Held on Monday September 21st 2015 at 7:00 in the Methodist Church, Lytchett Matravers.
PRESENT were Cllrs: A Bush, K Norris, J Taylor, E Wilson, C Wood, A Huggins and P Webb and Mr T Watton (Parish Clerk).
County Cllr F Drane, Dist Cllr W Meaden and two members of the public were also present.
1. REceipt of apologies for absence – Cllrs M Colvey, R Carswell, A Cottman and D Bevan,
5. THE MINUTES of the Council meeting on August 17th 2015 were approved as a true record of the meeting, and signed by the Chairman.
- Minute 13, 18th August 2014. Establishment of Google Diary. Cllr Carswell had previously commented that he would develop and circulate some instructions to guide members in how to link their diaries to the online calendar on the Council’s website; and also how to add items to the website calendar. Action: Cllr Carswell to prepare and email this briefing – CARRIED FORWARD.
ii. Minute 22, 19th January 2015 –Venues for Council meetings. It had previously been discussed that Cllr Carswell would approach the nearby companies to see if it is possible for the Parish Council to have a similar arrangement. Action: Cllr Carswell to approach companies accordingly.
- Minute 13, 16th February 2015 – Primrose donation to Village Hall toilets refurbishment project. Members noted that the grant payment had been received. Cllr Colvey is to lead the joint Working Group to managed and report progress on this project. The first step is to clarify the start date for the work.
- Minute 21, 18th May 2015 – Risk Assessments. It was noted that the risk assessment from Cllr Wood is outstanding. CARRIED FORWARD.
- Minute 19, 20th July 2015 – car park entrance, surface repair by DCC Highways. It was noted that this work was not done at the same time as the High St re-surfacing. It is not known why this was overlooked by the DCC Highways contractors. Action: Cllr Taylor to raise this with his contact at DCC Highways and report back.
- Minute 9, 17th August 2015 –Neighbourhood planning grant application. Cllr Webb confirmed that the grant application had been submitted to PDC and will come before the Council for consideration in October.
- Minute 13, 17th August 2015 –Approach to DCC regarding training for footpath maintenance. In his absence it is not known whether Cllr Colvey has contact DCC about this. CARRIED FORWARD
7. District Cllrs report.
District Cllr Meaden provided the following report of proceedings of Purbeck District Council:
She commented that things had progressed with the Combined Authority to the point that Bournemouth, Poole, Christchurch and East Dorset councils seem to be joining forces to become one unitary authority for South East Dorset. Work appears to have commenced towards this already with a view to the new unitary coming into operation in April 2019.
Dorset County council has responded to say that if there is a unitary authority it should be headed up by them and encompass the whole of Dorset or the rest of Dorset. Currently the Chief Executive and Leader of Purbeck are considering a number of issues raised by the councils involved – all justifying their particular views. Councillors at Purbeck will then have to look at the options for Purbeck and its residents. It is understood that PDC will be asked by whatever Unitary is formed that they should be part of it – due to its location.
Cllr Meaden’s civic duties have included various town civic days, a hat festival and an evening of entertainment at the Lulworth Officers Mess. She found the latter very interesting, being part of a historical tradition going back for centuries. She attended the AGM of the Dorset Scout Movement at Buddens Farm and met some young people who had been to Japan. They had put together some displays and talks and were most confident. The final civic duty was last week to attend the AGM of the Jurassic Coast Trust. She was disappointed that no mention was made of Purbeck at all – so it gave the impression that the Jurassic Coast took in Bridport, Lyme Bay, Charmouth and Seaton only. It was also commented on that there had been no public sector finance. She is having this looked into by senior managers at PDC because she recalls some projects that Purbeck District Council have put money and resources into.
Whilst she has been involved civic duties, she remarked that Cllr Webb has been continuing his responsibilities regarding Superfast Broadband and the Dorset Waste Partnership (DWP). The projected overspend for DWP has reduced and there will be appointments of two vacant posts at management level soon. New contractual and tendering procedures are now in place. This is one area where vast sums of money were overspent previously.
Within the village, Cllr Meaden noted that the Wareham Road hedge problem has not yet been resolved – but is being sorted out slowly. She and Cllr Webb are hoping to host a tea party for the elderly at The Chequers – depending on getting funding. There have been meetings with individual residents, mainly in the Library about all sorts of issues that have been noted from the TV and newspapers both locally and nationally. The refugee problem has figured largely, and has generated some e-mails from village residents as to what will be happening in Purbeck and in Lytchett Matravers particularly. The official response thus far is that central government will let the nation know what must be done and when. Cllr Meaden commented that it is evident this issue is very contentious and it is not possible to please all of the people all of the time. She felt that some replies from residents have been quite rude.
Finally, she urged members to keep an eye open for the Purbeck Pledge regarding alcohol and substance abuse with events happening throughout October.
8. County Councillor’s report
County Cllr Drane reported that a meeting had taken place between Patrick Ellis Assistant Chief Executive DCC, Karen Wright Clerk and Cllr Fred Drane on 11/09/15 at the Town Council Office as the view of Lytchett Minster & Upton Town Council was that their area was somewhat neglected by DCC. If Lytchett Matravers Parish Council feels that it needs something like this, he is willing to ask for such a visit.
On 10th September Cllr Drane had attended a meeting of the Dorset Police and Crime Panel made up of councillors from Bournemouth, Poole, East Dorset, West Dorset, Christchurch, North Dorset, and Weymouth & Portland. Independent. This had included the election of Cllr John Adams as Chairman. At this meeting Cllr Drane had raised matters covered in an article published on 7th September in the Daily Echo – including that the public is to have some say over police funds. In response, the Police Commissioner clarified that this refers to the Rural Crime Network (NRCN). He commented that there had been cuts of £14.8m since 2010 – resulting in 16% fewer officers, and 9 fewer staff supporting operations. Cllr Drane explained that his reason for raising this was that he had previously suggested that the precept should be raised. The Police Commissioner had stated that he could manage as the Government had promised money, but ultimately this has not arrived. Yet, Cllr Drane observed that The Police Commissioner is reported in the Daily Echo (11/09/15) as having appealed for police funds. He observed that rural crime is very different to criminal activities that take place in towns and it is vital this is recognised nationally. Officers in Dorset patrol 1,024 square miles with only 6.3 % of the county being classified as “urban”. Cllr Drane also reported that he had learned at this meeting that there is to be the appointment of a Deputy Police and Crime Commissioner for Dorset. This was voted on and agreed. It is to be on a part time –voluntary basis for the duration of this appointment – i.e. until 11/04/16. Finally at the 10th September meeting, a report was put forward outlining PCSO duties. Each PCSO will receive a Carry Card outlining their responsibilities. Members of the public can ask to see this card.
The latest DCC report on the DWP is that DWP are £70,000 over-spent.
Neighbourhood Planning Group. Cllr Bush offered thanks to Cllr Webb for preparing and submitting the grant application to PDC. The next stage is to organise to submit the plan to PDC, including preparing a Condition Statement, reviewing the responses to the local consultation process and adjusting the report accordingly. The next meeting is due to take place at 7:30pm on Monday 28th September. Action: Parish Clerk to book the Methodist Church as the venue for the meeting.
10. Recommendations from Committees:
(a) Planning Committee – meeting 6th August 2015:
There were no recommendations to bring forward.
(b) Environment & Amenities Committee – meeting 7th September 2015:
There were no recommendations to bring forward.
It was RESOLVED to receive the minutes of both of the above meetings.
11. Consideration and acceptance of report of village appearance project.
Cllr Norris referred to the proposed report he had circulated to members. It was AGREED to accept this report. He highlighted key next actions required:
- Checking ownership of the grass area in front of the High Street shops.
- Promoting residents attention on the condition of hedges and pavements – reporting places where cutting back / cleaning up is necessary.
- Checking for any bye laws applying to use of the memorial green for leisure / recreational purposes.
12. consideration of response to selection of development sites put forward in the partial reviewof the purbeck local plan part 1
It is understood that Cllrs Colvey and Bevan were preparing a proposed response to this. However neither were present at this meeting. Concerns were expressed over the proposed 500 dwellings allocated to Lytchett Minster and Upton but on a site bordering Lytchett Matravers Parish. It was suggested that members would contact Cllr Bevan to arrange to meet on Friday 25th September to discuss the response.
It was clarified what the consultation process allows the Council to say – i.e. that it may critique each of the proposed sites. Cllr Bush agreed to contact Cllr Bevan regarding a possible meeting on 25th September. Action: Cllr Bush to contact Cllr Bevan accordingly.
The Parish Clerk reported that he had spoken to a Licensing Officer in another area. This is confirmed that providing a proposed vendor is not trading after 11pm there is no licensing issue to consider. It was however noted that in certain circumstances there may be planning issues – such as if a trader operates for more than 26 occasions within a year (i.e. change of use), or council tax issues – if tables and chairs are set-up. It was RESOLVED to develop a draft policy on trading in the car park based on the following criteria:
- One trader only per evening.
- Trading limited to Mon-Thurs evenings only.
- A maximum of two traders only at a time to be licensed to operate.
- The two traders to offer different food options.
- Licences to run for a 25 week period; allowing for one trading evening per week per licensee.
- The licence fee to be £50.
- The Council to reserve the right to terminate a licence at any time.
- Licences will be terminated in the event of litter problems arising from trading.
- Traders to be clear of the car park by 10pm on every occasion.
- Allocation of the two available licences will be on a first come first served basis and determined by the council.
Action: The Parish Clerk to develop a draft policy for Council consideration accordingly.
14. discussion / agreement of options for website training dates
After a brief discussion it was agreed that Mr Gracey would be asked to carry out this training prior to the October Full Council meeting – i.e. at 6:15 on 19th October 2015. It was noted that the different venue may be required due the need for online access. Cllr Taylor agreed to liaise with Mr Gracey over the design and delivery of this training and to confirm the venue for it. Action: Cllr Taylor to liaise with Mr Gracey accordingly.
15. UPdate on arrangements for lytchett Link distribution
Cllr Norris commented that he had circulated a revised distribution list to members. The copies of the Link should be available by the end of September.
16. Report of any training activity undertaken in the past month.
There was none.
17. Reports of Representatives (by exception):-
Village Hall | DAPTC | Footpaths | School Liaison |
Youth Organisations | Sports Club |
Village Hall: Cllr Wilson commented that it was understood that the toilets project would not be starting until after Christmas, due to lack of availability of the contractor.
Footpaths: The Parish Clerk reported that the appointed contractor had partly installed at the barriers at the Deans Drove end of Willow Walk. However the contractor is concerned that the design of the barriers as intended to be installed will prevent people with double buggies using the path. After some discussion it was agreed to ask the contractor to make good the work at its current stage, allowing enough width to take a double buggy. This arrangement will then form a trial, the effectiveness of which is to be reviewed later.
It was observed that the hedge on Wareham Rd near Glebe Rd and Castle View Road has now been cut. However the pavement now needs to be cleared of the earth which had accumulated under the overgrown hedge. Volunteers will be needed for this.
DAPTC: Cllr Norris reported that the recent area DAPTC meeting had been dominated by housing issues – with some fault finding with the “Cambridge” maps. Attention had been drawn up to the consultation on oil and gas fracking in the county. He commented that the consultation documents themselves are proving impenetrable, and that consideration is being given to inviting the local MP to become involved. He reported that the representative Langton Matravers remarked at the meeting that the oil and gas companies don’t have to have any contingency plans in case of a blowout. Cllr Norris suggested that, as the council, Lytchett Matravers ask its own MP to help interpret the consultation. It was agreed that Cllr Norris the MP accordingly. Action: Cllr Norris to write to Michael Tomlinson on this matter.
18. Council to approve the following payments due : –
Inv | To Whom | For What | Net | VAT | Total |
3495 | T Watton | Clerk’s salary – September (12 equal monthly payments by standing order) | 905.05 | 0.00 | 905.05 |
3496 | T Homer | Handyman duties and reimbursement for purchase of materials – August | 370.01 | 1.71 | 371.72 |
3497 | Continental Landscapes | Grass Cutting, Southern end of Rec – August | 20.00 | 4.00 | 24.00 |
3498 | The Landscape Group | Cemetery maintenance – August | 303.49 | 60.70 | 364.19 |
3499 | Shaw & Sons Ltd | Book of Grants of Excusive Right of Burial certificates (100) | 98.23 | 19.65 | 117.88 |
3500 | Jurassic Computers | Laptop software OS recovery & email fix, plus service & checks | 85.00 | 0.00 | 85.00 |
3501 | Flavourfy | Website charge – retainer | 450.00 | 0.00 | 450.00 |
3502 | BT Payment Services Ltd | Parish Office phone and broadband | 129.00 | 5.44 | 134.44 |
3503 | Lytchett Matravers Village Hall | Room hire June & July 2015 | 150.00 | 0.00 | 150.00 |
3504 | BDO LLP | Annual Return fee | 635.00 | 127.00 | 762.00 |
The Council APPROVED the above payments.
19. “Openness of Local Government Bodies Regulations 2014”, Part 3, Paragraphs 6-10, Record of Decisions and Access to Documents – record of decisions taken by Parish Clerk.
The Parish Clerk advised members about the following decisions taken:
- Taking the Parish Clerk’s laptop computer to a contractor to carry out work to resolve a problem with the installation of the Windows 10 operating system; and to separately resolve a problem with outgoing emails. The fee for this work was £85.00.
- The transfer of £4000 pounds from the council’s community savings account, to its community current account to ensure funds were available to the payments made during the month.
- Adjusting the priorities of the ad hoc Handyman work list so that the gate latch for the rocket park play area, and the lock on the public notice board between the pharmacy and the library, were both given suitably urgent attention.
- Preparing and issuing a template formal project report for the Recreation Ground Security Project. The intention is that this report, and the description of the tasks contained within it, will form the basis for future progress reporting to full council – thereby providing more structure to reporting and discussion on progress.
- Booking of two courses for the Clerk to attend during September (i) DAPTC clerks’ seminar (ii) budget setting.
- Responding to a report by the Lighthouse Family Church about a leak to the Club Hall roof. The LFC have been asked to organize the attendance of a roof repair contractor at their discretion. Authority was also given to LFC to undertake the internal repairs themselves as a result of this leak. Repairs will be undertaken voluntarily by a member of the church. The Parish Clerk agreed with LFC that the cost of the materials (only) would be met by council.
- Liaising with the football Foundation and Mike fudge of the Lytchett Matravers Sports Club to agree a revised date for the Football Foundation support visit for the Lytchett Astro.
The Parish Clerk reported on two items of correspondence received:
The 2014/15 Annual Return signed off by BDO. It was noted that this has been approved unconditionally with no issues report required.
Notification from PDC of the payment to the Parish Council of part two of the 2014/15 precept.
Cllr Bush reported that A representative of Wessex Water had called him to advise that a pre-application at had been referred to Purbeck district council In respect of a revised proposal for the Wessex Water reservoir site. Wessex Water planned a public consultation to take place in the village hall on 30 September. The Parish Clerk suggested that a notice is put on the website to advertise this event, and confirmed that he would liaise with Wessex water to obtain this notice. Action: Parish Clerk to act accordingly.
There being no other business the meeting closed at 20:55.
Annotated by/on …………………………….. Signed by……………………