Lytchett Matravers Parish Council

Minutes of the meeting held on Monday, January 4th 2016, in the Methodist Church, Wareham Rd, Lytchett Matravers at 7.00p.m.
Cllrs E Wilson, (Committee Chairman), A Huggins, R Carswell, M Colvey, J Taylor, and Mr T Watton (Parish Clerk).

1. APOLOGIES. Cllrs K Norris, A Cottman, A Bush and P Webb had given their apologies.


No members of the public were present. However, Mr Young provided a brief written comment to report that he felt that with the exception of two, he felt the allotments were in good condition.

3. MINUTES OF ENVIRONMENT AND AMENITIES COMMITTEE MEETING HELD ON 2nd Nov 2015. It was RESOLVED to accept the minutes as a true record, and they were signed by the Chairman.


Minute 6, 1st September 2014 – Recreation Ground: Litter bin near skate park. The Parish Clerk reported that the bin is with the Village Handyman, awaiting installation in drier weather when the conditions under foot are better. CARRIED FORWARD

Minute 6, 1st September 2014 – MUGA: damage to pitch (split seam). The reports and quotations from by Replay and Technical Surfaces Ltd have now been received. It was noted that this matter is now referred to Full Council DISCHARGED.

Minute 6, 3rd November 2014 – Other Open Spaces – overgrown brambles at corner of Huntick Rd and Huntick Estate: Cllr Taylor reported that he had again taken this up with Synergy Housing and they had agreed to attend to it; but had not yet done so. He confirmed that he would approach them again. Action: Cllr Taylor to approach synergy housing about this. DISCHARGED.

Minute 4, 7th September 2015: Priority list of Handyman Tasks. The current list of ad hoc tasks is as follows:

1. Recreation Ground litter bin installation – see above. Awaiting more suitable weather and ground conditions.

2. Refurbishment of benches on Cllr Bush’s risk assessment list

3. Wareham Rd noticeboard installation. The noticeboard is now with the handyman for installation.

Minute 5, 7th September 2015: Landers Reach Roundabouts. Cllr Huggins reported that he had again been in touch but had not had a further response from the volunteers. DISCHARGED

Minute 5, 2nd November 2015 – compromise of Recreation Ground boundary. It was reported that no response has yet been received. It was agreed that the Parish Clerk should write again. If no reply is received, then a visit will be made by a Council member. Action: Parish Clerk to write to the occupiers accordingly.


Recreation ground / car park. The Parish Clerk reported that the first phase Dog Signs have now been received from the supplier and are awaiting better weather and improved ground conditions underfoot so that they can be installed.

Cllr Colvey reminded members of the previous suggestion of large banner signs placed in the middle of the recreation ground to reinforce the “no dogs” rule for the playing area, and to indicate the dog exercise area. He suggested that banners might be prepared and then shown at the Annual Parish Meeting on 25th April, so that the Parish Meeting acts as a form of consultation on this matter. It was agreed to include an Annual Parish Meeting planning item on the agenda of the next Full Council meeting. Action: Parish Clerk to include an appropriate item on the draft agenda of the next Full Council meeting.

Some discussion took place regarding the previously identified area of possible boundary encroachment through the dumping of rubbish and planting of trees. A resident had recently commented on this indicating that the area concerned was becoming larger.

Row Park Paddock. Nothing to report.


Regarding the project to attend to the tree and shrub etc overgrowth on the Allotment / Dyetts Wood boundary, it was confirmed that three quotations have now been obtained, two of which were held by Cllr Colvey and the third with the Parish Clerk. It was noted that there was a need to discuss whether to go ahead with this project. However nothing had yet been received from the landowner of Dyetts Wood in response to Cllr Colvey’s letter asking him for his intentions. An application to the PDC Tree Officer is also required before work could go ahead. In the subsequent discussion amongst Council members on this matter four options were developed as a RECOMMENDATION to Full Council. These could be offered to the Allotment holders at the forthcoming liaison meeting in March:

  1. Do nothing.
  2. Do not carry out the project, but introduce a rental charge freeze for the affected plots only – to compensate those plot holders affected by this.
  3. Do the full works as intended at the best of the full quoted costs, and levy a rental surcharge of £5 per plot (ongoing for 10 years) on top of whatever rate is decided for rental – to pay for it.
  4. Do a reduced version of the work for a smaller rental levy to be paid by all plot holders – i.e. remove the scrub and undergrowth only. Note: The contractors will need to be asked to re-quote for this reduced work.

Memorial Green/War Memorial.

Nothing to report. However it was noted that Cllr Norris has still not had a response from Mr Richard Conway at PDC regarding any By-laws which may apply to the use of this space for general leisure activity such as picnics etc.

Cemetery. The Parish Clerk reported on the damage caused to the cemetery and a memorial tree and tablet by a tree which had fallen across Church Walk and into the cemetery from the property on its eastern side During the Christmas holiday. Council members were reminded of a similar incident which took place in August 2011and how, as a result, the Parish Council subsequently learned that responsibility for clearing and making safe the footpath was a responsibility of DCC Rights Of Way department. When this latest incident was reported to the Parish Clerk, he advised the Churchwarden to report the incident to DCC – which she did. It seems however that the path has since been cleared and most of the tree removed due to action by the owner of the land on which the tree had been growing. Relatives of the person commemorated by the tree and tablet have been identified and will be contacted to let them know about the problem. Consideration still needs to be given to an approach to the adjacent land owner regarding the question of any compensation for the damage to the tree and the tablet. However, since memorials in the cemetery remain the property of those who have commissioned and paid for them, it was noted that this is really a matter to be resolved between the deceased’s family and the adjacent land owner. Action: Parish Clerk to initially speak to the deceased’s family to make them aware and discuss how they wish to proceed.

Club Hall. The Parish Clerk reported that the repair work to the leaking roof and the resultant damage to the ceiling has been repaired by the Lighthouse Family Church at no cost to the Council.

It was noted that complaints had been received about the large puddles and the car park. It is understood that the owner of Gables garage had been considering action to level the gravel in the club hall car park. It was agreed that if he is willing to do this, some discussion could take place regarding the annual licence fees for car parking which he normally pays.

Hedges and Ditches.

It was noted that the hedge opposite the Methodist Church in Wareham Rd North has now been cut back. Also, the hedge at the end of a garden in Penrose Close where it backs onto Dillons Gardens has been attended to. The Parish Clerk confirmed that he had spoken to Mr Mills to ask him to trim the trees and hedge adjacent to 35 High St where they are overgrowing the pavement.

Regarding the matter of the overgrown hedge on the open space in Hannams Close near the junction with Wareham Rd, the Parish Clerk reported that he has asked Mr Mills to add this to his regular maintenance list – but only to trim the section of hedge overgrowing the pavement at that point.

Foxhills Open Space. Nothing to report.

MUGA. Noting that the matter of the relationship with the Sports Club, as well as the reports and quotations for pitch repairs and ongoing maintenance, are now with Full Council, these matters are DISCHARGED from this Committee.Nothing further to report.

Footpaths. Members were reminded that a solution still needs to be found to prevent access to Jubilee Walk on horseback and cycle i.e. the Council to consider and develop a range of options for this. Council members considered this and it was agreed to RECOMMEND to Full Council that two signs be prepared and put up at each end reading “Public Footpath – Pedestrians Only” Action: Council members to consider this and put forward suggestions.

Other open spaces. Nothing to report.

6. Jubilee Walk – public comment about slippery bridge.

Having considered this item, Cllr Taylor reported that he had identified a supplier of non-slip strips which could be put down across the bridge to minimise this problem. Council members felt that this was a good solution, and noting that the cost would be below the de-minimus limit, unanimously AGREED to approve this to go ahead.


There was none.


It was reported that there had been some comment from the public regarding nuisance caused by trees overgrowth overhanging the road in Deans Drove. The precise location was not entirely clear, and in consequence Cllr Colvey agreed to investigate further to clarify.

Cllr Huggins reminded members that the consideration of the report of the Annual ROSPA Safety Inspection for the play areas had not been reviewed in detail by the Working Group (Cllrs Wilson, Huggins and Cottman). It was agreed by these members that they would arrange a review meeting within the next seven days at a date and time which was mutually convenient to them.

The meeting closed at 8.35pm.

Minutes of Environment & Amenities committee meeting 4th January 2016