Minutes of the Annual Meeting of LYTCHETT MATRAVERS PARISH COUNCIL

Wednesday 25th May 2022 at 7:00 in the Blanchard Room at the Village Hall.

PRESENT were A Bush (Council Chair), M Attridge, R Aspray, B Barker, A Huggins, K Korenevsky, K Morgan and Mr T Watton (Parish Clerk).

Also present: Dorset Cllrs A Brenton and A Starr. One member of the public.

PUBLIC PARTICIPATION SESSION (Standing orders suspended)

A resident asked about the level of usage of the car charging points. Cllr Bush responded by referring to the latest available monthly management report from JoJu Ltd, which showed 280KwH usage over the month of March.


A report was submitted by Dorset Cllr Alex Brenton, a copy of which is associated at Appendix 1 to these minutes.

Cllr Morgan asked what responses Cllr Brenton had received to the second of the two questions she had posed to the DC Planning Department during the Dorset Council AGM. This concerned when members can expect a protocol which requires information, before planning applications are submitted or as part of such submissions, covering:

  • Building techniques which reduce wastage and excess concrete use,
  • Solar energy capture from roof tiles or garden array,
  • Passive heat systems – ground or air source heat pumps,
  • Rainwater collection and storage and reuse,
  • Permeable outside ground coverings (drives and patios)
  • Most Councillors on Dorset Planning Committees believe we urgently need a Policy on Carbon Footprint of all new buildings.

In response to Cllr Morgan’s question, Dorset Cllr Brenton advised that she has been told that DC Planning Department are working on this and that this information will become part of the application pack.

In response to an observation by Cllr Korenevsky, Cllr Brenton also remarked that she understood that the reed bed stormwater mitigation work by Wessex Water is expected to be completed in 2024.

1. To receive and consider apologies for absence.

Cllrs V Abbott, H Khanna, and P Webb.

2. Election of Council Chair and receipt of declaration of acceptance of office.

Cllr Bush was nominated. There being no other nominations Cllr Bush was duly ELECTED and signed the Acceptance of Office accordingly.

3. Election of Council Vice Chair and receipt of declaration of acceptance of office.

Cllr Huggins was nominated. There being no other nominations Cllr Huggins was duly ELECTED and signed the Acceptance of Office accordingly.

4. To receive any declarations of interest, and consider any requests for Special Dispensations under Section 33 of the Localism Act 2011.


5. To receive and resolve to approve minutes of Council meeting held on 27th April 2022.

It was RESOLVED by all present to approve the minutes as a true record of the meeting.

6. To receive and consider reports of past subject matters (for the purposes of report only).

It was RESOLVED to receive and note the contents of the following report, which had been prepared and circulated in advance of the meeting by the Parish Clerk. Italics below indicate additional comments made during the meeting.

  1. Minute 21, 22nd September 2021 – signage for BMX / cycle dirt track. Following the inspection carried out by a RoSPA safety inspector, both the inspection report and the requirements of the Council’s insurers were considered at the Finance & Gen Purposes Committee meeting on 11th May (minute 8). As a result recommendations have been put forward for consideration by the Full Council under agenda item 11.1 at the May Full Council meeting. Once these matters are decided upon the signage will be erected.
  2. Minute 7.1, Full Council 27th April 2022 – demolition of bus shelter opposite war memorial, Lime Kiln Rd. Stage 1, removal of asbestos roof. The Parish Clerk had contacted a specialist asbestos contractor to obtain a quote for this work and a quote of £595.00 excluding VAT was received for this work. The Council APPROVED this to go ahead.
  3. Minute 7.2, Full Council 27th April 2022 – Purchase of replacement litter bin for Rocket Park. The Parish Clerk has obtained a quote for a bin of an identical design to the others on the recreation ground. A “groundlock” fixing suitable for grass areas had been agreed after discussion between the Parish Clerk and the Council Chair and Vice Chair.
  4. Minute 7.3, Full Council 27th April 2022 – replacement of the elderly rectangular bin adjacent to the upper car park located approx. halfway between the Sports Pavilion and the Village Hall. The Parish Clerk has obtained a quote for a bin of an identical design to the others on the recreation ground. A concrete fixing had been agreed after discussion between the Parish Clerk and the Council Chair and Vice Chair.
  5. Minute 14, Full Council 27th April 2022, bullet point 2 – insurance cover for the two events to celebrate the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee. The Council’s insurers have consulted the underwriters and confirmed that can extend the council’s cover to include this – for an additional premium payment of £351.68. A response has been sent to accept this.

7. Chair’s announcements (for the purposes of report only).

Cllr Bush made the following announcements:

  • Cllr Colvey has decided to stand down as a Parish Council member. He will however continue to serve the community though community membership of Working Groups.
  • He paid tribute to Cllr Colvey’s service to the community both as a long serving Parish Council member which included two periods as Chair and also as a member of Purbeck District Council.
  • The Lighthouse Family Church has decided not to continue with its tenancy of Club Hall. Consequently maintenance responsibility for it will revert to the Parish Council. The LFC have indicated that if it is required they would be willing to leave the furniture and equipment in place. Some discussion then took place on the future use of this building; and it was agreed to publicise its availability on the website and social media. Members were encouraged to consider ideas for its use, and for publicising it, and to feed them back to Cllrs Bush and Barker.
  • That he would be attending, as LMPC’s representative, the Local Plan / Planning Transformation meeting given by Dorset Council on Friday 27th May.
  • A reminder of the arrangements for the Annual Parish Meeting, due to take place on Saturday 28th May commencing at 9:30am.

8. To consider appointments to DAPTC Area and Larger Councils Committees.

It was AGREED that the Council’s representatives for 2022/23 will be Cllrs Attridge and Aspray.

9. To consider appointments of Lytchett Matravers Youth Groups link, litter picking evens co-ordinator, Rights of Way (footpaths & bridleways etc) representative, and liaison roles to other village Organisations as required.

The following appointments were AGREED:

  • Youth Groups Link – Cllr Abbot or Cllr Khanna (to confirm)
  • Litter picks co-ordinator – Cllr Huggins
  • Rights of Way – Cllr Morgan
  • Village Hall – Cllr Abbot (to confirm)

10. To receive and note the content of the minutes of the Finance & General purposes committee meeting on 11th May 2022 (for purposes of report only).

It was RESOLVED to receive and note the contents of these draft minutes.

11. To consider the following recommendations from the Finance & General Purposes Committee

11.1 (F&GP Cttee 11 May 2022, minute 8) That routine weekly safety checks of the Benny Bumps BMX facility are added to the Village Handyman’s check sheets, and that Gould Groundworks be approached ask if they would be prepared to undertake six monthly inspection and maintenance visits, and to respond to ad hoc requests for maintenance work to this facility as necessary.


12. To consider planning application P/PADM/2022/02921 Taylors Farm Wimborne Road Lytchett Matravers Poole BH16 6HQ. Building to be replaced by proposed new garages.


13. To consider planning application P/CLE/2022/02881 (Cert of Lawfulness) Valley Farm Middle Road Lytchett Matravers Poole BH16 6HJ. The erection without planning permission of 3 storage/workshop buildings, an agricultural building, a music studio and a toilet block in the positions shown on the attached site plan.

It was noted that the site in question is within Green Belt outside of the Settlement Boundary – on agricultural land upon which various structures have been erected without planning permission and for which permitted Development Rights do not apply. Agricultural structures can only be justified where necessary for full time genuine agricultural enterprises. The Parish Council therefore wished to register an OBJECTION to this as such development of Green Belt is considered to be ‘harmful’.

14. To consider planning application P/CLE/2022/02911 (Cert of Lawfulness) Valley Farm Middle Road Lytchett Matravers Poole BH16 6HJ. A mixed use comprising the fabrication and repair of horsedrawn vehicles (caravans, carts and wagons); the display and sale of bric-a-brac and collectables; open storage of assorted items including vehicles and portakabins; hobby farming and music festivals within the areas identified on the attached use plan.

It was noted that the site in question is within Green Belt outside of the Settlement Boundary – on agricultural land upon which various structures have been erected without planning permission and for which permitted Development Rights do not apply. Agricultural structures can only be justified where necessary for full time genuine agricultural enterprises. The Parish Council therefore wished to register an OBJECTION to this as such development of Green Belt is considered to be ‘harmful’.

15. To consider planning application P/FUL/2022/03203 Goresmead Cottage Foxhills Road Lytchett Matravers Dorset BH16 6BD. Retrospective planning permission for the access and hard surfacing.


16. To consider planning application P/HOU/2022/03204 Springfield Deans Drove Lytchett Matravers Poole BH16 6EQ. Raise roof of existing out-building and convert to annexe.

NO OBJECTION, subject to the velux type rooflights shown on the upper floor of the NW side of the conversion being of obscured glass to prevent overlooking of the neighbouring private garden area.

17. To receive a report from the Climate Change Emergency Working Group (for purposes of report only).

A summary report had been made available to all members ahead of this meeting and the contents were noted. A copy is associated at Appendix 2 to these minutes. It was noted that the TESLA Powerwall / battery has been installed and that all elements of the Pavilion project are now installed and functioning.

Cllr Morgan raised a point about the requirement for a vapour barrier or high volume extractor to be able to deal with the potentially large amounts of condensation generated in the roof space above the pavilion changing rooms / showers. Action: Cllrs Morgan and Bush to visit to examine / discuss this.

18. To receive a report from the Huntick Road Cycleway Working Group (for purposes of report only)

Nothing to report.

19. To receive a report from the Village Environment Working Group (for purposes of report only)

A summary report had been made available to all members ahead of this meeting and the contents were noted. A copy is associated at Appendix 3 to these minutes. It was highlighted that it is not clear yet whether the JK weed treatment has been fully successful. It was noted that the Village Hall Management Committee did not support the installation of any of the outdoor gym equipment on VH land – primarily because the space may be needed for other occasional hire events; i.e. it is of no direct benefit to the Village Hall and may detract from its interests.

20. Receive a report from the Neighbourhood Plan 2 Working Group (for purposes of report only).

A summary report had been made available to all members ahead of this meeting and the contents were noted. A copy is associated at Appendix 4 to these minutes. It was noted that a meeting of the Working Group had taken place during week commencing 16th May attended by Cllrs Bush and Webb and three members of the public – at which a status update had been given on the Purbeck Local Plan.

Cllr Aspray reported on his communication with Dorset Council’s Chris McDermott regarding a broadening of the Housing Needs Survey.

21. To receive a report from the Queens Jubilee Working Group (for purposes of report only).

A paper containing an update on the arrangements to date, together with an actions checklist, had been made available to all members ahead of this meeting. A copy is associated at Appendix 5 to these minutes. The following points were discussed / agreed:

  • The arrangements for a 3m safety barrier all around the beacon – plastic netting (Fletchamore / KK) plus road pins.
  • Height restriction barriers to be unlocked (AB)
  • Need to find out how to open the bollards at the VH end of the rec car park.
  • Cones for coning off area behind the stage for Sunday. AB has 10 x small cones.
  • Fish & Chip van to park in the upper car park parallel & next to the field boundary.
  • Ice cream van to park in the lower car park parallel to the field.
  • All members to continue to seek community volunteers to help with setting out / clearing up for both events.
  • The scouts will do a litter pick on Friday morning 3rd June.
  • DWP to provide 8 x large litter bins for both events @ £169. AGREED.
  • Surplus bags of litter will be retained for the regular pick up from ED car park on Thurs 9th / Fri 10th June.
  • Rec field grass will be cut Mon 30th / Tues 31st May.
  • AB will collect VH keys so that it is open from 7pm on Thursday 2nd June.
  • First aiders still to be found. SJA and EMS are unable to provide anyone.
  • The Pavilion home changing room will be used as the first aid room- complete with FA kit and defib.
  • Fire extinguishers – AB will collect from Club Hall.
  • It was agreed that the free PRS licence (applicable for <300 listeners) is sufficient.
  • On Sunday 5th June the organisers will be on site from 8am to enable set up.

22. To receive and consider the draft Internal Audit report for YE 31 Mar 2022 from Darkin-Miller Ltd

A copy of the report, annotated by the Parish Clerk with suggested management responses to the points raised by the Auditor, was made available to all Council members ahead of the meeting. Cllr Bush reported that in the meantime he and the Parish Clerk had discussed the report in detail and had identified two report items which required further discussion with the Auditor – i.e. points 4.1 – Budget and Precept setting, and point 10.3 – Reserves. It had been arranged that Cllr Bush would speak to the Auditor about these on Thursday 26th May.

23. To receive and consider the report of the review of the Council’s insurance; and to consider the recommendations in that report.

Cllr Huggins referred to a report and recommendations from himself and Cllr Webb which had been made available to members ahead of this meeting. A copy is associated at Appendix 6 to these minutes. After brief discussion it was RESOLVED to ACCEPT the report and its recommendations in full.

24. To resolve to approve the following payments already made:

To Whom For What Net VAT Total
Octopus Energy Sports Pavilion electricity charge for period 1st- 30th April 2022 56.51 2.83 59.34
British Telecom Office phone and broadband – Apr 2022 51.79 10.35 62.14
H2ECO Supply & installation of TESLA Powerwall at Sports Pavilion 8590.00 1718.00 10308.00

It was RESOLVED to approve the above payments already made.

25. To resolve to approve the following payments due:

To Whom For What Net VAT Total
T Watton Clerk’s salary – May 2022 (12 equal monthly payments by SO) – including agreed 2021/2022 salary increase, plus backdating to 1st April 2021. 1289.48 0.00 1289.48
HMRC PAYE & ENI 465.61 0.00 465.61
Dorset County Pension Fund LGPS pension contrib May 2022 475.64 0.00 475.64
T Homer Handyman duties, April 2022 61.75 0.00 61.75
Idverde Ltd Cemetery maintenance Apr 2022, Inv 10840571 330.75 66.15 396.90
Idverde Ltd Grass cutting, southern end of rec, 13th April 2022. Inv 10841008 31.20 6.24 37.44
BCP Council Inspection of BMX track inv no 12646180 255.00 51.00 306.00
BCP Council Annual inspection of play areas Inv 12650244 260.00 52.00 312.00
BCP Council Foxhills open space annual fee for maintenance inv 12650260 2579.00 515.80 3094.80
Shaw & Sons Ltd Supply of allotment rent receipt books (x 2) 41.39 8.28 49.67
DAPTC Couse fee – chairing meetings, A Huggins 25.00 0.00 25.00
DAPTC Annual subscription plus fee for increase in mailbox storage. 940.17 0.00 940.17
Information Commissioners Office Annual Data Protection renewal fee. 35.00 0.00 35.00
A Huggins Reimbursement for purchase of litter picker sticks 57.49 11.99 68.99
A Huggins Reimbursement for purchase of banners 95.73 0.00 95.73
M Colvey Reimbursement for purchase of refuse sacks for car park bins 8.49 1.70 10.19
T Watton Reimbursement for expenses & expenditure on behalf of Council 35.88 5.58 41.46
Groundwork UK Return of unspent balance of grant award. 1601.00 0.00 1601.00
Mr Christopher P Manning Performance etc at Jubilee “big picnic” 400.00 0.00 400.00
Alison Clare and David Mallinson Bagpiper performance at Jubilee beacon event 100.00 0.00 100.00

It was RESOLVED to approve all of the above payments.

26. To note any training undertaken by members or the Clerk in the past month (for purposes of report only).

There was none.

27. To note any decisions and / or action taken by Parish Clerk under “Openness of Local Government Bodies Regulations 2014”, Part 3, Paragraphs 6-10, Record of Decisions and Access to Documents (for purposes of report only).

Acceptance response sent to Zurich Insurance for the cover for the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee events for a premium of £351.68.

28. Correspondence (for purposes of report only).

The Parish Clerk reported on correspondence with a resident of Abbots Court concerning the overgrown hedge which is affecting the walkway between Wareham Rd and Abbots Court. The resident has confirmed that her garden boundary stops short of the offending hedge. The resident also commented that a street light in Abbots Court has been broken / out of action since she moved there in 2000.

29. To note date of next meeting and items for future agendas.

  • The next full council meeting is scheduled to take place on Wednesday 22nd June 2022 commencing at 7pm in the Blanchard Room at the Village Hall.
  • The Finance & General Purposes Committee meeting scheduled for Wednesday 8th June commencing at 7pm in the Blanchard Room at the Village Hall.

The meeting closed at 21:35

Annotated by/on ……………………………..Signed by……………………



Report to Lytchett Matravers Parish Council for 25th Mayl 2022

From Dorset Councillor Alex Brenton

1. Public Spaces Protection Order The Dorset Open Land Anti-Social Behaviour related PSPO offers an additional measure in preventing wildfires, following the devastating fire at Wareham Forest in May 2020 which destroyed over 220 hectares of the forest. This measure is supported by Dorset & Wiltshire Fire & Rescue Service, who emphasised they are committed to working with the council to protect these areas.

The signs are now up at entry points to Wareham Forest.

2. The Dorset Council AGM was held during week commencing 16th May. Climate rebellion protesters demonstrated outside the building with loud drumming and smoke bombs but the proceedings were not disrupted – unlike the previous month’s meeting. Cllr Val Pothecary was elected Chairperson and Cllr Barry Goringe elected vice-chair. There was a fairly heated discussion about the curtailment of democratic debate by the senior management because of the Grannies for the Future invasion of the Council Chamber.

At the meeting Cllr Brenton asked the following two questions on Planning Policy:

Question 1.

Since declaring a Climate and Ecological Emergency in 2019, Dorset Council has made substantial changes to the way the council operates, working towards being Carbon Neutral by2050. There is a welcome expansion of renewable energy schemes, the transport fleet is changing the use and procurement of vehicles.

However there is one area where Dorset is not preparing for a low carbon future and that is in Planning Policy and Procedure. We are still permitting new buildings which are not fit for the next 30 years. They are neither Carbon Neutral in building techniques or use by residents.

As a Planning Committee we are constantly told that we CANNOT demand Carbon reduction measures as we have no policy, and we cannot have a Policy until the Local Plan is agreed and accepted and even then it is subject to Government Building regulations which may or may not encourage these measures.

In our Planning Officers reports we have a nod to Climate Change – usually indicating whether there is a bus service or train station nearby, as though lower car use is the only solution.

If we can ask for biodiversity and environmental surveys, why can we not ask for a Dorset Protocol NOW which demands information before the application is accepted.


  • Building techniques which reduce wastage and excess concrete use,
  • Solar energy capture from roof tiles or garden array,
  • Passive heat systems – ground or air source heat pumps,
  • Rainwater collection and storage and reuse,
  • Permeable outside ground coverings (drives and patios)
  • Most Councillors on Dorset Planning Committees believe we urgently need a Policy on Carbon Footprint of all new buildings.

When can we expect this to be delivered?

Question 2

Every new building involves more impermeable covered space increasing rainfall run off and every dwelling produces sewage. Natural England is concerned that mitigation measures to stop eutrophication are not enough, In the meantime, planning permission will only be granted if Dorset Council can be satisfied that it will not lead to an adverse effect upon the integrity of a protected habitat as a consequence of the impact of nutrient enrichment upon water quality.

All properties in my ward drain eventually into the Poole Harbour basin.

Can I assume that as our pumping and treatment plant in Lytchett Matravers already overflows regularly and cannot cope with existing flows that NO New Buildings will be permitted in Lytchett Matravers for the foreseeable future?

Planning. Answer.

Council has been working with Natural England and other partners in developing nutrient mitigation strategies for affected catchments, but where development proposals in affected catchments are unable to demonstrate that they are able to mitigate adverse effects, planning permission will be refused.

Further clarification is being sought from Natural England on various details, in particular around the suitability of current nutrient mitigation strategies in the Poole Harbour catchment for dealing with the impact of phosphorus. In the meantime, planning permission will only be granted if Dorset Council can be satisfied that it will not lead to an adverse effect upon the integrity of a protected habitat as a consequence of the impact of nutrient enrichment upon water quality.

In other words -no one really knows. But several Committee meetings have been cancelled as reports have to be re-written.

3. Community and Culture Project Fun The third round of the Community and Culture Project Fund, which is managed by Dorset Council, is now open and welcoming applications for projects and events for community, arts, accredited museums, heritage, sport, youth, play and physical activity.

The grants are designed to kick-start new activities that will benefit the local community and offer support to marginalised and disadvantaged groups in the Dorset council area.

Not for profit groups are welcome to apply for the grant, which can fund up to £5,000 towards a project that will have a social impact and support local communities and hard to reach groups.

The South West has the longest ambulance waiting times in the country for emergency calls – a typical response will take nearly 15 minutes longer than in the north-west, the second worst performing region. I have not heard that Dorset is worse than other surrounding counties.

4. Bus Back Better has not been allocated any government funds. In total, 70+ areas submitted bids, with only 41 of them successful in securing funding. Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole were awarded £8.9m, Cornwall £13.3m and Devon £14.1m. North Somerset also received a cash boost. So sadly we cannot expect any great change to our inadequate bus services.

DORSET’S road are “vastly superior” to many areas in the country and compare favourably to neighbouring counties according to Cllr Ray Bryan Cabinet member for Highways and Environment. He said. The council was also doing all it could, in its highways work, to help reduce carbon emissions, partly by experimenting with new materials for road re-surfacing and new ways of working. One of these includes low-carbon asphalt which, although the up-front costs were much the same as the traditional material, the make-up of the material meant it required less energy to produce and lay, with the evidence so far, suggesting that it would last just as long as traditional asphalt. There has been a 40% rise in cost of bitumen for roads.


Climate & Ecological Emergency Working Group – Summary Report, May 2022

Working Group Objective:

Following the Parish Council declaration of a Climate Change Emergency, identify, assess, and implement measures within the parish to reduce the carbon footprint of both LMPC and the community.

Working Group Participants:

Rob Carswell, Alf Bush


  1. Sports Pavilion full building upgrade with Low Carbon Dorset (LCD).
  2. Youth Hall full building upgrade – deferred until DC transfer and building business plan is approved.


  • Youth Hall Business Plan

Status/Next Steps:

Works already completed – the Sports Pavilion is fully functional with solar panels charging the battery and exporting to the grid.

· Finalise LCD grant payments

· SSE inspection and sign-off

· Finalise Octopus export tariff

· Monitor electricity usage to determine savings

· Plan for Youth Hall

Works to come:

· The Lighthouse Church is not renewing their licence for the Youth Hall. The building is ready for use and they are willing to donate most of the equipment, but we need to find a regular user group (s).

Financial Forecast:

(£000’s, excluding VAT)

2022-23 2023-24 2024-25
Expense to date 0 0 0
Forecast 8k less 3k LCD payment 0 0
Total 5k 0 0


Village Environment Working Group – Summary Report. May 2022

Working Group Objective:

To identify areas of concern/opportunity within the physical environment of the Village and propose responses. Due to other pressures a Progress Mtg has not convened since the Nov PC mtg.

Working Group Participants:

Ken Morgan, Alf Bush, Andrew Huggins, Karen Korenevsky, Vicky Abbot, Hannah Khanna, Martyn Colvey


1. Rec Area Projects:- Exercise Trail/Outdoor Gym Equipment – Picnic Tables x4 + Benches x4 – Boules/Petanque Pitches. Dog Exercise Area. Bins. Trees + Swales/sw attenuation.

2. Community Garden adj fence at top of Pond Walk – Area cleared by GGs

3. Trees – Rec + generally– Seek sponsorship.

4. Hannams Close entrance enhancement. Discuss with management company.

5. Wareham Rd/School traffic/parking – DC/WSP proposals discussions ongoing. – New Car Pk?

6. Pond –J.K treatment to be checked –Spoil to form Attenuation swales/bunds. Proceed?

7. Finger post Renovations – Blaneys Corner done. Vol Training + sponsorship. Progress on Upper X with discounted parts available.

8. Library Green Path – DC agreed so can proceed. Tarmac + Bk Edgings – No Dig spec over roots.

9. Pharmacy Steps Planting – underway.

10. High St Crossing – Awaiting DC Highways.

11. Tesco frontage – Acceptable design agreed with DC. Suggest joint Tesco/DC/PC funding.

12. Sports/Scout Bldgs ‘backside’ to High St. Short term Ideas + longer term Workplace opportunity.


· Dorset Council Highways + Planning/LP. Flow of CIL monies.

Status/Next Steps:

· Adult Exercise Trail + Benches/Picnic Tables/Bins – Orders Placed

· Exercise Dog Area fencing + gravel Eldons Drove C Pk. Layout agreed .Firm up price/date.

· Community Garden – Sketch plans received from neighbour/volunteers.

· Work up designs for Sports Area, Boules, Hannams/Rec entrance+ Rec landscaping/tree planting.

· Push Tesco/Highways re shop frontage funding.

· Investigate Grants/Funding/Sponsorship/Lottery/ Local Trusts + Loans/Mortgage possibilities.


Neighbourhood Plan 2 Working Group – Summary Report. May 2022

Working Group Objective:

To renew the Lytchett Matravers Neighbourhood Plan (LMNP) in readiness for the Dorset Local Plan.

Working Group Participants:

Ken Morgan, Micki Attridge, Karen Korenevsky, Alf Bush, Peter Webb, Ian Taylor.


The current LMNP was limited in scope by Purbeck District Council and further by the examiner. The plan was prevented from identifying any type of development and in addition many policies/strategies for the community were removed. e.g. infrastructure and employment requirements.

A renewed LMNP is required to address the chronic erosion of the green belt over the last 40 years, to ensure development is beneficial to the community in addressing its needs. i.e. sustainability, CCE net zero, design standards, local employment, community infrastructure and amenities.


· PLP2 adoption

· JR review decision

· DLP next consultancy stage

Status/Next Steps:

· NP” WG meeting held om May 18, 2022.

· Draft response to Stephen Morgan (barrister) on PC responses to PLP2 and DLP.

· Follow up with Wessex Water on wetlands and Natural England nitrates/phosphates

· Continue work on draft NP2 policies

· Work with CAN/CPRE on DLP issues

· Follow up with DC on government reply to DLP delay letter

· Attend Dorset Council Local Plan and Planning Transformation May 27, 2022.


Queens Jubilee Celebrations

Date of report: 25 May 2022

Reported by: Beverly Barker

Subject Status:

Village community Queens Jubilee celebrations will take place between 2nd and 5th June 2022. Two LMPC led events are planned for the celebrations:

  • Thursday 2nd June 2022: Lighting a Beacon – on the Rec between 8-11pm with Beacon lighting at 21:45pm
  • Sunday 5th June 2022: Big Jubilee Picnic – on the Rec between 2 & 6pm

Alf Bush to be lead coordinators for the Beacon lighting. BB & Peter Webb to coordinate Big Picnic.

Overall plans and status outlined below.

Thursday 2nd June 2022: Lighting a Beacon on the Rec

Lead coordinator: Alf Bush

Timing: general gathering 8-11pm, with Beacon lighting at 21:45pm

Beacon: Beacon & fuel organised. AB to organise beacon lighting, safety barriers and marshals

Bagpiper: Alison Mallinson confirmed to play from 21:15 – 21:45 including recommended commemorative tunes.

Accommodation: Village Hall & Sports Pavilion booked for use of facilities for evening.

Refreshments: The Chequers to provide a pop-up bar in Sports Pavilion. Jo Meade to provide Fish&Chip van on lower Rec car park. SMLC to provide Tea/coffee from VH

Insurance: Parish Clerk to coordinate with insurers

Plan for preparation and tidy-away and other safety measures:

Rec will be mowed at beginning of week. Establish Litter/recycling areas with signage. Organise groups to help with litter pick (Scouts/GGs/other groups). Organise DWP to collect

Police Dorset notified – awaiting response.

Fire station notified. https://www.dwfire.org.uk/contact-us/. 01722 691000.

First Aid Rm to be set up in Sports Pavilion. SJA unavailable. Everyone to look for alternative options.

TEN – to be arranged by Vanessa Mulholland

Registered with brunopeek@mac.com for media listings and on interactive mapping

Sunday 5th June 2022: Big Jubilee Picnic to be held on the Rec between 2 & 6pm

Lead coordinators: BB & PW

Timing: General gathering between 2-6pm


The Rose & Crown to provide pop-up bar in Sports Pavilion. Set up Sat 4th.

Café Greywood organising pre-order collection picnic boxes (already promoted on FB).

The Charitable Emporium to provide beverages wagon for hot drinks

Robert Ferret’s Mister Softee ice-creams will pop by 4:30pm. Need to organise coned off area in the Car Park by Scout Hut to ensure safe queuing.

Accommodation & infrastructure: Village Hall & Sports Pavilion booked for use of facilities during day,

17m Star Tent organised to provide shelter & shade (CE will put this up)

Straw bales organised £100 bales to be delivered. PW to coordinate

New trestles and benches to be delivered to Rec for weekend.


The Charitable Emporium (CE – Hawkeye Houlihan/Wonky Donk Festival) providing fixed/covered stage 6m x 6m with full PA system, backline, and 32 channel mixing desk & qualified engineer. Staging to be put in place Sat 4th.

– Chris Manning to provide a variety of music from 2-6pm.

– Frayed Strings Ukulele 2:30-3:00pm

– LM Primary School KS2 Choir to perform from 4.15- 4:30pm.

– Two Man Travelling Medicine Show to perform 5pm to 6pm.

– Face-painting – from 2-5pm

Cake Bake: Theme Jubilee inspired bakes/cakes only. Bakes to be delivered by 3pm. Entry categories include: Preschool, Primary school, Secondary school and ‘General’, for everyone else. Judging time 3:30-4pm. Winner announced 4:10pm on stage & cakes available for eating 😊 Judge: Susan Billington from Blandford, an NFWI cookery and preserves judge. HK to organise promotion & support team.

PRS Jubilee licence applied for [RA]

TEN – to be arranged by Heather Campbell

Insurance: Parish Clerk to coordinate with insurers

Financial Report: Budget of £2000 approved at Full Council February 2022

Cost allocations to date

The Charitable (CE) (Hawkeye Houlihan/Wonky Donk Festival): fixed/covered stage 6m x 6m with full PA system, backline, 32 channel mixing desk with qualified engineer. 17m Star Tent. £1250 plus VAT

Chris Manning Band: Play between 2-5 including set of Bublé/ Swing Classics, Keys and Sax Duo and provision for hosting Karaoke. £400.

Facepainting for Jubilee picnic: Sunday 5th June, 3hrs, working 2-5pm on. £130

Bagpipes for Beacon lighting event: Alison Mallinson [07743 937432 alisonmallinson] – To play 21:15 – 21:45, including the recommended music for the Beacon ceremony. £100

Cost approved in principle at F&GP 11/5/22

Cost of insurance – unknown

Cost of printing approx. 10 A3/A4 posters & 2 large banners c£70

[Bouncy Castle for Jubilee picnic: Get Up & Bounce – slide £120 and junior castle £70. Requires power within 30meters. Cabling to be run from VH. of the castles. £190]

LMPC Queens Jubilee event planner
Things to do…. Action needed …Notes made… etc Co-ordinator
Promotion Details published in PM, website & on FB.
Website copy Online, countdowns for week 8, 7, 5, 3 & ‘This week’ set up to run on FB BB done
Website copy Temporary Jubilee banner for website designed for 29th May – 6th June BB done
Parish Mag: details published May & June BB/AB done
Social media: overview and details posted to FB each week. Can Cllrs please share / like posts when they go up to help them stay around longer.

Individual events set up on FB. Please join in & share.

Parish notice board – poster for parish noticeboard AB/TW
Posters – A4 posters to be put up around village. VH notice board, Library? Pubs? AB to organise printing. AB/BB
2 banners to be printed for Tesco island & Blaneys Corner AH done
Emails to schools (MA to organise email with parent-mail PS)

Need to compile an email list of any clubs, organisations for general invite & details.

MA done
Beacon Lighting – 2nd June @ 9:45. Event timing 8-11pm

AB will be lead co-ordinator for the Beacon Lighting event

Beacon Need to confirm Rec layout for evening Who Status
Beacon & fuel bought and stored. AH to brief AB. Back up instructions to be put in Dropbox AH/AB
AB to collect, set up and remove Beacon from site. Check how long it need to cool down. AB
AB to arrange safety fencing using Road closure barriers (6 x 1m barriers currently in Parish office). Further barriers to be identified to extend parameter. AH to liaise on using old promotional barriers and metal supports to construct part of barrier. AB/AH
Height restrictors to be removed from Rec gates AB
Marshalling – AB to co-ordinate team of marshals. AB
AB will be Master of ceremonies and light the Beacon. AB
Bagpipes: Alison Mallinson confirmed to play ceremonial piping 21:15 to 21:45. BB done
Bagpipes: Invoice to be sent to TW TW done
Bagpipes: AM to arrive 8:45pm Parking space to be reserved by Village Hall AB
Beacon registered on Interactive mapping: https://platinumjubilee.gov.uk/event-submission/ and media listing as above. https://www.queensjubileebeacons.com/register-beacon-events BB done
List of Cllrs who will be assisting with event compiled and distributed. BB done
Entertain General food and drink
Chequers to provide bar for Thursday 2nd June in Sports Pavilion. Need access from 6:30pm on the evening and expect to be cleared up and out by midnight. Will serve cask ale, bottled lagers plus some non-alcoholic options. Spirits [gins, vodka & rum] + soft drinks, wine & mini Prosecco bottles. PW to liaise with Venessa re access & set up. PW
Jo Meade confirmed Kingsbere Fish n Chips. https://www.facebook.com/kingsbereFishandChips. BB to liaise re parking by Scout Hut/serving facing pitches/queuing on grass. Area to be coned off. BB
SMLM providing Tea/coffee/chocolate, etc., from Village Hall. BB to liaise keys with AB BB
Site Prep Prep of ground and facilities for 2nd June
AB to organise for grass to be cut early in the week to ensure safe, level & clean AB
Village Hall booked to provide shelter/toilet facilities.

AB will collect keys and open/close VH. BB to liaise on open/lock up with SMLM

Volunteers needed. Requested via Parish Mag & FB. [2 to date].

AB to contact Scout group re clear up on Friday morning & approach other volunteers

GGs to be asked if they can help repair Rec on Monday 6th.

AH to organise for DWP to collect rubbish bags w/c 6th June.

Rubbish bags to be stacked by upper car park gate as per litter picks.

AH to enquire if DWP can lend us some additional rubbish bins. AH
Sanitizing/litter bins/Litter recycling areas to be established
All Ability Access – is there anything else to consider?
Hiring or Borrowing Equipment: Do we want to consider additional marquees, portable toilets, barriers and bunting, sound equipment, or other site decoration, etc?
Emergency Services Notify police /local community police officer; fire brigade and ambulance service.
St Johns Ambulance not available. Festival Medical not available. All to enquire on First Aid help All
First Aid Room to be set up in Sports Pavilion. Need to print some signage for around the Rec & identify which door to go in. BB/PW/AB
AH to enquire about getting Fire buckets/fire extinguishers AH
BB to sketch out emergency entrance/exit points for fire-brigade / ambulance if needed BB
Do we need to close carpark to the public for the evening? AB
Police have been notified of event. Awaiting response. BB
Insurance Insurance for Beacon event
Insurance: Parish Clerk to coordinate with insurers TW
Do we need to consider anything else – employers liability insurance; damage to people’s land or property; damage to equipment; etc.
Big Lunch picnic – Confirm dates – 5th June. 2-6pm

PW will be lead co-ordinator for the Big Picnic

Food and Drink: Summary below. Who Status
R&C providing bar in Sports Pavilion for afternoon of Sunday 5th June

R&C to set up Sat 4th evening. AB confirmed booking. PW to liaise with HC re keys/set up

Café Greywood: Lyndsey offering "pre order of afternoon tea box’s IE: coronation sandwiches scones cakes strawberries cream and jam…" To provide photos for promotion BB
Robert Ferret’s Mister Softee ice-creams of Ice Cream Bournemouth will pop by at 4:30pm [https://www.icecreambournemouth.co.uk/events/].Need to ‘cone’ off area by Scout Hut to enable safe entrance / exit & ensure any queuing on grass BB/KK
The Charitable Emporium to provide beverage to provide tea/coffee & set up by stage. BB
Entertainment Summary below. See music tab for updates
The Charitable Emporium (CE Hawkeye Houlihan/Wonky Donk Festival) supplying fixed/covered stage 6m x 6m with full PA system, backline, and 32 channel mixing desk with qualified engineer. Site layout, power connections, cabling, timing, etc., agreed 11/5. BB/PW
Chris Manning confirmed to play Sunday 5th 2-6pm interspersed with other acts HK/BB
Frayed Strings Ukulele, 2:30-3:00pm [Roy Floyd roy@izwoz.co.uk] BB
LM Primary School KS2 Choir will perform from 4.15- 4:30pm. AB
Two Man Travelling Medicine show will perform 5-6pm BB
PRS licence for QJ event https://www.prsformusic.com/licences/ RA
Baking competition Bake Off competition for Sunday afternoon
To be held in VH. Theme Jubilee inspired cakes only. Cakes to be delivered by 3pm. Judging time 3:30-4pm. Preschool, Primary school, Secondary school and ‘General’, for everyone else Winner announced 4:10pm on stage & cakes available for eating.

Need to organise gold stars & other small prizes

Judge confirmed at Susan Billington from Blandford, an NFWI cookery and preserves judge. BB done
Cone off a parking space in Upper car park for Sue Billington BB
HK to draw up promotional flyer & distribute to schools, etc. and distribute HK done
Accommodation & infrastructure Sports Pavilion & VH Booked. 17m star tent to be supplied. Other gazebos to be considered
Village Hall booked to provide shelter/toilet facilities. BB to collect keys & open/close VH AB
17m Star Tent booked to provide shelter & shade. CE will put this up Sat 4th evening BB
End of upper carpark to be conned off for stage support and artists from Sat 4th evening BB
Stage to be put up Sat 4th evening BB/PW
PW to liaise with CE engineer about power from Sports Pavilion PW
PW liaising with Dave Warr can lend us to 100 small straw bales to be delivered to Rec PW
New tables & benches to be used on Rec for weekend. When are they due to arrive? BB/AH
Crown making, colouring, parade being explored VH/HK
Face painting booked. VH to coordinate VH
Site Prep and Clearance. Prep of ground and facilities for Sunday 5th June.
Village Hall booked to provide shelter/toilet facilities.

PW/BB to collect keys. VH. HK to liaise on open/lock up with Baking competition team

Volunteers as above AB
DWP /rubbish bags as above

Rubbish bags to be stacked by upper car park gate as per litter picks.

AH to enquire if DWP can lend us some additional rubbish bins. AH
Sanitizing/litter bins/Litter recycling areas to be established
Emergency Services Notify police /local community police officer; fire brigade and ambulance service.
SJA not available. Festival Medical not available. All to enquire on First Aid help All
First Aid Room in Sports Pavilion. Need signage around the Rec BB/PW
AH to enquire about getting Fire buckets/fire extinguishers AH
BB to sketch out emergency entrance/exit points for fire-brigade / ambulance if needed BB
Do we need to close carpark to the public for the evening esp as end of upper carpark is to be conned off for stage support and artists BB
Insurance Insurance for public picnic event
Insurance: Parish Clerk to coordinate with insurers TW

Simple Website banner & for social media posts

Detailed Banner – suggested for website posts and Poster creative for notice boards & social media

Parish Notice Board, Village Hall, library, Sports Pavilion, R&C & Chequers

Individual event posters for social media/ web posts

All media assets are available in the Dropbox/LMPC/Projects/Queens Jubilee.

Please use them in your posts/emails to colleagues, groups or communities that you think might be interested. Please check for latest versions

Appendix 6

Subject Title: LMPC Insurance Review 2022

Date (Month Year): May 2022

Reported by:

Cllr Andrew Huggins and Cllr Peter Webb

Financial Impact:

Inevitable Increased Insurance Premiums – subject to review by the insurers


Having reviewed the policy, insured items, and recommendations from the Auditor relating to insured value vs value of the asset, we make the following recommendations:

The insured value of play equipment (including Rocket Park, Skate Park, Foxhills Play area, Astro) should be increased by £60K to £225K, as we believe we are currently underinsured.

The auditor highlighted a discrepancy in the asset value vs insured value of “Street Furniture” (Bins, benches etc), but we feel that the current insured value is acceptable.

We should also add an item, for insurance of the Speed camera device. Value £229.

We should also note that the insurers have offered us a discount if we commit for 3 or 5 years. Based on current renewal of £2947.54, committing for

1. • A 5-year LTA premium of £2671.00

2. • A 3-year LTA premium of £2809.28

As we modify the details of the policy the renewal will vary from this but the percentages will be applied.
However, they say that “your premium may change, due to index linking”.

My recommendation is that we do NOT commit: the 3 year commitment is so small as to be not worth having. The 5 year commitment is a more worthwhile sum but if we were to change insurers we might make this saving (and more).

Full Minutes 220525v3.docx

Full Council minutes 25 May 2022