Wednesday 28th October 2020 at 7:00 online.
PRESENT were A Bush (Chairman), M Attridge (until 20:00), B Barker, R Carswell, M Colvey, I Kelly, K Morgan, P Webb, J Wonnacott, and Mr T Watton (Parish Clerk).
Also present: Dorset Cllrs A Brenton, B Pipe and A Starr
No members of the public were present.
There was none.
Dorset Cllr Brenton commented on the following:
· Dorset Council is aware that as a result of coronavirus, many Dorset residents are experiencing financial and isolation problems. Consequently they are continuing with their “Reaching out” campaign to help provide support.
· A children’s plan, published by Children Services is currently being publicised in DC newsletters and on the Dorset Council website.
· A webinar updating on the current situation with the Covid-19 pandemic is scheduled to take place at 4pm on Thursday, the 29th October. It is primarily intended for Dorset Council members but is also open to the public.
· Significant complaints have been expressed about the recent DC announcement that it intends to equalise all DC car park charging timespans and rates across the county.
· Complaints have also been received from parish and town councils that despite promises in the spring, communication between Dorset Council and local councils has been poor.
· Finally, Cllr Brenton issued a reminder that the deadline for responses to the Planning White Paper consultation is Thursday 29th October.
Dorset Cllr Pipe added the following:
· “Upton together” is to be the lead for East Dorset for food distribution under the Dorset volunteers scheme.
· Travellers are again camping at the Lytchett Minster telephone exchange site – for a third time this year. Cllr Pipe has emailed Matthew Piles, John Sellgren, etc at Dorset Council about this – with a proposal to put a blockage on the access road to the telephone exchange.
· Cllr Pipe reported that he had a meeting scheduled with representatives of Dorset Council Highways during week commencing 2nd November. He wondered if LMPC members had anything they wished him to bring up at that meeting. In response, the Chairman explained that LMPC had recently had its own a meeting with DC Highways representatives; and representatives of the Parish Council are also due to meet with representatives from Lytchett Minster and Upton Town Council regarding the possibility of linkage of the two cycleway schemes together.
· Finally, Cllr Pipe reported that he understood that eight people in the Lytchett Minster area had currently been diagnosed with Covid-19.
The Chairman announced the following changes to the agenda for this meeting:
· New item at #21 – To report on the receipt of the Licence from Dorset Council for the work on the lane connecting Eldons Drove to the field to the rear of the primary school.
· New item at #22 – To report on a new scheme for Broadband in the village.
All subsequent items on the published agenda to be re-numbered accordingly.
To receive and consider apologies for absence.
Apologies were received from Cllrs Huggins and Cottman.
To receive any declarations of interest, and consider any requests for Special Dispensations under Section 33 of the Localism Act 2011.
There were none.
It was noted that there was one application for the vacancy, from Mrs Ilse Kelly. Mrs Kelly temporarily left the meeting at this point.
Her appointment was proposed by Cllr Bush and Seconded by Cllr Morgan – and was CARRIED unanimously. The Parish Clerk forwarded the Acceptance of Office and Declaration of Interests forms for Cllr Kelly to complete. She joined the Council for the rest of this meeting.
receive and resolve to approve minutes of Council meeting held on 23rd September.
It was RESOLVED to approve these minutes as a true record of the meeting.
To receive and consider reports of past subject matters (for the purposes of report only).
It was RESOLVED to receive and note the contents of the following report, which had been prepared and circulated in advance of the meeting by the Parish Clerk. Italics below indicate additional comments made by members during the meeting.
i. Minute 7.1, 26 February 2020 – Contact Santander to close the two dormant bank accounts. Deferred due to the current health crisis, i.e. (i) bank advisor availability, and (ii) the possibility that the accounts might be needed for some purpose during the crisis. It was RESOLVED to review this again at the end of the calendar year. DEFERRED until the November meeting.
ii. Minute 6, Full Council meeting 26 Aug 2020 – to obtain cost for welding repair to upper car park gate. The Clerk emailed Cllr Cottman to request that he arrange for his welder contact to provide a price for this. In the absence of Cllr Cottman at the October meeting the Parish Clerk was asked to contact Cllr Cottman for an update on this matter. Action: Parish Clerk to contact Cllr Cottman accordingly.
Chairman’s announcements (for the purposes of report only).
The Chairman reported that he and Cllr Colvey had met a local resident to discuss the land owned by the Council which is adjacent to Dyetts Field, in Castle Farm Rd.
to note the content of the minutes of the Finance & General purposes committee meeting on 14th October 2020 (for purposes of report only).
It was RESOLVED to note the contents of these minutes.
It was RESOLVED to appoint Cllr Attridge to this role.
The Chairman reminded members that a suggested response to the 26 questions in this consultation had been prepared by Cllr Morgan and himself and that this have been circulated to members ahead of this meeting. All members were encouraged to review this and provide feedback if they had not already done so before the submission deadline of 23:45 on 29th October. Comments of support for the draft response were received during this meeting. A copy of the draft response is associated at Appendix 1 to these minutes.
TO CONSIDER AMENDED PLANNING APPLICATION 6/2020/0297 (REVISED PROPOSAL) 86 Wareham Road, Lytchett Matravers BH16 6DT. Alterations to existing building to form additional ground floor 1 bedroom flat and reduce size of shop unit.
It was RESOLVED to approve the following response – which the Parish Clerk was asked to also send to Matthew Piles, Dorset Cllr David Walsh and Dorset Ward Cllr Alex Brenton…
“This revised proposal is essentially the same as that commented on by the PC in their response dated 9.7.20. For ease of reference that response is copied below.
Planning application 6/2020/0297 86 Wareham Road, Lytchett Matravers BH16 6DT.
Alterations to existing building to form additional ground floor 1 bedroom flat and reduce size
of shop unit. Installation of rooflights to South elevation to serve shop. The Council members
wished to register an OBJECTION to this proposal on the following grounds:
The Council members noted that this proposal reduces the available retail area from 84
square metres to a residual 29 square metres, which is insufficient for viability as a shop.
This is contrary to the terms of the pre application advice given in response to the original
planning application. This drew on PLPP1 Policy CF – community facilities and services,
and requires there to be a retail unit on this site.
As far as can be discerned, the subsequent revision relates to obscured glazing on the north elevation.
It is noted that, in allowing this development in November 2017, the Inspector made reference to the need for obscured glazing, given that the privacy of the adjoining property would otherwise be compromised. The owner of that property (88 Wareham Road) has written a letter of objection to the omission of the obscured glazing. The Parish Council similarly OBJECTS.
In respect of the substance of this Application, namely the loss of most of the retail/commercial accommodation in favour of another dwelling, the Parish Council reiterate their OBJECTION dated 9.7.20. To add to that, we are aware that other developers (eg in Poole) are similarly using the current (hopefully temporary) difficult trading conditions to claim non-viability of ground floor commercial uses and instead are requesting PP for residential uses. That is being resisted because mixed residential and commercial uses are essential to create balanced, sustainable communities. In his November 2017 decision, the Inspector noted in para 15 the importance of retaining such community facilities.
In his supporting D+A Statement (para 1.04), the applicant claims…‘the sale of the shop unit has not been successful’. That is hardly surprising given the Covid restrictions, but that will change. To abort on the retail element even before the development is completed would be either an unnecessary panic response or, simple opportunism to increase the value of the development. Either way it should be resisted. It is also quite clear that the very small and elongated residual shop unit would be impractical and unattractive to any user in the future.
With regard to the marketing of the retail part, clearly that is not occurring in any case. It is observed that the applicant has already subdivided the ground floor area without Planning Permission. Also, it is noted that the hard landscaping and parking layout at the front of the proposed shop unit has been laid out at variance with the approved plans. It would appear that this change of layout will preclude the greenery/soft landscaping area along the frontage shown on the approved plans.
The Parish Council therefore requests and expects that the LPA will refuse this application and undertake an Enforcement Investigation into both of these BREACHES OF PLANNING PERMISSION.
In this respect neighbours on both sides of this development, nos 84 and 86, have reported further breaches of PP both now and while this development has been proceeding. In the letter of objection from no 88 attention is drawn to this same developer’s disregard of planning procedure on another site in the village. The PC have expressed the same concerns. We endeavour to act as ‘the eyes and ears’ of the LPA in these matters but our endeavours need to be supported by resolute and effective action from the LPA. We trust you will show some determination on this occasion.”
TO CONSIDER TREE WORKS APPLICATION TPO/2020/116. Huntick Green development site, Huntick Road, Lytchett Matravers- details available online, under the above reference number, at https://planningsearch
The report from Cllr Huggins, which had been circulated to all members ahead of this meeting, was noted. It was RESOLVED to accept the recommendation that no remedial action is required, and that the items marked “low” and “very low” shall be monitored. A copy of Cllr Huggins report is associated at Appendix 2 to these minutes.
The proposal prepared by Cllr Huggins, which had been circulated to all members ahead of this meeting, was noted. A copy is associated at Appendix 3 to these minutes. The Chairman drew attention to an amendment to this to add the purchase of two replacement plastic bollards (with reflective tape) because the two spare ones which had been originally included in the proposal had already been cut to the length for standard car park use, and so were not suitable.
Consideration was given to the matter of removal of the 34 timber posts down the western side of the playing pitches from the village hall to the Eldons Drove car park.
It was RESOLVED to approve the purchase and installation of the three bollards, and to leave the 34 timber posts in situ. These are to be monitored to ensure they remain in a condition which does not cause a safety hazard.
Action: Parish Clerk to speak to Poole Business Services to inform them of the Council’s decision on all of the above.
A paper prepared by the Chairman was circulated to all members ahead of the meeting. A copy is associated at appendix 4 to these minutes. The Chairman summarised the established system of Working Groups for the benefit of the new Council members, and that an exercise had been carried out last year to rank the Council’s projects into a priority order. He explained that the Library and Lytchett Astro projects were lower priorities for action, as they are awaiting action by Dorset Council legal department regarding transfers of land or buildings to the Parish Council. He outlined that the intention was to progress the Charitable Trust project with the Sports Club initially – on a trial basis – which may then be expanded later.
Regarding the working group related to modernisation of aspects of the village hall, in response to a question he clarified that the Village Hall is subject to a dedicated Charitable Trust of its own and that no current members of the Parish Council are trustees.
Cllrs J Wonnacott and I Kelly were invited to examine the list of Working Groups and consider which one they would prefer to serve on. Action: Cllr Bush to review with Cllrs Wonnacott and Kelly.
A summary report which had been circulated to all members ahead of this meeting was noted. A copy is associated at Appendix 5 to these minutes. Cllr Morgan confirmed that the car park element of this project is now complete and as at 16:30 on 28th October the final hoggin surface had also been laid on the path down to Eldons Drove – on time and on budget. Phase 5 is to undertake the ancillary items – planting and the installation of bins and benches. Regarding the supply of trees, it was noted that 1m whips were not suitable, but Cllr Wonnacott drew attention to an offer from the Woodland Trust to supply larger saplings free of charge. Cllr Kelly added to this by identifying a scheme being run by Holme Garden Centre. Cllr Carswell noted both of these opportunities and indicated that he would pursue them. Action: Cllr Carswell to progress this accordingly.
A summary report which had been circulated to all members ahead of this meeting was noted. A copy is associated at Appendix 6 to these minutes. Cllr Carswell explained that the Working Group is currently talking with Low Carbon Dorset (LCD) regarding their 40% grant scheme. LCD have drawn attention to the Government-backed Salix scheme (offering 100%); and Cllr Carswell is currently working on the application for this. It was confirmed that the focus is entirely on the Sports Pavilion at this stage; and to move on to the Youth Hut later.
It was suggested that it may be worth drawing the Village Hall Management Committee’s attention to the Salix scheme and encourage them to apply also. Cllr Webb indicated that he would speak the Village Hall Committee Chair about this opportunity. Action: Cllr Webb to advise the Village Hall Committee.
The Council members noted the content of the summary report, which had been circulated to all members ahead of this meeting. A copy is associated at Appendix 7 to these minutes. It was reported that the Wyatt / Morrish development on Huntick Rd has now started.
Reference was made to a disappointing response from Wayne Sayers, Transport Planning Team Leader DC Highways, to the arguments put forward by Dorset Cllr Brenton and Parish Cllr Bush regarding funding for this cycleway from the recent successful combined bid by Dorset Council & BCP Council to the ‘Transforming Cities’ fund. A copy of this correspondence was distributed to all members for information.
For the benefit of the new council members, the Chairman outlined the background to the proposal below. The rationale for the proposal is that this appears to be the most effective means of ensuring the unit remains in reliable working order for the benefit of the local community.
Consequently, it was proposed that the Parish Council writes to Tesco stating that it will take over ownership and registration of the defibrillator, and assume responsibility for its ongoing maintenance. In return Tesco will continue to host the unit on the external wall of their shop at Purbeck Parade and will continue to provide power to it and a wifi connection for it’s ongoing condition monitoring. It was RESOLVED to approve this course of action. Action: Parish Clerk to write to Tesco to set out joint Ts&Cs.
The Chairman explained that it had been noted that many pavements around the village require some work to remove weeds and other debris which is encroaching from the side. Consequently a proposal had been developed to trial a machine designed to clear weeds and other growth. The trial would take place over a 2 day period – on a defined list of locations which is still to be developed. A copy of the proposal (amended to reflect a 2 day hire period) is attached at Appendix 8 to these minutes. It was RESOLVED to approve up to £700 for this trial – to cover the hire charge and labour costs to operate it and manage the associated public safety issues. Action: Cllrs Bush and Huggins to advise preliminary locations and Parish Clerk to liaise with selected contractor.
Cllr Barker summarised the contents of a proposal contained in the paper associated at Appendix 9 to these minutes. A copy of this had been circulated to all members ahead of this meeting. Members were encouraged to consider this further and provide their feedback and any suggestions direct to Cllr Barker. The Parish Clerk referred to a response he had already provided to Cllr Barker by email. Action: All councillors to provide feedback to Cllr Barker.
To receive an update report on the Eldons Drove Lane part of the village centre / route to school initiative
The Chairman reported that the Council has now received the licence from Dorset Council and so is ready to seek quotes for the proposed works to create a 3-4m wide track surfaced with scalpings. He advised that the school has already installed a connecting gate in the perimeter fence. Re-use is to be made of the barrier which was recovered from the lower car park entrance. This will create a gate to prevent general vehicle access, but which will allow authorised access to the field and land.
It was RESOLVED to call this lane “School Walk”. Action: Cllr Bush to sign licence and return to Dorset Council. Cllr Morgan and Parish Clerk to liaise with obtaining of requisite quotes.
To receive a report from Cllr Huggins into improved BROADband provision in the village.
The Chairman drew attention to a report and proposal on this matter prepared by Cllr Huggins. A copy of this document is associated at Appendix 10 to these minutes. It was proposed that the Parish Council would act as the relevant “Legal Entity” for the purposes of applying to the Rural Gigabit Scheme on behalf of interested residents with internet speeds of <30MB/s. It was RESOLVED that the Council would do this. Action: Cllr Huggins to prepare draft application letter for review.
To resolve to approve the following payments already made:
Inv | To Whom | For What | Net | VAT | Total |
4376 | BT | Office phone and broadband – Sept | 59.84 | 11.96 | 71.80 |
4377 | Fletchamoore (Poole) Ltd | Invoice 166. Car park redesign – form new access and east side path: stage payment 2. | 8000.00 | 1600.00 | 9600.00 |
4378 | Fletchamoore (Poole) Ltd | Invoice 167. new parking area, bollards, cycles stands, channels, bund Car park redesign – new parking area, bollards, cycles stands, channels, bund. Stage payment 2 | 8000.00 | 1600.00 | 9600.00 |
4379 | Fletchamoore (Poole) Ltd | Invoice 174. Southside parking – final payment less 2.5% retention. | 2882.55 | 576.51 | 3459,06 |
4380 | Fletchamoore (Poole) Ltd | Invoice 175. New access road and east side path – final payment less 2.5% retention. | 10,604.05 | 2,120.81 | 12,724.86 |
4381 | Fletchamoore (Poole) Ltd | Invoice 170. Installation of 4 bollards | 179.00 | 35.80 | 214.80 |
4382 | Fletchamoore (Poole) Ltd | Invoice 177. Car park east path & accesses | 1213.88 | 242.78 | 1456.66 |
4383 | Fletchamoore (Poole) Ltd | Invoice 176. Tree removal to Eldons Drove footpath | 435.00 | 87.00 | 522.00 |
4384 | Fletchamoore (Poole) Ltd | Invoice 181. Footpath – Recreation ground to Eldons Drove (interim payment). | 11996.60 | 2399.32 | 14,395.92 |
4385 | Fletchamoore (Poole) Ltd | Invoice 180. Tarmac adjacent to Scout Hut | 475.00 | 95.00 | 570.00 |
It was RESOLVED to approve the above payment already made.
To resolve to approve the following payments due:
Inv | To Whom | For What | Net | VAT | Total |
4382 | T Watton | Clerk’s salary – Oct (12 equal monthly payments by SO) | 945.34 | 0.00 | 945.34 |
4383 | Dorset County Pension Fund | LGPS pension contrib Oct 2020 | 373.14 | 0.00 | 373.14 |
4384 | T Homer | Handyman duties September 2020 | 432.00 | 0.00 | 432.00 |
4385 | Idverde Ltd | Cemetery maintenance – Sept 20 | 303.49 | 60.70 | 364.19 |
4386 | Idverde Ltd | Grass cutting area adjacent to playing pitches 10 & 22 Sept 2020 | 48.00 | 9.60 | 57.60 |
4387 | Mark Gracey GDPR | PS Website Accessibility compliance, plus website theme software upgrade | 471.76 | 94.35 | 566.11 |
4388 | Dorset Council | Tree works – Eldons Drove | 350.00 | 70.00 | 420.00 |
4389 | Dorset Council | SID deployment over 3 sites 01/09/20 – 31/03/21 | 758.00 | 151.60 | 909.60 |
4390 | T Watton | Reimbursement for payment made for remembrance day wreath | 50.00 | 0.00 | 50.00 |
It was RESOLVED to approve all of the above payments.
To note any training undertaken by members or the Clerk in the past month (for purposes of report only).
Courses undertaken by the Parish Clerk: (i) SLCC national conference, (ii) Accessibility of Excel documents.
To note any decisions and / or action taken by Parish Clerk under “Openness of Local Government Bodies Regulations 2014”, Part 3, Paragraphs 6-10, Record of Decisions and Access to Documents (fpor purposes of report only).
The Parish Clerk reported that he had arranged for the groundsworks contractor to attend to broken tree on Council open space at Turbetts Close as an urgent H&S issue. This is within the de-minimus limit for expenditure.
Correspondence (for purposes of report only).
Cllr Barker commented on the decision to cancel this year’s public Remembrance service at the war memorial. A very small wreath laying ceremony is planned to take place instead at the memorial at St Mary’s Church. It was decided that the Council wreath would still be laid at the War Memorial. This will be done privately by the Council Chairman.
The Parish Clerk reported on correspondence with the owner of a welding and steel fabrication company who has offered to create and give the community a “silent soldier”. It is intended that this will be available and installed at the War Memorial before Remembrance Day.
To note date of next meeting and items for future agendas.
The next full council meeting is scheduled to take place online on Wednesday 25th November 2020 at 7pm.
The meeting closed at 20:38
Annotated by/on ……………………………..Signed by……………………
Appendix 1
Response ratified by the full Parish Council –28th October 2020
The Response is in two parts – 1) -An overview and 2) Answers to the specific questions Q1-Q26
set out through the White Paper.
It is agreed that the Planning System is generally slow and cumbersome. However, that does not justify nor necessitate the ‘start again’ approach advocated by this White Paper. The 1947 T+CPA has served the country remarkably well. As a consequence, despite a high density of population and a generally prosperous economy fuelling development demand, the natural environment, amenity open space and land reserved for food production have all survived. The result of the planning system has been beneficial. It is the process which can be tiresome. The Cameron administration demonstrated very well in 2010 with the NPPF initiative, that the existing system can be dramatically improved without destroying it in the process.
The White Paper makes great play of revolutionising the process by digitisation with ‘machine readable formats’. This is happening anyway. It is just part of a natural evolution – from carbon paper to photocopies to scanning – from tee square and compass to computer drafting – from typed correspondence to faxes to emails. Core legislation is not necessary to facilitate this.
The White Paper’s other consistent, and worrying thread, is that it seeks to centralise decision making to national government and by definition, remove decision making from local communities. This is anti-democratic and, by disenfranchisement, will further alienate an already cynical and distrustful electorate. The Cameron planning reforms sought to devolve powers and decision making right down to local communities – to parish council level with neighbourhood Plans and community planning. That was a healthy and empowering initiative which should be further developed.
Where the current planning system could be dramatically improved is in the Local Plan making process. Certainly standardisation of policy wording would help here, as would the avoidance of wasteful repetition and production of largely irrelevant and certainly unread ‘evidence’. That part of the process should be streamlined, but the core problem, and reason for much disillusion, is the prolonged process of iteration and reiteration – numerous consultations – often confused with parallel consultative exercises – to the extent that most people are unclear where the process stands or whether there is an end in sight. ‘Consultation Fatigue’ sets in., public interest and involvement is lost, alienation results. Therefore the proposal to dramatically shorten this process to 30months is welcomed BUT local participation in promoting ideas, reviewing options and decision making is essential. The over-riding reaction to this White Paper which we have heard is that it seeks to take away that local involvement. If the planning process does not have public support, it will fail.
This Parish Council represents a rural community with an inadequate public transport system. The government must recognise and support the rural areas, not just densely populated and inherently ‘sustainable’ urban settlements. Some growth is vital in our villages to support existing, barely viable facilities. Affordable housing is essential to enable young families to stay and prosper in the rural areas. The use of private vehicles will continue to be necessary in our villages and countryside. Progressively these will increasingly be electric or perhaps hydrogen powered and that should be encouraged. Adequate parking is therefore crucial in villages where the metropolitan ideal of ‘zero provision’ is unrealistic.
The Q numbers relate to the questions as set out in the White Paper.
Q 1 Complex Slow Fair
Q 2(a) Yes
Q.2(b) N/A
Q.3 Online news
Q.4 1) Environment/biodiversity + Action on Climate Change
2) Design of new homes + places
3) Increasing the affordability of housing.
Q 5 Not sure because:-
1) Division into the 3 x categories requires a complex mosaic, not a simplistic broad brush approach;
2) Concern re potential carte blanche for excessive and poor quality development in Growth Areas
Q6 Not sure because:-
1) One of the threads running through the White Paper is that decision making should be centralised to national government taking away from local democratic decision making. This will only serve to dismay and alienate the population. National government is rarely held in high esteem. ‘Faceless bureaucrats’ are more likely to be able to hide in Whitehall than the local council office.
2) There is a naïve presumption that digitisation/machine readable formats will speed and improve the planning process. Achieving good design cannot be reduced to an algorithm or formula. It relies upon understanding, sensitivity, inspiration and talent. These are human, not machine characteristics. Further, the appalling track record of national, standardised computer systems – NHS, HMRC, Track+Trace, Farm payments – does not inspire confidence.
Q7(a) Yes
Q7(b) The logic of removing the Duty to Co-operate is not understood. If the intention is that an LPA area must absorb excess development pressure from an adjoining area, then No, that is not supported.
Q8(a) Yes – Agree that a more consistent approach/formula for assessing housing need is sensible but opposed to the suggestion that the assessment be undertaken and imposed from central government.
Q8(b) No – Naively simplistic reliance on supply/demand economics. Dorset is a hugely attractive living environment because it has been protected and preserved. The logic of the proposed policy would impose high new housing numbers, much of which would go to retirees and for 2nd homes. These are not essential whereas new homes affordable to young families are essential.
Q9(a) Yes but note concern above (Q5.1)
Q9(b) Yes
Q9(c) Yes
Q10 Yes because
1) Whilst the system is slow and often uncertain, this is frequently because of the very low quality of many applications prepared for ill-informed clients by barely competent agents. Raise the level of input and the output will naturally improve and speed up.
2) Digitisation/machine readable formats are not the solution – (see Q6.2 above).
Q11 No – The dismal track record of publicly procured IT systems suggest that this could be chaotic. By all means address the multitude of problems in the Local Plan process, but put the emphasis on the product, not the means. The technology can be applied when it is ready.
Q12 Yes
Q13(a) Yes
Q13(b) 1)Digital tools can and will be applied as appropriate. Do not meddle in technology. It will sort itself and become used as a matter of course when it is ready.
2) The NP process can be improved by allowing the local communities more freedom in shaping their ideas, rather than the strict and constraining oversight of higher authorities. Presently, the process feels as though one is being allowed to very gently partake in a process, from which the higher authorities would prefer not to be shared. Patronising acceptance rather than open minded encouragement.
Q14 Yes – To avoid the sort of speculative bubble presently seen with undeveloped waterfront sites in Poole where generous PPs have been granted, the sites are then sold on at high value, the purchaser claims non-viability and applies for more, PP is granted and the process rolls on. Solution may be to limit PP to the applicant – otherwise back to Policy and reapply.
Q15 Largely ugly and poorly designed. Poor design should be a Reason for Refusal
Q16 Less reliance on cars
Q17 Yes
Q18 An authoritative but enlightened overview would be helpful – what happened to CABE? There are extremely effective design Review Panels operating at present. Referral to these Panels at an early stage in the design process would be helpful. Design oriented professionals within LPAs would generally be welcomed. However, their opinions must be tempered on occasion by well-reasoned counter opinion. Dogmatic design ‘Tsars’ may stop the worst but will not encourage the best.
Q19 Yes
Q20 Not sure – Good design cannot be reduced to a formula. Presently agents prepare Design Statements and claim compliance by simply saying their design is good, without setting out a supporting logic. Good design will only come from a combination of well-intentioned client, trained and sensitive designers and caring builders. The LPA can prevent the worst and encourage the others. Neither central government nor the LPAs achieve good design by dictat.
Q21 A sensitive response to the prevailing physical and social context. If that is achieved, fine design and a good quality living environment will follow.
Q22(a) Yes BUT at a level adequate to provide supporting infrastructure and social/affordable homes. The applicable level should be on a progressive rate relative to scale of development.
Q22(b) Locally
Q22(c) More value
Does taking more value mean that house prices will be driven higher to compensate for the loss of income/profit to the land holder or developer?
Q22(d) Yes to say 80%.
Q23 No– Concern is that the process would slow the process down and allow interference in a process which is, by definition, permitted. The purpose of non-domestic PD is to inject flexibility into commercial operations to encourage rapid, flexible responses to rapidly changing economic and technological circumstances. Normal taxation should capture any resulting benefits for the public purse.
Q24(a) Yes – Mandatory without recourse to viability tests.
Q24(b) No– A complex economic formula. The fear would be a drying up of CIL funds for other supporting infrastructure.
Q24(c) N/A given No to 24(b).
Q24(d) N/A given No to 24(b). – Affordable housing will be required to adhere to all of the standards required in a National Housing Design Guide which should include space, daylighting and amenity standards in addition to aesthetic considerations.
Q25 Yes There need to be guarantees that a proportion of the Levy will come to Parish & Town Councils and won’t be less than the CIL receipts.
Q25(a) Yes
Q26 Such rights will be maintained by other legislation. Doubtless parliamentary scrutiny will ensure there is no conflict between these White Paper proposals and that other legislation.
Appendix 2
Annual Play Equipment Inspection Report Summary
23 Oct 2020
Cllr A Huggins
The independent Annual play Equipment Inspection was carried out by The Play Inspection Company on 24 July 2020. This covered the Rocket Park, the Foxhills Play Area and the Lytchett Astro.
Over previous years we have addressed Medium and High risks, and even some of the lower risks by measures such as repairing flooring around the roundabout, repairing MUGA fences, replacing cradle swings etc.
In this year’s inspection, all the findings are low or very low risk. There are some observations of wear to some fittings, and these are monitored routinely by the handyman’s checks. There is no reason to suspect any item is at imminent risk of failure.
We did acknowledge last year that the Rocket Park roundabout may be reaching end of life, and I think we budgeted for replacement, but no risks of concern were highlighted in this inspection so I propose we leave it for 2020.
This “Score” is a really pleasing achievement. Obviously the nature of play equipment is that it gets “used” and “worn”, but for the purposes of the 2020 report, my recommendation is that we take no particular action.
Appendix 3
Village Hall Posts
23 Oct 2020 Cllr A Huggins
We have replaced most dolly posts around the rec with recycled plastic.
We still have 34 posts on the west side of the rec. But rather than replacing them at an estimated cost of £2600, since there is already bund around the Village hall, the only access route is via the top end of the rec car park.
I have presented this to council previously but it was dependant on VH Cttee agreeing.
I have now received agreement from the Village Hall Ctte for the parish council to install the posts. And in fact in the position of the red posts shown in the picture they would like posts like the ones in the rec car park, with fluorescent bands.
Poole Business services actually had 2 posts left over from our last project so would just charge £100 for installation of the pair. [Clerk’s note: these were subsequently found to be the incorrect size, so the Council was advised that two new posts would be required at an additional cost of £140]
The VH Cttee had specific requests for the dropping post (yellow position in picture) and the only post that meets their requirements is an “Epson” post (people have suggested other posts but only this one meets requirements – please do not be swayed away from this post).
The list price for the post is £445 and install by PBS is £442 (all + VAT). I propose we do this.
So the post total is £987
We are left with the 34 redundant posts along the west side. Options are to do nothing and let them eventually rot, but they will look tatty as the remaining number diminishes, and they need to be disposed, or PBS will remove them (leaving concrete underground) and make good the ground for £1220.
Council to decide whether to do this or to let them rot. I am indifferent either way. They are fine for now and do provide some protection, but eventually they will become an eyesore.
Appendix 4
Working Group Organisation October 2020
LMPC has established a number of working groups for village projects to promote participation of village residents who are not councillors. Many residents have interests and skills that can add expertise and knowledge to PC project proposals.
This note is attached to the analysis of WGs carried out in June 2019 to determine priority and scope of each WG. At that time, we decided to focus on the top 5, although #6 and #7 were included in the VC project.
1. Village Centre (includes 6 and 7)
2. Library Extension
3. Construction of Astro Multi Use Car Park
4. Village Hall Remodelling
5. Cyclepath
6. LM Trust Structure
Current Status:
Active WGs/Projects
Village Centre The Village Centre project is well underway with many aspects completed or near completion (see report).
Cyclepath The promotion of the Cyclepath will provide an initial section with the Wyatts/Morrish development. It was also factored into the transport section of the Purbeck Local Plan and DC Highways have it in their LTP for 2022/23.
Climate Change Emergency The Climate Change Emergency was declared after June 2019 and has a number of objectives. These include taking advantage of Low Carbon Dorset grant to upgrade the Sports Pavilion and potentially the Youth Hall.
On-hold WGs/Projects
Library Extension The Library Extension is part of the Dorset Council transfers and is waiting on their action.
Construction of the Astro Multi Use Car Park This is similarly part of the Dorset Council transfers and is waiting on their action.
Dormant WGs/Projects
Village Hall Remodelling This is on hold until we can reach a joint understanding with the VH Committee on how to proceed. The Parish Council’s view is that it is not feasible to consider improvement of other facilities without having a clear idea of the remodelling of the VH and the impact on other facilities.
LM Trust Structure This was explored in depth and may re-emerge in future. The immediate focus is for Lytchett Matravers Sports Club to analyse the funding sources they could utilise as a charitable trust over and above those available otherwise.
Project Priority and Working Groups (June, 2019)
At the F&GP of June 12, 2019 we reviewed the priority analysis based on the combined councillor response. The resulting ranking was as follows:
Project | Rank |
Village Centre Project | 1 |
Library Extension | 2 |
Construction of Astro Multi Use Car Park | 3 |
Village Hall Remodelling | 4 |
Cyclepath | 5 |
Enhancements to Rec Ground Play & Leisure Facilities | 6 |
Development of Area Around the Sports Pavilion and Scout Hut | 7 |
Improvements to Football & Cricket Pitches | 8 |
Village Gateways | 9 |
Refurbishment/Repurposing of Astro | 10 |
Relocation of Football Pitches to Field Behind the School | 11 |
Improve/Complete Circular Pathway Network | 12 |
Build Commercial/Residential Units at West End of Rec Ground Car Park | 13 |
Construction of New Sports Pavilion on Field Behind the School | 14 |
Proposal WG Structure:
Village Centre
The VC project was by some distance the clear primary priority; this to include nos. 6 and 7.
To create paths, throughways and amenities through the village centre that enhance the route and provide a link to and between the major village facilities. The major areas will be:
· the revisions to the ‘island’ in front of the shops and the space/steps from there to the library
· the High Street crossing and linking pathways from Purbeck Road to the High Street and across the Rec
· the expansion of parking on the Rec in conjunction with the long term plan for the Scout Hut and Sports Club (note this is plan only at this stage)
· the expansion of the facilities on the Rec including a potential ballcourt
· The opening up and path from the Rec down to Eldons Drove
· the recommended safety measures for Eldons Drove to link the Rec to the rear corner of the school playing field.
The expansion of the library was a clear second priority.
· Finalise the freehold transfer from Dorset Council to the Parish Council
· Set up the arrangements for continued library usage by Dorset Council
· Set out interim funding plan by LMPC
· Incorporate the library into the envisaged LM Trust structure
· Set up Finalise extension plans and submit planning application.
· Establish sustainable long-term funding plan
Astro Car Parking
This item that was 3rd on our list was the use of the Astro area as a parking area for the school. As of now we have not yet received the Sustrans report, so that could have some impact.
· Finalise the negotiation of a long lease of the Astro area in full, the field behind the school and the path from Eldons Drove to the school field.
· Incorporate this whole site into the envisaged LM Trust structure.
· Submit a planning application for the whole project to establish the full scope for the site.
· Develop the car parking area through external funding sources and link to school gate.
Village Hall
Having a clear long term plan for the Village Hall Priority no. 4 is critical in planning the function and structure of the Rec buildings.
· Work with the VH Committee to establish the long-term development plan.
· If possible, incorporate the VH into the envisaged LM Trust structure
· Submit planning application as and when external funding sources are available.
Huntick Road Cyclepath
This project has been a long-standing village wish but has not proceeded anywhere due to costs and lack of priority from Dorset Council.
· The strategy is to break this down into component parts and address each individually as we can.
· Address the priority scoring issue with Dorset Council and look to improve
· Work with Lytchett Minster Town Council to establish common goals
· Work with the local landowners to assess each stage
· Work with Turley/Wyatts on stage 1 from the new development to the R&C junction.
LM Trust Structure
Although not on the priority list, the LM Trust structure is part of the scope of nos. 2, 3 and 4.
· Establish the LM Trust structure as a long-term approach to funding village asset development
· Incorporate items 2, 3 and 4 above.
· Incorporate the transfer of the Youth Hall.
· Incorporate potential long-term local housing projects.
Appendix 5
Village Centre Working Group – Summary Report October 2020
Working Group Objective:
To enhance the village centre and provide a safe green integrated route through the village from Ancott Close, across the Recreation Ground, along Eldons Drove and to the Primary School (Eldons School Path).
Working Group Participants:
Rob Carswell, Ken Morgan, Alf Bush
1. Revised paths + steps between the Library and shops linking to new High Street crossing
2. Revised lower car park with charging points, bike stands, trees + landscape works.
3. Wider path across Recreation Ground around Rocket Park to a graded, wide path + landscape works through the trees to Eldons Drove; safety barriers at end of path
4. Marked pedestrian paths and traffic signage on Eldons Drove
5. Path to access the rear of the primary school field from Eldons Drove
• Pharmacy owner’s Agreement to steps improvement.
• DC Real Estate provision of licence for LMPC to form path across Library Green.
• DC Highways agreement on type of High Street crossing point and exact spec.
• DC Highways confirmation that crossing plan is included in 2021/22 LTP (est. 55k)
• DC Highways confirmation of pathway spec. along Eldons Drove and inclusion in 2021/22 LTP (est. 16k)
• DC Real Estate provision of licence for LMPC to carry out works on Eldons Drove School Path.
Status/Next Steps:
• Lower car park (#3) civils works completed, including drainage; charging points installed, awaiting connection; bike stands installed, white lines painted.
• Car Park Finishing phase – trees, planting, benches, bins, barriers, games area
• Path through woods to Eldons Drove underway (#4) – scheduled completion mid-November.
• DC have prepared draft licence to allow path to school to go ahead (#6). Need to agree exact spec and liaison with neighbours and field tenant.
• LMPC to write to affected Eldons Drove houses advising of new pathway plan
• LMPC to replace Pharmacy steps and surrounding area once agreement reached with owner/tenant
Financial Forecast:
(£000’s, excluding VAT) |
2020-21 | 2021-22 | 2022-23 |
Expense to date | 74 | ||
Forecast | 46 | 71 | |
Total | 120 | 71 |
Appendix 6
Climate Change Emergency (CCE) Working Group – Summary Report October 2020
Working Group Objective:
Following the Parish Council declaration of a Climate Change Emergency, identify, assess, and implement measures within the parish to reduce the carbon footprint of both LMPC and the community.
Working Group Participants:
Rob Carswell, Ralph Watts, Alf Bush, Beverly Barker, Roger Ong, Rosemary Russell, Adrian Russell, Max Scott, Matt Alexander
1. Sports Pavilion upgrade with Low Carbon Dorset or other grant
2. Youth Hall upgrade with Low Carbon Dorset or other grant
3. Parish tree planting program
• Acceptance of quotes by Low Carbon Dorset (or other award body) in order to proceed with upgrades
• Identification of suitable sites for tree planting
Status/Next Steps:
• 1 – Apply for other govt-backed grant (Salix) as advised by Low Carbon Dorset before continuing application process with LCD.
• 2 – on-hold for now.
• 3 – Pilot tree planting project underway as part of phase 5 of the Village Centre Car Park project. Verges to be identified in consultation with DC Highways.
Financial Forecast:
(£000’s, excluding VAT) |
2020-21 | 2021-22 | 2022-23 |
Expense to date | 0 | ||
Forecast | 47* | ||
Total | 47* |
Appendix 7
Huntick Road Cyclepath Working Group – Summary Report October 2020
Working Group Objective:
To provide a dedicated safe cycle route to Lytchett Minster School and on to Poole from the village.
Working Group Participants:
Andrew Huggins, Alf Bush
1. The requirement for a dedicated cyclepath was included in the Lytchett Matravers Neighbourhood Plan and was unanimously approved at then referendum and subsequently adopted by Purbeck District Council.
2. The proposed route starts at the Rose & Crown crossroad and goes down Huntick Road. Preliminary agreement has been reached with Highways and the landowner to the north of Huntick Road.
3. The final end route to Post Green and/or Dorchester Road is to be finalised.
4. The initial 180m from the R&C junction will be included as part of the Wyatt/Morrish development in Huntick Road. That development has now started.
5. LMPC to complete the next section to Jubilee Walk (linked to Selbys Yard decision).
• DC Highways confirmation on the full route, particularly after Race Farm.
• Confirmation of the LTP commitment within the Purbeck Local Plan. This commitment includes the requirement for the developers to provide 150k for local transport needs which would be earmarked for the cycylepath.
• Outcome of the planning application for Selbys Yard to include section along their frontage.
Status/Next Steps:
• To meet with Lytchett & Upton Town Council to liaise within their plans and to jointly support the section within their town boundary.
• To liaise with Wyatts/Morrish on the exact route and ‘end’ of the first 180m section.
Financial Forecast:
(£000’s, excluding VAT) |
2020-21 | 2021-22 | 2022-23 |
Expense to date | |||
Forecast | 25 | 150 | |
Total | 25 | 150 |
Appendix 8
Proposal for a kerb cleaning trial run
Proposal – to spend 1 day as a trial of the use of a hired “Petrol Weed Brush” (Brandon Hire) or other equivalent machine – to be operated by the Council’s Local Groundsworks contractor.
The focus is to take pavements back to their original size, to remove grass and moss etc from the surface, to clear junction between pavement and walls where needed, and to clear gutters where needed.
It is intended to trial the machine in the following locations:
• High Street from war memorial to R&C crossroads, including the car park and the shop area
• Wareham Road from Blaneys Corner to R&C crossroads to Deans Drove
• Lime Kiln Road from Blaneys Corner to High Street
The Parish Council is invited to consider and approve the above proposal at the following costs:
Labour 2 persons @ £25 per hour each for 2 x 6 hour days = £600
Machine hire £85 per 2 days hire, plus fuel.
Appendix 9
Proposal in respect to Item 20. Website restructuring
The following outlines the proposed reorganisation of the website navigation. This is designed to improved usability by making current information more easily available, archive some of the older materials and introduce more information related to the village and our community.
Current status: The current website layout and wireframe are shown in appendix 1. The site design uses a Word Press template (Spacious Pro by ThemeGrill.com) based around two columns and has the capacity for a few minor adjustments, which can be viewed at https://demo.themegrill.com/spacious-pro/.
The recent accessibility updates have caused our logo and background colour to be removed. Colouring was removed to improve contrast and clarity however we are investigating how to resolve the logo issue. In addition, the ‘Carousel’ of images that promoted latest stories has been replaced with a static picture area supported with #Alt tab description.
The navigation is supported in a number of places:
1. Across the top header menu with a series of drop-down sub-menus. Drop-downs are driven by a mixture of static pages and algorithm-based page views generated by using category tags on various stories and posts. For example, latest news should generate a page based upon date of posting.
2. Through the visual headings down the page: ‘Council Notices’ and ‘Latest Updates’.
3. Use of the three fixed subject boxes towards the foot of the page.
4. Through the site map listing in the footer.
1) The Top heading menu should be updated to reflect the new areas suggested:
Are there other key sections that need to be considered without overcrowding or confusing?
2) The drop-downs can be reorganised to help identify where topics are.
Duplication is allowed as the system works on links and tagging rather than actual pages for many topics.
Home page: would remain largely the same with the two central headings down the page: ‘Council Notices’ and ‘Latest Updates’
Latest news: would be auto generated by date but needs to be cleared up to removed some 2014/2015 stories that seem to be stuck to the top.
Sections for the other drop-downs are suggested below:
The Council | Council meetings | Our community | Council Projects | Council Services |
#LMPC | #Meetings | #our community | #Projects | #Services |
What is the Parish Council? | Meeting Calendar | About Lytchett Matravers | Village Centre Project | Allotments |
Meet the Councillors | Meeting Agendas | Map of village | Cycle path working group | Burial Services and charges |
What we do? | Full council Minutes | Local amenities | Village Defibs | Trading licenses |
Applying for a council grant | Finance and Planning Group
Minutes |
Clubs and societies | Safer streets and speeding | Dorset Council |
Policies | How to participate | Village walks | Climate Change working group | Tree Preservation |
Notices | Annual Returns | Guerrilla Gardeners | Litter Pick | Other useful information |
Projects | Reports | Neighbourhood Watch | Superfast Dorset | |
Link to meetings | Planning | The Sports Club | Lytchett Link | |
Contact us | Calculating the precept | Local Churches | Foxhills Play Area | |
Booking the Astro | Past projects | |||
Parish Magazine |
Are there other key areas that should be added in the first draft? New sub-heads are easy to add through the use of new #section/sub-description categories – so this is very flexible.
3) Use of the three fixed subject boxes towards the foot of the page
This section can be extended to have six boxes which will link directly to points of interest and offer alternative navigation.
The six suggested help direct visitors to the council and community aspects. They also give focus to the financial accounts. Amenities can link to owned buildings, play areas, and booking details, etc. Linking to the Neighbourhood plan feels appropriate as we continue to build on this work and it underpins many of the current projects.
Appendix 10
Broadband Report 23 Oct 2020 Cllr A Huggins
Finally landowners allowed access, for Wessex Internet to reach Middle Road in mid October and properties who subscribed are being linked by Fibre currently. Their connections will be “turned on” by mid November.
There are then a few properties at the bottom of Eddy Green Road and Halls Road which Wessex need to reach, but they are comfortable that the one landowner they need to work with will be complicit and they will be able to complete the project.
Next Step:
I had a meeting with Dorset Superfast early Oct, about properties within the village (particularly in the quadrant from High Street , Lime Kiln Road, Wareham Road) who still report slow internet.
The latest Rural Gigabit Scheme provides £2500 for residential properties (£6000 for businesses) with internet < 30MB/s. The installation would typically be done by Openreach.
But to run a “project” a “legal Entity” has to make the application on behalf of the individuals. The cost of the installation should be covered by the cumulative value of the vouchers.
I understand that the Parish Council is a valid Legal Entity for this purpose, if we are happy to do so, else I understand I can create one (I know little about this to date, but am prepared to give it a go if the PC doesn’t do it). This need is because there is a contract between the entity and Openreach. I need to understand better what the “Liability” is of the entity.
Action taken:
I have asked Mark Gracey to put up a new form (done Tuesday 20 Oct) on the PC website to provide more info and enable people to register an interest. (www.lytchettmatraverspc.org/superfast2020). I am also leaflet-dropping all the houses in the target area identified by Dorset Superfast. Closing date for registering interest is 30 Nov, as the application has to be submitted by 30 March 2021, and there are steps to go through in between to formalise the application.
Clearly the more properties that sign up the better the chances of it being economically viable to be covered by the vouchers. I have already had some responses from other areas of the village too. Whilst I am focussing on the identified quadrant as suggested by Dorset Superfast, if there are “Pockets” or a few properties in other areas, it may be possible to submit smaller project scheme requests too. As an indication, Cllr Barker was quoted around £25000 for a Fibre installation just to her, which alone is infeasible.
Lead time for installation is <12 months from signing the contract.