Meeting of Full Council, Weds 23rd November 2022 at 7.00 p.m. in the Blanchard Room, Village Hall.

PRESENT were A Bush (Council Chair), V Abbott, M Attridge, B Barker, A Huggins (Council Vice-Chair), R Aspray, K Korenevsky, K Morgan, P Webb and Mr T Watton (Parish Clerk).

Also present: Dorset Cllrs A Brenton and A Starr and three members of the public were also present.

PUBLIC PARTICIPATION SESSION (Standing orders suspended)

A representative from 1st Lytchett Matravers Scouts commented on a proposed scheme for improved access to the Scout Hut, as follows:

1. The Scouts agree with the preference for the DDA-compliant option indicated in the drawing provided to the Scouts by Cllr Morgan on behalf of the Parish Council in a document dated Sept 2022.

2. The Scouts wished to encourage the Parish Council to consider linking the similar improvement work on the Sports Pavilion to the work on the Scout Hut, so that both can be achieved at the best possible cost – by sharing the same contractor and undertaking them concurrently.

3. The Scout Group will need support from the Parish Council to meet the costs of the work.

In response, the Council Chairman thanked the Scouts for their comments. He also suggested that in terms of financial support for the works, the Parish Council’s grants process would be appropriate.

Cllr Barker introduced two members of the local community who have contributed to and volunteered to be significantly involved in the refurbishment of the Lytchett Matravers Youth Hall. These contributions include the donation of £2.5K of paint, gathering / organising a group of volunteers to help carry out the painting, and to create a mural on the end wall. A design competition for the mural is being run at Lytchett Minster School.


Dorset Cllr Alex Brenton produced a report which had been made available to members ahead of the meeting. Members noted its content, and a copy is associated at Appendix 1 to these minutes.

In relation to the Dorset Council budget for 2023/24, Cllr Webb wondered whether DC would be taking advantage of the Chancellor’s recent announcement of a relaxation on the maximum percentage increase in Council tax. DC’s response remains unclear as yet, and Cllr Brenton reported that the next scheduled budget meeting is on 4th January 2023.

1. To receive and consider apologies for absence.

Cllrs H Khanna and B Lister. Dorset Cllr B Pipe was also unable to be present.

2. To receive any declarations of interest, and consider any requests for Special Dispensations under Section 33 of the Localism Act 2011.


3. To receive and resolve to approve minutes of Council meeting held on 19th October 2022.

It was RESOLVED to approve the minutes as a true record of the meeting. They were duly signed by the Council Chair.

4. To receive and consider reports of past subject matters on the minutes of the Full Council meetings (for purposes of report only).

It was RESOLVED to receive and note the contents of the following report, which had been prepared and circulated in advance of the meeting by the Parish Clerk. Italics below indicate additional comments made during the meeting.

  1. Minute 21, 22nd September 2021 – signage for BMX / cycle dirt track. It was agreed that the signage would be erected by the Guerrilla Gardeners. This has been delivered to the Parish Council office. It was clarified that this notice requires two posts to be installed. Suggestions were made by members about where to obtain the necessary round posts.
  2. Minute 7.3, Full Council 27th April 2022 – replacement of the elderly rectangular bin adjacent to the upper car park located approx. halfway between the Sports Pavilion and the Village Hall. This has now been received. It was agreed that the Guerrilla Gardeners will install it. This matter is in hand.
  3. Minute 11, Full Council, 22nd June 2022 – export tariff with Octopus Energy. The Panel Power export account has now been set up and is operating. DISCHARGED
  4. Minute 17, Full Council 10th Aug 2022 – dog exercise area. Actions:

Removal of the bramble roots and re-seeding with grass. The Parish Clerk advised that immediately after this was raised, he had spoken to Mr Warr, who had agreed to undertake this task. The Clerk has reminded Mr Warr that this work needs to be done ASAP so that the seed has a chance to germinate. The Parish Clerk expressed some concern at the November meeting that this work had apparently not yet been carried out. Cllr Webb indicated that he would contact Mr Warr about it.

  1. Minute 29, 28th Sept 2022 – drinking water. At the meeting on 28th September 2022, Cllr Abbott indicated that she would be willing to visit local businesses to ascertain their willingness to offer free refills for drinking water bottles. At the November meeting Cllr Abbott indicated that she would visit the public houses about this.

5. Chair’s announcements (for the purposes of report only).

The Chair reported that he and Cllr Huggins had a meeting scheduled with representatives of DC Highways on Thursday 24th November to discuss options for the area around the proposed school crossing and the High Street crossing. He also drew attention to the work undertaken by Cllr Morgan to install the seat and planter at the former bus stop site on Lime Kiln Rd adjacent to the War Memorial.

6. To receive and note the content of the minutes of the Finance & General Purposes Committee Meeting on 9th November 2022 (for purposes of report only)

It was RESOLVED to receive and note the contents of these draft minutes.

7. To consider the following recommendations from the Finance & General Purposes Committee:

(i) Acceptance of the LGA / NALC National Salary Award for Parish & Town Council employees for 2022/23, backdated to 1st April 2022; plus the additional one day holiday entitlement from 1st April 2023.

RESOLVED to APPROVE. Action: Parish clerk to make the necessary adjustments to payroll and the LGPS pension payments / reports.

(ii) The purchase of a general waste bin to replace existing damaged Dog Waste bin for Dog Exercise area.

RESOLVED to APPROVE. Action: Parish Clerk to place an order for this bin.

8. To consider planning application P/HOU/2022/05666 Abbots Orchard Jennys Lane Lytchett Matravers Poole BH16 6BP. Erect first floor side extension.


9. To consider planning application P/HOU/2022/06908 Achill Castle Farm Road Lytchett Matravers Poole BH16 6BY. Erect a single storey rear extension. Form a raised terrace and steps.

NO OBJECTION. However the Parish Council wished to comment that it is evident that the raised terrace would be approximately 1m above ground level and close to the boundary which the plans suggest comprises only a fence line. Consequently, the Parish Council is concerned that this could result in overlooking. It is therefore suggested that this is mitigated by constructing a screen wall from the rear of the extension, closing off the south end of the terrace and then raking down to meet the existing boundary.

10. To consider planning application P/OUT/2022/06101 Bexington Lime Kiln Road Lytchett Matravers Poole BH16 6EL. Demolish existing buildings and erect 3 dwellings (outline application all matters reserved).

The Parish Council wished to OBJECT to this proposal on the following grounds:

(a) Overlooking. The Parish Council notes that the front/west elevations are relatively close (5-8m) to the rear garden boundaries of the existing Lime Kiln Road properties, ‘Glen Devon’ and ‘The Old Bakery’. This seems likely to result in some loss of privacy due to what appears to be upper floor bedroom windows on the west side of the proposed properties rather than positioned with the principal windows looking only towards the reservoir.

(b) Inadequate parking provision for three 4-bedroom properties. It is noted that each of the three proposed new detached dwellings has provision for just two parking spaces; plus two “visitor” spaces to collectively serve the three dwellings. The Council is concerned that this is likely to result in an increase in roadside parking adjacent the development, which is located on a dangerous blind bend.

In addition, it was observed that the lane serving the proposed three houses is narrow but has a turning space for small vehicles which may be satisfactory for a limited development of this scale. However, service vehicles such as refuse collections, removals, etc would have to work from Lime Kiln Road. There is storage for refuse bins within the development but no provision near the Lime Kiln Road collection point, which is where they are likely to be left.

11. To consider planning application P/HOU/2022/06960 Bay View Middle Road Lytchett Matravers Poole BH16 6HJ. Retain timber outbuilding which serves as storage and laundry ancillary to the main dwelling. (Retrospective).


12. To receive a report from the Climate Change Emergency Working Group (for purposes of report only).

No formal report. It was noted that the export power connection to the grid has now been concluded.

13. To receive a report from the Huntick Road Cycleway Working Group (for purposes of report only)

No report.

14. To receive a report from the Village Environment Working Group (for purposes of report only)

A summary report had been made available to all members ahead of this meeting and the contents were noted. A copy is associated at Appendix 2 to these minutes. Cllr Morgan drew particular attention to the request made at the November F&GP Cttee meeting, and repeated in a follow-up email, for members to respond direct to Cllr Huggins with their prioritisation of the list of substantial projects.

There was also a discussion about the area, including the “island”, in front of the shops at Purbeck Parade, High Street. Given that a preferred design for the modification of the area had already been put forward, the following sequence of actions was noted:

(i) Establish what the cost of the work would be.

(ii) Send a further letter to Tesco inviting them to share in the cost of the work

(iii) If no positive response from Tesco, consider alternative action to prevent delivery lorries damaging the road, pavement and grass area.

15. Receive a report from the Neighbourhood Plan 2 Working Group (for purposes of report only).

A commentary by Cllr Morgan had been made available to all members ahead of this meeting and the contents were noted. In this, Cllr Morgan reported that he had accompanied 6 others from the Dorset Deserves Better group in a meeting with Dorset Council’s Planning leader, Cllr David Walsh. The purpose of the meeting was to ascertain the present status/timing of the Dorset Local Plan and specifically:

1) To express concern regarding numbers and understand DC’s approach to this;

2) To emphasise the need for affordable/social housing accessible for Dorset’s younger working families; and,

3) To emphasise the linkage between the LP and Climate Emergency.

Cllr Morgan reported that he found Cllr Walsh’s response most unsatisfactory, full of contradictions, platitudes and with a determination to carry on with the DLP with no apparent regard for the consultation responses received a year ago – and which have evidently not yet properly analysed.

Cllr Morgan’s commentary explained that the relevance of the above remarks to the revision of the Lytchett Matravers Neighbourhood plan is that it can only proceed when it becomes clear how the Dorset Local Plan process will pan out. Specifically this means A) the Purbeck Local Plan (PLP2), that being the basis for the 3x Wyatt developments (Wareham Rd, Blaneys Corner + Flowers Drove) for which Pl Apps are already submitted; and B) the Dorset Local Plan proposing a total of 400 new dwellings around the village with no additional infrastructure.

16. To receive an update on upgrade to, and plans for usage of, former Youth Club Building.

A summary report from the Youth Hall Working Group had been made available to all members ahead of this meeting and the contents were noted. A copy is associated at Appendix 3 to these minutes. Members noted that this contains a list of tasks already completed, and an indication of the immediate next steps in the general renovation tasks. The report also identifies a list of more major works, divided into two stages i.e.

Stage 1 – work required to set out the building for safe secure public use, and

Stage 2 – work required to fully renovate the building in line with Climate Emergency guidelines.

It was AGREED that the work would proceed in two separate stages. Full renovations tasks would be deferred until such time as the Youth Hall was in more continual use.

17. To receive report of electrical inspection for the former Youth Club building and consider approval for the necessary work.

Cllr Bush reported on the recently carried-out electrical inspection. This inspection had identified a number of issues to be resolved. Possible contractors to approach for quotes for this necessary work were suggested by members.

18. To consider a new name for the former Youth Club building.

After a brief discussion it was RESOLVED that the building will now be known as Lytchett Matravers Youth Hall. This will be the formal name to be used for insurance, utilities, postal registration, etc. As part of the overall Youth Club initiative, it may also have an alternate name in future.

19. To consider establishing a contract for an annual professional safety and maintenance visit by the installers of the Adult Exercise equipment.

It was RESOLVED to approach Caloo Ltd to arrange for a service / maintenance contract at the quoted price of £445 per year (ex VAT), subject to a query regarding any possible discount for signing up to a multi-year arrangement. Action: Parish Clerk to contact Caloo Ltd to set up the contract accordingly.

20. To consider a proposal for the Council to communicate its concerns at the evident lack of enforcement action on case no EN/2022/00353 (the field adjacent to the water tower at the western end of the High Street).

Cllr Aspray explained the history and background of this particular case – the aim of which is to cease the current unauthorised uses of this field and to return it to its previous condition. Dorset Cllr Brenton indicated that she would seek an update from the DC Planning Enforcement Team both on this case, and also more generally on other agreed enforcement actions currently under way within Lytchett Matravers Parish.

21. Following the guidelines issued by Dorset Council on applying for additional or modified speed limits, the Council is to consider a proposal to establish a Working Group to set out the initial section (s) of road within the parish and their recommended speed limits for further consideration’.

Cllr Bush drew members’ attention to the document which has been made available to all members and contains a new process and set of criteria published by Dorset Council. He noted that a number of members had put forward suggested locations for 20mph limits – and that it was evident that the Council as a whole would need to decide on a strip of road(s), or zone, to apply for. It was RESOLVED to form a group, coordinated by Cllr Aspray, comprising Cllrs Abbott, Barker, Huggins and Morgan to examine / consider the map of the village as a whole and to put forward a suggested cohesive scheme. Action: Group members to meet and consider this matter and report back in due course.

On a separate but related subject, it was agreed that Cllrs Bush and Huggins would raise with DC Highways at a meeting on 24th Nov a request for action to refresh the signage on Wareham Rd near the school. Action: Cllrs Bush and Huggins to raise this at the meeting accordingly.

22. To resolve to approve the following payments already made:

To Whom For What Net VAT Total
British Telecom Office phone and broadband – Oct 2022 49.60 9.92 59.52
AEC (South West) Electrical Ltd Electrical inspection of youth club building 250.00 50.00 300.00
Sherborne Turf Ltd 6 bags play bark for Rocket Park 485.12 97.02 582.14
Turtle Engineering Ltd 2 x batteries for defibrillators 250.00 50.00 300.00
Octopus Energy Ltd Sports Pavilion energy Inv KI-3D2D83BF-0025 1 Sept – 9th Oct 2022 11.89 0.59 12.48

It was RESOLVED to approve the above payments already made.

23. To resolve to approve the following payments due:

To Whom For What Net VAT Total
T Watton Clerk’s salary – Nov. To include backdating effects of 2022/23 pay award 1710.34 0.00 1710.34
HMRC PAYE & ENI – Nov. To include backdating effects of 2022/23 pay award. 636.20 0.00 636.20
Dorset County Pension Fund LGPS pension contrib Nov. To include backdating effects of 2022/23 pay award 630.95 0.00 630.95
T Homer Handyman duties, October 2022 291.75 0.00 291.75
Aerial Tree Services Ltd Dismantle two split willow trees to ground level, remove fallen hazel tree and all waste. Southern part of Rec Ground 650.00 0.00 650.00
Idverde Ltd Grass cutting southern part of rec (2 cuts between 30 Sept and 14 Oct) Inv 10861925 62.40 12.48 74.88
Idverde Ltd Cemetery maintenance Oct 2022. Inv 10863306 330.75 66.15 396.90
Idverde Ltd Cemetery maintenance Nov 2022 Inv no 10864118 330.75 66.15 396.90
SSE Electricity supply + standing charge for Youth Club building1 July – 19 Oct 2022 118.06 5.90 123.96
T Watton Reimbursement of expenses incurred on behalf of Council Nov 2022 22.50 0.00 22.50
S P Mills Annual general grass cutting, plus ad hoc grounds maintenance 4340.00 0.00 4340.00
Octopus Energy Ltd Sports Pavilion energy Inv KI-3D2D83BF-0026 9th Oct – 8th Nov 2022 14.84 0.74 15.58
Dorset Youth Association Annual affiliation fee 25.00 0.00 25.00
Mark Gracey GDPR 1 Nov 21-31 Oct 22 Annual website hosting. Annual website updates retainer 570.00 114.00 684.00

It was RESOLVED to approve all of the above payments.

24. To note any training undertaken by members or the Clerk in the past month (for purposes of report only).

There was none.

25. To note any decisions and / or action taken by Parish Clerk under “Openness of Local Government Bodies Regulations 2014”, Part 3, Paragraphs 6-10, Record of Decisions and Access to Documents (for purposes of report only).


26. To note correspondence received (for purposes of report only).

Cllr Abbott commented on contact she had received from a resident who had approached DC Highways Safety team regarding a request for “Slow” signs to be painted on the road in Deans Drove and the installation of a “Children” triangular warning sign.

The meeting closed at 21:12

Annotated by/on ……………………………..Signed by……………………



Report by Dorset Cllr Alex Brenton

Online applications for 20mph speed limits now available for towns and parishes

Dorset’s towns and parishes can now apply online for 20mph speed limits and zones, following the introduction of a new policy by Dorset Council.

Schemes will need to meet certain requirements, and there should be community support.

“The new process brings a consistent approach to dealing with applications for 20mph speed limits or zones, with a policy that is: implementable by considering national guidance; affordable, placing minimum strain on council budgets; and enforceable by the Police.

“Over the next 12 months we will see what works and what doesn’t and amend the process accordingly.”

Town/parish councils or local ward members (Dorset councillors) should submit an application form to begin the process. Dorset Council’s Road Safety Team will work with town and parish councils to complete an assessment once an application is submitted.

Each application will be assessed against a set of requirements and Dorset Council will fund those schemes deemed to be a high priority. Town and parish councils will have the opportunity to self-fund lower priority schemes.

Schemes must offer the maximum benefit for the affected communities. This includes quality of life, healthier lifestyles, sustainability and environmental benefits, alongside other important considerations such as reduction of collisions.

Brian Austin, Road Safety Operations Manager for Dorset Police, said:

“We have agreed with the local authority that 20mph zones should ‘look and feel’ like 20mph zones including a clear indication you’re entering the area through relevant signage and street furniture.

“All of our road safety deployments are carried out based on the level of threat, risk and harm, therefore it is anticipated that the vast majority of our speed enforcement activity will be in the higher speed restriction areas of the county. Enforcement in 20mph zones will only be carried out when there is a significant risk from continuous high speeds.”

Communities considering a 20mph scheme are strongly encouraged to establish a Community Speed Watch Scheme as a way of gaining evidence of existing speeds and encouraging improved compliance with the speed limit.

Fly tipping

Flytipping incidents continue to plague a town in Dorset as multiple bin bags have appeared next to an Aldi. Around 50 bin bags, filled with foam insulation material, have been left by “anti-social people” next to Aldi in Blandford Road West, Upton in the old Dorchester Road.

In a bid to keep our area clean and tidy, residents are urged to report any incidences of fly-tipping to: https://dorset-self.achieveservice.com/service/DWP-Report-fly-tipping-in-Dorset

Dorset Council response to Cost of Living Crisis

‘Cost of living help’ campaign was launched in partnership with Dorset Together on 15 June, with a new Cost of Living Help web page and key messages to residents.

· By the end of August Dorset Council Tax had paid £150 Energy Rebates totalling £15,849,000 to 105,660 households

· DC are currently processing the final claims that have been received.

· Those households which are eligible, but who have not submitted a claim will have the £150 Council Tax Energy Rebate paid directly onto their Council Tax account by 30 September.

· An £877,800 discretionary fund will be open for applications soon with the awards processed by the closing date of 30 November

· DC are working with Citizen’s Advice in Dorset and Age UK to offer help and advice and ensure people are getting the support they need.

· DC have continued to administer the government’s Household Support Fund to funding to support households with children, adults of pensionable age and other households in need of support, including those with disabilities. This is providing support with energy and food costs and currently open for applications and will close on the 30th September, and has amounted to just over £2.2M for the 6 month period April to September 2022. There is further funding available for the next 6 months.

· DC are promoting the uptake of Free School meals and Healthy Start vouchers and have used funding from government to provide free school meal vouchers in the holidays. We have delivered the summer in Dorset Programme (holiday and food activities) to low income families and a range of free activities for free activities for children with special educational needs and disabilities.

· The DC Housing Team has recently introduced a single number for all housing enquiries and a new triage team to ensure those who most urgently need help get help first.


This last month there have been several controversial Planning meetings. The large solar farm above Maiden Newton was refused by majority vote because of the perceived harm to views in the AONB. Though the consensus is in favour of Solar farms in Dorset.


The Library consultation is ongoing, the ‘offer’ is to grade Libraries into 3 types and greatly increase the IT and external use of libraries for cultural events in the Higher grade.

Both Lytchett Matravers and Upton Libraries are in the lower tier, smaller and in areas of less social deprivation, so funding is less forthcoming. The idea is by offering to be a Council Services Hub money from other funds can be used for this non-statutory use. Please look at and respond to this consultation on the ideals and strategy. In this second phase of public consultation, we are calling upon residents, businesses, employees, partners and stakeholders to help us prioritise and explore what delivery could look like in our communities.

DC now need to refine the strategy. They need residents’ help to prioritise and explore what the library service could look like in communities.

The survey is designed in two parts. Part one seeks your views on the draft strategy and part two explores what the library service could look like in your community. We would value your views on the whole survey, but please feel free to skip questions and answer only those which interest you. We estimate it takes 20 minutes to complete the whole survey.

The consultation will close on 22 December 2022. ~#LetsTalk libraries# Phase 2 Consultation.


Village Environment Working Group – Summary Report. Nov 2022

Working Group Objective:

To identify areas of concern/opportunity within the physical environment of the Village and propose responses.

Working Group Participants:

Ken Morgan, Alf Bush, Andrew Huggins, Karen Korenevsky, Vicky Abbot, Hannah Khanna, Barry Lister


1. Boules/Petanque Pitches – Layout/positions agreed.

2. Higher Cross Bus plinth– Components prepped. Assembly 22.11.22

3. Hannams Close entrance enhancement. Bench in position. Discuss with management company.

4. Wareham Rd/School traffic/parking – DC/WSP proposals discussions ongoing. – New Car Pk?

5. Pond –J.K now eliminated.

6. Finger post Renovations – Blaneys Corner done. Vol Training + sponsorship. Progress on Upper X with discounted parts available.

7. Library Green Path – Work commenced 7.11.22. Complete save for tarmac. Delayed by v heavy rain.

8. High St Crossing – Awaiting DC Highways.

9. Tesco frontage – Acceptable design agreed with DC. Suggest joint Tesco/DC/PC funding. Possible bollard/boulder compromise?

10. Sports/Scout Bldgs High St frontage. Sketch scheme incl covered store + 2x outdoor TT tables.

11. School Walk – Extend path across school field?

12. 20mph – new DC policy opportunity. Also consider other highway problems.


· Dorset Council Highways + Planning/Local Plan. School cooperation. Funds.

Status/Next Steps:

· Dog planting + Higher Cross Bus Stop – both started and ongoing.

· Boules/Petanque Pitches + Pond + Hannams Gate – Develop designs and invite tenders..

· Work up designs for Sports Area + Rec landscaping/tree planting.

· Push for Tesco/Highways to fund/activate shop frontage remodelling.

· Re-energise highways re High St and School crossings

· Develop and submit 20mph bid to DC

· URGENT – Members’ preferred priorities required.

· URGENT – Help required to move and spread playground chippings.

Financial Forecast:

(£000’s, excluding VAT)

2022-23 2023-24 2024-25
Expense to date Benches, gym, dogs, 30
Forecast Path, T.Tennis etc 20 Boules, Pond, Sc Path, High St Xg, Tesco 185 Astro C Pk 285
Total 50 185 285


Lytchett Matravers Youth Hall – Summary Report. Nov 2022

Working Group Objective:

To review the status & condition of the Youth Hall and set out new business plan for use.

Working Group Participants:

All Parish Councillors


The PC are the owners of the Youth Hall; land is leased from DC until December 19, 2056. The PC has been in discussion with DC re: the transfer of the land to the PC. This was approved by DCC on December 6, 2017. The Lighthouse Church relinquished their tenancy on June 30, 2022.


The PC intends to use the building primarily for youth purposes, but will renovate to be multi-purpose public community space.

Status/Next Steps:

Completed Insurance (included in general PC policy), Fire Security, Ivy clearance, contents clearance by Lighthouse, obtained electrical inspection report
Immediate next steps See attached list
Long term action plan for renovation Determine approach between stage 1 (get the building into use) and/or stage 2 (full renovation) – see attached
Set out usage plan and fee plan The building is midway in size between the Village Hall and Sports Pavilion, so the hiring cost structure will also be midway.

It is intended that the building have specific areas that will remain in place for users (e.g. play area, sofa area), storage spaces.

Financial Forecast:

(£000’s, excluding VAT) 2022-23 2023-24 2024-25
Expense to date 1 0 0
Forecast 251 10 802
Total 26 10 80

Note 1 2022-23 assumes costs of immediate tasks and stage 1 renovation

Note 2 2024-25 assumes costs after establishing of business use, full renovation to meet CCE standards

Renovation Task Summary

Immediate Next Steps:

  • Repair front door handle
  • Clear kitchen
  • Full internal clean
  • Repair/fix all electrical issues
  • Check water leak
  • Fix broken windows
  • Liaise with Army cadets (usage, oak tree)
  • Reduce oak tree crown off of asbestos roof
  • Clear gutters
  • Repaint all interior walls, etc.
  • Install broadband
  • Confirm Dorset Youth Association membership
  • Establish regular maintenance checks, cleaning rota, etc.

PC to investigate grant assistance for all stage 1 and stage 2 tasks

Note that project expenditure of £25k+ requires the PC to advertise the spec nationally.

Stage 1 – work required to set out the building for safe secure public use:

  • Insulate floor (rises by 43mm)
  • Revamp WCs and include disabled WC & plumbing
  • Revamp kitchen/office space & plumbing
  • New suspended ceiling over WCs and kitchen/office with hatch and ladder to storage space
  • Install new external doors (front and emergency exit at rear)
  • Install new internal door to rear room
  • Repair/replace broken windows
  • Replace all lights with LEDs
  • Repaid driveway flooding, etc.

Stage 2 – work required to fully renovate the building in line with Climate Emergency guidelines:

  • Replace roof with full insulation and new ceiling
  • Insulate walls
  • Install double glazing throughout
  • Install ASHP and solar panels as per Sports Pavilion
  • Replace all electric heaters with modern equivalents
  • New ceiling and loft space for storage with ladder for rear area
  • New smooth pathway to building

Preliminary Usage Plan

Typical weekday: 9-12 Moo Music

12-16 Lunch and Natter sessions (warm place)

16-22 Youth activity (3 night per week)

Army Cadets 19-22 Possible 2 nights per week (Mon & Thurs)

Full Minutes 221123v2.docx

Full Council minutes 23 November 2022