Wednesday 24th February 2021 at 7:00 online.

PRESENT were A Bush (Chairman), M Attridge, B Barker, R Carswell, M Colvey, A Huggins, K Korenevsky, K Morgan, P Webb, and Mr T Watton (Parish Clerk).

Also present: Dorset Cllr A Brenton

Six members of the public were also present.


All of the residents present indicated that their particular interest in attending the meeting related to the scheduled discussion on the draft Dorset Local Plan (DLP) at item 7.

One resident asked a question about the portion of land to the west and south of the school which appears in the DLP as a potential area for development. She wondered how this could be made consistent with the intention in the Lytchett Matravers Neighbourhood Plan for this area to be used for sport and recreation. In response, the Chairman explained that in terms of anticipated housing development the DPL is very non-specific. However the DLP has acknowledged Lytchett Matravers’ own intentions for Astro site and the field at the rear of the school field, as discussed with Dorset Council for at least 2 years, and which forms only part of that larger potential site. He also provided an assurance that the Parish Council’s response to the DLP will certainly mention the local intentions for this part of the site for use as a sports complex.

The Chairman explained that the council has arranged an open zoom meeting, scheduled to take place at 7.00 PM on March 3rd 2021, for members of the Lytchett Matravers community to talk through the process of responding to the draft Dorset Local Plan. He stressed that all members of the community are welcome to attend this; and that it would be advertised as widely as possible through the parish magazine and social media etc.

In response to a question, the Chairman clarified that infill housing built within the settlement boundary has been about 120 houses since the 2012 Local Plan. He also explained that the housing target figures in the Purbeck Local Plan and draft Dorset Local Plan do not take into account of that infill development.


Dorset Cllr Brenton had provided a written report, a copy of which is associated at Appendix 1 to these minutes.

She then provided the following responses to members’ questions:

– Requests have been made on behalf of the public and local councils that the consultation period on the Dorset Local Plan is extended. This request has not received any positive responses at DC.

– Progress chasing on the Purbeck Local Plan has revealed that it is still in the hands of the Examiner and there is no clear timetable for a response from her.

1. To receive and consider apologies for absence.

Apologies were received from Cllr A Cottman; and Dorset Cllrs B Pipe and A Starr.

2. To receive any declarations of interest, and consider any requests for Special Dispensations under Section 33 of the Localism Act 2011.

There were none.

3. To receive and resolve to approve minutes of Council meeting held on 27th January and the Extraordinary meeting held on 3rd February 2021.

It was RESOLVED to approve these minutes as true records of the meetings.

4. To receive and consider reports of past subject matters (for the purposes of report only).

It was RESOLVED to receive and note the contents of the following report, which had been prepared and circulated in advance of the meeting by the Parish Clerk. Italics below indicate additional comments made by members during the meeting.

  1. Minute 10, Full Council meeting, 28th October 2020 – Amended planning application 6/2020/0297 enforcement request regarding breaches of planning conditions. As part of the DC Planning Committee’s consideration of the application the case officer reported that there was evidence that the coffee shop had been suitably marketed, but that evidence was not available on the DC Planning website. Consequently Cllrs Bush and Morgan undertook to prepare a request for sight of this. The request was sent on 27th January to DC in the form of a letter to Mr Mike Garrity, Head of Planning, Development and Building Control (with CCs to Mark Newman – enforcement officer, Cari Wooldridge – case officer, Anna Lee – Service Manager for Development and Enforcement, Matthew Piles – Director of Corporate Growth and Infrastructure, Cllr David Walsh – DC Planning Portfolio member, and DC Ward Cllrs Brenton, Pipe and Starr). Mr Garrity replied to advise that he had requested Mr Andrew Collins to prepare a response. That response was received on 24th February and passed on to Cllrs Bush and Morgan.
  2. Minute 13, Full Council meeting, 28th October 2020 – approval for installation of bollards adjacent to the Village Hall. This work has been completed. However, a related discussion regarding the safe storage of the key was raised and it was agreed to arrange for a key safe to be installed in the Parish Office.
  3. Minute 18, Full Council meeting 28th October 2020 – letter to Tesco with joint Ts&Cs for Defibrillator. It was reported by Cllr Huggins at the January meeting of the Full Council that Tesco has confirmed that that they will carry out the regular monthly monitoring. In a meeting with the local store manager on 23rd January it was also confirmed that the local Tesco store will ensure the defib consumables remain up to date and serviceable. Related matters concerning management etc of defibrillators, a draft “hosting” agreement, and monitoring reports and the subject of items 12, 13 and 14 on the Full Council agenda 24th February 2021.
  4. Minute 22, Full Council meeting, 28th October 2020 – preparation of draft application letter for the Parish Council to act as the “Legal Entity” to apply applying to the Rural Gigabit Scheme on behalf of interested residents with internet speeds of <30MB/s. At the December 2020 meeting Cllr Huggins reported that the Rural Gigabit Voucher Scheme for the centre of the village had been submitted to Openreach. He had reported that as of December the scheme had 51 properties in scope which it was hoped will be sufficient for the project to be viable, but that if necessary Openreach would normally assist in identifying other properties which might be added for little cost; and that once the estimates were finalised and viability is confirmed or not, the Parish Council would need to assess the business case and confirm that it is willing to act as the “legal entity” and guarantor of the application. An update report on this matter is the subject of item 15 on the Full Council agenda 24th Feb 2021.
  5. Minute 15, Full Council meeting 23rd December 2020 – condition of a section of path on the Foxhills Open Space. At the January Full Council meeting Cllr Morgan referred to a paper he had prepared on this matter which had been circulated to all members (copied at Appendix 1 to the draft minutes of that meeting). This report contained suggestions and preliminary costings for improvement to the paths. It was noted that there is a need to budget around £20K to lay a path to replace the section from Gibbs Green to The Spinney via the footbridge, which forms part of the walking route to school. The paper also suggested that the side branches (15m to connect with Willow Walk towards Deans Drove, 30m towards Fosters Spring, and 45m towards the northern part of The Spinney) would ideally be upgraded at the same time for a further £15K. Finally there were two short sections of existing gravel path which would benefit from some topping up at an estimated cost of £7.5K. It was noted that this would need to be financed from the Foxhills Open Space maintenance reserve fund. The matter has subsequently been brought within the remit of the Village Environment Working Group and the next steps are covered within that WG’s report presented to the February Full Council meeting at agenda item 11.
  6. Minute 19, Full Council meeting 27th January 2021 – lack of drop kerbs either side at junction of Dillons Gardens and Wareham Rd, representing an obstacle to easy access for wheelchair users. The matter was raised in correspondence from a resident with Cllr Attridge. The Parish Clerk took the matter up with Mr S Mepham of DC Highways, and the response reported back via Cllr Attridge. It was reported that the essence of the response was that DC Highways would not normally expect to undertake one such job in isolation, but would do so as part of a series of tasks. It was noted that the council should seek to identify other minor Highways tasks which can be completed at the same time. Action: Council members and the Clerk to consider other such works which can be added to this.

5. Chairman’s announcements (for the purposes of report only).

A further supply of bark / chippings for the Rocket Park play area has been organised by Cllr Morgan, which it is intended to distribute at the play area on Saturday 27th February using volunteers, as last time. Members were encouraged to contact Cllr Morgan if they are available to help.

Following discussions with DC Highways regarding signage in Eldons Drove it has been suggested to replace the middle pair of 30mph repeater signs (closest to the path exit) with Adult & Child pedestrian safety warning signs to indicate the new walking route. Action: members to consider this and respond to the Chairman with their views.

6. To note the content of the minutes of the Finance & General purposes committee meeting on 10th February 2021 (for purposes of report only).

It was RESOLVED to note the contents of these minutes.


The Chairman firstly referred to a paper he had prepared and circulated to members regarding Dorset Council’s Green Belt Review – copy at Appendix 2 to these minutes. DC had looked at the land all round each settlement throughout Dorset and rated against five “purposes” of Green Belt. In the case of Lytchett Matravers 27 parcels of land were identified. Purposes 1 and 2 are the most relevant to LM; 1 “To check the unrestricted sprawl of large built up areas”, and 2. “To prevent neighbouring towns merging into one another. For all 27 parcels of land around Lytchett Matravers the rating against these is “weak / no”. Cllr Bush pointed out that this is illogical since it means that expansion in any direction at all is not in the direction of any other large settlement. He reminded members that the Green Belt around Lytchett Matravers was established in 1980, at which time LM consisted of about 800 dwellings but which has since expanded in the intervening years to over 1600. This indicates that the Green Belt has had minimal effect on containing expansion of the village. He also explained that the line the Parish Council has consistently taken is that where development is proposed, this should not be on the southern or south-eastern sides of the village because that is in the direction of the Bournemouth / Poole conurbation. However this is where most of the proposed development in the PLP and DLP now is.

The Chairman also pointed out that in terms of responses to the DLP, any response the Parish Council makes is treated as one single response and carries no more weight than any other individual response. Consequently, all residents are strongly encouraged to submit their own responses. The purpose of the scheduled community meeting to take place on 3rd March is largely to reinforce that encouragement to individuals to participate. With that in mind, attention was also drawn to the paper version of the response submission form circulated by the “DorsetCAN” advocacy group.

The Chairman explained that the target housing numbers for Dorset are arrived at as a result of a national formula, and Dorset Council has then divided that into planned housing for each area as reflected in the draft plan. Consequently the decision to give Lytchett Matravers a target of 200 houses is as a result of that process. Consequently it may be argued that Dorset Council should push back on its total allocation of 3000 dwellings for its area if the basis for that total target is considered unsound / unreasonable – especially as it would seem that the assumed population surge on which the overall numbers are based seems not to have materialised. Similarly, it can be argued that some fundamental assumptions in the DLP about infrastructure may need to be reviewed due to the longer term effects of social / lifestyle changes (working from home etc) brought about or accelerated by the pandemic.

Regarding the plan itself, the Chairman commented that there are numerous sections covering a wide range of issues related to the Dorset Council area. However, section 19 is about Lytchett Matravers and Lytchett Minster specifically. This was the subject of a second paper also circulated to Parish Council members – copy at Appendix 3 to these minutes.

Reference was made by three residents to a comment published by the Ministry of Housing Communities and Local Government in a report covering the consultation outcome to the local housing need proposals in “Changes to the current planning system” (see https://www.gov.uk/government/consultations/changes-to-the-current-planning-system/outcome/government-response-to-the-local-housing-need-proposals-in-changes-to-the-current-planning-system ). This states that

“…we heard suggestions in the consultation that in some places the numbers produced by the standard method pose a risk to protected landscapes and Green Belt. We should be clear that meeting housing need is never a reason to cause unacceptable harm to such places.”

This point was noted.

A resident then commented on the point about “harm”- in particular that this is often balanced by arguments about “exceptional circumstances”, such as the need for additional housing, as well as discussions about what constitutes actual “harm”. He also noted that plans had identified areas of Green Belt around Lytchett Matravers which might be considered for development; and he specifically mentioned an area between Eldons Drove and Middle Road. He wondered how this might affect any areas for development identified in the Dorset Local Plan.

The Chairman responded by explaining that the Lytchett Matravers Neighbourhood Plan was not permitted to identify any preferred areas for development due to the settlement being surrounded by Green Belt. The existing legislation states that that Neighbourhood Plans are not permitted to change that designation.

However Cllr Morgan pointed out that the recent Planning White Paper places more emphasis on Neighbourhood Plans and he suggested that it may be appropriate to consider taking the proactive step of updating the Lytchett Matravers Neighbourhood Plan to include development briefs for the plots identified in the Purbeck Local Plan and Draft Dorset Local Plan. Cllr Webb wondered if the Neighbourhood Plan could be updated or amended and put through the public consultation and Principal Authority acceptance processes in time for it to be valid alongside the Dorset Local Plan for this purpose. The Chairman recognised that such a proposal to update the NP could be put forward to the Full Council to consider.

Regarding the area between Eldons Drove and Middle Road he recalled that then Principal Local Authority Planners (Purbeck Dist Council) had invited landowners to identify parcels of land which they would be willing to put forward for consideration for development. This had included the site in question, and this was included in a wider assessment process with others for comparison and decisions about which may be appropriate. The particular land in question between Middle Road and Eldons Drove was ultimately not selected. The Chairman went on to explain however that the outcomes of that land assessment process were the locations for the 150 local houses for Lytchett Matravers which are now included in the Purbeck Local Plan.

He went on to explain that that the further 200 proposed houses included for Lytchett Matravers in the draft Dorset Local Plan are a broad brush estimates only based on a general assessment of the usefulness of further identified plots of land for development; but without any designs at all at this stage.

The Chairman commented that the housing numbers referred to in the Dorset Local Plan can be quite confusing. For example he pointed out that Huntick Road development, mentioned in the plan, has already begun and its relevance to the draft plan is unexplained. Also, the requirement for SANGs in respect of the Huntick Road development, and then for the 150 houses identified in the Purbeck Local Plan, seem to have become be confused; and no SANG at all is mentioned for the additional 200 houses proposed in the Dorset Local Plan itself.

In addition, the Chairman pointed out that the existing Wessex Water pumping stations serving the settlement lack the capacity to cope with additional housing and are already overwhelmed from time to time. However this and other infrastructure matters, such as the condition and adequacy of local roads, receive no mention in the Dorset Local Plan.

In response to a question from a resident regarding the total number of houses in the plan, it was clarified that this is made up as follows:

Huntick development = 46 (already under construction)

Purbeck local plan = 150

Dorset Local Plan = 200

Total = 396

In addition, there is already planning permission for 25 dwellings on the former Wessex Water reservoir site in the centre of the village. Cllr Morgan explained that this is not included in the above numbers because it is infill (i.e. classed as “windfall”) within the existing village boundary.

It was re-emphasised that all of the above is without any additional infrastructure being indicated within the Dorset Local Plan.

The Chairman closed this section of the agenda by thanking everyone for their contributions and emphasising the intentions and purposes of the public meeting on the subject of the Dorset Local Plan scheduled to take place online at 7.00 PM on the 3rd of March.


A summary report which had been circulated to all members ahead of this meeting was noted. A copy is associated at Appendix 4 to these minutes. Cllr Carswell highlighted that the work on the pharmacy steps is due to start at the end of March. Cllr Bush reported that the council’s groundworks contractor had cleared the pond area adjacent to Eldons Drove. It was reported that two willow trees there are somewhat problematic and so was agreed that Cllrs Bush and Morgan would meet on site to discuss what to do about these. Regarding Pond Walk, Cllr Morgan reported that the contractor is coming back on March 6th to deal with a couple of outstanding items, at which point this particular job will be contractually complete.

9. To receive a report from the Climate Change Emergency Working Group (for purposes of report only).

A summary report which had been circulated to all members ahead of this meeting was noted. A copy is associated at Appendix 5 to these minutes. A revised application to Low Carbon Dorset for the grant in respect of the sports pavilion is being prepared.


A summary report had been circulated to all members ahead of this meeting and the contents were noted. A copy is associated at Appendix 6 to these minutes.


The Chairman reminded members that Cllr Morgan had circulated a list of tasks to be included in the remit for the Village Environment Working Group. He also explained that it was intended it to encompassed within this group the work on tree planting and sponsored & dedicated trees. A summary report had been circulated to all members ahead of this meeting. Cllr Morgan commented on the contents to ensure that the objectives of the group and the initiatives covered are understood by all members. A copy of the report is associated at Appendix 7 to these minutes.

It was reported that Cllr Korenevsky, as a member of this WG, has indicated that she would take on a particular responsibility for monitoring the public rights of way within the parish.

With regard to finger post refurbishments, Cllr Morgan reported that the post formerly at Blaneys Corner had been dismantled and passed on to a local Dorset finger post refurbishment expert just before the initial Covid lockdown. However its present location is now uncertain.

It was explained that the group also intends to look again at the complex issues around the Wareham Rd/ School traffic / parking problem.

Cllr Carswell then referred to documents he had circulated to members (i) a proposed amendment to the council’s Policy For The Management of Trees which includes a new proposed section dealing with dedicated, donated and commemorative trees, and (ii) a document providing the detailed processes for dedicated, donated and commemorative trees. It was RESOLVED to agree and adopt both proposed documents, subject to a further minor amendment to sections 1 and 2 of the Policy For The Management of Trees. Copies of the final adopted versions of both documents are associated at Appendices 8 and 9 to these minutes.

12. to review and consider approval of A proposed policy on acquisition, management and use of defibrillators

A copy of this draft policy had been circulated to all members ahead of this meeting and the contents were noted. It was RESOLVED to agree and adopt this policy. A copy of the adopted policy is associated at Appendix 10 to these minutes.

13. To review and consider approval of a draft defibrillator hosting agreement.

A copy of this draft agreement had been circulated to all members ahead of this meeting and the contents were noted. A copy is associated at Appendix 11 to these minutes. It was noted that this currently applies to The Chequers only. It was RESOLVED to agree and adopt this agreement.

14. To receive the defibrillator monitoring reporT (for purposes of report only)

A copy of this report was circulated to all members ahead of this meeting. A copy is associated at Appendix 12 to these minutes. It was RESOLVED to note and accept this report.

15. To receive and note the contents of an update paper on the initiative to widen the provision of superfast broadband within the parish(for the purposes of report only)

A summary report which had been circulated to all members ahead of this meeting was noted. A copy is associated at Appendix 13 to these minutes.

Cllr Huggins then added a further report to explain that as a result of the letter to target addresses from Michael Tomlinson MP, a significant number of additional responses were received by Cllr Huggins – which he reported now makes this project viable. Consequently he advised that he should be able to put forward a proposal to the next meeting of the Finance and General Purposes Committee to consider for recommendation to full council.

16. To consider Planning Application 6/2020/0514, 10 Hopmans Close, Lytchett Matravers, Poole, BH16 6AY. Proposed first floor front extension over existing integral garage & convert garage to form habitable accommodation.


17. To consider Planning Application 6/2020/0578 12 Foxhills Crescent, Lytchett Matravers, BH16 6BE. Demolish rear conservatory, erect two storey rear extension and convert loft to habitable accommodation.


18. To resolve to approve the following payments already made:

Inv To Whom For What Net VAT Total
4440 BT Office phone and broadband – Jan 21 50.47 10.09 60.56
4441 Octopus Energy Sports Pavilion electricity charge for period 1st-31st Jan 2021 13.00 0.65 13.65
4442 Fletchamoore (Poole) Ltd Invoice 230 – South side of car park (2.5% retention) 540.04 108.01 648.05
4443 Fletchamoore (Poole) Ltd Invoice 223 – new access road and east side path (2.5% retention) 764.56 152.91 917.47
4443 LM Angels Community Fund Grant 2021 1000.00 0.00 1000.00

It was RESOLVED to approve the above payments already made.

19. To resolve to approve the following payments due:

Inv To Whom For What Net VAT Total
4444 T Watton Clerk’s salary – Jan (12 equal monthly payments by SO) 968.81 0.00 968.81
4445 Dorset County Pension Fund LGPS pension contrib Jan 2021 465.30 0.00 465.30
4446 T Homer Handyman duties Jan 2021 355.50 0.00 355.50
4447 Idverde Ltd Cemetery maintenance – Jan 21 303.49 60.69 364.18
4448 R Robinson Refund of allotment rental overpayment 33.50 0.00 33.50
4449 D & P Warr Hedge Trimming 120.00 24.00 144.00
4450 T Watton Reimbursement of expenses incurred 144.69 3.23 147.92

It was RESOLVED to approve all of the above payments.

20. To note any training undertaken by members or the Clerk in the past month (for purposes of report only).

None. For the coming month however, the Parish Clerk has booked to attend two online training sessions to be presented by the Scribe support team on update to their accounts package. He has also booked planning training and new councillor induction sessions for Cllrs Morgan and Korenevsky.

21. To note any decisions and / or action taken by Parish Clerk under “Openness of Local Government Bodies Regulations 2014”, Part 3, Paragraphs 6-10, Record of Decisions and Access to Documents (for purposes of report only).

There were none.

22. Correspondence (for purposes of report only).

Cllr Morgan reported on correspondence he had undertaken with the Dorset Council Planning department regarding the process delays in registering and running consultations on planning applications. Dorset Council Planning advised that these delays were due to a variety of staffing shortages related to the pandemic, and have now employed external contractors to assist with the planning application registration process. Cllr Morgan also expressed concerns that on the agenda of the March Finance and General Purposes Committee meeting is an application related to a listed building. However Cllr Morgan has been unable to speak to a Conservation Officer at Dorset Council on another matter and is concerned that this forthcoming application could be determined without input from the Conservation Officer. At Cllr Morgan’s suggestion Dorset Cllr Brenton agreed to raise this with Dorset Council.

The Parish Clerk reported on correspondence with the council’s insurers over the resurrection of a claim in respect of a flooding incident at Caroline cottage which had occurred in December 2019. This matter had been very thoroughly investigated by a Loss Adjuster appointed by the council’s insurers during 2020 and appeared to have been resolved. In consequence, all of the paperwork compiled by that Loss Adjuster is being passed on to the person now handling this case. The council will be kept up to date with developments on this matter.

23. To note date of next meeting and items for future agendas.

The next full council meeting is scheduled to take place online on Wednesday 24th March 2021 at 7pm.

The meeting closed at 21:04 Annotated by/on ……………………………..Signed by……………………



Dorset Councillor report Feb 2021 – Cllrs Brenton and Starr

The Consultation on the Dorset Local Plan is up and running until March however there is criticism of the assumption that everyone has unlimited internet access and ability to cope with large files. It would be unmanageable on a smart phone. There are only 3 hard copies in each library and they have to be booked and collected and then isolated for 72 hours before they can be borrowed again. So highly unlikely to be used by many. There are questions tonight and generally asking that the Consultation is extended into the early summer to allow more public responses.

The Consultation is an unwieldy document with many supporting files and maps and it is unclear in places whether the housing numbers include or add on to numbers first published in the Purbeck Plan which is still not finalised as it is still in the office of the Examiner. The Green Belt Strategic Review is useful background reading, analysing the Green Belt of South East Dorset against the NPPF definitions, it does seem as though Lytchett Minster and Upton Green Belt area fills most of the criteria. There is a problem ongoing in Dorset that in order to reduce commuting miles with all that traffic and air pollution houses may need to be built on land which is at present designated as Green Belt.

The Plans for Town development are in many places out -dated, Covid and other events have made them irrelevant. Will we need so many High Street shopping outlets in future, should we concentrate on encouraging windfall and redevelopment of empty shops into housing or public open space? It also does not mesh well with the Climate Emergency Consultation and demands for a more green future, public space perhaps should be made more biodiverse leaving behind the formal tidiness of town planting and encouraging a more relaxed wildlife friendly style of planting suitable for hedgehogs and toads. Any road junction where traffic has to wait is prone to air pollution and dense shrub planting or hedges can trap NOx particles, so should be considered.

Please comment as individuals as well as a Town Council.

The Planning Application for the temporary dwelling at Symonds bottom was approved as necessary for care of livestock, however an Agricultural condition was put on that it was only for Livestock Worker and not for general resale.

There was an interesting meeting of the 20 is plenty campaign, and there may be more push by many communities to make Dorset think more favourably about changing speed limits in built up areas.

The Stour Valley and Poole Partnership was attended by Cllr Starr and Brenton but nothing relevant to Upton was discussed this time.

The Green Agenda was discussed in detail at the County Farms meeting with special interest in reducing Nitrogen run off to Poole Harbour. It is hoped that the enlarged sewage treatment plant in Sandford will also reduce Nitrogen entering Poole Harbour.

At the Full council I seconded Cllr B Ezzards amendment to the budget to ask to have a dedicated 100K towards Climate Change Actions on the ground. (All Climate change actions are hidden within General Highways and Place budgets.)

  • Cabinet Member for Environment and highways Ray Bryant’s reports on Climate Change actions
  • We’re installing 44 Electric Vehicle Charge points across the county, at no additional cost to the council.
  • We have changed to green energy in all our council owned properties where possible. This has increased our overall cost but was considered the right thing to do.
  • We’re currently consulting in Weymouth as part of Active Travel Highway Improvements on how to encourage safe walking and cycling along the harbour whilst maintaining vehicle access.

This comes from government funding of over £438,000

  • Our Low Carbon Dorset Programme – which helps businesses, community, and public sector organisations by stimulating growth in our low carbon economy and reducing the county’s footprint – was recently extended with an additional funding from the MHCLG of £5 million
  • As I announced in last month’s Cabinet meeting, we have already been successful in securing an offer of government funding to upgrade our properties to reduce our overall carbon footprint. The grant award is £18.79 million. This is out of a total of £51 million distributed under this scheme. This has come about by the close working of officers from different areas of the council. Well done team. When the work is complete we will see a reduction in energy costs. I would like to thank Cllr Shane Bartlett (Scrutiny Chairman) for the help I received when we faced an almost impossible task of achieving deadlines set down in the terms of this bid. This is a great example of cross party working for the benefit of the people of Dorset Councils area.
  • Last month, working alongside BCP Council, we began construction of the first sustainable travel route funded through the Transforming Travel – Transforming Cities Fund programme, which was made possible from government funding of £79 million
  • Our Weymouth Harbour & Esplanade Flood and Coastal Risk Management Strategy, which details how we will ensure that the town is protected from potential coastal flooding and erosion caused by climate change, requires massive investment from multiple sources in excess of £115million.

There is more publicity coming about encouraging the re-use of empty properties bringing them back into use. Many are owned by people in residential care homes and the properties are falling in to disrepair when they could be used by people needing homes.

Dorset has also purchased a residential girls school, St Marys Shaftesbury, it is a large site and possible uses include a centre or school for SEN Special needs children or/or a Children’s Home, and Sports Centre/Academy. The public has been asked for suggestions in a Consultation. This was a bit of a gamble but as the Council would like to bring back many fostered and ‘children in care’ back into the County (0ver 200) it was too good a chance to miss.

Generally Dorset is concentrating on Adult and Social care and supporting Children’s Services during a time when there is little money for new initiatives. If by keeping our cared for children closer we can save social worker costs and provide better care it may be good value. Unpaid carers can now claim free PPE from Dorset County. There is an online form or call 01305221000



Lytchett Matravers Parish Council February 2021

Feedback on Strategic Green Belt Assessment (Dec. 2020)


Lytchett Matravers lies within the South East Dorset Green Belt, which ‘in Purbeck serves to prevent coalescence of settlements through a westward sprawl of the Poole / Bournemouth conurbation’. This Green Belt designation was only established in 1980 and fully surrounds Lytchett Matravers as well as other villages to prevent that westward sprawl.

Since 1980, the village of Lytchett Matravers has doubled in size from around 800 homes to over 1,600 homes. Clearly, the designation established in 1980 has systematically been ignored and eroded.

Lytchett Matravers is a small village located on higher ground within the Green Belt that surrounds the Poole, Bournemouth and Christchurch conurbation. The elevation gives views from many parts of the village to Poole Harbour and the Purbeck Hills. The villages lies just off the A35, to the west of Corfe Mullen and north-east of Wareham.

The Purbeck Local Plan currently in an approval stage will add a further 150 homes (section 2.33). The Dorset Local Plan recently sent for consultation sets out an additional 200 homes.

Report Comments:

The report consistently refers to Lytchett Matravers as a town in Dorset and in some sections refers to it as one of ‘larger towns in Dorset’ (section 2.16). This is fundamental error by LUC which has then be used to skew the findings to allow further re-designation of the Green Belt surrounding Lytchett Matravers.

This bias is incorrect and is in contradiction with the quoted Purbeck Local Plan and the Lytchett Matravers Neighbourhood Plan; Lytchett Matravers is a rural Dorset village. Further this bias has allowed the report to justify its erosion of the Green Belt by incorrectly assigning ratings that are not aligned with a rural Dorset village.

Ratings Comments:

The report lists all the parcels of land surrounding Lytchett Matravers and assigns them ratings against the 5 Purposes.

· For all 27 parcels of land Purpose 1 (to check the unrestricted sprawl of large built-up areas) the rating is Weak/No.

· For all 27 parcels of land Purpose 2 (to prevent neighbouring towns merging into one another) the rating is Weak/No.

This is illogical; expansion in all directions cannot all be rated as Weak/No.

The report states that ‘the 1980 Structure Plan set out that Green Belt was established for the following two purposes:

  • to protect the separate physical identity of individual settlements in the area by maintaining wedges and corridors of open land between them; and
  • to maintain an area of open land around the conurbation’.

Therefore development of land to the east or south-east of Lytchett Matravers is in contravention of the purposes of the 1980 Green Belt legislation. Lytchett Matravers has a gap of around 2 miles to the developed edge of Corfe Mullen and around the same gap of 2 miles to the developed edge of Upton. That means that the land parcels LY7 to LY18 inclusive, which have an east or south-east facing boundary, have been incorrectly rated. Those parcels all have an east or south-east facing boundary and will erode the land between Lytchett Matravers and the conurbation.

This report perpetuates the slice by slice approach of all the previous studies as its justification for the erosion and removal of Green Belt. This slice by slice approach is without any doubt narrowing the gap to the conurbation.


Lytchett Matravers Parish Council February 2021

Feedback on Dorset Local Plan

Section 19 – Lytchett Matravers and Lytchett Minster

Summary of LMPC’s previous response to Purbeck Local Plan:

Emphasised the need to maintain the Green Belt gap between the village and the conurbation of Poole, so no development to the east, south east and south.

Emphasised the criteria to be applied to all new planned development:

· Must be sustainable and environmentally friendly. i.e. close to the village centre and within walking distance of local amenities

· Minimum of 40% affordable housing; residents with established village connection to get priority

· Maximum density of 25 dwellings per hectare to match the existing density of LM

· Minimum of 2 off road parking spaces

· Include safe pedestrian 20 mph home zones within new developments

· Include integrated green spaces/tree planting within each development

· Include easy access links to the surrounding countryside and village walks

· Promotion of new houses suitable for downsizing to allow older residents to remain in the village, thereby freeing up larger family properties

· Contribution to improved village infrastructure/amenities, sporting and recreation facilities and walking/cycling routes to both Poole and Wareham.

· To promote and contribute to new employment opportunities within the parish.

Paragraph Comments
19.1.2 The level of self-containment is medium. In addition to the amenity list given, the village also has a very active sports club/pavilion/3G pitch, Scout Hut, Youth Club, farmers market and a central large recreation ground.
19.2.1 The Lytchett Matravers Neighbourhood Plan was not permitted to promote any new development
19.3.1 There should not be any development to the south; this would be in contravention of Purpose 2 of the Strategic Green Belt Assessment published December 2020.
19.4.2 LM has a small parade of shops for principally local use. This parade is not a town centre and does not have the space for any significant enhancement.
19.5.2 The approval for the Huntick Road site did not provide a SANG.
19.5.3 There is no provision in the approved application for a new public right of way on this site
LYMT2 This site is in the emerging PLP and requires a nearby SANG.
LYMT3 This site is in the emerging PLP and requires a nearby SANG.
LYMT4 This site is in the emerging PLP and requires a nearby SANG.

Access to this site should be via Flowers Drove into to integrate into the townscape of that road. It would be in contravention of the LMNP to have back garden fences opposite established housing.

LYMT5 This site is outside the 30 mph limit and is situated on a dangerous bend.

The site is bounded by the existing Jubilee Walk and access will be required. In addition, directly opposite is the access to the SANG proposed for LYMT2/3/4 and a safe pedestrian crossing is required to connect to that SANG.

Pedestrian access is required to Wareham Road alongside Freeland Park for access to village centre.

19.5.16 This valley is subject to frequent flooding. In addition, there is a chronic history of the pumping station downstream being overloaded and allowing sewage to flow into the adjacent fields.

The landowner has already removed the described band of trees that did not have a TPO.

LYMT6 This would be in contravention of Purpose 2 of the Strategic Green Belt Assessment published December 2020.

No consideration has been given to the inadequate capacity of the foul and surface drainage of the site, which regularly overflows today.

This site would need pedestrian links to Deans Drove, Wareham Road, Glebe Road and Foxhills Road.

This site would require integrated green spaces, playgrounds and recreational facilities.

19.5.18 The LM plan for the site adjacent to the school will contain an additional full size pitch, a half size pitch, a 3G 5-a-side pitch, 2 tennis courts with a sports pavilion with changing rooms, refreshment and leisure facilities. This complex will be linked to the school facilities to provide an additional sporting and leisure centre for the village. It will also provide car parking for both school/parent use during school times and parking for sports/leisure facility users during evenings/weekends.
LYMT7 This site to include car parking for 30+ cars.

Pedestrian access to Eldons Drove to link with the LM Safe Route to School.

Contribution to the planned to the sports/leisure facilities described above.


Village Centre Working Group – Summary Report February 2021

Working Group Objective:

To provide a safe green integrated route through the village from Ancott Close, across the Recreation Ground, along Eldons Drove and to the Primary School (Eldons Drove Lane).

Working Group Participants:

Rob Carswell, Ken Morgan, Alf Bush, Andrew Huggins


1. Revised paths between the Library and shops linking to new High Street crossing

2. Wider path across Recreation Ground around Rocket Park to a graded, wide path through the trees to Eldons Drove; safety barriers at end of path (Pond Walk)

3. Marked pedestrian paths and traffic signage on Eldons Drove

4. School Walk – Path to access the rear of the primary school field from Eldons Drove

5. Pharmacy Steps & surroundings – improvements/landscaping


· DC Highways agreement on type of High Street crossing point and exact spec.

· DC Highways confirmation plan is included in 2021/22 LTP

· DC Highways confirmation of pathway spec. along Eldons Drove and inclusion in 2021/22 LTP

· Legal agreement between all parties for works permissions.

Status/Next Steps:

· Pond Walk – Path through woods to Eldons Drove open and 95% complete (awaiting a good-weather window to finish a soft spot), plus 1 bench to be permanently installed on suitable base.

· School Walk – Surface complete. Awaiting DC & adjacent landowner acceptance to fit barrier gate.

· LMPC to write to affected Eldons Drove houses advising of new pathway plan.

· LMPC to replace Pharmacy steps and renovate the surrounding area:

· Legal agreement signed by the main parties.

· Contractor scheduled to start work end of March 2021.

· LMPC to arrange insurance for site works (or check that is within the scope of existing insurance).

· LMPC to arrange signage alerting to works.

· LMPC to liaise with Tesco re timing of works.

Financial Forecast:

(£000’s, excluding VAT)

2020-21 2021-22 2022-23
Expense to date 98
Forecast 8 [1]
Total 98 8


Climate Change Emergency (CCE) Working Group – Summary Report, February 2021

Working Group Objective:

Following the Parish Council declaration of a Climate Change Emergency, identify, assess, and implement measures within the parish to reduce the carbon footprint of both LMPC and the community.

Working Group Participants:

Rob Carswell, Ralph Watts, Alf Bush, Beverly Barker, Roger Ong, Rosemary Russell, Adrian Russell, Max Scott, Matt Alexander


1. Sports Pavilion upgrade with Low Carbon Dorset. The ‘whole building’ upgrade includes new doors, cavity wall & loft insulation, Solar PV, ASHP (Air source heat pump) to replace space & water heating system.

2. Youth Hall – upgrades.

3. Parish tree planting program.


· Acceptance of grant application in order to proceed with upgrades.

· Tree Policy needs to be in place.

Status/Next Steps:

· Sports Pavilion – Salix grant application rejected. Resume Low Carbon Dorset (LCD) application for 40% funding.

· Youth Hall – Salix Application rejected. Project put on hold.

· Tree programme and policy to be moved to the new to VEWG (Village Environment Working Group)

Financial Forecast:

(£000’s, excluding VAT)

2020-21 2021-22 2022-23
Expense to date 0
Forecast 34(1)
Total 0 34

(1) Sports Pavilion – Low Carbon Dorset grant = 40% contribution.


Huntick Road Cyclepath Working Group – Summary Report, February 2021

Working Group Objective:

To provide a dedicated safe cycle route to Lytchett Minster School and on to Poole from the village.

Working Group Participants:

Andrew Huggins, Alf Bush


1. The requirement for a dedicated cyclepath was included in the Lytchett Matravers Neighbourhood Plan and was unanimously approved at the referendum and subsequently adopted by Purbeck D.C.

2. The proposed route starts at the Rose & Crown crossroads and goes down Huntick Road. Preliminary agreement has been reached with Highways and the landowner to the north of Huntick Road.

3. The final stage from the Race Farm junction to Post Green and/or Dorchester Road is to be finalised.

4. The initial 180m from the R&C junction will be included as part of the Wyatt/Morrish development in Huntick Road. That development has now started.

5. LMPC to complete the next section to Jubilee Walk (linked to Selbys Yard decision).


· DC Highways confirmation on the full route, particularly after Race Farm.

· Confirmation of the LTP commitment within the Purbeck Local Plan, which includes the requirement for both DC and the developers to provide 150k each for local transport needs. This would be earmarked for the cycylepath.

· Outcome of the planning application for Selbys Yard to include short section along their frontage.

Status/Next Steps:

· Met with LM and Upton Council + S Mepham 9 Feb (Zoom). LM+U want a path Randalls Hill to Courtyard. Some issues with narrow and flooding verges – they are investigating land ownership. That path could link to the Huntick Cyclepath for complete route to Poole/Wareham.

· Suggested to SM the possibility of taking up 1m verge either side of road to create 2m Cyclepath and shifting Huntick Road sideways. Viable depending on services underground.

· Discussed first 180m with Wyatts/Morrish Site Manager and confirmed 3m width, probably across full width of site frontage on Huntick Road.

· Contact affected Huntick Road houses advising of new cyclepath plan, including Selbys Yard decision.

· Reassessment of preferred surface and width from Jubilee Walk onwards.

· Dorset Council to receive report from their Highways consultant (WSP), on options for routing etc. PC have requested this be a joint review.

· LM+U to pursue a path at bottom end to meet up with Huntick Cyclepath near Kitchermans cottage.

Financial Forecast:

(£000’s, excluding VAT)

2020-21 2021-22 2022-23
Expense to date
Forecast 30 150
Total 30 150


Village Environment Working Group – Summary Report February 2021

Working Group Objective:

To identify areas of concern/opportunity within the physical environment of the Village and propose responses.

Working Group Participants:

Ken Morgan, Alf Bush, Andrew Huggins , Karen Korenevsky, Rob Carswell,


1. Rocket Park + Fosters Spring Play Area winter surface problems.

2. Foxhills Paths

3. Monitor Footpaths – In-Village and Out-of-Village

4. Rec – Opportunities for rough play area, landscaping works, tree planting, benches + picnic tables

5. Rec – Opportunities for recreation + exercise facilities – Outdoor gym, Petanque, Ball Court.

6. Finger post Renovations + other street scene ‘municipal clutter’ improvements

7. Wareham Rd/School traffic/parking + general Highways liaison

8. Biodiversity Opportunities – e.g. Eldons Drove Pond.

9. Trees – Management, Protection, New planting, Dedication +Sponsorship.

10. Frys Close paved ‘desert’ improvement opportunity.


· Ownerships

· Statutory undertakings/underground/overhead services.

· DC/EA Approvals

Status/Next Steps:

· Rocket Park additional chippings – 27.2.21

· Pond Area + Dog Walk Brambles clearance ordered for this month – pre bird nesting.

· Detailed design + Spec for Foxhills to be finalised and tenders invited. Completion Target June

· Frys Close – research ownership/status.

· Sketch designs/ideas for the listed projects, consider priorities + budget estimates.

Financial Forecast:

(£000’s, excluding VAT)

2020-21 2021-22 2022-23
Expense to date 0 0 0
Forecast £1.2k £40k ??????
Total £1.2K £40k ??????


Policy Document


February 2021

The content of this policy may be revised as necessary at the discretion of Lytchett Matravers Parish Council (LMPC).

1. Trees on Parish Council owned or leased land

If necessary, we will arrange for the removal of:

  • dead, dying, and dangerous trees
  • damaged and dangerous limbs
  • limbs which are obscuring highway signs or lamps
  • limbs which are interfering with telephone lines, subject to confirmation from service provider

We do not remove healthy branches or trees:

  • that overhang private property.
  • that affect views or interfere with TV reception.
  • that affect solar collection arrays.
  • that are dropping seasonal debris.
  • that are nearly touching buildings, walls, and roofs.
  • that block light.
  • that are high in relation to nearby property.
  • next to or that interfere with electricity cables (contact Southern Electric on 0800 688 588 or plantprotection@cadentgas.com).

Residents may be permitted to carry out tree works on trees on council land or engage a contractor to do so at their own expense provided that:

  • advance permission is obtained from the Parish Council and you notify us of the commencement date
  • the tree is not protected by a tree preservation order (TPO).
  • the work done is not detrimental to tree health or stability (please obtain advice from a qualified tree surgeon).
  • the work is carried out to an acceptable standard (British Standard Recommendations for Tree Work BS 3398:2010).
  • vegetation or branches are cut back within your boundary if the tree is less than 25 centimetres (10 inches) in diameter.
  • the tree has not been deliberately planted and is not a significant feature of the environment or contribution to the amenity.

Parish Council owned or leased land includes:

  • Allotments site at Castle Farm Road
  • Foxhills Open Space
  • Lytchett Astro site
  • Old School Green
  • Recreation Ground
  • Row Park Cemetery
  • Row Park Paddock
  • Turbetts Green

Removal of branches larger than 25cm (10 inches) in diameter may not be desirable because:

  • the tree will be damaged or unbalanced and made dangerous by the removal of a large branch
  • the remainder will be unsightly and lead to a request to later fell the tree
  • there is a risk to residents’ safety if a major work is attempted

If a tree surgeon is employed to undertake tree surgery, they may need access to council land to climb the tree. In this case proposed works need to be agreed, and the parish council will need to have sight of the tree surgeon’s public liability insurance and qualifications to undertake the work.

If you have concerns about a tree on Parish Council land, please contact the Parish Clerk using the contact details given at the end of this document.

2.Tree damage to property

If you believe a tree on Parish Council owned or leased land is causing damage to your property, please contact the Parish Clerk using the telephone number or email address given at the end of this document. Please provide as much information as possible.

3.Privately owned trees with preservation order

A tree preservation order (TPO) is an order made by Dorset Council to protect trees that are privately owned and make a significant contribution to the amenity of an area. Find out more about TPOs here: https://www.dorsetcouncil.gov.uk/countryside-coast-parks/countryside-management/tree-management/tree-preservation-orders/tree-preservation-orders.aspx

4.Overhanging vegetation

Dorset Council has a duty to ensure that all users of the highway have safe unobstructed passage. This includes all publicly maintained roads and pavements together with public rights of way (footpaths and bridleways). If there is a conflict between a leafy street and the safety of highway users, safety will prevail.

5.How you can help

  • Keep vegetation cut back to the boundary of your property.
  • Take green waste to the local household Recycling Centre or register for the Dorset Council (payable) garden waste collection service.
  • Inform Dorset Council if you know about vegetation growing from a private property obstructing the highway. Use the form at this website: https://dorset-self.achieveservice.com/service/report-a-hedge–tree-or-verge-issue

6.Commemorative & Dedication Trees

Lytchett Matravers Parish Council (LMPC) recognises the wish of residents for Commemorative & Dedication Trees and will consider applications for planting trees on land owned by the Parish Council for this purpose, subject to the terms set out in the “COMMEMORATIVE & DEDICATION TREES + DONATED TREES” policy document.

7.Donated Trees


Lytchett Matravers Parish Council (LMPC), in line with our declaration of a climate emergency, recognises that trees can provide an important function in sequestering CO2. Planting trees can help offset atmospheric CO2 levels and should form part of the council’s future thinking. Further information can be found in our COMMEMORATIVE & DEDICATION TREES + DONATED TREES” policy document.

8. Parish Council Contact details

Parish Clerk, Parish office, Vineyard Close, Lytchett Matravers BH16 6DD

Telephone: 07824 829491

Email: lytchettmatravers@dorset-aptc.gov.uk

(Revised Feb 2021)



Adopted by Full Council 24th February 2021

The Parish Council’s ‘Management of Trees’ policy contains the following policies, which are detailed in this document:

Section 6 ‘Commemorative & Dedication Trees’

Section 7 ‘Donated Trees’


The content of this policy may be revised as necessary at the discretion of Lytchett Matravers Parish Council (LMPC).

1. Introduction

Lytchett Matravers Parish Council (LMPC) recognises the wish of residents for Commemorative & Dedication Trees and will consider applications for planting trees on land owned by the Parish Council for this purpose.

2. Objectives

This policy has been produced with the following guiding principles: –

· To establish responsibility for the purchasing, planting, and protecting of dedicated trees.

· To establish responsibility for the maintenance, repair, and replacement of dedicated trees.

· To ensure that dedicated trees are not out of place in the area in which they are situated.

3. General

· All applications for dedication trees should be made using the Dedication Tree Application form.

· All trees must be paid for by the applicant prior to purchase and installation by LMPC.

· If not already disclosed, LMPC will inform the applicant of the price on receipt of an application form.

· The purchase of the Dedication Tree entitles the person to have a 300mm x 300mm stone plaque by the tree.

· LMPC will attempt to accommodate the wishes of applicants but may limit the number of trees in a particular area.

· Trees will be purchased & planted by LMPC, and adequately protected.

· LMPC accepts no responsibility if a tree is damaged, vandalised or stolen.

· LMPC reserves the right to remove trees at any time.

· No additional mementos e.g. vases, statues, flowers, wreaths, balloons, or other ornamentation etc., shall be permitted on or around the tree. These will be removed without reference to the original applicant.

· LMPC will be responsible for the care and watering of the tree for its first year.

4. Eligibility for a Dedication Tree

· Residents within the Parish of Lytchett Matravers (past or present).

· Those who have been employed within the Parish of Lytchett Matravers (past or present).

· Groups or organisation that are based within the Parish of Lytchett Matravers (past or present).

5. Trees that are suitable

o English Oak (Quercus robur)

o Scots Pine (Pinus sylvestris)

o Sweet Chestnut (Castanea saliva)

o Whitebeam (Sorbus aria)

o Hawthorn (Crataegus)

o Field Maple (Acer campestre)

Trees will be chosen by LMPC, in discussion with the applicant, to fit into the planting scheme of an area.

6. Memorial Plaques

· Square stone plaques are permitted to be set into the ground at the base of the tree. Plaques should be no larger than 300mm x 300mm and should be a minimum of 50mm thick. Stones should be pale, and either limestone or sandstone, in order to retain consistency. Further detail can be obtained from the Parish Clerk.

· [May be removed in final draft] LMPC will order the plaque on behalf of the applicant to make sure all plaques follow the design standard.

· LMPC will need to approve all wording on plaques.

· LMPC will install the stone plaque.

· [May be removed in final draft] Plaques cost £200+VAT

7. Notes

· LMPC have the right to refuse an application if the area is deemed full, the request is not for an area approved by LMPC for a dedication tree, or the applicant(s) are deemed to be ineligible.

· LMPC will hold details of Dedication Tree ‘owners’ on file for the sole purpose of administration of the Dedication Tree scheme and to contact the applicant if there are any issues with their tree.

Annexe – Lower Rec Car Park

A “pilot” Dedication Tree project is to be used to assess suitability using trees that are already planted in the new lower recreation ground car park. Figure 1.0 shows a tree plan with the trees available for ‘sponsorship’:

Figure 1.0

The cost to sponsor a tree are as follows:

· Trees T1 – T8 = £250

· Feature Oak = £500


Lytchett Matravers Parish Council (LMPC), in line with our declaration of a climate emergency, recognises that trees can provide an important function in sequestering CO2. Planting trees can help offset atmospheric CO2 levels and should form part of the council’s future thinking.


LMPC will consider offers of donated trees based on their suitability to the chosen site. Suitability relates to species as well as size of the tree.

Sites are divided into 3 categories:

  • Medium Scale (Parish Council owned fields and open spaces, e.g. recreation ground)
  • Small Scale (Parish Council owned areas of smaller green space, e.g. Foxhills Open Space, Old School Green)
  • Road Verges (Dorset Council owned, Highways approval required)

Species of Tree

· LMPC will determine what tree species are suitable for each site, based on consultation with any relevant bodies. A list of tree species deemed suitable for the conditions in Lytchett Matravers:

o English Oak (Quercus robur)

o Scots Pine (Pinus sylvestris)

o Sweet Chestnut (Castanea saliva)

o Whitebeam (Sorbus aria)

o Whitethorn/Hawthorn (Crataegus)

o Field Maple (Acer campestre)

Generally, Medium Scale sites (and some small-scale sites) could accommodate trees that grow very large at maturity. Smaller tree species would be better suited for verges.

Who Plants the tree?

LMPC will appoint a contractor to plant all trees on Dorset Council land. On LMPC land either LMPC’s contractor or the benefactor will plant the tree(s), subject to approval by LMPC.

Who is responsible for the trees?

LMPC will be responsible for trees on its and Dorset Council’s land. However LMPC accepts no responsibility if a tree is damaged, vandalised or stolen. In case of damage & disease, LMPC will replace trees at its discretion.


Policy Name: Defibrillator Acquisition and Management

Policy Reference: D/16

Approval Date: February 24, 2021

Review Date: February, 2022

1. Overview/Purpose

The Parish Council wish to establish a network of public access defibrillators (PADs) within the parish to provide emergency interim support for those persons suffering sudden cardiac arrest.

These PADs will be in accessible public places public and can be used by any member of the public, resident or not.

2. Definitions

A PAD is a device that gives a high energy electric shock to the heart of someone who is in cardiac arrest. This high energy shock is called defibrillation, and it’s an essential part in trying to save the life of someone who’s in cardiac arrest.

3. Requirements

The Parish Council will:

· Establish on a best-efforts basis a network of PADs within the village so that access can be as timely as possible.

· Map out PAD coverage across the village in conjunction with other providers to establish this network and publish the village PAD network to maximise accessibility.

· Register their owned PADs with South Western Ambulance Service and submit regular monitoring reports.

· Maintain their owned PADs in accordance with the manufacturer’s instruction, including replacement of parts due to either age or usage.

· Insure their owned PADs against damage to minimise non-operational availability.

4. Roles & Responsibilities

The Parish Council will:

· Identify locations to provide optimum coverage and seek to install a PAD either owned or through another village organisation

· Provide training on an annual basis for residents.

· Ensure PADs are maintained and serviced as required

· Act as the liaison between the various PAD providers and organisations within the village with the aim of ensuring a coordinated functioning accessible network.

5. Related Policies


6. Revision History


7. Annexes

Other local organisations providing PADs:

– Tesco Express, 1-3, Purbeck Parade, LM BH16 6BQ (24×7)

– Lytchett Matravers Sports Club, High Street, LM, BH16 6BG (during opening hours)

Other organisations with defibrillators

– Lytchett Matravers Primary School, Wareham Road, LM BH16 6DY (during school hours)

Adopted: 24 February 2021


Lytchett Matravers Parish Council – Public Defibrillator Agreement

This agreement is made the day of 2021


(1) Lytchett Matravers Parish Council of Lytchett Matravers Parish Office, Vineyard Close, Lytchett Matravers, BH16 6DD (“LMPC”)

(2) The Chequers Public House of 75 High Street, Lytchett Matravers, BH16 6BJ (“The Chequers”)


1. LMPC wish to provide a secure location within Lytchett Matravers for the hosting and operation of a public defibrillator.

2. The Chequers agree to grant their premises as such a location on a voluntary basis for the benefit of the community


This agreement is perpetual but may be ended by either party by providing 2 months written notice to the other party (address as above).

Liability Excluded:

This agreement implies no responsibility either on the part of LMPC or on the part of The Chequers in the usage of the defibrillator in any emergency or the provision of emergency first aid such information being part of the service provided through the Emergency Services on 999 and through any physical attendance by the Emergency Services.


Both LMPC and The Chequers warranty not to maintain or publish records or any details of any person(s) operating the defibrillator nor of the casualty it was used on.

Responsibilities of LMPC:

· The defibrillator and cabinet are the property of LMPC and LMPC will insure both the defibrillator and cabinet.

· LMPC will undertake at their own expense the installation of both the defibrillator and the cabinet by a qualified electrician in accordance with manufacturer’s recommendations.

· LMPC will configure the cabinet to provide appropriate environment for the defibrillator according to defibrillator manufacturer recommendations.

· LMPC will arrange regular monitoring of the condition of the defibrillator ensuring it is ready for use, either manually or by a remote management service.

· LMPC will arrange to report to the selected registration service on the status of the equipment.

· LMPC will undertake at their own expense any remedial electrical or other physical repair work necessary including replacement of any or all components including the battery if required.

· LMPC will undertake at their own expense periodic replacement of electrode pads and other consumables.

· LMPC will undertake at their own expense to carry out an annual inspection of the Defibrillator, Cabinet and installation to verify readiness.

· LMPC will hold all installation and maintenance records related to the defibrillator and cabinet, copy to be provided to The Chequers.

· LMPC will provide access codes to The Chequers for emergency back-up use.

· LMPC will undertake at its own expense periodic public training sessions.

Responsibilities of The Chequers

· The Chequers will select the defibrillator and cabinet installation location subject to approval of LMPC.

· The Chequers will obtain approval of LMPC prior to any installation location changes.

· The Chequers will as part of the installation provide mains electrical power, this power being used to maintain heating and cooling within the cabinet to preserve battery life (power consumption is minimal).

· The Chequers will immediately inform LMPC of any damage to the cabinet or equipment or of any reason to believe the equipment is not functional.

· The Chequers will provide permanent WiFi connectivity for external monitoring of the status of the defibrillator (data usage is minimal).

· The Chequers will immediately inform LMPC of any change in WiFi connectivity or status.

· The Chequers will immediately inform LMPC of any use of the defibrillator so that the equipment can be cleaned, checked, restocked and reinstated in the cabinet as soon as possible.

Signed on behalf of Lytchett

Matravers Parish Council


Parish Council Chairman


Clerk to the Parish Council

Signed on behalf of The Chequers

Public House


The Chequers Proprietor


The Chequers Proprietor


Defib Update

21 Feb 2021

Cllr Andrew Huggins

We have 3 Public Defibs in Lytchett:

1) Tesco

2) Phone Box Opposite School

3) Front wall of Chequers Pub

1) Following meeting with Alf, Alan and Vicky at Tesco, Tesco have now agreed to fully managed their Defib and cabinet. They have recently replaced the out of date pads and undertaken the regular reporting to SWAST. We have provided them with our notes on the routine checks that should be performed – but really this is now 100% over to them.

2) Phone Box Opposite School: Recent checks shows that the keypad on the cabinet was faulty such that the code to open it couldn’t be entered other than with the Administrator Emergency Code. I am awaiting a replacement keypad from Netherlands, for the cabinet which I will fit once it is released from customs. As a workaround for the cabinet, I have changed the access code to one that uses working digits/buttons. SWAST are informed of the new code.

3) Chequers Defib is in place and all OK.

Monitoring and Checks

Self-Check reporting

I have finally managed to configure the automated weekly “Self-Check” reporting to a web portal so we can see “online” whether the defibs are OK. This is no operational for Phone Box and Chequers (the Tesco one, as well as not being our responsibility, is a different model with different reporting process).

This monitoring is free for 12 months although it is costing us about £10/month for the internet connection in the phone box – at Chequers we use the pub WiFi. This will run to Jan/Feb 2022 when we can consider whether we want to renew it (£250 for 10 years per unit – it seems a bargain, BUT the reporting is pretty limited – it only checks once/week so if the unit “goes faulty” 10 mins after the self-check it will not report the fault until a week later).

Physical monitoring:

Former Cllr Conor Maher, who is a Red Cross volunteer, has agreed to perform the monthly physical checks of the defibs at Chequers and Phone box to visually check that they are still in place, not damaged, and all in date. He has access to the web portal to view the online monitoring “self-checks”. He will also carry out the monthly report on SWAST website, and report by email to Tim that checks are done and if there are any points we need to address.

Agreement document:

Alf and I have worked on a “Memorandum of Understanding” Agreement document to be shared with Chequers and also a version will be shared with Aster in due course. The document is attached. Conor, as a solicitor, has briefly reviewed this and agrees that it is comprehensive.

Process document:

Alf and I have worked on a process document for how Defibs will be maintained. This will be shared for review in due course.


All access codes, contracts, registration numbers and details of the defibs are contained in a document held by the Tim.


1) Complete the repair of the phone box cabinet.

2) Sign the MoU agreement with Chequers.

3) We have a third “Council Defib and cabinet” and it was agreed with Aster Housing that it would go on the wall of Abbotts Court or Friars Court on Huntick Estate. I will make contact with Aster about getting this installed. Conor has agreed to add this to his checks.



Superfast Broadband Update

21 Feb 2021

Cllr Andrew Huggins

In Oct 2020 we leafletted about 250 houses (upper High street, Vineyard Close, Lime Kiln Road, Scutts Close, Charborough Close, Old Chapel Drive, the first few houses in Castle Farm Lane), as Dorset Superfast had identified these streets as having the poorest connections so being perfect candidate for the Rural Gigabit scheme.

Of them we had 35 Residential properties who have replied plus 11 where businesses operate form the properties. So based on the £2500 / £6000 voucher plus top-up, that gives us a £156000 voucher value, which I had hoped was sufficient to cover the cost of Openreach doing the install.

Last weekend Openreach came back with an offer of £274557 which would include 457 properties which they have listed. This was not what I had expected!

This list includes some roads which I had not previously leafletted as Dorset Superfast hadn’t indicated that there was particular problem with their connection. The additional roads their list included were:

Hopmans Close, Chequers Place, Fry Close, Flowers Drove, part of Wimborne Road, Huntick Estate, Purbeck Drive, Ballard Close, and, randomly, Palmers Orchard! (but not Eldon’s Drove).

There are a few other random addresses such as 2 in Foxhills Crescent, and Palmers Orchard.

So I have now leafletted of these additional streets. This week we have re-promoted it on the Parish Council website and on social media.

I have already received a further 15 responses, but I fear I will struggle to get the approx. 48 residentials ((£274557-£156000)/2500 =47.4)) (or a few less if we get some businesses) that we need to make the project viable. Which is really disappointing.

I have mailed my contact at Openreach to see if there is any “middle ground”, but I have had no reply yet, and I am not expecting one: They are simply proposing to make it available to all properties connected to 2 particular Green Cabinets and technically that does make sense.

I mentioned this to our MP’s office, as they frequently contact me for updates, and they have kindly offered to mailshot the 457 properties (less those who have responded to date) this week, to try to drum up more interest. I am now more optimistic!

The current Voucher scheme closes end March so we can decide “Go” or “No Go” at March Full Council depending on how many more enquiries we receive. We will have no time then to “ask further questions”.

If we don’t make this scheme, there is a new scheme following – I don’t have full details yet although Openreach have said BH16 6 would be in scope. However I am told repeatedly that the current scheme has been very popular so I don’t expect the next scheme will be any more generous than the current one.


Full Minutes 210224 (Word)

Full Council minutes 24 February 2021