Minutes of the Annual Meeting of LYTCHETT MATRAVERS PARISH COUNCIL

Wednesday 23 June 2021 at 7:00 in the Village Hall.

PRESENT were A Bush (Chairman), M Attridge, B Barker, R Carswell, M Colvey, A Huggins, K Korenevsky, P Webb, and Mr T Watton (Parish Clerk).

Also present: Dorset Cllr A Starr.

One member of the public was also present.

PUBLIC PARTICIPATION SESSION (Standing orders suspended)

A resident of Prospect Road explained that they had recently moved to the village. He was disappointed to find, on returning home from work, that the external side of the front hedge to his property had been cut back – exposing a gap and bare section where there had been brambles. He understood that a local community group had cut the hedge back as part of wider activity around the village. Whilst he commended the group for their action around the village generally, he felt that he ought to have been consulted about this action concerning his hedge. He indicated that he would forward photographs of the hedge showing the gap, for Council members to see.

In response, it was explained that this action had been undertaken by the Guerrilla Gardeners as part of the effort to restore the pavement along Wareham Rd to its full width. The hedge in question had overgrown the pavement over a number of years and a letter had been sent to the occupiers of his property during the autumn on 2020 asking for the hedge to be cut back to the property boundary to enable pedestrians to use the pavement without difficulty.

The Chairman offered to visit the property on Thursday 24th June.


Dorset Cllr Brenton was unable to be present but had forwarded a brief written report which the Parish Clerk had made available to all members. This covered the following:

  • The DC road surfacing team are expected to be active in Lytchett Matravers soon.
  • The verge cutting team should be in Lytchett Matravers by week commencing 21st June.
  • Dorset Council is working hard on new simple single units to house rough sleepers. There are already ten in use, with another twelve to come.
  • The DC empty properties team have chased a few deserted houses back into use.
  • The County Farms are being surveyed and DC is starting to monitor their carbon footprint.

Dorset Cllr Starr had little to add to Cllr Brenton’s report which had not already been included in the weekly newsletters from Dorset Council. However, he took away the expressed concerns about the poor condition of the surface of Jennys Lane and other adjacent back lanes.

Dorset Cllr Starr also noted Parish Council members’ concerns about the recent communication from Dorset Council about further delays to the final consideration by the Inspector of the Purbeck Local Plan. It was noted that the hearings by the Inspector had been nearly two years ago and little had happened since then.

1. To receive and consider apologies for absence.

Apologies were received from Cllrs V Abbott, A Cottman and K Morgan.

2. To receive any declarations of interest, and consider any requests for Special Dispensations under Section 33 of the Localism Act 2011.

There were none.

3. To receive and resolve to approve minutes of Council meeting held on 26th May 2021.

It was RESOLVED by all present to approve the minutes as a true record of the meeting.

4. To receive and consider reports of past subject matters (for the purposes of report only).

It was RESOLVED to receive and note the contents of the following report, which had been prepared and circulated in advance of the meeting by the Parish Clerk. Italics below indicate additional comments made during the meeting.

  1. Minute 21, 26 May 2021 – Land adjacent to 204 Wareham Rd. At the meeting on 26th May the members felt that it would be prudent to write to DC Planners to request that in the interests of good planning and a sustainable pedestrian friendly settlement, the Parish Council would hope to see the provision of a footpath linkage through to the Wyatts development and thence through the next allocation on to Jubilee Walk. The Parish Clerk write to the DC Planning team accordingly and received a response confirming that a note has been made on the planning record for that piece of land. In a subsequent email exchange the Planning Team also confirmed that they had made a similar note in relation to any future development of the land at Blaneys Corner and the land to the east of that right up to Jubilee Walk. DISCHARGED

5. Chairman’s announcements (for the purposes of report only).

There were none.

6. To receive and note the content of the minutes of the Finance & General purposes committee meeting on 9th June 2021 (for purposes of report only).

It was RESOLVED to receive and note the contents of these draft minutes.

7. To consider a proposal to adopt the Model Code of Conduct 2020 issued by the LGA.

After consideration it was unanimously RESOLVED to adopt the 2020 model Code of Conduct. This is to be added to the LMPC website in replacement for the version which was updated on 19th December 2018. Action: Parish Clerk to arrange for the latest version to be uploaded to the website and the previous version to be removed.

8. To consider a proposal to request Dorset Council to install a series of dropped kerb solutions to improve wheeled access along Wareham Rd, High St and Lime Kiln Rd.

A report on this matter which had been made available to all members ahead of this meeting was considered. It was noted that Dorset Council Highways Dept have indicated that they have limited financial resources to provide dropped kerbs, but that they had invited the Council to submit a written request. This report contains that proposed request, which encompasses a mixture of fourteen conventional dropped kerbs and temporary tarmac ramps. It was noted that the proposed request had been developed jointly with a resident who is a wheelchair user. A copy of the report and proposal is associated at Appendix 1 to these minutes. It was unanimously RESOLVED that the proposal paper be submitted to Dorset Council Highways as the Parish Council’s request for consideration.

9. To receive a report from the Village Centre Working Group (for purposes of report only)

A summary report which had been made available to all members ahead of this meeting was noted. A copy is associated at Appendix 2 to these minutes. In addition, it was reported that the handrail had been fitted to the new steps between the Pharmacy and Purbeck Parade shops. Some planting is planned for this area.

10. To receive a report from the Climate Change Emergency Working Group (for purposes of report only).

A summary report which had been made available to all members ahead of this meeting was noted. A copy is associated at Appendix 3 to these minutes. It was further reported that the floodlights were due to be fitted on 24th June and the “proper” heat pump will be fitted by 7th July 2021.

11. To receive a report from the Huntick Road Cycleway Working Group (for purposes of report only)

A summary report had been made available to all members ahead of this meeting and the contents were noted. A copy is associated at Appendix 4 to these minutes.

Cllr Huggins added that a response, with a proposal, is now awaited from WSP.

The Chairman drew Dorset Cllr Starr’s attention to Dorset Council’s current insistence on the “national standard” 3m width throughout the cycleway’s full length, despite there being many examples elsewhere around the county which are significantly narrower. He suggested that the Parish Council may need to call on Cllr Starr’s support in pursuing this aspect further.

12. To receive a report from the Village Environment Working Group (for purposes of report only)

A summary report had been made available to all members ahead of this meeting and the contents were noted. A copy is associated at Appendix 5 to these minutes.

Members’ particular attention was drawn during the meeting to three current priorities within the “Details” section of the report:

#2 Quotations invited for the formation of exercise trail / outdoor gym and dog exercise enclosure fencing. Development of detailed designs for boules pitches, enhancement to Hannams Close access point, and some other landscaping and storm-water attenuation works.

#6 Foxhills Open Space tree / shrub assessment in preparation for cutting back – policy / solution to be developed.

#11 Response to LM Angels suggestion of a “reflective garden”. This matter was discussed in some detail. Members felt that the (public donated) money the LM Angels proposed to spend on this may be better used on something of more direct practical benefit to the whole community. Members were asked to consider this and to come forward with any ideas and suggestions. Action: All members to consider this and submit any ideas accordingly.

13. To receive and note an update on the initiative to widen the provision of superfast broadband within the parish (for the purposes of report only)

A summary report which had been circulated to all members ahead of this meeting was noted. A copy is associated at Appendix 6 to these minutes.

14. To receive an update on Defib provision (for purposes of report only)

A summary report which had been circulated to all members ahead of this meeting was noted. A copy is associated at Appendix 7 to these minutes.

Additional comment related to consideration of defibrillator availability in relation to the layout of the village. From this it appears that the area on the northern side of the High Street is less well served – i.e. Charborough Close, Old Chapel Drive, Flowers Drove, etc. Cllr Huggins reported on his research into the matter and the discovery of a supplier of solar powered cabinets which would overcome the need for access to a public building as a source of power. Some consideration was made of suggesting to the LM Angels that a proportion of their surplus funding is used to purchase one or more of these cabinets for public benefit.

Discussion also took place regarding a public information campaign to ensure all residents know where their nearest defibrillator is located. It was suggested that the LM Angels might be asked to prepare and deliver a postcard to each household to help with this.

15. To consider, approve and sign an updated version of the Accounting Statements in Section 2 of the Annual Governance and Accountability Return (AGAR) for the year ending 31/03/2021.

After consideration it was unanimously RESOLVED to approve this. It was duly signed by the Chairman and Parish Clerk accordingly.

16. To consider planning application 6/2021/0090 1 Quarr Cottages, Quarr Lane, Halls Road, Lytchett Matravers, Poole, BH16 6EP. Remove existing staircase, raise floor level of 1st floor cupboard & construct new staircase.


17. To consider a proposal to review alternative strategies for the Parish Council Investments.

A summary report which had been circulated to all members ahead of this meeting was noted, and a copy is associated at Appendix 8 to these minutes. It was agreed that the Working Group should progress the three recommendations included within the paper in order to bring proposals back to Full Council consideration in due course – i.e.

· Review alternative providers for the PC’s investment funds while remaining within the ‘cautious’ category. The attached chart shows comparisons between managed strategies. Lines B, C, D and E are rated cautious.

· Provide adequate levels of protection and a simplified deposit/withdrawal process.

· Review alternative banking arrangements to provide on-line dual authorisation as an alternative to cheques, including providing adequate levels of protection.

18. To resolve to approve the following payments already made:

To Whom For what Net VAT Total
BT Office phone and broadband – May 21 52.40 10.48 62.88
Octopus Energy Sports Pavilion electricity charge for period 1st- 31st May 2021 11.40 0.57 11.97
Zurich Municipal Annual insurance premium 2021/22 2873.61 0.00 2873.61
Greenall Landscapes Pharmacy steps, part 1 2375.00 0.00 2375.00
Gould Groundworks Ltd Paths – West side, Foxhills Open Space 10683.00 2136.60 12819.60

It was RESOLVED to approve the above payments already made.

19. To resolve to approve the following payments due:

To whom For what Net VAT Total
T Watton Clerk’s salary – June (12 equal monthly payments by SO) 969.41 0.00 969.41
Dorset County Pension Fund LGPS pension contrib June 2021 383.38 0.00 383.38
T Homer Handyman duties May 2021 400.50 0.00 400.50
Idverde Ltd Cemetery maintenance – May 21 (inv 10807824) 303.49 60.69 364.18
Idverde Ltd Grass cutting southern part of Rec – Mar & April (inv GM807634) 72.00 14.40 86.40
A Huggins Reimbursement for purchase of 2 sets Defibrillator accessory kits on council’s behalf 17.89 2.78 20.67
The Sign Shed Ltd Supply of signs: – 2 x allotment plots being restored, 1 x Please use litter bin provided (for Astro) 51.68 10.33 62.01

It was RESOLVED to approve all of the above payments.

20. To note any training undertaken by members or the Clerk in the past month (for purposes of report only).

The Parish Clerk reported that he would be attending an online training session on the new code of conduct / new online declaration of interests process / new DC complaints procedure on 22nd June 2021.

All council members were encouraged to also book their places on the online training for these topics.

21. To note any decisions and / or action taken by Parish Clerk under “Openness of Local Government Bodies Regulations 2014”, Part 3, Paragraphs 6-10, Record of Decisions and Access to Documents (for purposes of report only).

There were none.

22. Correspondence (for purposes of report only).

Cllr Barker reported that she had been approached by a member of the public with a request for signage at both ends of Church Walk indicating that it is a footpath and cycling is not permitted. Cllr Bush indicated that he would raise this with Dorset Council, Ranger Katie Black.

23. To note date of next meeting and items for future agendas.

The next full council meeting is scheduled to take place online on Wednesday 28th July 2021 at 7pm in the village hall.

The meeting closed at 20:40 Annotated by/on ……………………………..Signed by……………………



Subject Title: Dropped Kerb Review and Proposal

Date (Month Year): Jun 2021

Report Subject:

Earlier in 2021 a wheelchair user in the village highlighted a particular concern with high (not dropped) kerbs in either side of Dillons Gardens. DCC Highways quickly implemented a “temporary fix” by bridging the kerbs with an infill of tarmac.

This action has prompted us to consider other areas of the village.

Early June, Cllr Andrew Huggins went around the village with this particular resident, to gather his feedback on where the issues lie. Based on that is this paper and proposal.

Reported by:

Andrew Huggins

Subject Status:

Pending councillor review.

Financial Impact:

Highways have indicated they have limited budget for maybe about 5 dropped kerbs per year. We are pushing that a little harder, but in addition to the formal dropped kerbs, we are also asking for cheaper alternative solution in many instances.


The proposal is that we send the text below to DC Highways and ask them to consider these accessibility improvements around Lytchett Matravers.

Many people in Lytchett Matravers push children in pushchairs, and we also have some wheelchair users and residents with limited leg mobility for whom kerbs at road crossing points is a problem.

Whilst in a perfect world every junction would be disability-accessible, taking a realistic view, we have conducted an assessment in conjunction with a village resident and wheelchair user, of the core roads in the village. As the village grows, the likelihood is that there will be more requirement for such facilities and we would like to establish improved access at the earliest opportunity.

Formal dropped kerbs are ideal, but we recognise there is limited budget. A few months ago in response to initial requests for a solution for Dillons Gardens, an interim solution of a small tarmac “ramp” was kindy quickly installed by Highways. This has been a massive improvement and whilst there was initial uproar in the village community, it is now well received.

To that end, rather than requesting formal dropped kerbs in all instances, we’d like to propose a small tarmac slope, generally where the step is smaller, and just request formal Dropped Kerbs where the kerb is higher.

Our village analysis amounts to

14 Tarmac slopes

8 Dropped kerbs.

Please see the locations and proposals below:

1) Wareham Road/Dillons Burbidge Close north side. Kerb 8cm: Proposed solution Tarmac Slope.

NOTE: We are advised that whilst there is a private dropped kerb just to the right, the kerb is very narrow at that point and hard to use.

2) Wareham Road/Deans Drove 4cm kerb South Side, 5cm kerb North side. Proposed solution: Tarmac slope would be sufficient both sides.

North side:

South side:

3) Wareham Road/Eldons Drove junction (south side only) . 5cm kerb. Proposed, solution: Tarmac slope would be sufficient here.

4) High Street by “close” opening to houses No 29-41. 8cm Kerbs both sides. Proposed solution: Dropped Kerbs both sides.

East side:

West side:

5) High Street/Middle Road – 6cm kerb to East, 4cm kerb to West. Proposed solution: tarmac slope infill both sides.

East side:

West Side:

6) High Street /Victory Court entrance to side car park. 9cm Kerb on East side and 10cm kerb on West side. Proposed solution: Dropped Kerb both sides.

East side:

West side:

7) High Street / Old Pound Close. 4cm kerb on West side, 8cm kerb on East side. Proposed solution: tarmac slope both sides of Old Pound Close.

East Side:

West Side:

8) Lime Kiln Road / Castle Farm Lane East side of road. 12cm Kerb. Proposed solution: Drop Kerb on East side. (West side already has dropped kerb for driveway).

9) Lime Kiln Road/Old Chapel Drive. East Kerb 10cm, West kerb 11cm. Proposed solution: Drop kerbs both sides of Old Chapel Drive.

West side:

East side:


11) Lime Kiln / Flowers Drove. 4cm Kerb on West side. Proposed solution: tarmac slope to West (Higher) side. Removing the slight step on the East side of this junction may cause rainwater runoff problems.

12) Ancott Close at end of Library Walk. 14cm kerb. Proposed solution: Dropped Kerb. This is necessary for traversing the village on the school “walking” route.

13) Lockyers Way: West and East of the entrances to rear parking areas, between Nos 76/78 and between 70/72. 7-8cm kerbs in all positions. Proposed Solution – Tarmac infill slopes in all 4 positions.

76/78 East: (70/72 is similar)

76/78 West: (70/72 is similar)

Additional request:

It was also highlighted that where Highways recently created a dropped kerb crossing over Huntick Road by the Rose and Crown, in doing so they actually created a problem by placing a high kerb to access the Rose and Crown front terrace between the brick planters. Two of these have drains, but the middle one could benefit from a tarmac slope between these 2 planters to overcome the kerb problem Highways created. The Landlord informed me that prior to the pavement works, the previous pavement was at the level of the pub frontage, without a step. Proposed Solution: Tarmac slope between the planters.

Cllr A Huggins


Village Centre Working Group – Summary Report. June 2021

Working Group Objective:

To provide a safe green integrated route through the village from Ancott Close, across the Recreation Ground, along Eldons Drove and to the Primary School (Eldons Drove Lane).

Working Group Participants:

Rob Carswell, Ken Morgan, Alf Bush, Andrew Huggins


1. Revised paths between the Library and shops linking to new High Street crossing

2. Wider path across Recreation Ground around Rocket Park to a graded, wide path through the trees to Eldons Drove; safety barriers at end of path (Pond Walk)

3. Marked pedestrian paths and traffic signage on Eldons Drove

4. School Walk – Path to access the rear of the primary school field from Eldons Drove

5. Pharmacy Steps & surroundings – improvements/landscaping


  • DC Highways agreement on type of High Street crossing point and exact spec.
  • DC Highways confirmation plan is included in 2021/22 LTP
  • DC Highways confirmation of pathway spec. along Eldons Drove and inclusion in 2021/22 LTP
  • Legal agreement between all parties for works permissions.

Status/Next Steps:

· LMPC to write to affected Eldons Drove houses advising of new pathway plan.

· LMPC to replace Pharmacy steps and renovate the surrounding area:

· Contractor completing works wc 21 June (delayed slightly due to manufacturer of the handrail)

Financial Forecast:

(£000’s, excluding VAT)

2021-22 2022-23
Expense to date 0 0
Forecast 8 [1] 2
Total 8 2


Climate & Ecological Emergency Working Group – Summary Report, June 2021

Working Group Objective:

Following the Parish Council declaration of a Climate Change Emergency, identify, assess, and implement measures within the parish to reduce the carbon footprint of both LMPC and the community.

Working Group Participants:

Rob Carswell, Ralph Watts, Alf Bush, Beverly Barker, Roger Ong, Rosemary Russell, Adrian Russell, Max Scott, Matt Alexander


1. Sports Pavilion upgrade with Low Carbon Dorset (LCD). The ‘whole building’ upgrade includes new doors, cavity wall & loft insulation, Solar PV, ASHP (Air source heat pump) to replace space & water


Co-ordinating the works around pavilion users.

Status/Next Steps:

Works already complete:

  • Air-to-air heat pump (to provide instant heat in main user space).

Works underway :

  • Installation of PV array on southerly roof.
  • Replacement of gas boiler with ASHP (Air Source Heat Pump)
  • Replacement of old, inefficient radiators & pipework
  • Fit PV diverter unit to directly heat hot water from PV-generated energy

Works to come:

  • New thermally efficient doors, including fire door to comply with Building Regulations
  • Installing loft and cavity wall insulation
Financial Forecast:

(£000’s, excluding VAT)

2020-21 2021-22 2022-23
Expense to date 0 0 ?
Forecast 0 34(1) ?
Total 0 34 ?

(1) Low Carbon Dorset grant = 40% contribution.


Huntick Road Cyclepath Working Group – Summary Report, June 2021

Working Group Objective:

To provide a dedicated safe cycle route to Lytchett Minster School and on to Poole from the village.

Working Group Participants:

Andrew Huggins, Alf Bush


1. The requirement for a dedicated cyclepath was included in the Lytchett Matravers Neighbourhood Plan and was unanimously approved at the referendum and subsequently adopted by Purbeck D.C.

2. The proposed route starts at the Rose & Crown crossroads and goes down Huntick Road. Preliminary agreement has been reached with Highways and the landowner to the north of Huntick Road.

3. The final stage from the Race Farm junction to Post Green and/or Dorchester Road is to be finalised.

4. LMPC to complete the next section to Jubilee Walk (linked to Selbys Yard decision).


· DC Highways confirmation on the full route, particularly after Race Farm.

· Confirmation of the LTP commitment within the Purbeck Local Plan, which includes the requirement for both DC and the developers to provide 150k each for local transport needs. This would be earmarked for the cyclepath.

Status/Next Steps:

· Met with LM and Upton Council + S Mepham 9 Feb (Zoom). LM+U want a path Randalls Hill to Courtyard. Some issues with narrow and flooding verges – they are investigating land ownership. That path could link to the Huntick Cyclepath for complete route to Poole/Wareham.

· First 180m across full width of site frontage on Huntick Road now complete.

· Contact affected Huntick Road houses advising of new cyclepath plan, including Selbys Yard decision.

· LM+U to pursue a path at bottom end to meet up with Huntick Cyclepath near Kitchermans cottage.

· WSP (DC’s consultant) are in early stages of investigation. We have now a copy of the brief provided to WSP It is very brief.

· Asked Highways to consider <3m width as that seems excessive. Helen Jackson advised that the National Standard for Cycleways calls for 3m width unless it is not practicable, although she acknowledged that this is not an urban location. But The preference is for 3m nonetheless.

· Requested advice from Highways id LMPC were to undertake next stretch to Jubilee Walk ourselves. Awaiting response – will chase this.

· Currently preparing a letter to Lord Rockley to update him on the project.

Financial Forecast:

(£000’s, excluding VAT)

2020-21 2021-22 2022-23
Expense to date
Forecast 30 150
Total 30 150


Village Environment Working Group, Summary report – June 2021

Working Group Objective:

To identify areas of concern/opportunity within the physical environment of the Village and propose responses.

Working Group Participants:

Ken Morgan, Alf Bush, Andrew Huggins, Karen Korenevsky, Rob Carswell, Vicky Abbot (+ co-opted advisers Geoff Holland, Dr John Holland)


1. Foxhills Paths – Repairs/Reconstruction likely to complete Friday 18th June save possibly for Gibbs Green bollards – 2 weeks ahead of schedule.

2. Rec – BMX track layout designed – ready to form. Quotations being invited for Exercise Trail/Outdoor Gym and Dog Exercise Enclosure Fencing. Agreed 1.2m fencing + hedge planting adequate, not full 1.8m professional dog training specification. Developing detail designs for Boules Pitches, Hannams Close entrance enhancement (incl bin enclosure) + other landscaping opportunities and stormwater attenuation.

3. Sports Area adjacent school on Dorset Council land. Joint project with School and Sports Club. Sketch Ideas developed. Aborted prospect of substantial grant application. .

4. Wareham Rd/School traffic/parking – ideas developing in conjunction with Sports Area.

5. Trees – Management, Protection, New planting, Dedication +Sponsorship. Audit proposed.

6. Foxhills Green tree cutting back policy to be developed.

7. Play Area winter surface problems. Rocket Park ok till 21-22 winter. Foxhills to be addressed.

8. Eldons Drove Pond – Delay due to Japanese Knotweed. Treatment imminent.

9. Ongoing – Highways liaison, Monitor Footpaths, GGs, Street scene improvements, Biodiversity.

10. Finger post Renovations – Blaneys Corner pilot project due to have all arms replaced by Friday 25th then Roundel awaited. Private sponsorship. Intention to train volunteers and seek further sponsorship.

11. Met with LM Angels re reflective gdn project – VEWG question inappropriate use of crisis donations.

12. Guerilla Gardeners – ongoing path clearance/maintenance.


· Dorset Council. Highways.

Status/Next Steps:

· Quotations for Rec projects – (Exercise equipment + dog hedge/fencing).

· Pond Area – Weed Treatment.

· Work up designs for Sports Area, Boules, Hannams/Rec entrance+ Rec landscaping/tree planting.

· GG projects – ongoing.

Financial Forecast:

(£000’s, excluding VAT)

2020-21 2021-22 2022-23
Expense to date 1.5
Forecast 55 ?
Total 1.5 55 ?


Superfast Broadband Working Group – Summary Report, June 2021

Working Group Objective:

To improve Broadband connections for the properties in the village who have slower Broadband connections, but coordinating a Rural Gigabit Voucher Scheme.

Working Group Participants:

Andrew Huggins


1. Having been approached by some Lytchett residents who reported their broadband speed is pitifully slow, I worked with Dorset Superfast to identify properties with the slower connections.

2. The gigabit voucher scheme launched April 2021 provides £1500/ Residential properties and £3000 for businesses. Dorset Council have £1M available for scheme top-ups.

3. New scheme shows BH16 6 postcode area is INELIGIBLE. Eligible areas defined by DCMS.

4. Mailshot to all properties in the High Street, most Roads to the North of it, and Huntick estate and Palmers Orchard and Vineyard Close.

5. Openreach have quoted £274500 to provide FTTP to up to 457 identified properties.


· We need enough residents to sign up to cover the scheme cost.

· Parish Council, as a “Legal Entity” has to apply for the scheme and be prepared to underwrite any shortfall if households do not ultimately take out the required service (contract for 12 months).

· If we get interest which equates to vouchers to the value of an extra >30% of the project cost (ie 130% of £274500 = £356850) then the Parish council is NOT required to underwrite the project.

· Given the current level of expressed interest, we don’t have sufficient voucher value to cover the project cost without Dorset Council top-up, but top-up is available form Dorset Council

Status/Next Steps:

· Openreach did suggest, once old scheme closed, that I consider adding to the scope of the project to include some more properties (Huntick Road) so I await the revised quote/proposal.

· I currently have 125 addresses of which 11 are businesses.

· I have emailed all Residents who had expressed an interest, informing them of the status, and have received many mails of thanks for the work we are doing on their behalf.

· I have contacted Michael Tomlinson’s office and Frances has assured me that they are pushing to challenge our exclusion, and Michael has personally spoken to the minister responsible for Broadband within DCMS. Michael’s office have assured me that Michael is having further meetings with ministers to challenge the decision for BH16 to be excluded.

Financial Forecast:

(£000’s, excluding VAT)

2020-21 2021-22 2022-23
Expense to date
Forecast 0 0
Total 0 0


Subject Title: Defibrillator Provision Report, June 2021

Report Subject:

Update on Defib Provision, and report of Incident

Reported by:

Cllr Andrew Huggins

Subject Status:

Aster Housing Association are currently running a consultation with their residents about us locating a Defib on Abbots Court for public use. 100% positive so far so expect to get the go-ahead this week.

I have asked if they would complete the install at their expense as a community gesture.

Next Steps:

1) Complete the Abbots Court installation and get the agreement of responsibilities signed with them and LMPC.

2) Run Publicity campaign (Website, Facebook, Twitter, Banners located around the village on public patches of land “Your nearest Defib is at x”. Also Church and village groups to promote and support_. Goal: Everyone in the village to know where their nearest defib is.

3) I have been advised that “The Circuit” national Defib register is now being rolled out in the South West Ambulance Service region. I have registered the Phone box and Chequers Defibs on to this. Currently it is under my personal email address – I will look into making this more “generic”.

Financial Impact:

Low: Publicity costs £75 for 3 banners. Leaflet costs?




Balance Sheet Management Working Group Report, June 2021:

Working Group Report Objective:

To review the performance of the Parish Council’s financial arrangements and investment strategy.

Working Group Participants:

Parish Clerk (Tim Watton), Peter Webb, Alf Bush


· The Parish Council first developed its approach to investments in 2014, largely due to the low interest rate available for deposits. Bank interest rates have only fallen lower since then.

· The risk review at the time rated the Parish Council’s approach as cautious.

· The principal sum that was to be invested was the fund used for the perpetual maintenance of Foxhills Open Space (£162k). However, the PC also has additional funds set aside for future projects (earmarked reserves) as well as surplus funds from time to time (e.g. CIL payments).

· The PC selected the Prudential International Investment Bond in early 2014. The long term performance of the bond has been approximately 5.1% p.a. compounded over that period.

· The return of the Prudential International Investment Bond is deliberately managed to provide a smooth return, although that was disrupted by the pandemic impact in March 2020. Our current bond is equivalent to line D on the attached chart.

· A recent withdrawal request took more than two months to be received and created a potential cash flow risk for the PC.


· All financial arrangements should have adequate regulatory protection (e.g. the limit for individual bank account protection is £85,000).

· Any investment must fall within the PC approved risk category.

· Transfers to and from investments need to be flexible.


· Review alternative providers for the PC’s investment funds while remaining within the ‘cautious’ category. The attached chart shows comparisons between managed strategies. Lines B, C, D and E are rated cautious.

· Provide adequate levels of protection and a simplified deposit/withdrawal process.

· Review alternative banking arrangements to provide on-line dual authorisation as an alternative to cheques, including providing adequate levels of protection.

Full Minutes 210623 approved.docx

Full Council minutes 23 June 2021