Lytchett Matravers Parish Council

Minutes of the meeting held on Monday, March 7th 2016, in the Methodist Church, Wareham Rd, Lytchett Matravers at 7.00p.m.
Cllrs E Wilson, (Committee Chairman), A Bush, A Huggins, A Cottman, M Colvey, J Taylor, and Mr T Watton (Parish Clerk). One member of the public was also present.

1. APOLOGIES. Cllrs K Norris and R Carswell had given their apologies.


Mr Young commented that he had visited the allotments. However, given the poor weather over the winter it was not possible to assess whether any plots were being neglected or were merely still “overwintering”.

3. MINUTES OF ENVIRONMENT AND AMENITIES COMMITTEE MEETING HELD ON 4thn January 2016. It was RESOLVED to accept the minutes as a true record, and they were signed by the Chairman.


Minute 6, 1st September 2014 – Recreation Ground: Litter bin near skate park. The Parish Clerk reported that the village handyman has obtained the concrete for the base, and so the bin should be installed shortly.

Minute 4, 7th September 2015: Priority list of Handyman Tasks. An update on the tasks and a re-prioritisation of the list was agreed as follows:

1. Recreation Ground litter bin installation – see above. Awaiting suitable weather and ground conditions.

2. Remedial work on play areas arising from the review of the last ROSPA safety inspection.

3. Installation of dog control signs on Recreation Ground. Note: The Parish Clerk and the Village Handyman have visited and marked the locations for all of the phase 1 signs. The next task is for the Handyman to purchase the posts and concrete.

4. Wareham Rd noticeboard installation. The noticeboard is with the handyman for installation.

5. Installation of signs at each end of Jubilee walk, and at the allotments. Consideration is being given to finding another contractor to take on this task.

6. Refurbishment of benches on Cllr Bush’s risk assessment list.

It was also agreed that with effect from the next meeting of this committee, review of this list will become a standing agenda item. Action: Parish Clerk to add this new item to the next agenda.

Minute 5, 2nd November 2015 – compromise of Recreation Ground boundary. As reported at the February Full Council meeting, the residents concerned have agreed to remove and relocate the trees onto their boundary. DISCHARGED.


Recreation ground / car park. In response to a question, Cllr Cottman confirmed that Cllr Carswell had the drawings for this project. Cllr Wilson commented that adverse comments had been made by Village Hall Committee members concerning parking of parents’ cars of children attending Saturday morning football training sessions at the Sports Club on VH grass areas. Cllr Colvey indicated that he would call Cllr Carswell to urge him to finish working up the Recreation Ground “overgate” security option to bring to Full Council as a proposal. Action: Cllr Colvey to speak to Cllr Carswell accordingly.

Cllr Colvey pointed out the need to have a fence behind the basketball court. He commented that at the recent DAPTC annual conference he had spoken to representatives of Sutcliffe Play equipment, who had confirmed that that they had various versions of such fencing they could supply. Action: Cllr Colvey to obtain a price for this from Sutcliffes.

It was noted that weeds and litter need to be cleared from the curb underneath the hedge between the car park and the High Street. Action: Parish Clerk to arrange for a contractor to attend to this.

Row Park Paddock. Nothing to report.


The Parish Clerk reported that there were two vacant plots (only one of which is viable), but currently no one on the waiting list in a position to immediately take up a plot.

It was reported that the planned half yearly liaison meeting between allotment holders and the Parish Council held recently had been attended by just one allotment holder – due to confusion over the scheduled date for it. This was regretted, and it was felt that a further opportunity to meet should be offered to allotment holders. Consequently it was agreed that the Parish Clerk should book the Methodist Church for this purpose on the evening of 23rd March (7:30pm), and write to allotment holders ASAP to notify them of this, as well as forwarding the letter of apology already prepared by Cllr Norris. The letter is also to advise of the intention to hold a further liaison meeting on 29th September 2016. Action: Parish Clerk to book the venue and write to allotment holders accordingly.

Regarding the project to attend to the tree and shrub etc overgrowth on the Allotment / Dyetts Wood boundary, it was noted that the bird nesting season now presents an embargo on this work until the end of August. In the meantime, Cllr Colvey updated the members present on the dialogue he has been having with the owner of Dyetts Wood. It would seem that he is supportive of this project and may be willing to meet at least some of the cost of it. However nothing has been confirmed yet.

Memorial Green/War Memorial.

Thanks to Cllr Meaden, Richard Conway PDC, advises that there are no restrictions on use of the Memorial Green but he thinks it is good that it is being used, and that LMPC might consider erecting a polite notice to advise users of the area to respect the memorial. Therefore council members may wish to consider whether any further action is required at this time. There is no prohibition of dogs, although the Dogs Fouling of Land Order does also apply to the Memorial Green. As the Council already have dog control signs in place, which seem to be working, saying “With respect, no dogs please” it was wondered if any further action is required regarding dogs.

In response to a question, the Parish Clerk reported that Mr Steve Nimmo, who liaises with the Royal Marines at Hamworthy, will visit and inspect the memorial and provide expert advice on what may need to be done regarding its cleaning. It is possible the Marines may assist with any costs involved.

Cemetery. Nothing to report.

Club Hall. The Parish Clerk reported that the owner of Gables Garage has indicated willingness to arrange for the car park to be levelled. He also reported that Gables Garage have renewed their two car parking licences and the Lighthouse Family Church (LFC) have renewed their licence to operate the clubs in the building and manage any other rentals. The LFC will also be submitting grant requests for various remedial works to the building to support its extended use as a food bank / feeding station, and also its use as a base for an elderly persons Day Centre. These remedial works include a scheme to open up the kitchen, improve the floor insulation, supplement the heating, and reduce draughts from faulty window frames.

Hedges and Ditches.

Nothing to report.

Foxhills Open Space. It was reported that during the recent litter pick various items of fly tipping were noticed on the Foxhills Open Space. Discussion took place regarding the desirability of engaging a contractor to clear this. Cllr Bush suggested that an Open Spaces cleaning budget may need to be included in the next budget round. Action: Parish Clerk to add this to the next Full Council agenda for consideration.

MUGA. The Parish Clerk reported that he had provided an emailed progress update to the Football Foundation regarding pitch and fence repairs, the setting up of a maintenance contract, and the quarterly liaison meetings. Comment was also made on the progress of the investigative project into the governance of the Sports Club.

Footpaths. Nothing to report.

Other open spaces. Nothing to report.


The Parish Clerk reported that following the analysis of the inspection report, carried out by Cllrs Cottman and Huggins, he had discussed a number of items with Sutcliffe Play (suppliers of the equipment for Rocket Park), Miracle (suppliers of the equipment for Foxhills play area) and Evolution (suppliers & installers of the skate park). Each company have been given a copy of the ROSPA inspection report. Remaining minor items have been discussed with the village handyman and a grounds works contractor.

Sutcliffe’s have confirmed the need for a replacement part for the zip wire at a cost of £226 (plus VAT) which includes the cost of installation. The wire will be re-tensioned at the same time. In view of this being below the de-minimus limit and the contractor / supplier is specialist, it was noted that the Parish Clerk should go ahead with placing the order for this to be done.

A quotation was received from Evolution Skate Parks for the re-coating of all riding surfaces at a cost of £1473.00 (plus VAT). Having noted that the company were unable to gain access to the recreation ground last year to undertake their usual regular maintenance (including recoating some surfaces), it was agreed to RECOMMEND to Full Council the acceptance of this quotation….noting that as supplier and installer of the park this contractor may be considered to be a specialist supplier.


The members present agreed to RECOMMEND to Full Council the revised version of this policy as attached at Appendix 1 to these minutes.


It was agreed to RECOMMEND to Full Council a licence fee per vendor of £100 for the period 1 April 2016 – 31st March 2017.


There was none.


Cllr Wilson raised the matter of preparation for the Annual Parish Meeting by asking if Cllr Colvey could update the letter he produced last year to invite local organisations to take part. Cllr Colvey indicated that he would do this. The members present agreed to meet informally on Thursday 10th March to discuss the arrangements further.

The meeting closed at 9:05pm.

EnvAmenitiesMinutes 160307 Appendix 1 Policy for Food Vending on Council Land Mar 2016.doc

Minutes of Environment & Amenities committee meeting 7th March 2016