Held on Wednesday 8th May 2019 at 7:00 in the Methodist Church, Wareham Rd, Lytchett Matravers.
PRESENT were Cllrs A Bush (Chairman), M Attridge, B Barker, R Carswell, M Colvey, A Huggins, R Watts, P Webb, C Wood and Mr T Watton (Parish Clerk).
Also present: Dorset Councillors A Brenton and A Starr; and one member of the public (from 7:30).
As outgoing Chairman, Cllr Bush presided over the Public Participation period and the first item on the meeting agenda.
There was none.
As this was the first meeting attended by the newly elected representatives of the Dorset Council no written report had been provided. Cllr Brenton commented that it is unclear yet how the three elected representatives will organise themselves in terms of attendance at Parish Council meetings and production of reports for consideration. In response, members noted this and offered their congratulations to the representatives on their successful election.
1. Election of Chairman of the council. Cllr Bush was nominated and indicated that he was willing to serve in this role. There being no other nominees, he was duly ELECTED.
2. To receive the declaration of acceptance of office of the Chairman of the council. This was completed and signed by Cllr Bush, and witnessed by the Parish Clerk.
3. To receive and consider apologies for absence. Cllr A Cottman.
4. To receive the declarations of acceptance of office of the newly elected members of the council. These were completed and signed by all members present, and witnessed by the Parish Clerk.
5. To receive any declarations of Pecunary interest, and consider any requests for Special Dispensations under Section 33 of the Localism Act 2011. There were none. Members were reminded by the Clerk that a fresh declaration is required to be completed and returned to the Clerk in time for him to deliver them to the Monitoring Officer, Dorset Council, within 28 days of this meeting (i.e. before 5th June 2019). Cllrs Bush and Webb submitted their new declaration forms to the Clerk at this meeting. Action: all remaining members to complete and return the hard copy of their declaration to the Clerk urgently.
6. To receive and consider applications for co-option to the council. The Chairman explained that three candidates had put themselves forward for consideration for the vacancy; Mr C Maher, Mr A Russell and Mr K Watson. He confirmed that all members had read the profile statements that the three candidates had prepared. The vote resulted in a tie between two candidates, requiring the Chairman to exercise his casting vote; which he did in favour of Mr Maher, who was duly ELECTED to the Parish Council.
7. To receive the declaration of acceptance of office of the newly co-opted member of the council. As Mr Maher was unable to be present at the meeting the Clerk undertook to arrange a personal meeting with him to obtain his “Acceptance of Office” and provide him with a copy of the New Councillors Pack.
8. Election of Vice Chairman of the council. Cllr Watts was nominated and indicated that he was willing to serve in this role. There being no other nominees, he was duly ELECTED.
9. To receive the declaration of acceptance of office of the Vice Chairman of the council. This was completed and signed by Cllr Watts, and witnessed by the Parish Clerk.
10. TO receive AND RESOLVE to APPROVE THE Minutes of The Full Council Meeting on 24th April 2019. It was RESOLVED to approve these as a true record of the meeting. The minutes were then duly signed by the Council Chairman. Cllr Watts suggested that item 13 on the minutes indicated an action point for the Clerk to ensure the council revisits the matter of allocation of CIL money at a future meeting. This point was noted by the Clerk.
11. TO RECEIVE and consider REPORTS OF PAST SUBJECT MATTERS (for purposes of report only).
It was RESOLVED to receive and note the contents of the following report, which had been prepared and circulated in advance of the meeting by the Parish Clerk. The italics below indicates additional comments made by members at the meeting.
- Minute 7, 17th January 2018 – research of grant funding for defibrillator by Cllr Cottman. As the grant funding has now been obtained the project has now entered the equipment procurement phase. Quotes for the equipment are to be obtained for council consideration in line with Financial Regulation 11. It was noted at the Full Council meeting on 24th April that Mr K Norris has offered to help Cllr Cottman with this project. DISCHARGED from this list in favour of project reporting by Cllr Cottman.
- Minute 10, 25th April 2018 – Security of fences at Jubilee Walk. A meeting was held with as reported at last month’s meeting Nothing further to report in response to Cllr Bush’s message to DC Ranger Katie Black on 17th April 2019 to request an update on this.
- Minute 18, 23rd January 2019 – Scribe Accounts package. The first monthly bank reconciliation using this package has been prepared and circulated to members. DISCHARGED.
12. CHAIRMAN’S ANNOUNCEMENTS (for purposes of report only) The Chairman began by explaining that the reason the council had chosen to use this previously scheduled date of a Finance and General Purposes Committee meeting for the Annual Parish Council meeting was to comply with the legislation requiring the Annual Parish Council meeting in an election year to take place within 14 days of the announcement of the election result. He went on to explain that the meeting scheduled for 22nd May will deal with Full Council business, so the next F&GP Cttee meeting will take place as scheduled on 12th June. He summarised the expected usual content of F&GP Committee and Full Council agendas. The Parish Clerk added to this by drawing members’ attention to the agreed Terms of Reference for the F&GP Committee meetings, as published on the Council’s website.
For the benefit of Cllr Attridge and the newly elected Dorset Council members, the Chairman then outlined the major initiatives which the council is currently working on – as detailed in published minutes over the past year.
Related to this, and looking forward to future scheduled business, Cllr Wood expressed a view that given the impending hearings scheduled by the Purbeck Local Plan Examiner, it may be more beneficial to offer to meet the representatives of the developers Wyatts after those hearings.
It was RESOLVED to contact Turley and postpone this session.
13. To receive and note the 2019/20 year to date bank reconciliation. A copy of the reconciliation reports from the Scribe accounts package, with the related bank statements, was circulated to members in advance of the meeting.It was RESOLVED to note and accept this. Members initialled hard copy of this for council records. A copy is attached at Appendix 1 to these minutes.
14. To receive and consider a report covering the 2019/20 year to date income and expenditure of the council, sports club tracker and CIL tracker. A copy of the reports from the Scribe accounts package, plus the locally produced CIL and Sports Club Trackers were circulated to members in advance of the meeting. It was RESOLVED to note and accept these. A copy is attached at Appendix 2 to these minutes.
15. To consider planning application 6/2019/0223 Mrs Alison Brown. 26 Landers Reach, Lytchett Matravers, Poole, BH16 6NB. Single storey rear extension. NO OBJECTION.
16. To consider appointment of council representatives to the DAPTC Area Committee and the Larger Councils Committee. It was RESOLVED that the council’s representatives for 2019/20 will be Cllrs Attridge and Colvey.
17. To consider appointments of Lytchett Matravers Youth Group Link, Litter Picking events co-ordinator, Rights of Way (footpaths and bridleways) representative; and liaison roles to other village organisations as required. It was RESOLVED to make the following appointment to representative posts and council roles:
– Youth Groups Link Cllr C Wood
– Litter Picking Events co-ordinator Cllr M Colvey
– Rights of Way (Footpaths and Bridleways) representative Cllr R Watts
– Village Hall representative Cllr A Cottman
– Lytchett Matravers Primary School representative Cllr A Bush
– Parish Magazine co-ordinator Cllr B Barker
18. To receive and note the content of a report into the annual review of burial records. As Cllr Cottman was unable to be present this matter was deferred until the Full Council meeting on 22nd May 2019. The Parish Clerk and Cllr Wood agreed that they would jointly undertake this review in time for consideration at that meeting.
19. To receive and consider a report on Sports Club governance and the pavilion refurbishment project. The report prepared by Cllr Webb was circulated to members in advance of this meeting. A copy is attached at Appendix 3 to these minutes. Members expressed their appreciation for the quality of the refurbishment project, and that it has adhered to the planned schedule.
20. Correspondence.Cllr Huggins referred to some correspondence he had received from a resident, which she had obtained from the Ramblers’ Association. This drew attention to an initiative to ensure that all commonly used paths, etc, which are not already on the Definitive Map are added to it. It is however believed that such an exercise had already been undertaken in Lytchett Matravers, and that the Definitive Map is already up to date.
21. To note date of next meeting and items for future agendas. The next meeting of the Full Parish Council will take place in the Blanchard Room at the Village Hall on Wednesday 22nd May 2019 at 7pm.
The meeting closed at 20:55
Annotated by/on ……………………………..
FullMinutes190508 Appendix 1 (Bank Rec, statements and reports to 1 May 19).pdf (PDF)
FullMinutes190508 Appendix 2 (CIL and Sports Club trackers May 19) (Excel)