Wednesday 26th August 2020 at 7:00 online.

PRESENT were A Bush (Chairman), M Attridge, R Carswell, M Colvey, A Huggins, K Morgan, P Webb and Mr T Watton (Parish Clerk).

Also present: Dorset Cllrs A Brenton and B Pipe

No members of the public were present.


There was none.


Dorset Cllr Brenton reported that the planning application for Hill House, Jenny’s Lane (6/2019/0269) went to appeal and was dismissed by the inspector on the grounds that it is outside the village boundary and in the greenbelt and therefore the proposal was not suitable for such a location. She also reported that the sessions for local children at Leeson house and Carey during the summer were successful. Cllr Brenton has been notified of an opportunity for children to attend the Ancient Technology Centre, Cranborne (an Outdoor Education Centre) on a Friday or Saturday. Cllr Bush will check with LM Primary School to see if the school already has visits already arranged. If not he will consider setting something up. Cllr Brenton indicated that she would send Cllr Bush the details.

Dorset Cllr Pipe reported that the Dorset Council Annual Meeting is due to take place on 3rd September. At this meeting appointments to various roles will be made, including the appointment of portfolio holders.

To receive and consider apologies for absence.

Apologies were received from Cllrs Barker, Cottman and Wonnacott.

To receive any declarations of interest, and consider any requests for Special Dispensations under Section 33 of the Localism Act 2011.

There were none.

To receive and resolve to approve minutes of Council meetings held on 22 July and the Extraordinary Council meeting held on 8th August.

It was RESOLVED to approve these minutes as true records of the respective meetings. The minutes will be forwarded to the Council Chairman for signature and return to the Parish Clerk.

To receive and consider reports of past subject matters (for the purposes of report only).

It was RESOLVED to receive and note the contents of the following report, which had been prepared and circulated in advance of the meeting by the Parish Clerk. Italics below indicate additional comments made by members during the meeting.

i. Dorset Cllrs Report, Minutes 23rd October 2019 – DC Criteria for placement of SIDs. This has now been installed. DISCHARGED

ii. Minute 13, 23rd October 2019 – Replacement fence for Rocket Park play area. This has now been installed. DISCHARGED

iii. Minute 7.1, 26 February 2020 – Contact Santander to close the two dormant bank accounts. Deferred due to the current health crisis, i.e. (i) bank advisor availability, and (ii) the possibility that the accounts might be needed for some purpose during the crisis. It was RESOLVED to review this again at the end of the calendar year. DEFERRED until the November meeting.

iv. Minute 7.2, 26 February 2020 – PBS to lay 5 square metres of rubber flooring inside Rocket Park south side gateway to address worn, sharp concrete edge. An area of rubber mulch has now been installed inside the south side gateway. DISCHARGED subject to Clerk’s review of the invoice.

v. Minute 10, 27 May 2020 – appointment of council representatives to the DAPTC Area Committee and the Larger Councils Committee. The Parish Clerk wrote to Peter Bowyer as chair of the DAPTC Purbeck Area Committee to see if it is possible to change the scheduled meetings of the Area Committee away from 2nd or 4th Wednesdays of the month. Cllr Bowyer has replied to say that he will try to accommodate this request. The Purbeck Area Committee currently has no secretary / minute taker after Ali Burnett decided to stand down. Consequently communication flow is a little slower than usual at present. DISCHARGED

vi. Minute 11, 24June 2020 – Mr Trim, the Lees Estate, DC Environmental Health, Local residents and Parish and Dorset Council members to review what course of action could be taken to mitigate the effects of slurry application. DC Environmental Health had declined to take part in this proposed meeting, presumably because they consider they have no further comment to make to add to the extensive correspondence they have already had with all interested parties. Claire Lees had also declined as she felt that a long term solution was already in place and she had also referred to her land agent the matter of how the land is managed now. It was confirmed that the Parish Clerk should press ahead with setting up a meeting between Mr Trim, local residents and the Parish Council with the aim of holding an amicable discussion regarding no further spraying on growing crops. Action: Parish Clerk to set up the meeting accordingly.

vii. Minute 19, 22 July 2020 – future agenda item to develop a policy for memorial trees. Members to consider the timing and terms of reference for this in preparation for a future discussion.The Parish Clerk drew attention to the Council’s existing Trees Management Policy which has a section dealing with donated / memorial trees. He suggested that any newly developed policy concerning memorial trees could replace this section of the existing wider policy. Cllr Huggins agreed to forward his recent paper on this matter to Cllr Carswell who will then prepare a draft for council consideration. Cllr Morgan wondered if the current national campaign on tree planting could be reflected in this – and in particular the recent proposal from the local WI. Whilst it was noted that there is limited space for tree planting on Parish Council owned land, there is some scope for this – particularly as part of the High St car park re-design. Actions: Cllr Huggins to forward a copy of his recent paper to Cllr Carswell. Cllr Carswell to develop a draft for Council consideration, to add to the existing Tree Management Policy.

viii. Minute 9, Extraordinary Council meeting 12 Aug 2020 – Clerk to reply to Huntick developers re suggested road names. The Parish Clerk has replied to the developers accordingly. DISCHARGED

Chairman’s announcements (for the purposes of report only).

The Chairman reported on the following:

Correspondence with Rupert Williams, Assets & Property, Dorset Council who has submitted the Licence for the Parish Council to do the necessary work on Eldons Drove Lane for it to become a link in the route to the primary school.

Receipt by Paul Dyer of Ellis Jones Solicitors of the Drainage Report and the draft Easement in relation to the drain which runs through Caroline Cottage. Mr Dyer is preparing a response.

Progress is being made to resolve the obstacles to enable work to start on the pharmacy steps.

to consider a proposal to repair/secure the upper car park barrier, and to consider THe Future Utilisation of the BARRIERS

The Chairman summarised the current arrangements for security protection of the Recreation Ground – with the field itself protected by dolly posts and bunds. He reminded members that the access from the upper (west) end of the car park is protected by dolly posts which have recently been renewed. Once the car park redesign is completed by the end of September, access to the field itself from the lower (east) car park will be protected by a bund and dolly posts. This will only leave a gap around the village hall – which Cllr Huggins has been trying to resolve with the Village Hall Management Committee. Cllr Webb indicated that he will speak to the Chair of the Village Hall Management Committee to clarify what is intended and how this proposal is instrumental in completing the security of the field.

Regarding the high level barriers, Cllr Bush explained that once the work on the lower car park is complete there will be two access / egress points there. There will be no high level barriers, but these points will enable access to the lower car park only. Members confirmed that they understand and approve the removal of high level barrier protection to the lower car park only.

The barriers to the upper car park and the Eldons Drove car park are to be retained. Therefore repairs need to be made to the upper car park barrier to restore it to full working order. Action: Parish Clerk to arrange for costs for this to be obtained.

Once removed, the barrier to the lower carpark will be temporarily stored in the area between the Pavilion and the Scout hut. Consideration of the matter of the future of this “spare” barrier is to be added to the agenda of the next F&GP Cttee meeting. Action: Parish Clerk to add this to the agenda of the September F&GP Cttee accordingly.

To Consider a recommedation from the CounciL’s website provider for a website theme upgrade @ £425 + VAT, and accessibility plugins @ £100 + VAT – as stage 1 of compliance with the Public Sector Website Accessibility standards (WCAG 2.1 Conformance level AA).

It was RESOLVED to approve this.

To Consider an update report on the arrangements for the litter pick on 13th September

It was confirmed that Cllrs Colvey and Huggins would meet Mr Keith Norris at the Recreation Ground on Sunday 30th August to further discuss the arrangements for this event. It was noted that issues to discuss include whether a Sunday is the best day to hold the litter pick, and whether to assemble in separate groups on multiple sites or all together.

The Parish Clerk provided updates on three action points allocated to him:

I. The views of DC Highways were sought regarding litter picking on highway verges. DC Highways advise that this is acceptable provided it is limited to the area inside the 30mph signs. They also advise the use of warning triangle roadsigns.

II. The Parish Clerk has checked with the DC Highways depot to confirm that it is possible to purchase “Litter Picking” warning roadsigns. After some discussion it was agreed to place an order for 4 @ £35 each. Action: Parish Clerk to place the order accordingly.

III. The requested supply of nitrile gloves was ordered and has now arrived.

The following further action points were identified for the Parish Clerk:

· Place a request for DWP to litter pick the part of Huntick Rd outside of the 30mph zone.

· Request that DWP picks up the collected litter after the September event from designated points in the High St Car Park and the Eldons Drove car park.

TO CONSIDER THE COUNCIL’s responses to two Government consultations on an overhaul of the planning system (see email on this subject forwarded to all members by Parish Clerk on MOnday 17th August)

Cllr Morgan made some introductory remarks regarding the current planning system and the need for this overhaul. A summary of his remarks are associated at Appendix 1 to these minutes.

The Chairman summarised the outcomes of the subsequent discussion by confirming the Council’s appreciation of the importance of these two consultations. The first of these, concerning changes to the current planning system, is due to be submitted on or before 1st October 2020 and it was RESOLVED that Cllrs Bush and Morgan would work together to develop a draft response to the consultation on it ready for consideration of the Full Council at its meeting on 23rd September 2020.

To consider a response to the LGA survey on remote meetings (see email – NALC chief exec Bulletin, item 5; forwarded by Parish Clerk on 21 AuG 2020).

Members gave their views on this. It was recognised that the Council had adapted well to online meetings. However, many observed that whilst online attendance provides flexibility and enables members to attend a meeting and make contributions even at times when they may not have been able to be present at a physical meeting, the medium seems to supress some elements of communication (e.g. body language), and also appears to have made it more difficult to hold fully effective interactive debate and to facilitate co-operative tasks. It was also observed that, for reasons not yet fully identified, it seems to have reduced public attendance at meetings. In summary the Chairman identified that at the appropriate time the council will return to holding physical meetings, but would hope to retain the option to also incorporate online attendance, both for members / officers and the public. Action: Parish Clerk to respond to the survey in accordance with the above.


It was noted that the revised plans do not address any of the elements of the proposal which gave grounds for the Council’s objection to the previous version. Consequently it was agreed that Cllr Morgan would prepare further suggested response, which will be circulated to all members for approval in due course. Once this is received the Parish Clerk will reply to the Planning Team accordingly (response deadline 4th September). Action: Cllr Morgan and Parish Clerk to act accordingly.

To receive and consider reports of the following Working Groups:

  1. Village Centre: Cllr Carswell referred to a report he had circulated to members ahead of this meeting. A copy of the report is associated at appendix 2 to these minutes. Cllr Huggins requested access to the Sports Club garage to arrange for storage of the bench to be removed as a result of the car park works. He also commented on some work seeking grant funding for the cycle stands. However he had discovered that the funding is not currently available.
  2. Library: Nothing further to report.
  3. Astro: Nothing further to report.
  4. Village Hall: Nothing further to report.
  5. Huntick Rd Cycle Path: Nothing further to report.
  6. LM Charitable Trust: Nothing further to report.
  7. Parish Council communications: Nothing further to report.
  8. Climate Emergency: A report from Cllr Carswell is associated at Appendix 3 to these minutes.
  9. Broadband provision improvements: Cllr Huggins remarked that conversations continue with Wessex Internet. An alternative route has been found which requires the co-operation of two landowners. However only one of these is currently supporting the initiative. Cllr Bush indicated that he would speak to the other landowner.
  10. Defibrillator project: Nothing further to report. The outstanding items are the replacement of discoloured glass in the phone box opposite the school and the application of the signage there; and the installation and commissioning of the unit on the Aster Housing premises by their engineers.

To resolve to approve the following payments already made:

Inv To Whom For What Net VAT Total
4345 BT Office phone and Broadband July 2020 50.60 10.12 60.72

It was RESOLVED to approve the above payment already made.

To resolve to approve the following payments due:

Inv To Whom For What Net VAT Total
4346 T Watton Clerk’s salary – August (12 equal monthly payments by SO) 945.54 0.00 945.54
4347 Dorset County Pension Fund LGPS pension contrib August 2020 373.14 0.00 373.14
4348 T Homer Handyman duties July 2020 375.75 0.00 375.75
4349 Idverde Ltd Cemetery maintenance – July 20 303.49 60.70 364.19
4350 Idverde Ltd Grass cutting area adjacent to playing pitches 13 and 27 July 2020 48.00 9.60 57.60
4351 Idverde Ltd Tree works – High St bus stop adjacent to Sports Pavilion 210.00 42.00 252.00
4352 Printerbase Ltd Set of laser printer cartridges 215.31 43.05 258.36
4353 Glasdon UK Ltd Litter bin for Rec 176.52 35.31 211.83
4354 T Watton Reimbursement of expenses 95.05 8.39 103.44
4355 SLCC Enterprises Ltd Course / webinar fees (Parish Clerk) – National SLCC Conference, Creating Accessible Excel Documents 55.00 11.00 66.00

It was RESOLVED to approve all of the above payments.

To note any training undertaken by members or the Clerk in the past month (for purposes of report only).

There was none.

To note any decisions and / or action taken by Parish Clerk under “Openness of Local Government Bodies Regulations 2014”, Part 3, Paragraphs 6-10, Record of Decisions and Access to Documents (fpor purposes of report only).

The Parish Clerk reported that he had arranged for the following:

· A local contractor to undertake late summer hedge trimming – High St Car Park, Rec hedge Eldons Drove, Allotments.

· DC Highways to undertake rec ground tree trimming overhead and south side of Eldons Drove.

Correspondence (for purposes of report only).

Cllr Huggins referred to correspondence regarding security fixings for the new Rocket Park fence. These will be regularly monitored for signs of tampering.

To note date of next meeting and items for future agendas.

The next full council meeting is scheduled to take place online on Wednesday 23rd September 2020 at 7pm.

The meeting closed at 21:07

Annotated by/on ……………………………..Signed by……………………

Full Minutes 200826v2 (Word)
Full Minutes 200826v2 (PDF)
FullMinutes 200826 Appendix 1 (Introductory remarks to item 9 – Government Consultations on an overhaul of the Planning System) (Word)
FullMinutes 200826 Appendix 1 (Introductory remarks to item 9 – Government Consultations on an overhaul of the Planning System) (PDF)
FullMinutes 200826 Appendix 2 (VCWG Report – 2020 August) (PDF)
FullMinutes 200826 Appendix 3 (CE report August 2020) (PDF)

Full Council minutes 26 August 2020