Held on Wednesday May 23rd 2018 at 7:00 in the Methodist Church, Wareham Road, Lytchett Matravers.
PRESENT were Cllrs M Colvey (Chairman), A Bush, R Carswell, A Cottman, A Huggins, K Norris, J Taylor, R Watts, P Webb, C Wood and Mr T Watton (Parish Clerk).
Also present: County Cllr P Wharf, Dist Cllr W Meaden and three members of the public.
There was none.
The welcome action taken by two members of the local community, supported by a letter to residents from Michael Tomlinson MP, to initiate a petition regarding a safe crossing point over Wareham road for schoolchildren was acknowledged. Members made some general remarks regarding Parish Council actions on this long term multi-faceted problem of road safety, traffic congestion, and parking problems on Wareham Rd and the immediate surrounding area which is linked to the beginning and ending of the school day. These remarks included touching on the following:
- The establishment of Willow Walk as an intended connecting footpath as part of the walking route to school from the Foxhills development.
- The relocation and replacement of the bus shelter adjacent to the school crossing point in Wareham road.
- The council’s aim to re-open the walking route to school via Eldons Drove and the lane and field to the rear of the school premises.
- Exploration of the potential of use of land associated with of the Lytchett Astro to help alleviate school pick-up and drop-off parking pressures.
- Actions already taken to address inconsiderate parking – such as the bollards installed on the corner of Deans Drove & Wareham Rd.
- Active support for DCC’s repeated campaigns attempting to recruit a school crossing patrol person.
- Exploration with DCC highways experts of alternatives to a school crossing patrol person for Wareham Road; and also of enforcement of traffic regulation related to the school entrance zone.
It was noted that County Cllr Wharf has asked representatives from DCC Highways to attend the next meeting of the full council on 27th June to provide advice in relation to safe crossing of Wareham Road – drawing on experience of a scheme they have recently introduced in Beaminster.
District Councillor’s Report
Cllr Meaden’s and Cllr Webb’s joint report is attached at appendix 1 to these minutes.
County Councillor’s Report
Cllr Wharf‘s report is attached at appendix 2 to these minutes.
1. To receive and consider apologies for absence – Cllr B Barker.
3. To elect the Chairman of the Parish Council for 2017/18.
Cllr Bush was nominated and indicated that he was willing to serve in this role. There being no other nominees, he was duly ELECTED.
4. To receive the Chairman’s Acceptance of Office.
The Parish Clerk advised that this would be forwarded to Cllr Bush to complete.
5. Election of Council Vice Chairman for 2017/18.
Cllr Norris was nominated and indicated that he was willing to serve in this role. There being no other nominees, he was duly ELECTED.
6. To receive the Vice Chairman’s Acceptance of Office.
The Parish Clerk advised that this would be forwarded to Cllr Norris to complete.
7. TO receive AND RESOLVE to APPROVE THE Minutes of The Full Council Meeting on 25th April 2018.
It was RESOLVED to approve these as a true record of the meeting; and they were duly signed by the meeting Chairman.
It was RESOLVED to receive and note the contents of the following report, which had been prepared and circulated in advance of the meeting by the Parish Clerk. The italics below indicates additional comments made by members at the meeting.
- Minute 13, 20th November 2017 – to apply to Fields in Trust for protection for the Foxhills Open Space. See minute 15 of the F&GP Committee meeting held on 9th May 2018. DISCHARGED
- Minute 7, 17th January 2018 – research of grant funding for defibrillator by Cllr Cottman. At the Full Council meeting held on 25th April Cllr Cottman had reported that he considered one of the Aster Housing Association properties as a good potential location for a third defibrillator. It had been resolved that he would consider specific properties belonging to Aster Housing Association and then make a considered proposal to them. Since then it had been established that control of these properties had been moved to the Sovereign Housing Association. Cllr Cottman confirmed that he had contact details of a person at Sovereign Housing Association to write to on this matter. Action: Cllr Cottman to write to his contact at sovereign housing Association accordingly.
- Minute 13, 28th March 2018 – members to seek public opinion on uses for the redundant telephone kiosk opposite the Rose & Crown PH. It was noted that this matter had been overlooked at the Annual Parish meeting, and as at the date of the full council meeting on 23rd May 2018 the matter had not been progressed further. A suggestion was put forward to make a bid to purchase the kiosk from BT and use it to display local information and community notices – to include details of footpaths and walking & cycling routes around the village and other useful information for visitors. It was RESOLVED to authorise the Parish Clerk to formally approach BT regarding the purchase of the kiosk. Action: Parish Clerk to contact BT accordingly.
- Minute 18, 28th March 2018 – Incidents of antisocial behaviour near the village Library. As resolved, Cllr Norris had contacted the PDC Antisocial Behaviour Officer, and arrangements had been made for them to attend the Finance & Gen Purposes Committee meeting on 13th June 2018.
- Minute 10, 25th April 2018 – Security of fences at Jubilee Walk. As resolved, this was reported to the local DCC Rights of Way Ranger for attention. Members should note that subsequently to this report to DCC, a second report had to be made in May about Jubilee Walk due to a tree falling down and also damaging the fence.
- Minute 14, 25th April 2018 – Removal of fly tipped rubbish in the stream bed at Foxhills Open space. The Parish Clerk had made contact with three contractors to provide a price for this work. A site meeting was planned to take place week commencing 28th May 2018.
- Minute 18, 25th April 2018 – Alternative arrangements for grass cutting of the playing field area of the Recreation Ground. The Parish Clerk had set this up with Idverde Ltd accordingly. DISCHARGED.
The newly elected Chairman offered thanks on behalf of the Council for Cllr Colvey’s total of 7 years of service as its Chairman.
10. To receive and note the content of the minutes of the Finance & General Purposes Committee meeting on 9th May 2018. It was RESOLVED to receive and note these.
11. TO Consider the following recommendations from F&GP Cttee:
(i)Receipt and approval of 2018-19 year to date bank reconciliation. RESOLVED.
(ii)Receipt and approval of 2018-19 year to date summary of income and expenditure. RESOLVED.
(iii)Receipt and approval of the 2017/18 full year report of Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) income and expenditure in accordance with community infrastructure regulations 2010, section 62A. RESOLVED.
(iv)Acceptance and approval of the pay award for the Parish Clerk as detailed in the 2018 national agreement between NALC and SLCC with effect from 1st April 2018. RESOLVED.
It was also noted that Cllr Watts had prepared a letter to go to a list of five solicitors seeking quotations for a number of pieces of legal work.
12. To appoint council member representatives of community organisations. It was RESOLVED to make the following appointments of representatives:
(a) Village Hall Committee – Cllr A Cottman
(b) DAPTC Purbeck Area Committee – Cllrs K Norris and M Colvey
(c) Footpaths Officer – Cllr J Taylor
(d) School Liaison – Cllr A Bush
(e) Youth Organisations – Cllr R Carswell
(f) Sports Club – Cllr A Cottman
13. To receive and note content of a report from Cllr Huggins into the issues arising from recent Council discussion on Superfast Broadband provision.
13a Broadband: Cllr Huggins report was received and the content noted. He commented that work was continuing to seek the views of those living on the outskirts of the village whose properties will not benefit from the existing BT Openreach superfast initiative, and thus who may wish to become involved in a scheme for alternative provision. In connection with this it was noted that there is a requirement for a decision to be taken on a supplier for the installation of infrastructure. In order to progress towards that critical decision point preparation is underway to draw up a specification which may ultimately be used to invite tenders. In the meantime, further meetings and discussion are also underway with DCC Officer, Mr Bartlett.
13b Mobile phone signal:
It was noted that in response to an enquiry, the Village Hall committee had indicated that they would be amenable to a mobile phone mast being installed on the Village Hall building, if that was to be formally proposed.
Cllr Huggins took on an action point to write to Michael Tomlinson MP to request that he contact mobile phone providers to invite them to review the mobile signal coverage within Lytchett Matravers.
14. To receive and consider an update report on progress towards preparation of the 2017/18 year end internal audit and the Annual Return.The Parish Clerk reported that due to a period of ill health the Internal Auditor had been unable to complete the year end internal audit, thereby resulting in a delay in the completion of the 2017/18 year-end financial statements and figures for the 2017/18 Annual Return to the external auditors. She is however now well again and hopes to have this work completed in time for the Finance and General Purposes Committee meeting on 13th June 2018.
15. To consider a proposal that the Parish Council asks the local gardening / groundworks contractor to take on the task of regular cutting of the hedge on the western side of Wareham Rd between Prospect Rd and Eldons Drove – based on public health and safety considerations. After hearing a brief summary of the long running dispute between Purbeck Dist Council and various Housing Associations over the legal ownership of the land an which this hedge stands, and the responsibility for its ongoing maintenance, the Council accepted a recommendation that that they consider that the likelihood of permanently resolving this dispute is unlikely and therefore that the Parish Council takes on responsibility for maintenance of the hedge at public expense for reasons of public safety. It was RESOLVED to approve this, and the Parish Clerk was authorised to make the necessary arrangements.
16. To consider a proposal related to the ongoing management of Sports Pavilion and sports playing area of the recreation ground. The Chairman explained that having become aware of a number of concerns relating to lack of adequate maintenance of the portion of the recreation field leased to the Lytchett Matravers Sports Club, and relating to lack of hygiene standards in the Sports Pavilion, the Council exercised its right to enter the premises and carry out an inspection. This was duly carried out, and it was concluded from the resultant inspection report that that the Sports Pavilion is in an extremely dirty and unhygienic state, and shows no evidence of regular cleaning or maintenance.
The Parish Council concluded that the Lytchett Matravers Sports Club is in breach of the terms of the lease – namely items 10 and 11 in the schedule associated with the lease concerning:
- Keeping the sports ground in a good and husbandlike manner.
- Keeping the building in good and tenantable repair and condition.
Consequently it was unanimously RESOLVED to notify the officers of the Lytchett Matravers Sports Club that the Council has terminated the lease. Action: Parish Clerk to write to Sports Club officers accordingly.
During subsequent discussion it was recognised that there is a need to consider a new fit for purpose model for the ongoing management of the Lytchett Matravers Sports Club, with an effective arrangement of Trustees providing oversight of ongoing operation and governance of the Club. Cllr Watts was asked to give some consideration to putting forward a proposal for how such a trust arrangement could be set up which would be beneficial to the whole Lytchett Matravers community.
It was RESOLVED that during this period of hiatus Cllr Cottman would act as the liaison between the Parish Council and of the Lytchett Matravers Sports Club, and act as a coordinator for any Sports Club activity during this time.
It was noted that as a result of termination of the lease, the pre-existing youth football club would need to remove their possessions from the building. Subsequent to that, some expenditure might be required in order to hire a skip and to undertake urgent refurbishment work.
17. To receive and consider a report into population and housing prepared by Cllr Watts.
Cllr Watts summarised the key points of his report, which had been circulated to all members as pre- reading for this meeting. A copy is attached at Appendix 3 to these minutes. Cllr Watts acknowledged the help and support from officers at Purbeck District Council and Dorset County Council in providing information and statistics which were important inputs to the preparation of this report. It was noted that the report provides valuable context and background knowledge to inform longer term planning for housing, employment and amenity provision within Lytchett Matravers.
18. To resolve to approve the following payments due:
Inv | To Whom | For What | Net | VAT | Total |
3917 | T Watton | Clerk’s salary – May (12 equal monthly payments by SO) | 867.46 | 0.00 | 867.46 |
3918 | DCC | LGPS pension contrib May | 359.08 | 0.00 | 359.08 |
3919 | T Homer | Handyman duties, April 2018 | 202.50 | 0.00 | 202.50 |
3920 | Idverde Ltd | Cemetery maintenance – April 2018 | 303.49 | 60.70 | 364.19 |
3921 | Zurich Municipal | Parish Council Insurance 2018/19 | 2044.42 | 0.00 | 2044.42 |
3922 | A Cottman | Reimbursement for purchase of litter pickers | 21.59 | 0.00 | 21.59 |
3923 | Sutcliffe Play South West Ltd | Supply and install grass mats for zip wire. | 240.00 | 48.00 | 288.00 |
3924 | KLK Roofing Contractors | Supply and fix materials, plus labour to carry out slate roof repair to garage block in Turbetts Close | 385.00 | 0.00 | 385.00 |
3925 | Borough of Poole | Annual grass cutting at Foxhills Play area April 2018 – March 2019
Fees for annual inspection of play areas 2018/19 |
2303.60 | 460.72 | 2764.32 |
3926 | DAPTC | GDPR seminar | 25.00 | 0.00 | 25.00 |
3927 | T Watton | Salary increase: adjustment over May SO plus backdating to 1st April) | 35.09 | 0.00 | 35.09 |
3928 | SSE Southern Electric | Car park lighting quarter 4 2017/18 | 12.93 | 0.64 | 13.57 |
It was RESOLVED to approve all of the above payments.
19. to note any training undertaken by members or the Clerk in the past month
There was none.
20. To note any decisions and / or action taken by Parish Clerk under “Openness of Local Government Bodies Regulations 2014”, Part 3, Paragraphs 6-10, Record of Decisions and Access to Documents.
The Parish Clerk reported on the decision he had taken to arrange for urgent repair of the roof to the residents garage in Turbetts Close which had been damaged by trees and shrubs overgrowing from the adjacent open space maintained by the Parish Council. He explained that the decision had been taken due to the need for urgent action in order to avoid the further costs arising from any damage to the private property stored within the garage.
Members considered items to be included in the meeting with PDC manager Alan Davies due to take place on in the Village Hall on Tuesday 29th May 2018.
Cllr Watts drew attention to a meeting scheduled to take place with PDC Strategic Planning Officer Steve Boyt on 31st May 2018, 7:15-9:15pm.
The Parish Clerk referred to two items of correspondence as follows:
- A request from the Open Spaces Society for a donation to their ongoing campaign to lobby landowners for improved signage, waymarks, and improvements to stiles and gates on public footpaths and bridleways.
- A letter from Seafarers UK publicising events to mark Merchant Navy day on the 3rd September, 2018
19. To note date of next meeting and items for future agendas.
The next Full Council meeting is to be held in the Village Hall on Wednesday 27th June 2018 at 7pm.
Issues for consideration at subsequent meetings:
· To consider a proposal to demolish and remove the bus shelter at Lime Kiln Road opposite the war memorial.
The meeting closed at 9:15pm
Annotated by/on …………………………….. Signed by……………………
FullMinutes 180523 Appendix3 Report (Population and Housing 2018).pdf (PDF)
FullMinutes 180523 Appendix 2 (DCC Cllrs Report to Full Council 23 May 2018).doc (Word)
Full Minutes 180523 Appendix 1 (Dist Cllrs report May 2018).doc (Word)