytchett Matravers Poole BH16 6HP. 22 solar panels to be installed in garden 8kw on pods 5 m from boundary in enclosed private area.
The members noted that there are no documents or relevant information visible on the planning portal to enable the Council to meaningfully consider this application. Neither is the case officer identified. It was RESOLVED to DEFER consideration of it. Action: Parish Clerk to schedule this matter to the next F&GP Cttee Meeting, and to write to the LPA to request that they urgently rectify these two omissions and advise the Council of the revised deadline date for the Parish Council’s considered response.
13. To consider planning application P/FUL/2022/00806 Deans House Deans Drove Lytchett Matravers Dorset BH16 6EQ. Sever land adjacent Dean House and erect new detached dwelling; create new vehicular access.
The Parish Council had no objection to the principle of development on this site, however significant concerns were expressed about this specific proposal due to its positioning close to the stream. The Council wished to OBJECT to this proposal on the grounds of the detrimental effect of the building and hard surfacing on the current natural attenuation of surface water into the stream – which is likely to cause an increased flood risk, as well as damage to / loss of natural habitat.
14. To receive a report from the Climate Change Emergency Working Group (for purposes of report only).
A summary report had been made available to all members ahead of this meeting and the contents were noted. A copy is associated at Appendix 2 to these minutes. It was particularly noted that the PV battery storage and SSE sign-off are still awaited.
15. To receive a report from the Huntick Road Cycleway Working Group (for purposes of report only)
No written report – nothing further to report this month.
16. To receive a report from the Village Environment Working Group (for purposes of report only)
A summary report had been made available to all members ahead of this meeting and the contents were noted. A copy is associated at Appendix 3 to these minutes.
Regarding the proposed exercise equipment on the rec, it was noted that the supplier quotes do not include the necessary stone sub base and so additional quotes will need to be obtained for this. It was also noted that the current quote does not include any equipment which is accessible to people with limited mobility.
Cllr Bush asked for a copy of the proposed plan for the layout of the equipment.
It was agreed that it would be useful if the planned 4 x additional benches and 4 x integrated picnic benches were ordered for delivery before the planned jubilee events in June.
17. Receive a report from the Neighbourhood Plan 2 Working Group (for purposes of report only).
A summary report had been made available to all members ahead of this meeting and the contents were noted. A copy is associated at Appendix 4 to these minutes.
18. To consider a discussion paper concerning the allocation of expenditure for the Queen’s Jubilee celebration.
A paper containing a proposal to allocate a budget for Council expenditure to support the Jubilee celebrations, and also giving an update on the arrangements to date, had been made available to all members ahead of this meeting. A copy is associated at Appendix 5 to these minutes.
As part of the information update members were informed that The Chequers had agreed to run a bar on the Thursday evening, and that the fish & chip van would be present. A second mobile food offering is being looked for. It was suggested that this should offer something sweet. The actual location of the beacon is still to be decided. It was noted that specialist insurance will be required for risks associated with the beacon.
It was also suggested that the 4 x new benches and 4 x new integral bench/picnic tables intended for the recreation ground should be ordered for delivery in time for these events.
Discussion then turned to a progress report on investigations into the provision of stage, sound equipment and a main musical performer for the Sunday. It was AGREED in principle that the Parish Council would provide the funding for these elements.
19. To consider a paper regarding purchase of jubilee beacon.
A paper on this matter, detailing the quotes obtained, had been made available to all members ahead of this meeting. It was RESOLVED to approve the recommendation to purchase from 21CCGroup at £490 + VAT, and arrange 2 x Propane cylinders from TPS.
20. To consider the funding request for CAB sessions to be offered in Lytchett Matravers library for the year commencing April 2022.
After some discussion which included consideration of how the availability of and access to the service may be communicated to residents, it was RESOLVED to approve the provision of £4630 in funding for weekly CAB sessions in Lytchett Matravers library.
21. To consider a paper discussing options and quotes for old school green flagpole replacement.
A paper on this matter, detailing the quotes obtained, had been made available to all members ahead of this meeting. It was RESOLVED to approve the recommendation of purchase from HampshireFlag at £670 installed. It was noted that the quote does not include removal or disposal of the old flagpole.
22. To consider a proposal to support a ‘first aid for parents’ evening in the village hall
A paper on this matter had been made available to all members ahead of this meeting. It was RESOLVED to support this by meeting the cost of the hall hire.
23. To resolve to approve the following payments already made:
To Whom | For What | Net | VAT | Total |
Octopus Energy | Sports Pavilion electricity charge for period 1st- 31st Jan 2022 | 114.74 | 5.74 | 120.48 |
British Telecommunications | Office phone and broadband – Jan 2022 | 44.02 | 8.80 | 52.82 |
It was RESOLVED to approve the above payment already made.
24. To resolve to approve the following payments due:
To Whom | For What | Net | VAT | Total |
T Watton | Clerk’s salary – Feb 2022 (12 equal monthly payments by SO) | 1039.25 | 0.00 | 1039.25 |
Dorset County Pension Fund | LGPS pension contrib Feb 2022 | 383.38 | 0.00 | 383.38 |
T Homer | Handyman duties Jan 2022 | 130.63 | 0.00 | 130.63 |
Idverde Ltd | Cemetery maintenance Jan 2022, Inv 10831310 | 303.49 | 60.69 | 364.18 |
Starboard Systems Ltd | Scribe software licence for 2022/23 | 468.00 | 93.60 | 561.60 |
D & P Warr Contracting | Hedge Trimming Jan 2022 – Eldons Drove and Allotments | 200.00 | 40.00 | 240.00 |
Citizens Advice in East Dorset and Purbeck | Provision of weekly advice sessions at LM Library 1 April 2022 – 31 Mar 2023 | 4630.00 | 0.00 | 4630.00 |
T Watton | Reimbursement of office expenses and mileage undertaken | 63.29 | 2.00 | 65.29 |
It was RESOLVED to approve all of the above payments.
25. To note any training undertaken by members or the Clerk in the past month (for purposes of report only).
Cllr Aspray has completed part 1 of the New Cllr Induction course.
26. To note any decisions and / or action taken by Parish Clerk under “Openness of Local Government Bodies Regulations 2014”, Part 3, Paragraphs 6-10, Record of Decisions and Access to Documents (for purposes of report only).
The Parish Clerk reported on the following:
- The allotment gate Cisa padlock was reported to be broken. On inspection it was found that the locking sliding pin was missing. The Parish Clerk arranged for the lock and chain assembly to be removed from the gate to enable Ashley Security to repair the lock. The repair has been completed and the Padlock and chain are now awaiting re-welding onto the gate post. Trevor Pickard of Gables Garage has kindly agreed to arrange for the re-welding to be done ASAP.
- A report was received of a broken window at Club Hall. On inspection this appeared to be vandalism. The matter was reported to Lighthouse Church and they have confirmed no apparent loss or damage inside the building. They are arranging for the glass replacement
27. Correspondence (for purposes of report only).
The Parish Clerk referred to the correspondence from a resident adjacent to Foxhills Open space about a tree apparently damaged during Storm Eunice. Cllr Huggins visited and removed a hanging branch.
28. To note date of next meeting and items for future agendas.
The next full council meeting is scheduled to take place online on Wednesday 23rd March 2022 at 7pm in the village hall.
The meeting closed at 21:05 Annotated by/on ……………………………..Signed by……………………
Report to Lytchett Matravers Parish Council for 23 February 2022
From Cllr Alex Brenton
Dorset Council Budget
February 15th 2022 was the first face to face full Dorset Council Meeting for two years. It will be in the old Council Chamber with new IT so should be accessible by webcast for the keen to follow proceedings. It is the budget setting meeting. Although I am not happy with the layout of the budget and feel opportunities to change have not been followed through, I do not have a fully costed alternative so will not be voting against unless something surprising pops up. The proposal is to accept the recommended rise of 2% for Social Care /National Health and to raise another 3% on general precept. This is only balanced if using reserves classes as balanced. However since the original figures were announced there has been a larger than expected payment from Central government of which some so 4Million has been put into ‘Contingencies’ budget –is not immediately needed. Dorset Council has put out information about why although Dorset already has a higher than National Average Council Tax it is going to raise t higher.
Our budget explained – I thought a single unitary council was going to save money? – YouTube
Dorset Local Plan.
The Dorset councillor leading on planning in the county, Cllr Walsh has been labelled obdurate and set in his ways, not prepared to listen to alternative views by Giles Watts who leads the Dorset CN response to the Dorset Local Plan.
However, Leader of the council Spencer Flowerin a letter to Government ministers and officials, is seeking a change to the national planning framework.
“The current method all councils follow is about chasing housing targets, set nationally, rather than being based on sustainability and local needs in Dorset.
The council received an unprecedented 9,000 responses when we consulted on the draft Local Plan. We have listened carefully to respondents’ views and we are being proactive in our approach.
We need a bold and ambitious alternative to the way we develop our new Local Plan, and I am in discussion with Michael Gove, Secretary of State for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities. I have proposed that Dorset Council pilots a radically different approach, one that gives us protection from over-development, recognises the climate and ecological emergency and the need for the right housing, in the right place, at the right quality with the necessary infrastructure and local services.”
PLANS to build an oil well in the Dorset countryside are back in the spotlight – with campaigners again adding their objections to the scheme.
The application to drill a vertical oil well just off the A354 Puddletown to Blandford road a mile north of historic Athelhampton House was first submitted in December 2019 by South Western Energy Ltd (SWEL). The council is currently in the process of considering an application for an oil well off the Athelhampton Road near Puddletown, which had attracted dozens of objections.
Campaigners have recently been out in Dorchester asking people to object to the application from Southwestern Energy, the deadline for comments expiring earlier this month.
The company claim in their submission that the well will reduce carbon emissions by offsetting the carbon footprint of having to import oil to the UK.
Vulnerable mothers to be given life-changing support
Dorset Childrens’ Services under the leadership of Theresa Leavy are being very active and planning on putting out more training and support for families and carers, details are coming on of new priorities and a determination not to fail our cared for children or vulnerable mothers
DORSET Council has proposed to withdraw its management from the Queen Elizabeth Leisure Centre, despite overwhelming support to keep the current arrangement. Council officials said it could not justify spending “so much public money” on a centre it did not own, but would work with Queen Elizabeth’s School (QE) to find a sustainable alternative. This will involve helping the school find alternative funding opportunities, making the current facilities more widely available and providing support and guidance for any users who may need to make alternative arrangements for their activities if necessary.
Poorest households face financial ‘catastrophe’ in April as cost of living increases
The UK’s poorest households are facing a financial “catastrophe” from April due to energy price caps and the increase in national insurance payments, MPs have been told. Economists told the Commons Treasury Select Committee that while the whole country would be “squeezed” due to cost-of-living pressures, it will be those who have lost the £20 Covid uplift in Universal Credit who will be impacted most.
STARS Dorset has been awarded additional funding to provide a dedicated ISVA to engage and support anyone affected by sexual abuse, focusing on reaching and supporting older people throughout Dorset. The post is initially offered on a Fixed Term Contract for 2 years.
Dorset Council has been channelling grants from central government to deserving causes.
Residents in need, including vulnerable families, have been receiving help with the cost of food, heating and other essentials this winter.
funding has been given to Citizen’s Advice and Age UK to provide additional support to vulnerable households.
Valuable packages of support have been issued to our care leavers to assist with food and winter clothing costs.
Supporting vulnerable families directly through our Children’s Services locality teams. Funding is available to help with food, energy bills and other household essentials.
Support for residents experiencing homelessness is being distributed through a grant agreement with the Lantern Trust.
£90,000 has been allocated to support foodbanks,
The Capital Leverage Fund can help fund a range of projects, including village hall or community building enhancements, renovations, maintenance, or new build projects, including car parks, play areas, multi-use games areas, theatres, community sports clubs, sports pitches and landscaping, also applications for projects that helps to address climate change themes, new public art, or heritage capital projects including accredited museums.
Planning matters
The East Dorset Planning committee referred an application in Swanage which sought to drop all requirements for Affordable housing from an application on the former St Marys School site. Sadly when it returned to the committee in February the committee voted majority in favour.
I voted against as the precedent set will be used by developers to push away other commitments for affordable housing on the excuse that they will not make enough profit on the site.
There have been many comments that the lack of yellow planning notices means many residents are unaware of planning applications by nearby houses.
I feel that the rash of planning applications for barns on small ‘farms’ in the Greenbelt around Lytchett Matravers will lead in a couple of years to applications for conversion into dwellings. This is an obvious loophole in the regulations.
Most of the items which come to Strategic Planning Committee are regarding large Solar Farms, which are being looked at kindly. A recharge station on the Blandford – Dorchester road was agreed as it is felt that with the increase of Electric cars out of town charging facilities are going to be needed.
Waste Collections
I hope that the regular requests that any information about problems with waste collection have had some effect. A flyer was to be delivered to some properties in Palmerston road as poor parking had blocked access to collecting bin lorries on numerous occasions.
Alex Brenton
Climate & Ecological Emergency Working Group – Summary Report, February 2022
Working Group Objective:
Following the Parish Council declaration of a Climate Change Emergency, identify, assess, and implement measures within the parish to reduce the carbon footprint of both LMPC and the community.
Working Group Participants:
Rob Carswell, Alf Bush
- Sports Pavilion full building upgrade with Low Carbon Dorset (LCD).
- Youth Hall full building upgrade – deferred until DC transfer and building business plan is approved.
- Delivery of PV batteries (long delays due to Brexit)
- SSE inspection and sign-off
Status/Next Steps:
Works already completed:
· Air-to-air heat pump (to provide instant heat in main user space), replacing gas boiler.
· Solar array (26 PV panels)
· Replacement of old, inefficient radiators & pipework
· New thermally efficient doors, including fire door to comply with Building Regulations
· Installing loft and cavity wall insulation, fitting thermostats & controls + cage around ASHP unit
· Fit PV diverter unit to directly heat hot water from PV-generated energy
· LCD have made partial payment for work to date
Works to come:
· PV battery storage (February 2022)/SSE sign-off
· Business plan for Youth Hall to determine next, if any, steps
Financial Forecast:
(£000’s, excluding VAT) |
2020-21 | 2021-22 | 2022-23 |
Expense to date | 37K less 14K LCD payment(1) | 0 | 0 |
Forecast | 8K LCD payment | 0 | 0 |
Total | 27K | 0 | 0 |
(1) Low Carbon Dorset grant = 40% contribution.
Village Environment Working Group – Summary Report. February 2022
Working Group Objective:
To identify areas of concern/opportunity within the physical environment of the Village and propose responses. Due to other pressures a Progress Mtg has not convened since the Nov PC mtg.
Working Group Participants:
Ken Morgan, Alf Bush, Andrew Huggins, Karen Korenevsky, Vicky Abbot, Hannah Khanna, Martyn Colvey (+ co-opted advisers Geoff Holland, Dr John Holland)
1. Rec Area Projects:- Exercise Trail/Outdoor Gym Equipment – Dog Exercise Area –Picnic Tables x4 + Benches x4 – Boules/Petanque Pitches.
2. Community Garden adj fence at top of Pond Walk – Martyn Colvey has met with participants..
3. Trees – Rec + generally– Seek sponsorship. Also sw attenuation + murals?
4. Hannams Close entrance enhancement. Discuss with management company.
5. Wareham Rd/School traffic/parking – DC/WSP proposals discussions ongoing. – New Car Pk?
6. Eldons Drove Pond – Ongoing Japanese Knotweed delay.
7. Finger post Renovations – Blaneys Corner pilot complete. Vol Training + sponsorship.
8. Library Green Path – DC agreed so can proceed. Invite tenders from 3 x contractors.
9. Pharmacy Steps Planting – underway.
10. High St Crossing –
11. Tesco frontage – Acceptable design agreed with DC. Suggest joint Tesco/DC/PC funding.
12. Sports/Scout Bldgs ‘backside’ to High St. Short term Ideas + longer term Workplace opportunity.
· Dorset Council Highways + Planning/LP. Flow of CIL monies.
Status/Next Steps:
· Equipment – Met preferred supplier/contractor on site early Jan. Increased quote now rec’d – affordable with Rockley funding.
· Exercise Dog Area fencing + gravel Eldons Drove C Pk. Firm up price/date.
· Community Garden – Await further proposals from participants.
· Work up designs for Sports Area, Boules, Hannams/Rec entrance+ Rec landscaping/tree planting.
· Push Tesco/Highways re shop frontage funding.
· Investigate Grants/Funding/Sponsorship/Lottery/ Local Trusts + Loans/Mortgage possibilities.
Neighbourhood Plan 2 Working Group – Summary Report. February 2022
Working Group Objective:
To renew the Lytchett Matravers Neighbourhood Plan (LMNP) in readiness for the Dorset Local Plan.
Working Group Participants:
Ken Morgan, Micki Attridge, Karen Korenevsky, Alf Bush, Peter Webb, Ian Taylor.
The current LMNP was limited in scope by Purbeck District Council and further by the examiner. The plan was prevented from identifying any type of development and in addition many policies/strategies for the community were removed. e.g. infrastructure and employment requirements.
A renewed LMNP is required to address the chronic erosion of the green belt over the last 40 years, to ensure development is beneficial to the community in addressing its needs i.e. sustainability, CCE net zero, design standards, local employment, community infrastructure and amenities.
· PLP adoption
· DLP next consultancy stage
Status/Next Steps:
· Selected Jo Witherden to advise on NP2. Meeting scheduled for Mar. 3rd.
· Selected Stephen Morgan as barrister to advise on potential JR. Draft notes prepared for review.
· Reply received from Wyatt Homes – non-committal
· Letter sent to Dorset Council re: Wareham 95 – no response but letter added to application
· Letter sent to Cllr David Walsh on clarification of PC role in Planning – no response to date
· PC has joined CAN/CPRE campaign to reduce the number of houses in the DLP from 39,000 to 22,000.
· NP2 WG to develop core objectives – draft policies underway
· PC has applied for and received Locality grant for consultant expenses to end March
· Set up next NP2 WG meeting – March 15th.
Queens Jubilee Celebrations
Date of report: 17.2.22
Proposal to allocate a budget for Queens Jubilee Expenditure
Reported by: Beverly Barker
Subject Status: Initial outlines for the proposed celebrations include:
- The core village community Queens Jubilee celebrations will take place between 2nd and 5th June 2022:
- Thursday 2nd June 2022: Lighting a Beacon on the Rec at 21:45pm. This will require the purchase/rental of the Beacon and safety barriers. Community support may include offering refreshments / food served from the Village Hall and Sports Pavilion, together with other traders on the Rec car park. This will require relevant insurance, safety, preparation and tidy-away.
- Sunday 5th June 2022: Big Jubilee Picnic to be held on the Rec between 2 & 6pm. Community support may include provision of food & refreshments, together with music. Safety, preparation and tidy-away need to be accounted for, including mowing the Rec before the event, possible rental of haybale seating, hire of marquee, gazebo, star tents, etc., sound/stage equipment, trestle/tables, litter bins/recycling stations, bunting & other site decoration, etc. Relevant insurance will be required.
Financial Impact:
Although some of the above celebrations can be provided by volunteers, there will be a need to pay for the hire/rental of equipment and pay musicians, entertainers and other traders for their time. In addition, there is the cost of specialit insurance and any license that may be required.
Status/Next Steps:
- Council members to discuss budget items and allocate a budget for the events accordingly
- Establish a working group to coordinate the events, with identified leads for each event.